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Everything posted by Fargo

  1. Buy contracts wont fix economy in any way. People just wont sell ships or materials when they dont need money/can make money so much easier with missions. When economy works you can just buy ships from the market. Sure if there are 50 different builds for each ship you might not always find the exact one, but then many builds wouldnt differ much. Ships and builds that are demanded would always be well supplied. Permits are a problem limiting shipbuilders to supply demanded ships, changing this would achieve much more (after balancing of economy).
  2. Yes but speed wont win you any fight. What do you want to prove here, youre examples arent representative for anything. That you can beat something with an experienced fir squad proves exactly nothing. If you want to show off your alleged skill do it somewhere else. This is not how you do serious discussions and your doing it in basically every topic until people stop discussing with you. Fir is provably imbalanced and reality shows that most people are running in those ships. Whats youre assumption, that all people ganking are noobs, or that ganking isnt real?! Why arent people using fir ships for portbattles?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RwvkBnMUeI this is what usually happens if the strong ships somehow know how to fight. A single combat ship can beat whole hunting squads, and fighting multiple ships makes it significantly more difficult for you to avoid damage/win by raking. If you just couldnt escape easily with 0 hull, ganking would become much less viable. I cant count the battles ive been "ganked" by butter ships that had to disengage very quickly. Ive seen a bucket forcing 3 players + 6 fleet ships to escape. Basic 3rd rates that beat up to 3 fir carronade fitted boarding connies. Etc. Your fir ships are neither going to win a sail battle on distance, nor a broadside fight. Unless you can decide the fight by raking youre most likely going to loose.
  3. Thats one of the stupid mechanics im talking about. No, there is no point to allow combat ships not capable of combat in a game that focusses on combat. Its neither realistic, nor good for gameplay in any way -> get rid of it. You cant balance speed as a combat stat and a gank/escape stat at the same time. Making fast ships crap (what they are already) reduces fast ships to pure gank ships. Youre trying to balance ganking with combat, but there is no point to do so because theres no point to have ganking. This is the actual problem. 10 ships running from a 3 man squad is the definition of ganking as problematic gameplay.
  4. Sure with carronades its a different talk. To be accurate you would have to compare ships at different distances with different loadouts, etc. Close range carronades are always OP, but there are reasons many people use longs. With longs or on medium distance the wasa is better statwise. Little more mast thickness or heavier cannons dont change that. If the given turnrates arent realistic ofcourse it would change something, but i cant evaluate this. All i know is that the connie always sailed like the brick she looks like. And this seemed balanced while she was as fast as many 5th rates. Turnrates seem to be messed up currently nevertheless.
  5. I see, they changed turn rate. Dpm should still be 10% though. But your right with only 10% better turnrate the wasa provides better stats. But 10% more dpm is not making a ship 10% better, you cant just add these numbers.
  6. This would even make it worse. The weaker you make fast ships, the more people are going to run from even fights. A major issue with ganking are ships build not for combat but to most efficiently avoid combat. And there are two reasons for that: A: Fast ships and woods are way too weak already, teak frames for example provide ~7 times more value of stats than fir. Its similar for the Reno or Endymion compared with similar rated ships, not so extreme though. For comparison. Fir would be balanced when 1% speed would be worth 10% hull HP or 5% thickness. B: Mechanics allow you to avoid combat in all possible ways. No matter if youre surrounded in the OW, chased by the fastest ship in game, or in close combat with another guy and messed up. Speed combined with stupid mechanics lets you get away. Thats the only reason why speed is so insanely valuable. That speed gets you some control besides beeing a combat stat can be balanced. This cant be balanced. Sure with -70% hull less people would use gank ships, but thats not balancing. Just remove fir then, because there is no point to have pure gank ships in the game. Wasa seems just a little better. 10% more dpm, ~10% better penetration and 5% more HP vs 3% thickness and ~15% better turnrate. If you evaluate turnrate much higher than dpm the connie seems better.
  7. What if someone wants to sail a fast ship...?! Your logic is indefensible. Please seriously think about this instead of just holding on to your believes. It got pointed out already how imbalanced (especially fast) woods and ships are. It got pointed out already why speed is way too valuable currently. Fix the causes of the problem. Speedcap does the opposite. It can work like that. Larger ships then need to be unprofitable and expensive to maintain, especially in PvE. From an eco point of view it would make much more sense than free first rates for everyone/OP PvE income. Getting in large ships that are powerful (even in OW PvP) and not common is very motivating. The better you are the more often you could afford special ships. Thats how quite some games handle it btw.
  8. The objective was more PvP. Putting ships in the water isnt doing much when those arent interested in PvP and at the same time able to avoid it. Thats 5 times more efficient ship transport... Who knows, maybe it would have been 3k per server with towing. People got started back then while progress was much slower. Inflation, managing multiple ships and transport of large low durability ships were no issues. This game is not about maximising chances to PvP. If NA would work you wouldnt even be able to maintain so many ships that easily. And if they dont fix economy it wont matter how much dockspace and towing you get, because nothing is going to improve. To maximise chances for PvP a matchmaking system is the ultimate solution. I still dont understand youre problem with NAL. Getting in a cerb takes ~10 hours.
  9. But there have to be compromises when its about time. It turned out that without towing people just sail in groups, at safe times, on safe open water, or in fast ships. Its not leading to more OW action and only boring to transfer ships. To the contrary it restricts action in the actual war area/where people would be willing to fight but cant afford to sail ships there. So why restrict towing, at cost of time and gold its still strategic. We should try to avoid those strict restrictions. Instead of saying one tow/day, why not increase gold cost each time you tow? Yes gold is redundant right now, but we have to assume that this is getting fixed or we can stop to discuss NA in general. We need every gold sink we can get and this is a good one. Dockspace for example could work similar adding to it. Assume you would only buy it for a specific time. Instead of just maxing it out and stacking ships it becomes a strategic decision how much space/ships you currently need. Another continous gold sink.
  10. Funny that if the PvP guys would be able to think out of their box, these would actually be the first arguing for a working economy. The quote in your sig is about motivation. So what is motivating people to PvP and RvR? Just cheap stuff and fast recovery? Whats the difference between PvP in NA and NAL? If an average guy just likes to fight, wouldnt he play NAL? PvP is supposed to have a purpose in NA, and a working economy would provide that. You dont PvP for fun, you fight to protect resources or to hurt the enemy economy. Meaningful gameplay, thats the major difference. PvP is the result of a functional OW environment, fixing that is the only way to make it work. And it should be obvious that this in general is what NA is supposed to offer. Prewipe we had extremely cheap stuff already, but people did not want to fight.This could have teached us something. Instead we reached nearly the same pop again and another wipe is probably necessary if we decide to fix/balance economy. Ridiculous that all you can think about still is ceaper stuff. But i dont wonder that discussions with persons still playing this mess 10 hours a day arent productive. If you want to improve, think about how EvE for example is able to motivate players to loose massive value in large battles. How is EvE able to keep its economy meaningful? What NA needs is serious professional game design. Pilings of opinions of players arguing selfish or not fully understanding what theyre talking about are leading nowhere. Month of time wasted with discussions about durability, not important and a simple logical decision, is a prime example. We wont ever make progress if we cant agree on 1+1=2, the most basic and fundamental stuff, and without a common picture of what final NA is supposed to look like.
  11. The problem is you dont accept any sense contradicting youre believes. Every single argument you provide is based on wrong assumptions. We did not test one dura, because that would require a proper test environment. You cant blame one single variable for anything while dozens changed at the same time. Thats more than foolish. You dont need more than 2-3 ships in an outpost btw., and a working economy would never allow you to own such insane amounts of hulls. What youre saying about economy tops it all... Its such a joke what people are allowed to do in this forum. This topic is purely based on misacceptions. Have fun with this meaningful discussion guys.
  12. I wonder who is the actual idiot here while youre still refusing to understand what im saying.
  13. And what has upgrade availiability to do with durability?! As i said, when you change only durability without changing current balancings a 5 dura ship would require 15 upgrades. Why balance this with durability instead of just increasing upgrade drops or access to required resources?! Thinking that just cheap stuff would fix any issues is shortminded aswell, while the whole game from economy to conquest is simply not working. For riskfree but meaningless PvP most people are simply going to play NAL.
  14. No doubt, but you still dont get the point. They intentionally changed that at the same time they changed durability. Same for ship cost. But one has nothing to do with the other! Its not task of durability to balance dock space, ship cost or anything else. When dockspace is a problem i change dockspace, when cost is a problem i change cost, and when transport is a problem i change towing.
  15. Lol. No further comment required.
  16. Im just telling you that durability has nothing to do with any of your points. Youre talking about bringing durability back, not about bringing previous balancing back. Just changing duras wont do anything and to change something you dont need to change durability. Its just one of many variables and we have all freedom to set it to plausible values for the sake of realism. And why not introduce rentable dockspace instead to achieve the same in a much better and so much more plausible way?!
  17. When you just change durability this not only means ship cost has to increase. A 5 dura ship would occupy 5 dock slots. It would also require 15 upgrades. You wouldnt be able to store ships in every free port anymore. In general who decided that you should be able to settle in every free port!? Keeping one ship in each free port seems to be a bad way to handle it. Durability isnt doing anything. What youre referring to is balancing for upgrade availiability or ship cost, ship transport and dockspace. If economy would work the market would be full of good ships, no need to build yourself. Exponentially increasing cost with durability is comparable with rentable dockspace. Durability only effects competition (less ships on the market) and the entry cost while you have to buy/craft and fit multiple ships at once.
  18. Whats youre problem with the summer patch/wipe?! Youre obviously reperesenting extreme PvE views, purely cherrypicking whatever fits your picture to justify youre position. We saw this in multiple threads now. You cannot say that a specific change caused anything while several changes happened, and its very unlikey that youre right when you cant even provide proper logic. Current numbers are nearly as low as prewipe again with insane rewards and safezones, even after a sale. How explain this?! What we can say is that something is not essential when the game is working without it. NA worked without safe zones already, and with way less rewards. Why ignore?! How do you explain that people dont happily sink each other outside the safe zones while assets lost all value again?! For comparison, to drag 1mio gold out of the game someone needs to sink 3-4 bucentaures or 7-9 5th rates. How is economy supposed to work in your oppinion?! What do you think why every other game takes care of inflation, even games without a serious economy like WoW, WoWs or WoT?!
  19. No, because "lacking" presupposes that its supposed to be there.
  20. Reading through recent reviews i cant see any tendency of people complaining about PvE in the first place?! If people do so its not a fair review and someone should simply comment it. The problem with the internet is stupidity everywhere.
  21. I can assure you that nobody is going to blame a sandbox game for the lack of specific content, unless they directly promote "exiting PvE content" on the box. Currently you wont find a single word about PvE content, therefore people wont expect it. Sure it would be positive to have it, but its not negative to not have it.
  22. I dont claim to know this, i just read what people say, i have tools to calculate speeds, i looks whats likely. It became definitely pretty hard to reach speedcap for many vessels without upgrades and specific books. I think liq said hes not using speedcapped ships anymore. You just told me that most wasas arent speedcapped. Slim just said this. Im using simple logic, therefore it should be pretty simple to point out flaws. And im not the one going defense claiming to know what youre arguing for.
  23. I referred to everyone defending current rewards. You did, or did i misinterpret?! You also proposed later to reward trading with mods. Is this really important? :s
  24. You probably dont get my point and im not willing to continue discussion once again about obvious nonesense. Its disgusting that players even defend stuff like this. Im not saying that it was much better before, and just removing speedcap alone wont fix the gank meta. Defensive tagging is there since i can think for example, the same level of nonesense. "The difference is with the caps, more ships are viable now and the previously overpowered ones are in line with everything else." - I explained why this has nothing to do with variety, this is not a valid answer. Ofcourse speed is currently controlling the fight, thats why im trying to tell you how this can be changed. Think out of your box. And im not talking about slow heavy ships. How efficient you can take down sails on distance is also just a variable, you dont win the fight this way, and i can do the same with your sails. I could just sit there, turn my sails 90° and wait for you, because you are the aggressor. Fixing defensive tagging also means that ships spawn closer to each other. Control instead of tagging means you cant sail on max distance and use heel to shoot me while i cant shoot you. Sailing profiles just became messed up with all ships speedcapped. The surprise with 12.3 base speed is not a very fast ship, but it has a superior sailing profile. Speedcap takes away the downwind disadvantage, ships with good upwind profiles became OP. The surprise can escape everything upwind, and nothing can catch anything downwind, thats what speedcap brings. As i told you, the reason its much better again is that many ships arent speedcapped anymore since they nerved upgrades and raised the cap. Ships not able to reach speedcap equals removing speedcap.
  25. You do realise that economy is dead already, because people earn 10+ times more money/value than they sink?! Rewards and money sinks have to be balanced no matter if we like it or not. Nobody is going to be attracted by meaningless NPC trading seperated from actual economy, no matter how you push the rewards. Sure you can include "trade marks" lets say to buy mods and books and people would start trading. But forcing players into dumb gameplay would make it even worse. The fun part of trading is not carrying goods from A to B for good rewards, but to interact with the market based on supply and demand. Attracting people that enjoy economic gameplay would bring much life to NA. Realise how many people play games like eve for this reason. And we saw purely economic focussed players already in the early NA, while this is effecting any average player expecting slightly more than pretty ships and combat, currently unlikely to start NA.
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