I am pleased the admin are keeping an eye on this topic. I say keep... until you can add alternatives.
The problem is the community is asking for content... This particular mechanic, like it or not, is very much enjoyable to EVERYONE who participates.
It is by no means easy to coordinate 10-15 players all different ranks / ship types in the first place, add 10-15 AI 3rd Rates and its actually pretty difficult.
We loose ships often, last night for example we lost 3 ships using this mechanic, all be it they were lower lvl players in Frigate class wessels...
The point being, this is not sail up to a stationary target and pound away. This is fighting the largest AI fleets that can be found in-game atm.
Not for XP... I'm Rear Admiral.
Not for gold... I have enough gold through econ and ship building.
But because I want LARGE SCALE BATTLES with all my friends...
It is a FANTASTIC training mechanic.
If there were AI fleets on the OS that consisted of 15+ 3rd Rates. Maybe even un-capturable 2nd & 1st Rates =)
I would say of course remove it...
Give us some EPIC fleets to hit... Just don't remove it until an alternative PvE option can be found and implemented.