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Everything posted by TotalRampage

  1. Desperation has nothing to do with Azur Lane. Its probably the most perfect game I play.
  2. Also very nice update boys! Can't wait!
  3. Speaking of secondary quads look at this beauty I found.
  4. Again if you refer to my first post which was about AI behavior while targeting enemy ships you would have realized that wasn't the point but thanks for trying. Don't talk about "Good Faith" if you post this and quote me in it. Thanks.
  5. Well you clearly missed the point I was making again because you skimmed through it again. I have never once said that angling was more effective for armour not once (even though as you stated it does increase ricochets in this game as it would in real life, which is why we had sloped armour belts on ships to you know bounce shit) . Im saying angling is a tactic for reducing accurate incoming fire while keeping guns on target. But I guess you can just keeping having a fictional conversation with me while not actually reading any of the material I have talked about. My entire conversation has been about positioning in battles VS number of guns on target it HAS NEVER been about armour schemes and penetration values just angling to reduce incoming fire. Strawman he says HAHA. Well how about a Red Herring, since you know you completely misrepresented the point I was trying to make for the sake of an argument. But thanks for trying
  6. Hmm guess I was mistaken on Hood thanks for the clarification tho! But exactly what I mean with Jutland is it was done specifically with jellico. He sacrificed an ranged engagement to make them engage him which could be a "kite" in a sense. This was done obviously to give him the tactical advantage and well to keep the German fleet out longer to make them try to punch through him to head to port (which also worked against him because of the torp boat threat). And also when it comes to kiting i'm not talking about keeping him in the sweet spot of gun performance its mainly to make the enemy make a bigger mistake than you are making to well capitalize on it. While using proper angles while turning away to make yourself a smaller target on there horizon and to hopefully seize that chance. Which refers to Graf Spee and her fight! Which is probably one of my favorite naval engagements just because through the course plotting you can see where her captain was like "O shit" after he fell into there trap to then use them splitting up to his advantage by angling properly to make himself a smaller target while absolutely pummeling Exeter.
  7. I just mean its very basic atm. We wont have fleet battles we will have slug fests and as it stands now unless the AI extremly over techs you the human will always win. But the auto broadside is kinda stupid when im issuing attack orders then have to re order my ship to keep its course.
  8. I think you miss understand what I mean by kiting. Kiting is just a term I use when someone keeps the enemy at range and then proceeds to block there movement to a specific location which jellico did at the battle of Jutland by stopping the enemy fleet from returning to port but refusing to definitively engage. Also in the first picture you posted (5) 16:45 hrs, Beatty's battlecruisers move out of range of Hipper.(6) 16:54 hrs, Evan-Thomas's battleships turn north behind Beatty With this action they put themselves in a position to Kite or be chased by the main fleet and scouting fleet of the Germans. Essentially making them chase them which was the appropriate action because they wanted to drag the German high seas fleet out into combat with the rest of the battle fleet led by Jellico. Also you can see an actual example by Jellico here where he talks about the enemy actually maneuvering by turning away and I quote "The enemy constantly turned away and opened the range under cover of destroyer attacks and smoke screens as the effect of the British fire was felt, and the alterations of course had the effect of bringing the British Fleet (which commenced the action in a position of advantage on the bow of the enemy) to a quarterly bearing from the enemy battle line, but at the same time placed us between the enemy and his bases." https://www.firstworldwar.com/source/jutland_jellicoe.htm Essentially its just as you put it maneuvering which the AI does none of. Which goes back to my previous point of they just go broadside even your very own AI when you give an attack order completely burning there speed and also decreasing the accuracy of your own guns by making an extreme turn. In the example link I posted before you see prince of wales angle accordingly to Bismark during the battle of the Denmark straight not go completely broadside thus giving a bigger target to bismark. And Graf Spee at the river plate actively angles away to provide less of a target. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Denmark_Strait#/media/File:090102_PoW_gunnery_plot.png Also here is Graf Spee "kiting" away from enemy contacts during the battle of river plate. At the time stamps you can see that graf is actively trying to angle away from Achilles and ajax at first to give those ships "who had the majority of the firepower in terms of number of cannons" as little a target as possible to then focus its guns at Exeter to essentially fight as little people are possible while getting rid of the biggest threat to her. Which once she did she didn't capitalise on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_River_Plate#/media/File:HMSO_Graf_Spee_battle_map.jpg This just supports my statement that the AI makes no engagement maneuvers what so ever to get out of fire range to re-position for another engagement or adjust fire on a side with the wind more advantageous for them. They just go broadside. Also when you say isolated instances I know an admiral doesn't go into a giant fleet battle thinking "im going to kite them away" That's not the point I was trying to make at all. Angling refers to how much a target you make yourself and historical admirals were very well aware of how to get all guns on target without completely going broadside which was my main point. The ships dont ANGLE properly they just go broadside which is a bug. If i can get all my guns on target at 45 degrees why am I sailing at 90 degrees to the enemy? It makes no sense what so ever so not only will you keep your speed and be able to continue to move away or pursue based on if the enemy is larger or smaller than you.
  9. No actually its very historically accurate not to be broadside in a ship with a majority of forward firing guns or aft if the enemy ships were chasing you or if you lost your only guns in either way. Or to Actually use historical "angling" to move away or kite enemy ships away. My ships also dont need to go completely broadside if I issue a change fire order on a ship thats CLEARLY a bug if my ships could actually adjust fire without having to do so. Especially if they force the whole battle line broadside to do so when I can keep my speed away from a enemy because its alot easier to hit a target chasing you than chasing THEM. I also didnt say anything about bow tanking either so dont ASSUME thats what I mean when you are CLEARLY mistaken okay :D. And my historical Mr.Armchair admiral please see historical battle lines of Jutland or Cape Esperance. They didn't fight them like age of sail battles that apparently you want in a pre-and post dreadnought era game and just have ships go broadside at 5km just duking it out like a bunch of monkeys. No actually who would have guessed that they actually didn't sail parallel to each other the whole battle. Thats just MIND BLOWING.
  10. I hate RTW2 sometimes. Spend like 36 months building a BB only to have it torped because they cant hit a dd 1000m away in the early game hahah
  11. I'm sure it would be out of commission as you see in RTW2. Where for an unspecified time its just repairing. It also depends on id say the time per turn. I dont want each turn to be a year and then have my BB be out of commission for 3 turns id rather build another at that point. Especially with how fast techs will progress. Also in RTW2 they have events that befall ships just between turns that will send them to drydock.
  12. I don't think its going to be a feature at at launch but maybe something they could add later I hope not though? But I do believe we will have features such as crew readiness which would be the status of ships in different stages of fit and service such as mothball. I for one don't want a feature like this in the game because to be fair your upkeep would pay for any maintenance and you should be able to keep a ship in working order fully maintained throughout the game. Besides obsolete ships would eventually be phased out anyway or they are just a drain on your resources and not actually useful in combat. Besides some ships have been in services for years see the Iowas after the retros and also the uss Galveston which was a Cleveland that was launched in 44 that was active all the way up till the 70's, and finally my favorite HMS Venerable. I guess the point i'm trying to make is with active care and upgrades ships shouldn't decay and actually can last 40-50 years easy if you dont plan on making a new one.
  13. I still find the enemy fleets will not angle properly. So they will still go broadside on to my ships even if they have the majority of the firepower fore on there ship. I'd also like a feature were my ships if I target an enemy ship wont go broadside.
  14. Honestly I cant wait for any new content updates. Keeps me entertained.
  15. OOO I'd love to come up with my own paint schemes.
  16. I usually build Atlanta class cruisers when im going light, Lots of small guns. I do like BC as well
  17. I always prioritize speed and firepower! Especially with lighter ships ill cram the suckers with like 20 torps a side.
  18. Thought i'd lighten things up by adding some conversation! Take the poll and tell us what type of ships you prefer! And also what you look for when building your specific ship classes! Very generic poll comment below in more specifics if you want!
  19. The turret tracking Bug I posted about here ai turret tracking/ clipping through ships.
  20. Cant say i'm happy but I understand. I'd love to hear more about the progress you guys are making from now on especially he new team which could make something even better! Keep us informed @Nick Thomadis. Best of luck guys
  21. Let's finish this development project first. But i'm sure 80% of us here would probably buy it. If your looking for a modern warfare sim coldwaters is nice and there is also a new game coming out on steam called sea power. No dates announced yet.
  22. I really hate to use it but like its not even an early access game on steam yet. THIS IS VERY ALPHA. Yet I've seen the devs fix a bug within 1 update. They might not have a weekly update log but okay I report bugs and they get fixed. People also have to realizes when you do an alpha like this players wishlist's grow along with wait time sometimes to fit those wish list items.
  23. Well technically you paid for early access to help test the game. If you wanted a full game you could have waited for release.
  24. Just noticed a bug. AI is tracking ships in combat by rotating their turrets through the ships always staying on target. Snapped the pic after it had rotated from the other side. Marshall99 made a thread but I noticed it on an AI so just reporting to be sure! Reported in game aswell
  25. I'm actually re running my test right now because i realized america has a BC and a BB that can be the same displacement so this threads going to have another example soon!
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