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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Combined operations. All factors work to the common goal, some with more importance than others. 50% - PvP and War Supplies are both the same coin, war captains and trader captains. They should amount the biggest slice of the cake. 35% - Epic Events and OW attacks on the main NPC fleets should be second highest requirement. 15% - Mission running ( without pvp inteference ) should come after. So a full 100% hostility cake sliced up. 100,000 hostility points, 50k must be pvp or war supplies, 35k by attacking region major fleet or epic events. 15k reserved for mission running.
  2. Er.... we already have all the sandbox mechanics to do this... I don't really understand the suggestion. We have the liberty and means to enforce a blockade. Remember one thing, it is a multiplayer game with mechanics that also support solo play. Conquest options, which include the raiding enemy waters, blockading venues of access to resources, and all other navy operations require cooperationg between multiple players. Exactly the same option as you present. Deploy ( read Organize ) squadrons to blockade the free port. It will give three things, and I say this from personal experience bringing OW frigate captains to work together from the ground up to exceptional shape and response time. 1. Organize it. Show enthusiasm and be gallant. People will follow. 2. Don't over strength the squadrons. Engaging 4 ships with 18 is a waste of resources. 14 could be out of the battle carrying the blockade and initiating more combats. 3. The two above will provide fun, game content and quality combat to all. Win some lose some. Learn a lot.
  3. The Santa Cecilia does not replace, weatherly or firepower wise, a Suprise nor a Frigate nor even a Belle Poule. Sorry for the coming back but how did you come up with such conclusion ? Let's discuss it on PM or out of this thread please. Also one detail, if i'm not mistaken it doesn't yield a BP if broken. It is a one time ship. Once it's gone it's gone. Can't build another one.
  4. I think feedback requires a positive stance towards solving an issue and not simply a - please do not change, oh why do you want to change. Looking back to the OP one has to read it ALL and not only nitpick pieces of it given that the WHOLE package works together. Seriously, read it aloud ten times slowly, not considering your assets, forget them, and creatively imagine of how things will change. Game must evolve and not stay in the stagnation some of you insist. Crafting and trade must evolve as much as combat. All three work together.
  5. In all honesty the fleets are way more disrupting than the battle screen. I can understand the Traders using them as escort. Fine. But please, make the BR not count as the "invulnerability bubble" is present 8 out of 10 times. A warship shouldn't. Missions have assisting AI if the player so wishes.
  6. Question: Why don't post squadrons intercept the "bomber" formations ?
  7. A game IS a hobby. It is an activity concerning free time. It is a strange approach to see things from the opposite - can't hobby because I work instead of, glad I can hobby because I work. I think we all got your message. I am glad you are a productive member of Mankind. Can we get over it now ?
  8. Wow. Proper ordering of ships to builders, cargo space usability, speed heel danger... Well the aim for Dec-Jan surely makes it great new year entry.
  9. I'd risking say it might be like the doubles. Resets each battle.
  10. Interesting enough, despite the sail time needed, Little River is serving the point as passage of goods from there. Regarding conquest, well, that's a different thing.
  11. I rather have a clean dockyard ready to receive the new perfectly crafted ships and boats. Giving them names, in game, would be the cherry on top, but I go off.course. Weight and hold space, that's another inclusion that looks well thought of, especially considering the absurd amount of shot one can pump out of a schooner.
  12. Stay focused guys, it is a major change but to the better. After all traders, crafters and fighting captains all had issues with the system. For one trying to craft a ship by request with specifics was possible with a big BUT. Several attempts were needed and that weighed a lot on the trade time, fighting captain losing interest on the crafter, etc.
  13. The opening line for the basis of the system - "Instead of quality (who would try to make a bad ship) players will select things they want they their ship to have sacrificing other elements if they want to improve one of the characteristics" - is exceptional gold. Ordering ships from armateurs with specific characteristics and not by "quality" is how it was done.
  14. I feel that 3 allies per nation is forcing two power blocks whereas I feel that 2 allies per nation could, with the need for resources, provoke a more dynamic use of politics system.
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  15. Agreed with the Officers. Still the ship can be built or altered by the shipyards at the armateur request IF there's enough know-how to do it that is.
  16. What would be the purpose of such a system ? What would be the gain & loss tied to it ?
  17. Maybe... flushed gallery for more hammocks ?
  18. Teleport to Capital is... essential if you get stuck on OW geometry, which is fairly rare nowadays but still useful on other occasions.
  19. Nice compromise and full of rp/playstyle opportunities.
  20. There are some software houses that will get my attention whenever they announce a new project. Many are very old in the business, others are fairly recent. Interesting enough both products from GL give me enough confidence to look forward to more of their work. Honesty, consistency and above all a solid product and communication with fan base are important to any artistic venture, like music, theatre and cinema, and Games. A critique ( feedback ) by a customer / fan requires the same honesty. Only then will communication starts to function properly.
  21. Why should all captains of Nations be commissioned Post squadrons ? Why should all captains of Nations actually be commissioned a station at the helm of a first rate !? By God sir, You shall serve aboard a sloop-of-war until you have proven yourself worthy of a commission on a warship.
  22. He means No I guess Is the idea to bypass time ? Technically it is a odd one and overall would be more easy transforming the entire map into a full time instance IMO. We would be accelerating and decelerating all the time. There's players virtually everywhere you simply do not see them due to .. *cough cough* ... afk sailing.
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