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Don Sancho Navarro

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Everything posted by Don Sancho Navarro

  1. Please, enlighten me, and the rest of us that are doing it wrong. I'm serious, I would welcome your help.
  2. Yes, well I cannot. Perhaps I'm not as knowledgeable, perhaps I don't want to invest the necessary hours. Yes, I'm unable to adapt because this game takes too much time and dedication to be enjoyable, which was not the case before. Before this patch I could have fun, and now I can't. Now, if the game can afford to lose some players like me, ok. I see millions are connected everyday, happy with the new patch. You can Lol all you want, I'm not saying this game is going to die. But I'm not going to be spending my summer hours doing missions or investigating the price of the sevilla almonds in Andorra to make a little gold and then burn it in my mines. Let's see what happens in July and August.
  3. I'm not one of those players that enjoy the challenge. I believe this game is unbalanced at the moment, not advocating for a return to the previous version.
  4. More money=more ships=more fun for the hunted (me)= more fun for the HUNTER (KARAS). What the hell is wrong with that?
  5. I'm sorry Admin. Lower level ships and everything else should be cheaper. I am playing for pleasure. If the game becomes a boring obligation, and a repetitive succession of missions, I will have to quit the game. And I will be sad to do so, because previous versions of this game have been so fun and entertaining.
  6. I don't believe I owe you any explanation of my play style. My point is that, since the patch, 90% of my time has been devoted to mining resources and money, and I consider this BORING. If you have difficulties understanding this, Im sorry. Sancho
  7. Yes, basically, if you can't devote 80% of playing time to mining money and resources, you should not play the game?
  8. Dear Zaba: Sorry, but yes, i prefer a world where ships and resources are easier to earn, and i tell you why. I play Naval Action for entertainment. I work 10 hours in an office writing reports that nobody reads at HQ. My girlfriend lives a thousand miles from me. And my only refuge is Naval Action. I arrive home at 7-8 PM and I only have a few hours to play. This is worsened by the time difference between my location, Vietnam, and that of my fellow clan mates in Spain. I don't want to waste these few precious hour mining resources for ships that can disappear in a single strike of bad luck. I want to play and have fun. Missions are not fun, mining is not fun, trading is not fun. And Legends is not fun, because i prefer a thousand times the time spent searching for enemies and evading them than the battles themselves. I am bored of doing boring things. And if this continues I will leave the game. Naval Action cannot become a permanent job, or an obligation. This is a game and we should treat it as such, and right now it's a boring game, which is a pity because not so long ago it was absolute fun. Thank you for writing back. Sancho
  9. Roughly translating what David says. He agrees with me, he is super bored. Yesterday he lost his indefatigable on a battle, and the only cannons he had. He is forced to do little missions with his cutter to recover. He used to participate in many port battles, but that is a thing of the past because warming up a region is boring and takes too much time of travelling, and port battles are too risky with one life ships. He believes the word "action" should be removed from the title. He will wait for the next patsh hoping these issues are fixed, and use the TS to get the latest gossip an opinions at the ULTRA channel.
  10. Hello fellow captains and developers. I would like to share with you my thoughts on the latest patch, and the changes that have been introduced in the game which, in my case, are forcing me to seriously consider quitting the game. First of all, let me confess that i am no power gamer. Naval action is the first online game I have bought and probably the last. I have no double, triple or quadruple account, and the best I can do is 2-3 hours of playing daily, after long hours of boring office work. I'm just an average so-so captain that still struggles with the manual sails, and the aiming of my cannons. I belong to a small clan in the Spanish Faction called La Santa Hermandad. Small but very tight and organized. Over the two years and many hours of talking over the TS, we have become friends, and right now they are the only reason I'm still playing Naval Action. After the last patch, I have been working hard to try to recover from the wipe. To the best of my ability I have tried to earn money, doing missions and trading to be able to extract resources in order to be able to craft ships for my clan. I know my clan mates have been doing pretty much the same. And after three weeks of work, I have the feeling of being pretty much where I started. I'm stuck, my keel has struck the shoals and I'm going nowhere. Here is what I think the fundamental flaw of the patch: The imbalance between time invested versus rewards received. Money is too hard to earn, it takes a lot of time. All of this time spent earning money (missions/trade) is not spent doing the fun stuff (PVP). As a result, I AM BORED. This is especially sad because I have had long hours of fun and entertainment with the previous versions of this game, and i know the potential of Naval Action. So, my humble suggestion would be: 1) Increase the amounts of rewards in the missions, 2) revert the economy to its previous version, in which trading was a viable way of earning money, and 3) lower the cost of resource extraction. These three simple things would free time for all of us to actually play the game, and enjoy the new game mechanics. Also, transport between ports has become another very boring exercise. If I have only two hours to play I don't want to spend them sailing to Havana. Teleport to capital should return, maybe even tow requests. An additional imbalance which is creating a lot of frustration is the fake port battles to earn conquest marks. This mechanic is being exploited by big clans to earn defence/conquest marks, which allows them building of bigger ships and widens the gap between small and big clans. I'm not saying conquest or defence marks should not be awarded in port battles, I'm saying that fake, staged battles with the sole purpose of farming conquest marks are creating a lot of frustration in some segments of the player community, which cannot, or are not allowed to participate in these port battles. A fake battle would be very easy to identify by the number of shots fired, damage done and ships sunk. If the goal of the NA developers is creating a realistic game and a level playing field for all players, I do not understand why this obvious and public exploit is allowed to remain. I have shared my frustration with many other veteran captains in the Spanish faction, and i can see that they are all in a similar or worse situation. Please, make the game easier and more fun, give us more money for our time, i'm fed up of doing boring mission after mission against super accurate raking expert IAs just to see all the money earned disappear inside my mines. Thank you. Don Sancho Navarro Jefe de Escuadra
  11. Entonces, asumo que teniendo el craft level 50, todos los BPs "ordinarios" estarán disponibles desde el principio despues del Wipe? Gracias. Sancho
  12. Lo que no me queda claro es si el nivel de crafteador nos lo respetan en el Wipe o si hay que comenzar de nuevo. Ya sé que los XP de rango e van a devolver como redemable, pero ¿y el nivel de crafteo? Gracias. Sancho
  13. Estimado Capitán Deltonos. Ninguna pregunta es arrogante, y menos viniendo de un capitán de tanto renombre como usted. Los sumbarinos, pese a su apariencia, son espaciosos. En uno de ellos consiguieron meterse los Jefes de escuadra Príamo, Churruca, RGS y Neojuliani con siete hermanitas del Santo Mojito. Se sumergieron y dos días más tarde aparecieron en Coquibacoa. Las pobres monjitas estaban agotadas.
  14. Un gran favor a la facción Pirata, seguro que te están muy agradecidos. La SH nunca estuvo de acuerdo, Y dudo que los CORS dieran su acuerdo.
  15. Reconozco que no me apetece perder el tiempo contigo.
  16. Que ya te hemos dicho que no, Jorge, que no vamos a perder el tiempo de juego contigo. No seas tan pesado
  17. ¿La de los puertos del Este de Cuba que les diste a los piratas? Lo sabe toda la faccion.
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