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Everything posted by maturin

  1. 1. All wind changes must be RANDOM. Predictable wind changes are much, much worse than no wind change at all. Large wind changes are fine, if they are rare. 2. Maximum heel should be at 70-80 degrees to the wind, not 90. 3. We could use sideforce for the masts and hulls. 5. Now that we have Wasa, the nerfs to Constutition are just unfair. Make her as fast as Trinco with decent turning. Endymion needs a scripted speed penalty when she carries 24-pounders. Wasa should be cut down to 18 pounders on the upper deck. Nerf the new mods. No more speedcapping 4th Rates.
  2. Что-то в этом есть. Плаваешь на Сурпризе, и больше нельзя сбежать от ганга если ветер дует справа, а только если дует слева. Это фича не имеет никакое отношение к движению ветра со всей его непредсказуемостью в реальности.
  3. We have changing wind. And painful as it is for me to say this, it is a bad mechanic because of the predictable counterclockwise motion. It means that if you are faster close-hauled, you can only escape on the port tack. The starboard tack will just eat away at your advantage. What's the point of playing cards when the deck is always shuffled in the same order?
  4. Not sure there's room for guns to recoil there. And Renomee has basically nothing for the tackles, with the cathead timbers in the way. By the way, IRL the best place to chase a ship was from the windward quarter, rather than a pure stern chase. Because you didn't have to keep them 'tagged'.
  5. Besides 1st Rates only Hermione, Wasa and Wappen are behind the 'PvP wall', right?
  6. Neither the lack nor abundance of chasers is the problem. The problem is that artificial tag mechanics overinflate the importance of chasers, turning them from a useful perk into a necessity. A single hit to the sails should not 'tag' an opponent. Serious damage should be required. So the ideal design would involve longer exit timers with a high threshold for restarting the clock. Of course, that means throwing out the somewhat adequate balance that has been struck thus far.
  7. How are knowledge slots optional with the game so ridiculously gear-based nowadays? Or do you just run with mast and repair perm mods?
  8. Bellona is a full knot slower, except dead downwind. Wasa should be cut down to 18s on the upper deck.
  9. I actually got a Rum Rations from light ships, but maybe the rated books are limited like that. People don't seem to be selling the damn things either. I ask in Global and have contracts up in two places.
  10. I agree, except for the part where PvE is efficient. I can't even find a goodamn Speed Trim. 90% of battles are either perm mods, repairs or duplicate books. So it appears you need to take an SoL to epic missions with a group, just to be competitive in light ship PvP.
  11. Sailing on the sea at 250 kilometers per hour, you receive a radio distress call from a wooden sailing ship (sailing 10 times slower) located off North Carolina. You rush to the scene from your post off Cuba, guided by GPS. Just like real life.
  12. My gut tells me that if cannon were made inaccurate enough to meaningfully affect the dismasting, then we would be missing SoL hulls at 50m, and the game wouldn't be playable. Certainly hitting Lynx hulls amidst the waves would become a crapshoot. But Alex raises a good point. A rolling broadside should be far less accurate than it is now. By definition you are telling your gunners to fire in sequence, with no regards for where the barrel is pointing at the moment of ignition. So rolling fire should become the least accurate means of firing, with Random the most accurate. Only the first three ranging shots should be accurate, unless you fire slowly to allow the smoke to clear. But let's be realistic: the gunnery is finalized. Maybe for the next game.
  13. OW is too simple for shallows to be dangerous. I have always wanted procedurally-generated hazards in battle instances, though. So a Tbrig can run in among the shoals and dare the frigate to follow at its peril.
  14. You mean repairs and False Keels? Just shoot me.
  15. So effectively, the whole might of the United States is going to be devoted to retaking Rio Seco and a handful of Bahamas ports? Sad... Or might we see the Americans makes a play for pirate ports in Cuba?
  16. So does this mean war with Spain, or is the U.S. just going to be beach bums in the Bahamas with their British friends?
  17. There was a lot of illegal trading, one of many uses for fast clipper-built vessels like Lynx or Prince. Since the Seven Years War the British used a lot enslaved soldiers as well. And the Spanish had regiments of freedmen soldiers, some of them revolutionary Haitians.
  18. Nnnnnnnot really. The United States outlawed the Transatlantic Slave Trade several years before the war began. The slave population in the U.S. was pretty much self-sustaining, and importing new slaves was viewed as either immoral or simply a threat to public order because of uprisings.
  19. Whaling was legal.
  20. There was once a very long thread about Fluyts that got bizarrely emotional and overheated. Some fine upstanding folks dug up plans for late-18th Century fluyts, and it was found that by that time they had evolved into pretty much ordinary-looking cargo vessels, distinguished by an unusual amount of sheer.
  21. Are people really complaining about 'too many nations?' All you need to do is glance at the map to see how drastically better RvR is now, than it has ever been. Just about every nation is a contender now, even the tiny vulnerable stinging insects like Prussia and Poland. Of course, the many players who used to sail for the unstoppable overpopulated zerg nations that painted half the map in their color would likely not agree.
  22. Side indicator speedometer isn't necessary in the meantime. It's easy to notice visually.
  23. Like what? And when? 'en flute' just means a warship sailing with reduced armament.
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