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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Don't try to be wise on the number 1. January got delayed to April ? Production takes time and sometimes calendar shifts. Same deal with all activities, from farming to game development, passing through accounting, IT deployments, etc. 2. Looks great even to PvP players. Oh, one thing is, can't be like before where we got nailed at every corner. So, a couple dangerous ones in nations waters. Quality should be similar to the ones we could find long ago on the Special Events. They were very nice and challenging and not the usual AI run of the mill. Also a roving squadron of Navy to engage similar sized ships, 74 guns. On top of that I would program support AI, meaning they would join open battles within the timer or if signaling would be active.
  2. Yes. Will be "invisible" and hop from battle to battle. We had this before when true invisibility was removed. IIRc was 15 minutes with invisibility and then 5 minutes without invisibility. Didn't really matter. Players found ways. Big difference now is the Battle Screen timeout which is a huge difference but on a organized gank doesn't really matter much. Hop out attack AI, get out, wait. Rinse and repeat.
  3. @LeBoiteux NPC changes Bots will change and will start changing from January. Privateers will be added to the OW attacking players and traders in enemy waters. Elite NPC captains will also sail around and join battles from time to time (like before release)
  4. Battle Screen is 5 minutes. That gives 2 minutes where we can't enter a battle, hence we can comfortably sit inside for close to 3 minutes.
  5. Good report. There are a couple of those. Ays being one of them.
  6. This is age of sail, beginning and end, in a nutshell.
  7. Did have my share of Arma3 Battle Royale. What makes this different ? ( apart from being more ego-shooty and less milsim )
  8. Bloody hell, well said man, well said !
  9. @Farrago Most is propaganda but being a probability the possibility of falling prey is always there.´ Gank squads do more to make players to port and TP somewhere else than actually bump into organized defense BUT when it happens everyone has fun. Smaller groups of rovers, of 2 or 3, using snakes and pickles are less prone to light alarms and will be more dangerous to trade if not to single frigates.
  10. Everytime I'm up home and can lend escort from Little River i've done so. It is just a matter of asking. Risk the sail alone or be social and ask. There's always someone that will lend a hand.
  11. @mikawa Until the wipe all changes can be access in the Testbed patches. So far http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/19012-testbed-content-patch-998-deployed/ but as posted in the OP there will be a series of patches on the testbed which will make the bulk of the post wipe update so it is our best chance to look to what is being done. Also jumping on the Testbed server now and then is a very positive thing. I am absolutely sure that Update notes for the Production servers will be provided. On top of that Guides made by community will have to be redone ( hence why I stopped my recent series all together until the wipe).
  12. Meaning the port dwellers could sail out and engage them in battle ?
  13. Each account may have one character per server. Meaning, in the two servers scenario, Global and EU, you may have your EU character and create a Global character.
  14. 2 minutes before entering again. would leave 90 seconds open to attack. sounds perfectly acceptable mechanic.
  15. Nope. Unless something catastrophic happens XP and crafting level is secure for release.
  16. It is the same. Paradox just got the foot in the door as producer Compare soldier size and houses size
  17. Big battles there's feedback delay everywhere. The first moment when everyone broadsides has massive visual delay sometimes
  18. I am GMT sure but as I said CET fellows been PvP'ing and Dueling there. They should know better given they might have similar ping to you and apparently one was having a demasting duel against a PvP2 native with great success.
  19. Not at all. Did all already with no issues. There are some CET fellows playing there from what I understood, that came from PvE server to test PvP before the wipe and they been playing clean. Only delay felt is really on the User Interface actions like selling stuff, buying, etc.
  20. I assume you used the intructions http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/18684-test-server-branch-opens-today I don't know about today but was playing there last night until server time 1AM or so. make sure you have no spaces on the code. Devs assure everything is working.
  21. From looking to the testbed I think you are right on the money regarding some of the Admiralty options being ships and not actual ship building schematics which surely will provide for a more "abstract layer" of reliance on standard designs and now and then a non standard design assigned by the Admiralty. Must say to you guys loved the PBs on PvP-2, even if totally offset numbers, due to the large variety of ships brought unlike the pvp-1 situation of everything boring same.
  22. Been playing on PVP-2 from EU and having no issues. Ping varies from 90 to 130. So is a good choice for Global, meaning as a middle ground for everyone. You are slightly offset. US based and EU based sales should be fairly similar as posted by admin on some post.
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