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Everything posted by Anolytic

  1. How many times have you clicked on the crosses of a battle, only to against your will also select an AI fleet or player ship that is sailing past? And then this happens: You cannot see the information about the battle, like BR, because you cannot hover over the flags. And you cannot click to enter battle if you are within the joining area. This is a recurring problem with Port Battles especially, where there are often numerous ships between you and the battle crosses. With PBs there is a workaround: click on the town, not the crosses. Something we have to instruct every new player about. It is manageable, yet not a very smooth solution. In open seas the only solution may be to sail a detour to get the angle between yourself, the battle crosses and the player/AI to increase. Please consider implementing something it like this: Or this: ...when the game is unable to distinguish between wether we clicked on a battle, or on a player/AI.
  2. REDS recruits beginners and veterans, hardcore and casual players alike. Our ranks swell. Join us if you like. We help all our members get on top of and ahead in this world that is Naval Action. Here are the current REDS Tutorial walkthroughs (youtube playlist):
  3. Given that the premise of the tutorials is bound to change at least slightly a couple more times before release, I was hesitant to present these, yet would like to gauge response as to their presentation before having to remake them in final form upon release. This is my humble attempt (yet again) at offering guidance (this time with notes @staun) on how to pass each exam in the tutorial. Exam #1: Destruction Exam #2: Demasting Exam Exam #3: Boarding Exam Exam #4: Endurance Exam Exam #5: Final Exam Thank you for watching.
  4. Looks great! But isn't it a bit much to carry 300 marines/soldiers on what looks distinctly like a Brig?
  5. Please..PLEASE make them craftable DLCs, not ship notes... Make them "Imported ship" so we cannot trade them or capture them, but make it so that the crafting permit is redeemable from the DLC, not the actual ship-note like Hercules/Le Requin. A 24/48 hour redeemable live/white teak/white 4th rate is going to bring all the problems of the Hercules in the past x10. Please.
  6. Used to be we hunted painted ships extra eagerly because we knew they were usually 4/5 or 5/5 ships... Inb4 people start capturing Essex from AI and sailing them around with Rouge Noir paint. What if only 4/5 and 5/5 ships would get the paint slot when crafting them. All other ships would not be able to have paints applied? Or make the Paint slot a part of the RNG when crafting? Indeed, I would much prefer this RNG in crafting than the quality RNG.
  7. Why though? That's what makes them rare. I assumed that Painter DLC was going to be simply a permit to apply paints. And that paints would be found in the game. If Painter DLC allows us to create paints and trade them, then that creates potential problems with people making it a business to make in-game currency by selling paints to those that don't have the DLC.
  8. We only went for the boarding minigame as a plan-B because your 1st rates split up and after previous experiences trying to pin down the british fleet we came better prepared this time. You can't really blame us for resorting to boarding when your 1st rates refused to fight 2v2 despite being heavier.
  9. Battle of Carriacou Russia vs GB Not a great battle per se, as the brits wanted to kite the entire time like usual. After the fort had saved them on two (three?) previous attempts, this time we took no chances, and brought 3 mortar brigs. The battle was close - on time/points - but pretty decisive in terms of the action.
  10. Battle of San Juan on Saturday, REDS vs Sweden:
  11. I wanted to see what paints were possible to get, and what paints were likely to drop, so I opened 40 paint chests consecutively and here is the short video if anybody cares to see: What paints did others get that I didn't get?
  12. Every day there are 4-5 messages in Russian chat about people passing the exam, so it is far from impossible. I was going to try it myself today possibly.
  13. Release is reportedly closing in, things are moving forward rapidly. The day might finally be in range that this game will be released. My suggestion is simple: in the last, say month, month-and-a-half before the actual release, when the date is set and just the fine-tunings are left. I would propose that a/the testbed-server is opened up again, and on it everyone is given access to redeemables of every ship in the game (Pandora included), every cannon class and everything we might possibly need. And that there is launched a competition for us players to make gameplay-videos, possibly in multiple categories, to showcase all of the best aspects of this game. To allow us to make (these could be competitions): -Tutorial walkthroughs, with the final damage model - ready for release -Cinematic videos of battles -Videos showcasing every single ship in the game, individually and/or together in one video -Tactics -etc. The best videos (overall or in each category) could be rewarded. Based on developer decision or player voting - or both. And all videos would be available for Game-Labs to use in promoting Naval Action and showing off all the best parts of the game, the content (ships), and battles. For the latter to work, some restrictions might have to be set, such as on what, if any, music we would be allowed to use in our videos - to avoid licensing issues. But beyond this I think there is great potential in this idea, in engaging the community leading up to release and during the wipes that will come, and for allowing players ourselves to show off to potential customers of this game, what are the best selling points of the game. You already had an initiative before, to have regular streamers be featured on the Steam Page, and you indicated that a future initiative would be directed at those making regular videos. I think this could be one way to do that, though streamers would of course also be able to join in this effort.
  14. As a Norwegian I like the new DLC-flags for the Danish nation.
  15. Just from the name of the DLC I'm assuming that it doesn't give you any paints, it just gives you the ability to apply any paints that you may find. But I may be wrong.
  16. Even Alejandro de Santamaria ( @Intrepido ) doesn't find anything to complain about. I think this is a first.
  17. First of all it doesn't really state in OP if the 5th rate was player or AI. Secondly, describing a 5th rate vs a 6th rate is more nuanced than a 1v1. Victory vs Hercules is also 1v1 technically. Thirdly you are waaay, way off topic. This is a support topic/bug report that according to admin above may have possibly uncovered an actual bug, or alternatively that instructions are open to misinterpretation. In either case your posts here are not helpful nor relevant. Solo patrols are a new feature. We need players to report any issues they have with them so that developers can identify and root out possible bugs.
  18. I know that you are planning to change the PvP Hunt Missions, and combine rates (1-3, 4-5 & 6-7). I would urge you to make another change also. That the ship rate you are in also factors into this. That if you are in 1st, 2nd or 3rd rate, you only get Combat Medals for killing other Lineships. In frigates and 4th rates you only get Combat Medal rewards for killing other frigates and 4th rates. And likewise for 6th-7th rates. This would help ship diversity. Make frigates still viable for use, and let people choose themselves what division they wanted to fight in, like weight classes for boxing. Of course groups of frigates would still decide to try and take on a lone Lineship when encountered, even with no combat medal reward, simply for the value the ship itself would have if captured. This is in line with history, where frigates did not shoot on lineships, and lineships did not shoot on frigates unless the frigate opened fire first: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frigate#cite_note-6 This change would help to dissuade speed-built SOLs specifically made to hunt frigates. It would not alone solve the issue, as there would still be those willing to hunt that way even without rewards, which is why I still stand by my proposal to limit wood options for lineships:
  19. First of all, I see this game taking many steps in the right direction lately, and I am an actual fan of the new damage model. It just needs tweaking - quite a lot (as expected, nothing wrong with that). But I see some steps in the wrong direction. Some changes I do not like. A reminder: amen - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Combat Medals. I know that you know they need tweaking. I know that you plan to tweak them shortly. Yet since you implemented the way they are in the first place, I feel the need to emphasise just how radically they need to be tweaked. 15 Combat Medals for a L'Ocean permit? With the current reward of 30 Combat Medals for 10 1st rate kills that means you need to kill 5 1st rates for each 1st rate you can build. Or you need to spend hours and hours in the Patrol Zones. On a side-note, the Patrol Zone is itself a problem in itself. With the current imbalance it forces Patrol Zone participation. Because it takes most players weeks to get OW hunting the amount of Combat Medals we you can get in an evening in the patrol zone. Lots of us don't like the gank-fest, cutter-spam (I guess no more since new damage), DLC-ship-spam, artificial events that the Patrol Zones are. Hunting in the general OW should be at least comparably profitable to the Patrol Zone. Combat medals are nice if they give some nice, useful, not OP rewards. Paints, maybe special flags, perhaps certain helpful PvP-upgrades (i.e. Navy Mast Bands, Reinforced Bow and Stern, Navy Loodesman), but not RvR-upgrades (i.e Navy Structure, Navy Hull, Combat Carpenter Reports). They could be the only way to access permits for special PvP-ships like the LGV Refit and Pirate Frigate. And it would be fine if Ship Notes (Bellona, L'Hermione, etc) were only purchaseable for Combat Medals. Combat Mark access to Permits for RvR-ships is a recipe for disaster. First of all, you limit people's access to content, pushing them away from the game. Let's face it, for lots of players the only PvP they enjoy is RvR, just like for lots of people the only PvP they enjoy is OW hunting, either solo or ganks, or both. In RvR lots of players are only ever going to get assists for the most part, and will rarely complete PvP-missions, if they even have room in their mission list to take them, given all the other missions they have to do to be able to grind the resources needed for prosperity, let alone survival. Does it make you a better RvR-player to also do a lot of PvP on the side? Definitely, but not everyone has that interest, and most people that have a life don't have the time to do everything, all the time. If you have to grind for weeks for each PB you can participate in, you're eventually going to give up on RvR. Look. I would hope that one of your ideas to mediate this issue is to introduce special chest rewards for successful PB participation, and those chests will include as rewards a healthy amount of Combat Medals. But that still does not change my points above. Combat Medals, as a currency, should have a relatively limited, cosmetic/quality-of-life-improving use. Back to recovery of losses now. This is crucial. When you make woods to build good RvR-ships (I'm leaving aside PvP now), exceedingly hard to get for most people (doubloons, very limited number of spawns), and also make permits for the best RvR-ships available only to the best/most active PvP-players, you kill RvR. If you make recovery of lost RvR-fleets so hard that it takes weeks, then any nation that looses an RvR-fleet in one battle, will be left open to be robbed of every port they have in the time it takes them to rebuild the entire fleet. Because half your players having the right ships is just as bad as none of them having it. If recovery in RvR is not easy, then hegemonies will never change. Those who loose once will give up and not try again. And power will only shift when the current champion clan/nation simply stops playing from boredom with nobody challenging them. Btw, what happened to Victory Marks? Why are suddenly all the RvR-ships only made with Combat Marks and not with the RvR-participation reward, that is Victory Marks?
  20. Can't wait!
  21. That's a good change to make them popular again. Nice. Why though? I noticed this yesterday. Glad it's fixed. Did you in return fix it so all (up to 3) group members get dragged into the mission? Because doing them alone is already hard enough.
  22. I believe this was the very first contested PB since the new damage model.
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