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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. to respond to your ninja edit. TDA was long dead by the time I showed up, but appreciate you attributing your lack of interest in little ole me. One day maybe you'll get over that grudge. Anyway I love shooting jabs back and forth with you guys, but it's not productive. The active members of TDA, aka the ones that matter, are at least on a cooperative / tolerating each other basis with myself and the rest of the US leadership which is all that matters. The forum warriors are of little concern.
  2. You mean a joke response to getting 6 war supply dropped today? Good one. You got me there. Appreciate that you're at least on our discord though. I get that your chief is being slammed hard on a rather stupid post he made, but dig harder for better insults next time forum warrior.
  3. I hate to say it, but I agree with LV here. Don't blame the reviewers, blame the devs
  4. Interesting post from the OP who barely plays, has zero involvement within his own nation and self admittedly finds the game boring. Majority of the reviews are spot on and If I had to recommend this CURRENT game to another person I wouldn't.
  5. https://www.twitch.tv/neur0t/v/103301113?t=01h16m33s
  6. I see where you're going on this Tommy, maybe refine it down a bit. Make it more similar to World of Warcrafts BG system. Players in the pvp zone get a base participation credit for completing the event. Lets call these PVP points. Players who did well get more points based off how much damage they did or kills, similar to how money is awarded in missions now. More you shoot, more you get. These points are then used on a "PvP Points Vender" in each countries capital where you can turn them into paints, blueprints and maybe like ship baubles like names, flags etc. Make the points 100% cosmetic so those who do well can show off, but not affect OW combat in super ships or mods. Lets go one step further kill the pvp zone and create a lobby queue system that generates match ups based on BR and "leader board" rank and give each player basic ships and load outs to balance. No mods. No officers. mano a mano. same point awarding system as above. This will provide players with instant pvp action, but still not disrupt the OW balance. boom, fixed naval action
  7. I think If I wanted a game with leader boards and pvp arenas, or in this case "zones" I'd go start playing World of Warships or spend more time on Overwatch. The appeal to this game has and always will be the hunt. The cost vs risk in moving goods along the coast. The risk of going out to grind solo missions knowing rats couple pop out of the free town at anytime. Also thie risk of sailing for an hour and seeing nothing but AI fleet. A designated area where pvp zones will be spawning a couple times a day sounds like gods gift to traders everywhere. Hey move your goods in 30mins, everyone will be down by Jamaica....... The zones will be amusing for the first couple days until the really good guys keep farming them out and get all the loot. And of course there will be the exploiters sinking alts. Maybe we'll see a population spike for a couple days, but it'll settle back down to it's most recent low points because the devs fail to grasp the aspects of this game that truly make it great. This is a bandaid. Please fix the the other aspects of the game that keep driving your players away first.
  8. I don't necessarily disagree with the time zone thing, but unfortunately this game probably can't even clear 1000 people between all its servers on a good day. Having a US only server of 200/300 people just isn't practical for the devs and the players. PERHAPS when the game releases and we see more people joining (if..) that'd be a nice option. We are however stuck with what we got for the time being. We probably could of stuck in there and got a couple kills, but it was decided to get as many out as they could.
  9. unfortunately the majority of us had/have zero experience in 1st rate battles, let alone port battles with actual opponents. I'd throw myself in the more experienced category of those assembled pvp wise and this would be my 2nd time in one. You like to complain about the time zone thing quite a bit there Klooth, but remember that it works both ways. The US simply just doesn't get the same battle opportunities as the rest of the server due to our time zones and the ones we have gotten (that were defended) have typically been shallow water. So we're uh...learning I suppose. It also doesn't help that our commander inexplicably managed to get tagged 15mins before the battle logging in either.... Regardless I'm still pleased with the outcome and that even if we didn't have the couple brits in there we could of filled the battle with 25 1sts, which is pretty good for us. Our role in the battle was to tie up the Danes and give the Brits the best chance of winning on their end, which was done successfully. We all knew going in this was probably not something we'd be able to win anyway. We look forward to capping more of your traders in the next week or 2. Good fights overall! The live oak must flow.
  10. I run the game on my macs occasionally through boot camp. it's a pain, but doable.
  11. Had a lovely chat with a Dane player who was salty about losing some fine live oak. wasn't a fan of homosexuals or mexicans. Is this acceptable? I assume we're trying make this a better community than your average league of legends lobby. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/273986271270323858/796208196B926B5383C9EBBEF05DB994A3B647C5/ https://gyazo.com/b97b101766075ab09b876d3898619476
  12. Still waiting for proof. I guarantee nothing of what you said happened. 100% trump wins type of guarantee. I just ate a hotdog for lunch. Which is about as relevant of a statement as the one above. Can we do away with this anecdotal BS please. If the admin could issue a verdict here. There seems to be zero evidence of any foul play and the usage of these supposed alts seems to be within the scope of what the admin has already said was allowed.
  13. So no proof. And I can guarantee that is not whats going on. ~derogatory comment removed - The Moderation team
  14. Are these accounts being used to generate hostility or simply gather fine wood? It seems the latter is allowed and the former banned. Nothing to see here. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16986-alts-for-port-battles-activities-ban-warning/?p=330846
  15. While I actually like the war supplies idea, it's a bit absurd you can go from 2% hostility to 100% in the span of 5 minutes. I checked the hostility once, it was at 2% and then literally within minutes someone in nation said "how the fuck did it get to 98%" and it sure enough it was. There needs to be a system where the defender can respond to immediate hostility OR some sort of system where if war supplies are crafted and delivered it is announced like the conquest flag. Preferably both. To those who say fleets can always be intercepted...sure, but please take a look at the Georgia area and how close St. Mary's is to the region. Everything was staged at St. Mary's, it would of been impossible for us to defend. Especially at Noon 2pm eastern time on a work day. Props go to the Danes, I don't like how it was done but after looking into what war supplies takes it was no small feat. As is usual with this game, I like the idea behind the war supplies...but it was poorly implemented.
  16. my favorite shot, an empty Mortimer Town
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  17. Hear Him! Hear Him!
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