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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Ink

    login on Laptop

    Have you tried to check different power management settings while the laptop is out of energy grid?
  2. Ink

    login on Laptop

    Do you use a different source of internet connection as well?
  3. Captain, have you tried to reinstall the game on another hdd/ssd? Also, did you run drive check?
  4. Captain, according to the logs you closed the outpost there at 09/23/2017 14:48:34
  5. Under investigation
  6. Captain, please check this workaround and reply back
  7. Captain, have you tried to clean reinstall the latest GPU drivers?
  8. Captains, today's small hotfix fixed contract bug and description of French Gunnery Sergeant module blueprint
  9. The most profitable ports won't be lost since income check is always before the maintenance fee check. The workaround to prevent lost of low income ports - keep enough gold (based on ports number under control) in the clan warehouse.
  10. the check queue should work exactly in order of the captured queue - if ports were captured in that order - C, B, A, the check queue will be the same C, B, A
  11. It works like described first money is credited for income - 7794 gold were added from Conttoy's incomethen money is subtracted for maintenance - 96519 gold were in the WH before the maintenance fee check (including 7794 gold that were earned) At the moment it works like: income port A-> maintenance fee port A; income port B-> maintenance fee port B; etc., not like income ports A,B,C-> maintenance fee ports A,B,C
  12. Captain, according to the logs there were 96519 gold before the maintenance fee for Conttoy thus control of the port was lost
  13. Once checked I will reply.
  14. Ink

    Legends login issue

    Naval Action legends servers are turned off at the moment, but you have to check the firewall settings for the game once they will be live.
  15. Captain, have you tried as a test to switch off keyboard and then launch the game? Or try different mouse / keyboard?
  16. Captain, according to our server logs and player graphs there were not problems, most likely temporary connection issues on 3rd side ISPs that caused your problem.
  17. Captain, this is a known bug, fix in process
  18. Ink

    deadman chest bug???

    We are checking it
  19. Please confirm if it happens after today's patch?
  20. Captain, please update your GPU drivers to the latest ones, 17.1.1 are not the latest drivers. The issue should be gone after that. Captain, this is outdated information.
  21. You have to set up a contract for a given resource in a port that allows a bulding for that resource, it will be filled then in a short amount of time (no server tick or maintenance required)
  22. This issue was reported by players indeed, under investigation at the moment.
  23. Answering in a support subforum, please avoid any trolling or misinformation (due to lack of knowledge how the system works). In the reply you got the warning you were misinforming players about how the chat abuse system works. Support subforum purpose is aimed to bugs and technical questions only.
  24. Ink

    Trader Tool Broken?

    It is not a bug, Trader tool is not updating live at the moment, it is more like a reference tool to get the general idea about pricing
  25. There are no additional message pop ups once you hit report - so you just click and the report will be sent with the chat log by that time. All reports are checked weekly, chat abuse is stored in a special list, once amount of chat abuse by a player exceeds the certain amount, chat ban will be applied. We accept that every player has a right to a mistake (tough days happen to us all sometimes) thus we do not apply chat bans for just a couple of abuse cases, if a player continue his toxic behaviour, actions will be applied. We believe the system that works now is better as in past there were complaints about tough chat rules. Also, there is always an option to ignore the toxic player.
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