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  1. 100% Use them while they last. Though the reason is not the money but database - there are currently 800k forged papers in the database taking space and reducing speed. Total number of items in redeemables is above 5 mln. They all will get removed including all other unused redeemables except for XP and crafting XP. Player gifts and testing items will be moved to claimable gifts like in most other games. Which you have to login and claim. Separate announcement on redeemables will be made some time soon. Although a temporary forged paper will be provided to all new players for 30 days to change a nation just in case they make a wrong choice (on every new account creation). After 30 day free ride, nation change will be a paid service like in all MMOs (it will be cheaper than WOW's nation change of course as we are an indie company and eat less)
  2. Open world speeds were increased 50% since release on early access, and contributed probably to less pvp and less privateering.
  3. Captains Patch has been deployed. Tutorial! Main goal of the patch is to test the tutorial and provide feedback on it (including ideas for new tests and exams) Tutorial can be accessed by pressing esc from the options menu Please provide feedback in this topic http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/24654-combat-tutorial-feedback/ Other changes 4th rate Epic Events added to map. Minor changes to crafting and NPC ships. Marines skillbook rebalanced to provide increasing variety in boarding set ups 2 new/old upgrades added to crafteable Light carriages returned Cannot join battle timer is now universal but only affects the attacker. If you as a defender just exited the port you can join the port battle as before. You can judge if you can or cannot enter the port battle by presence of the Port battle timer. Which activates after log in at sea or after exiting any open world battle or mission. LGV Pirate, Lynx, Privateer now have 20 permanent preparation bonus Wasa is now a third rate Indiaman is now a 5th rate Bots don't switch ships after boarding UNLESS they are sinking Forged paper are fully prepared for steam dlc (but store not yet opened) Carronades now penetrate better and their penetrations don't drop so much 1 pood edinorog (formerly 24lb edinorog) rebalanced to more historical parameters. Tow to port timer is now 5 mins (if you are stuck, you are ok with the longer timer). Please keep in mind that tow to port will significantly change after interface rework, as you will be able to switch ships at sea and move hold from ship to ship, allowing us to turn tow to its final role of unstuck. Deflationary events. Over time with introduction of new ships some parameters have increased and sometimes maybe too much. Its time for minor reductions. Base speed reduced for ALL vessels by 7% Thickness reduced and rebalanced for higher level vessels - mostly 5th-1st rates Leeway slightly reduced Discuss Hotfix Fix of combat and hostility orders entry. Fix for losing ships in port if you lost a ship in the tutorial Contracts for copper ingots can be placed now Port battle timer ONLY affects attackers of the port. Defenders can enter the port battle right from the harbor.
  4. Assists are shown in the leaderboards. it does not matter if they are not shown in the combat news. abnormal returns are investigated anyway. So it is possible but it still will get noticed.
  5. Yeah it was you! i watched your stream one of those days.
  6. @Ink will investigate after we deploy the patch
  7. Cartagena tar is only produced by Cartagena. But it is carried by NPC traders rarely so adventurous traders place contracts there to buy it from privateers who were able to capture it from enemy holds.
  8. there is a streamer who ran a challenge recently - he never entered port living off the sea. I wonder how many days he finished at. @Hethwill do you remember this guy?
  9. there was a debate some time ago (maybe 1.5 years :)) Long range frigates were usually supplied for 6 months at sea, average days at sea currently do not exceed 20 days. It was decided against using provisions as consumable as a result.
  10. yes! delivery orders should be more similar to elite dangerous/eve where you are given an item by a system or another player and have to deliver his goods.
  11. 3 Simple examples Example 1 If you buy an item at 10 and sell it at 1100 you should get 1000 profit on an item If a system for some reason gives you 5000 if you sell this item when it shows you should only receive 1000 (4000 out of nothing), you probably encountered a bug that could be exploited Example 2 You craft a ship pressing a button and expect to receive 1 ship as a result.. If for some reason a system gives you 5 ships instead of one, you probably encountered a bug that could be exploited Example 3 You give an item to a friend using trade interface. You expect to not have an item after trade is completed If for some reason you still have an item after a trade and your friend received 5 items too you probably encountered a bug that could be exploited in this case the best course of action is to report by F11 or in the forums and ask for clarifications if it is ok to use it (printing money). If developers do not consider it important you can continue using it (for example wipe is coming or the benefits are very small). If the bug is serious and can unbalance the game it will be fixed next day or sometimes immediately. @Liq remembers one case like this.
  12. Please avoid making assumptions about things you don't have full details about. As this might spin the situation in the wrong way for others and will force us to remove your posting privileges to protect you from spreading confusion. Bug was found and used it extensively without reporting (bug that was increasing rewards basically printing some money if certain conditions were fulfilled); we give everyone, who encountered it and used it extensively, a benefit of the doubt so they will get away with warning and removal of abnormal returns. For now.
  13. Hello Captain The abnormal rewards that look strange and sound strange must be reported as they are probably a bug or a potential exploit. There was a bug (or oversight) that was granting the person delivering the goods abnormal profits if he did a certain order of actions. All the abnormal profits will be removed from the accounts who used the bug extensively. Delivery mission button was disabled in the today's hot fix for rework.
  14. это ностальгия просто как по пломбиру за 13 копеек с наполнителем
  15. Tell us honestly Did you exploit somehow or not? And if you did why you did not report it?
  16. no - in 5 years maybe
  17. lol - sorry mate, please do not dig deeper. first - there was even a reward in the royal navy (on some ships) for deliberately shooting at masts and destroyeing them it was 1 gold guinea second masts were destroyed - sometimes occasionally sometimes on purpose - in fact victory yards were destroyed at trafalgar - by deliberate french fire into masts
  18. 3rd rates a better in every way unless you need to run away (especially upwind) or for maneuver combat. that makes frigates great for hunting, scouting, or stern camping.
  19. Bellona is well faster than Wasa downwind.
  20. dont listen to people with misconceptions who base their knowledge on movies or other games (all of which did not even had backing force/sternway).. 3rd rates were amazing sailers in real life (74 was the most successful ship design and their number even exceeded the number of frigates at certain point). some 3rd rates sailed faster than average frigates.
  21. Who said so - it could be true and could be not true in different circumstances? Admiralty tests report 3rd rates speed of up to 12 knots broad reach. Lively class 36 gun frigate is also reported to have speeds of up to 12 knots broad reach. Most frigates of the royal navy did not exceed 12 knots but some indeed could sail 13 14 and even 14.5 knots Based on this it could even have some troubles chasing a third rate (especially in heavy seas). In fact a 3rd rate could easily gain on any frigate at heavy seas. And vice versa. in light winds a 3d rate would be very slow, while frigate would still perform well.
  22. This is not a monetary policy simulator. We had austerity patch and nobody cared about inflation control. You do/I do/ Majority of players dont. But as an inflation control proponent you probably understand that if there is an unlimited supply at certain price - price will never go up above that level so there will be no inflation. Almost all resources (with the exception of rare traded ones) have no inflation potential due to european traders. So prices for those resources will never exceed european traders price.
  23. the problems it will create and will require to solve outweighs the benefits. Regarding costs of the fleets. There are trade runs that make 3mln and even more per run and they cover the cost of a good sized fleet if they are crafted.
  24. Seems like BR1 will actually break a lot more things than it will create This means that only crafting will change slightly - ship capture will remain as it is now
  25. I have no idea how you can guess it without looking. most likely repairs but maybe a lot more. maybe they carry parts of the book of five rings that dropped in for them in PVE.
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