Dear Captains Developers o7..... Its maybe possible for change the "chat windows" for a 4k Resolution? They are Really "small" in 4k Resolution even they are set on large...Future is coming many others maybe wanna play in 4k.
Well Iam sry for all the noobs ^^ but hey we all where once noobs I lost so many ships and stuff when I was a noob and get ganked every time I got a new ship and some gold for cannons....that was the start of bloody training and learning now you can go mess around with everyone thats the cool history in this game... o7
I hope same here we will see... the Wipes was the biggest Problem of all Problems they have lose many stuff and many time thats why they stop playing ... but its normal in a early acces game we will see after the coming patch...o7
its a random generator I think between all the patrols but Nassau comes defintly more then the others once they said they want bring people more in shallow areas...thats maybe why...
nothing is impossible mate;) but I understand you (by the way this NA world cup stuff with stream and everything would be an amazig promoting for more players in the game)
I was thinking more about "esports" Tournaments maybe in future ^^ Iam still waiting:P
Team SWISS GOOO!!! I think personally in my Opinion Admins means "World CuP" soo no nations from game maybe real nation in real life ? Like me "Swiss" would be awesome we can play enough in our own nation ^^ it really would be awesome if we have some kind of "World CuP" many different nations of players ingame sounds very good...."and by the way I think doesnt matter of alts and cheating....because the Tournament will be separate anyway I think:P