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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Yes. I posted it with the intention of displaying "human nature". We are playing a game. Loss is part of the game rules and is expected. Our honor in the game, as counter part to RL officers, is based of social reputation as much as skillful use of the game rules. It can either be good or bad.
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  2. 1. Speeds of ships in instances. Less fun when all age of sail battles feel like a RC Boat battle. There's no natural delay of orders, no natural resistance to movement, no loss of trim during combat. At the moment, with what I point out in 2. and 3. ( below ) it becomes very predictable, mechanic and slightly off. 2. Officer Perks. While they are a excellent concept it is not fun when they interfere directly with the normal flow of combat. It is not fun when a perk becomes mandatory. It is not fun when 1/10th ( 0.1 ) of wind usage, positioning and timing is replaced by a bonus given by a gimmick that can be achieved with mindless grinding. 3. Equipment and Modules. As with the officer perks, they are a very good concept but not fun when their effect in the action becomes overly decisive. It is the sum of the parts.
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  3. Instructions respecting the Order of Battle and conduct of the fleet, preparative to and in action with the enemy Lord Howe, 1782
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  4. The mechanics are essential. Another important fact is to transmit the idea of different playstyles and not orient any player to one single playstyle but strongly promote independent development and experience. Even more important is to break, early on, the barrier of "aversion to loss". Losing a ship is not a tragedy. A good battle, a fierce combat is always the ultimate aim of the game. Salute sir and carry on the good spirit.
  5. For diversity of ships, builds and trims and equipment, offer for sure, it is something we were discussing yesterday.
  6. A large number no, seems like the Majority.
  7. Disregarding any "malcontent" a 10 to 15 minutes cooldown is very artificial and is simply a invulnerability bubble. I'd say a successful escape actually buys time to the attacked to ask for help in Nation / Clan etc. I want to understand what is the purpose of the proposal.
  8. Odd. Never seen it. AI trader ?
  9. What is the purpose of this proposal ? I want to understand.
  10. The barrels are clipping the ports, for many of us the aesthetics are supremely important, especially if it is a ship we like. Stop acting like smartbacksides Although Ultra is a bit overboard with the title
  11. Any of you with smuggler flag ? playing Outlaw ? Not sure if it is intended buuuuuut have been in the same spot and one of us had the smuggler option on.
  12. Ah! You built her Aye the clipping looks odd. Report it - F11 - under graphics class.
  13. I reckon the 5 minute timeout to either logout or get booted back to OW will be enough to overcome the issue, right ?
  14. can it go over 50 per battle ? I know it can be 49v1. ( actually 48v2 being the highest i've seen and ppl were left outside )
  15. Still puzzled about battle, which top limit of ships is 50, being populated with 35 vs 23. Unless I did not notice any specific dev entry, which might be possible.
  16. No idea about the renomee but Lynx in that configuration and manual trim of the sails hits the absurd of 16.9 knt
  17. I'd suggest...if nothing in the development pipeline contrary to it... to test the officers without Resets, in this deployment, for a while. Just for variety and decision making.
  18. Aye pretty much what Tomms points out.
  19. That is correct. If I remember correctly the Battle Ratings were marked to be reviewed down the pipeline taking in regarding quality, crew, equipment modules, etc. It is my hope Admin can confirm this. We might see very dynamic BR in the future. At least for this patch the player Fleets will be already affected.
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