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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. Christendom


    Both. 9.99 I think is a fair price for each one. A bundle deal for 19.99 would be cool. At 19.99 to change nations I think most people just said screw it and quit.
  2. Christendom


    9.99 for the DLC imo. Change determined defender. Fix the mission cancel limit. Revert safe zone ROE. Incentives to leave the safe zones and sink players outside of them. We need less players, including hunters, in the zones.
  3. Yea the problem is that the game is just fighting to fight. No clear defined goals other than owning ports and territory, which most players don’t even seem to be interested in. Hence my repeated pushes to make the game diverge into a clan based game with only a couple nations. Players who want to do the nation thing could have storylines and generated events like randomized wars or objectives. Players who simply want the RVR sandbox join an outlaw faction and then have at it. We keep running into issues where forcibly making folks do one thing or another to progress in the game. Tying 1st rates to Vic marks was just a stupid way to force people into RVR they didn’t want to do.
  4. The problem heth is this doesn’t need be a one or the other type of game. It could be both very easily. This game, at least up until the tutorial, just drops new players directly from the steam cart and into the sandbox with little to no info. It’s overwhelming and unfortunately most players just are not patient enough to figure it out on their own. I know when I started I poured through YouTube to find instructional videos, most of which even back in June of 2016 were outdated and their creators already gone. I’m pretty sure the only reason I stuck around that first week or 2 was directly because of Jeheil and Olavs videos. Most games have more of an expanded tutorial and starter quests to get people’s feet wet. Our current tutorial is good for the combat aspect, but I think the OW and it’s ever changing set of rules and systems are far more daunting and most likely the lack of info explaining it is what puts off most new players. Figuring out what to do I’m combat is easy. Getting to that point.. not so much. We badly need a new player quest line where they sail from one point in the map, collect something or tag something, dock up, put up a building and contracts and then haul it back.
  5. A story mode is designed to get you from the checkout screen to the sandbox intact, excited and wanting more. Something this game sorely lacks and it's inclusion I imagine would of resulted in far more new players turning into older players. We've gone down the path of making PBs and PVP about as enjoyable as they can be. The reason why they currently aren't is because we don't have any damn players. Certainly not enough to fill the map. Getting those new players revolves around including new content and guiding players into the sandbox equipped to enjoy it fully. It doesn't need to go down the role playing path too deep, but just enough to allow players to get the basics. Think of it as an expanded tutorial. Sail to port x, build a shipyard, sail to port y and collect resources to sail back to X. OR sail to x marks the spot on the map and recover an abandoned trader and bring it back to port. ANYTHING would be currently better than what this game offers it's new players....which is nothing. If you build it they will come.
  6. It’ll be nice for about 5 mins. I like to just point my ship in a direction and then alt tab on reddit until I get there.
  7. I feel like we got bigger fish to try here. Just bring back tow to capital and be done with it.
  8. In a player driven economy we actually need players.
  9. That's a multi-flip. Get on my level chumps
  10. Well if the game was released Jan of 2016 to steam (For some reason I thought it was april) and by the time I picked up the game in May of the same year we had gone from 3 full servers + PVE server to a half full PVP1 barely cracking 1000 players and PVP2 being on life support. I remember launching the game up and starting out very briefly on PVP2 until I saw the population disparity. So clearly in the span of 5 months the game was hemorrhaging enough to players to shut down a server and already rack up mixed/negative reviews. Sounds like the golden days of full servers didn't last all that long. Wonder why. Obviously the current course of development with no new content and ever diminishing safe guards for new/casual players doesn't seem to be working. But year let's continue to suggest screwing with what little content they do have.
  11. if massimo is running things you should rename it the Free State of Speed Bellonas.
  12. Every time this game does something to make the PVE players lives more difficult to satisfy the safe zone gankers, the overall game pop drops. Every. Single. Time. When will folks get it through their heads that games of this type, OW MMO variety, need PVE/Casual/Part Time players for the hardcore guys to hunt. No sheep. No wolves. It seems that even when the pop drops the wolves would rather quit than fight other wolves. If you make it harder and harder for the sheep to enjoy the game, they'll just move on to greener pastures. Limiting missions, nerfing safe zone AI, restricting how many missions you can cancel.......all this does is piss off an ever diminishing crowd of players that eventually decide that the lack of quality of life features found in most games of this type just is no longer worth putting up with. To put it very simply, if you don't create a safe environment for players to level up to max rank and do their basic crafting they're gonna fucking quit. And quit they have. Stop trying to tailor this game to suit your hunting habits so you can gank and maybe put forth ideas that will encourage PVE players to stick around or even come back. Going to the PVE server if they don't like it? Stupid suggestion. RVR toxicity caused people to leave this game in droves? Even more idiotic.
  13. Admin said on the stream the other day that it was delayed and will be in June. Also the patch will include UI improvements for the OW and then the following patch will include port/dock UI stuff.
  14. Yea because we need even MORE reasons for people to quit the game.
  15. I have no qualms against someone wanting to get out of the quagmire that is the US (or even GB like some of the ARMED guys did) and don't begrudge them leaving. If this patch actually brings people back maybe we'll hit the eject button too. Everyone paid good money to enjoy the game how they want. I do however have qualms against a block of players leaving one nation that desperately needs help and experienced players and joining the direct rival of that nation the does not need experienced players or help and immediately (not even 24 hours later) sinking your former nationmates and shit talking them on global. Adding more insult to injury you keep repeating the lines that you didn't swap nations to sink US players, yet that is the very first thing you do after switching. If all that wasn't enough, in what was perhaps the most scumbag move ever you were actually using our TS while you were sinking our players. Then you guys got upset and "threatened" our ports because we kicked you off. I didn't spend much time online yesterday, but in the couple hours I was on I saw you shit talk us again in global, threaten US players and ports with an alt still in nation and even use it to spot. Seems odd behavior towards a group of players that didn't really do anything to you other than ask you to help. Everyone is entitled to play how they want, but the lies...misinformation and just general level of douchebagery in the manner of your leaving just leaves me thankful that you're finally gone again. Anyway I hope you find what you're looking for in France, though if history is any judge I somehow doubt you will.
  16. As Rax was sitting in our TS he was sinking US players on our coast. Do you not see a problem with this? Alls good though, you guys are gone and the US just got a nice influx of PVP marks. Enjoy life in france.
  17. He just likes to manufacture reasons he can use to keep on seal clubbing up on the east coast, that's all. He simply is unable to hunt elsewhere.
  18. Winds of Winter will be first
  19. I don’t mind you leaving. No one really does either. We just dislike the lies and dishonesty that perpetuates around Rax and your clan. You guys were merely mentioned on this thread so everyone knows what really went down. Those who commented outside of the nation seem to have similar opinions that we share. Ironic. As everyone predicted Rax would join the US, manufacture drama and create a grudge against us that he’ll use to continually farm US noobs up on the east coast. It was only a matter of time. This is Rax’s MO, he does this everywhere he goes. He’s an average player that only excels at ganking mediocre players and only will ever be that guy. It’s almost astonishing how everything that predicted would happen...did. I don’t claim to be the best NA player nor am I dog shit. I do however know well enough to not sail off alone between 2 first rates and instantly die (what you did), sail repair minutes before engaging a fleet (what Rax did) and to not tag fleets while out of back up range and under enemy forts (another Rax oopsie). We’re done here. Sorry I won’t allow you to use US TS while actively hunting US players. Enjoy your time in France until Rax makes you guys leave another nation. Bye!
  20. Ummm.. it was wrong remove you and your guys from a nation TS server that you A. Don’t belong to anymore and B. Were actively using to hunt said nation members? Really? And I’m childish? As I was revoking your privs Rax and Arach were actively hunting US players along the coast and to my knowledge sunk one or 2 already. You and your cohorts were actually using the US nation TS to hunt US players and you feel that revoking this right was wrong? This exceeds Rax’s level of delusion and entitlement by about 10. Anyway if getting kicked off the US TS because we won’t let you use it while hunting our players is the cause of your clan now hunting US noobs then so be it. Not even 12 hours after Rax changed nations he was out there trying to sink US players as myself and everyone else predicted. Him and by proxy, you guys, simply are incapable of doing nothing else but sinking noobs. Anyway I’m not in the US for a popularity contest. I simply don’t care what people think of me. It’s a video game. I had no intention of running things or being involved in the leadership. I just wanted to sit back, help as needed and coast around with my group of guys PVPn. I didn’t even make myself a senator when we came over to hopefully divorce myself from as much nation politics as possible. The nation was for the most part copacetic until Rax, you and the rest of his seal clubbers showed up and instantly created drama telling everyone the right way of doing things ..promising to take back the coast and a litany of other things. While the US nation does not have much to brag about we did do well in the shallows with multiple VCO/CSA led victories against the brits and French. US clan (yours) accomplished nothing during its time here other than sew discord, lose at New Smyrna and lose a bunch of first rates at San Augustin because Rax went against orders and tagged out of range and under forts. Luckily this time your group of guys didn’t own any important ports to screw the nation over with. Small blessings I suppose Theres a reason REDS fella apart in Russia back when you guys rejoined it. Rax is simply incompetent RVR wise and spreads cancer whereever he goes. Ask @Graf Bernadotte why he resigned as officer when Rax came back and why him and others started to primarily play in Spain. Anyway Dragon you guys are gone. Get your own voice coms and stop freeloading. You’ve done enough harm in the US just like you guys did the last time you were here.
  21. We were actually on our TS last night when I decided to hop on and check out if Rax was still using US TS to hunt you guys. He was and the coward changed his name to “hide”... lol. Being the only senior member with privs high enough I decided it was time for him to go. Unlike Rax and the gang, VCO has their own TS and the only reason we used the US one was at Drax’s request to “appear active”. Should the man himself ever resurface I’ll have him remove all our privs and delete our channels so the only thing we can do is log on and help screen or coast guard. I have no desire to be on the TS or part of a useless senate. Hindsight though TS access should be determined by how many Oceans your clan brings for nation screening. If we, as in VCO, bring 10 like we did at Ayamonte while a clan such as yours (ASP) brings 3 5th rates (and you no show as always) should we really have the same TS access? All things being equal right? What about the clans that don’t show up? How many weeks of TS time does 10 oceans buy you vs 3 5ths? And I know you guys have them, earlier that day I saw 4 or 5 ganking AI fleets up north. If one clan is willing to risk 10 1st rates while another only commits 3 frigates should they even be on the TS? Tough questions here. Food for thought.
  22. As predicted. All he knows how to do is farm noobs on the east coast
  23. planning on it. he broke the news in nation chat yesterday with the usual "you didn't appreciate us enough" bs. I think the motto of naval action is, if you can't beat em...join em.
  24. Ikea tabletop with legs.
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