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Don Sancho Navarro

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Everything posted by Don Sancho Navarro

  1. Sorry, Can you explain that last phrase? To be an english speaker tour command of the language is quite poor.
  2. Yes, you can do whatever you want. I will never question your freedom to express your ideas but remember, we own our silence and become slaves to our words.
  3. Ahhh!!! Spare me your grandiose propaganda, Spain will face and defeat any nation that dares to challenge us. Keep on making empty threats and dreaming with you lost empire, keep on accusing us of dishonour... your own words disqualify you, your own actions show your true nature. You seem to have a talent for foresight, you claim to be able to see the future. This is a clear sign of madness or worse: witchcraft. I will report your name to our beloved Metropolitan Archbishop of Havana, Don Inocencio Botijo, so he can put your name on his "to do" list. When you fall, I hope you are captured, so you have the opportunity to visit the dungeons of his Episcopal palace, where he converts the local Indians to Christianity. Let´s see if you can convince him of your good intentions. As for the sleeping-giant-United-States we have awaken: it looks neither awake nor giant from Havana. You are just another so-so faction, a little bit inept sometimes, but full of bravado in the forums, I give you that. So far, your words do not match your actions so, unless you unleash the fleets you have been keeping in reserve until now, yes, we are prepared to deal with anything you can throw at us. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Bandera.
  4. Don´t be silly. OF COURSE I´m biased. What is the point of this whole thread if not biased discussions about your cowardly attacks on Spanish ports, that led to this nonsensical war? Are you not, by chance, being biased when you describe yourselves as the victims, and portray US illegal acts of war as self defence; when, in fact, you were the aggressors that tried to reduce Spain to one port, and threatened to commit the first factional genocide in the history of this game? (a terrible thing that later happened to you, HAHAHAHA, [he, who lives by the sword, dies by the sword])... When you insult us and call Spain the "lap dogs of the pirates"? It´s so funny to see the different standards you apply to your own posts compared to posts of other factions.... Are we doing RP here, or confusing real life with a game? "Biased" he says.... hahaha!!!! Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Bandera.
  5. I was not in the battle, but following it in the TS, so I cannot judge the performance of my colleagues. I'm just trying to set thing straight so you do not get the impression that Spanish captains can be talked out of any battle. Not knowing your enemy can lead to miscalculations. I neither say I support the claim that the game was hacked, just describe the reaction of the Captains involved. As for the diplomatic decisions, I leave it to our Diplomats Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Bandera
  6. I suggest a new forum is created called: "off topic, incredibly irrelevant, misinformed and futile historical and ideological discussions". I committed the mistake once to intervene to bring some historical facts, I will not do it again. For Don Sancho Navarro, up from now, Vichy France, Donald Trump and Mussolini are historical fiction created by some lunatic French prophet called Nostradamus whom I believe should be quickly tried and burned for witchcraft. I suggest we all do the same, and stick to our fun RP, and discussing which faction is more evil, Pirates, US or Brits... Thank you. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Bandera.
  7. Dear Mr. EricKilla. I happened to be a witness through TS of what happened at Cayo Biscaino. And I´m sorry to disappoint, and spoil your joy, but you did not diplo-defended anything. The Spanish players were going to crush you, quite annoyed at all your chatter, when the battle was abruptly ended by the game. Spanish players were astounded an furious. Some blamed a bug, some others thought US faction has hacked the game. All of them filed a bug report. If it was not for this "bug" Cayo Biscaino would be Spanish now. Of course, I hope we can be friends.But it´s very difficult to do that when territorial claims become "indisputable", and based on a supposed "manifest destiny". Yours. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Bandera
  8. You will pay the kidnapping of my little sister Lola!!!
  9. You are right. I used it in the historical, not ideological sense, but can be misinterpreted. I´m editing the post. Thank you for the comment.
  10. Clearly, sir, you don´t know much about history, or like to bend historic facts to your own convenience, a manipulation so often used by aggressors to justify their acts. Vichy France was what was left of France after Germany´s Invasion. Germany did not ceded anything. France was defeated militarily and occupied under the boots of the German invaders. Something that may have happened to Spain if you had been able to fulfil your empty threats to reduce us to one port. You were the expansionist aggressors which tried to submit Spain, and not the Pirates. Your so called "allied faction" is neither allied (where are your British friends now?), nor a faction. Please, do not insult our intelligence with your empty propaganda, nobody is buying it. You are not the good guys, get over it. Spain is only defending itself in the face of much more powerful enemies. If you want to make a comparison with WW2, I would say that Spain is like England, small, isolated and surrounded by enemies, and is forced to seek the help of a bigger nation in order to survive, so the Pirates would be like the US in this analogy. Funny how can you manipulate history uh? Yours sincerely. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Bandera
  11. Por Dios que les estamos enseñando a esos piratas (da igual los colores del trapo que lleven colgando de su palo), que se atreven a mancillar las transparentes aguas cubanas con sus inmundas chalupas llenas de herejes, brujas y prostitutas de la peor calaña. Ahora podremos degollarlos con la conciencia limpia. Informaré a mis compañeros de la Santa Compaña de defensa de la Habana, el Hermano Príamo (Defensor del Norte), el bravo Leova, el indómito Churruca y el brillante arquitecto naval Sigfried. Entre todos les estamos enseñando a pensarselo dos veces antes de salir de Key West a tocarnos los cojones. Sigamos así. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Bandera.
  12. Los sirvientes de una pieza de 24 libras preparándola cebandola para dispararla a los ingleses. Fueron amonestados por su incompetencia, el cabo de cañón recibió 20 azotes, ye ellas pasaron por parejas por la cabina del capitán, para recibir su justo castigo.
  13. La oronda Jefa de Cocina, apodada "La Marrana", nos enseña la cocina del barco
  14. Éste es el sangrador y ayudante del cirujano, célebre entre los marineros por su afición a ron, su brutalidad y falta de higiene, y su excesivo aprecio por los grumetes y pajes de la pólvora, que algún día le traerá la ruina. Nos enseña la enfermería, donde el cirujano Dr. Gorroño trata en estos momentos a los afectados por la epidemia de sífilis provocada por nuestra lujuriosa, depravada y feísima cantinera.
  15. Esta marinera horrenda es la cantinera del barco, que es utilizada con liberalidad por la marinería y algunos oficiales poco escrupulosos. Os enseñará el pañol de velas, donde mantiene su discreto y rentable negocio de entretenimiento y relax. Para aquellos interesados, puedo enviarles por privado su email, en caso que quieran concertar una entrevista o consultar las tarifas.
  16. Este marinero tan feo es mi condestable, que os mostrará la santabárbara de mi Consti, toda recubierta de cobre.
  17. Ayer mi amigo y compañero Sigfied me crafteó una Constitution de ensueño. Dejo que esta marinera buenorra de mi tripulación os haga una visita guiada a mi cabina. Digamos que la chica es la más indicada para enseñaros mis alojamientos, ya que los conoce de manera íntima... no sé si me explico, je, je, je. Saludos a todos. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Navío.
  18. Dear Captain Saintjacktar. The terms are acceptable. Please propose a place and time of your convenience via private message. Yours. Don Sancho Navarro. Capitán de Navío
  19. Hola a todos. He tenido un intercambio de posts, muy divertido y caldeado con un Capitán australiano de la facción americana, llamado Saintjacktar. El caso es que el caballero en cuestión me ha retado a un duelo y yo, como es debido, lo he aceptado. Me ha mandado sus padrinos con un mensaje, proponiendo un duelo este fin de semana. Es algo que no he hecho nunca y como estoy un poco verde, tengo un par de preguntas: ¿Se puede usar el módulo de duelos en el juego para hacer duelos con tu barco contra un capitán de otra facción, o son duelos aleatorios con barcos aleatorios? En el módulo de duelos, se puede perder el barco? ¿Cuales son las costumbres para este tipo de duelos? ¿Qué consejos podeís dame? No hago más que meterme en líos, que no se enteren Príamo ni Churruca que se van a cachondear de mi. Gracias por vuesrta bienintencionada ayuda. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Navío saintjacktar Ordinary seaman Members 96 posts LocationSydney,Australia Sent Today, 09:22 AM Dear Don Sancho, What are best times for you? I get home from work 1700 AEST on Weekdays but On weekends im flexible. regards, Captain Saintjacktar
  20. You should look carefully at the map, you will find our "oppressive imperial empire" on the west Florida Coast, a large portion of Cuba and the Gulf of Mexico. You can zoom in the map with the scrolling wheel of your mouse, or maybe use some reading glasses. I can send you instructions on how to operate the scroll wheel. It´s a very useful gadget. I wonder how can you locate or shoot your enemies with your cannons if you don´t see that big, yellow thing on your southern (only) flank. No wonder you fell so easily to the pirates. Yours, respectfully. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Navío
  21. 1. Mala leche española (no sé cómo traducirlo... Spanish bile?)... disminuye la eficiencia general del barco (velas, tiro maniobra), pero incrementa sustancialmente la defensa y el ataque frente a los abordajes.
  22. Deat Mr. Pain, or Reb, or whatever your name is. This is what you posted some time ago in another thread. Posted 25 May 2016 - 02:50 PM Johny Reb, on 30 Jan 2016 - 3:18 PM, said: You threatened to crush us and called us "Brits lap dogs". That is no way to address an adversary, perhaps you should revise the way you talk to your interlocutor before demanding logic and offering olive branches. Your Tattered Flags should choose another spokesperson, with better manners, that would facilitate communication with other factions and probably do wonders for the popularity of the US nation in the game, especially with the Spanish, who are quite sensitive. As for the logic and hollowness of my arguments. We see things differently. Yours. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Navío.
  23. Dear Captain Saintjacktar Thank you for your kindness. I will duly inform you when our duel is possible in acceptable terms. Indeed the sad nature of war will force us upon each other in anger, when there is nothing but mutual respect and appreciation. But out countries demand it, so be it. Untile then, I wish you the best of luck. Yours sincerely. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitan de Navio
  24. ARRR!!! BY GOD!!! I will regret having to fire upon you and your crew, sir!. Respect to whom respect deserves. Again, I apologize if my comments offended you or your ancestors. The offence was not my intention, have nothing but esteem for the honourable family that has raised you to become such a fine gentleman. And nothing but admiration and respect for the people like you that risk their own lives to protect us all from evil, in real life, with real bullets at the Middle East Area of Operations or anywhere else, while we sit on our asses playing computer games dodging pixel cannonballs and building pixel empires. THANK YOU for all you do and the sacrifices you are making for Australia, Britain, Spain and the rest of us, so we can keep on playing and ignoring the real pirates looming on our coasts, more evil and cruel than any British, Pirate or Spanish in the game. As tor the equal jousting, if you think my apology does not suffice, I will not shy from it, since my "San Fermín de Pamplona" is a Trincomalee too. If you insist, I will be happy to provide you with the satisfaction you consider opportune. Unfortunately for me, this ship is a gift from a friend, that would feel unhappy, was I to fall under your cannon fire. Would you give me some quarter until I can afford one of my own? Yours sincerely. Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Navío.
  25. I´m happy to provide you with further entertainment. Just drop by Havana with your sorry chalupa.
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