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Everything posted by admin

  1. Yes they can attack you but a) they gain nothing b ) you can just go out an capture the same ship for free So if they attack you - surrender and move on. but maybe you might sink them if they attack you - maybe someone will join to help, or you board him before he is able to react.. etc.
  2. we did not say that. please dont present your cruel thoughts as our words. PVE players will not valuable from the PVP hunter perspective. Just like NPCs. PvE player will enjoy all the ships he wants now without ruining the balance in the universe and can always get a cheap NPC frigate from the store to jump into pvp whenever they want to. This feature is a HUGE advantage to PVE players not that thing you are trying to present it as.
  3. You have been here for a while. We are surely will adapt it as we go. But we now believe that all ships are created equal if they were created in the player's hands, or captured form the player. NPC ships belong in the NPC worlds and with this elegant implementation they will actually not cause any imbalance now. BUT I understand what you are saying about removing something you enjoyed. i need to think about it, and try to come up with answer or with a solution.
  4. probably yes. thats could be the plan, i need to see how shabby ships work first
  5. they turn into NPCs from my point of view. but you can still sink them - get loot and 1 pvp and 1 combat mark
  6. cutter should get BR 380 too?
  7. The best pvp server is when there are no NPCs. This feature brings it closer to this implementation, somewhat. On all other points it depends. I know you can afford to buy a crafted ship. also i know you can capture ships from players regarding traders. I know for a fact (saw on stream) that all indiamans used in BF are built in Gustavia (by players). and trader lynx does not give a lot of marks anyway
  8. You cannot attack anyone with the BR of one. You can be attacked though. br 1 will have BR too high when trying to attack
  9. Most cutters without the recently killed flags are carrying something interesting if they are commandeered by rear admirals. you cant enter the pb with BR of 1. Minimum requirement is above 40 i believe. You also cannot attack a player with the BR of 1. BUT YOU CAN attack any NPC fleet. cant be done except for point 4, which is fine because the such shabby support ship will only support until the first shot into the masts
  10. This will be a dramatic change as a last capture test before release finish line All ships can be captured from the NPCs (awesome for pve players). But those NPC captured ships will be mostly useless in PVP (on both sides) due to 2 things Mast/Sail huge debuff (bots dont shoot sails) BR of 1 (no rewards whatsoever for them) which will clearly identify them in the open world, also removing any attacking capability Slaughtering sheeps dynamics will change significantly and we believe to the better.
  11. Upcoming patch will get tutorial will be added for testing all npc ships will become capturable (with special debuff making them useless in pvp but still keeping the great quality for pve) a minor change to crafting thickness and hp changes of all vessels and final speed change slightly reducing max speed for all base vessels (that captains can adjust through upgrades) copper city or cities frigate epic event
  12. If you can use both the second one makes things better, so it could be worth the price.
  13. can you use both? i wonder
  14. The misunderstanding comes from the following Wasa class contained several ships as it was a very successful design (https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wasa_(linjeskepp) - including 24lb Wasa classed as 4th rate and 36lb Gustav Adolf classed as 3rd rate (current in game ship) https://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=10981 what needs to be done is to rename the ship as gustav adolf and maybe add a 24lb repainted wasa as a 4th rate so current new BR is ok for a 3rd rate.
  15. leeway was a huge feature and a daunting programming physics task - main reason leeway was not existing in other games before. you just dont see the iceberg of amount of work required.
  16. overall thickness is not the live oak problem - its the problem of overall thickness for all vessels. this is going to change with hp and thickness rebalance for all vessels
  17. this will stay until release. as reclassing the ship requires a ship wipe. maybe we will find the way to reclassify it without removing that ship's upgrades.
  18. that is a cannon problem and it will be addressed later as we discussed some time ago on this forum with @rediii penetration of guns will be improved especially at short ranges (very soon). Carronades will be buffed as well
  19. Thickness was a problem that multiplied because of excessive repairs (28% bonus to repair amount). Current nerfs to repairs will make is significantly better. + Live oak makes your ship very slow and it should pay off in survivability.
  20. Captains Hotfix is being deployed Fleet Practice Room added. Battles will start when there are 10 players in the room. Maximum size of the group is set at 6. Total player in testing room possible is 50. Caguarian and live oak trees buffed. Live oak and Caguarian woods has received a bonus to mast thickness - 5% Live oak has been buffed both in HP and thickness Caguarian HP was buffed Thickness drop due to damage increased for light builds. This means that if you are sailing fir/cedar ships you will have to start repairing earlier to retain thickness. Reinforcement zones no longer supply some rare woods (in particular teak and white oak) which have been moved to nearby capturable regions. NPC suppliers of repairs now supply them at cost + some margin (instead of the cost) to give some opportunities for crafters to compete. Victory marks rank requirements is reduced by 1 rank to Master&Commander level (rank 5). Previously it was rank 6. NPCs now buy looted cannons at slightly higher prices. Other tunings Wasa Battle Rating (BR) has been increased to 380 Upgrade rework: All upgrades that affect speed/turning and repairs were rebalanced In general: majority of bonuses to speed, turning, and repair amount and speed were reduced. 2 upgrades that affect boarding has been buffed barricades ladders Final parameters for changed upgrades can be reviewed here in this document (List of changed upgrades and books). Discuss 30 Jan Update: Bowsprit visual glitch fixed for several light ships Delivery orders were disabled for rework
  21. We know and made everything so you can win if you are outnumbered. we dont want you to fit for running away (thats what i meant by lightly built ships). I dont know how you could translate lightly build (fir fir bellona) into a light ship (prince de neufchâtel). Maybe we should talk russian only, like the japanese developers do - never speaking a word in english to the community even though they could so people never misinterpret their statements. The fir fir gap is going to be increased further this patch. Lightly built ships would be much worse in their ability to sustain damage
  22. that would be an interesting city. i wonder what would be the best candidate for copper discovery
  23. When one post has 2 sentences that completely contradict each other they indeed make it really hard to have a discussion going. those two statements cancel each other. they both cant be true
  24. there could be a mistake in the calc.. we will check the constitution
  25. it does not turn 180 and never did it does not turn every 10 mins as well
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