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Posted (edited)

Hello Devs and Captains !



In-game name : Kair Alzahir

Nation : France

Location : Fort Royal

When : around 17h30 (UTC +1, Paris time) the 01/02/2016

Serveur : PVP One EU


What was lost :

  • 1x Snow, MasterCraft, 3-2 (Oak, Build strengh, Speed)
  • 1x Powder Money, Regular
  • 1x Musket and Pistols, MasterCraft
  • 1x Swordfighting handbooks, Exeptionnal


What happened ?

Just lost a MC 5 dura Snow in Fort Royal, just after selling a "Trader Cutter" I crafted. I did F11 it, but you'll find more details in that post.



Details :

  1. I was at Fort Royal crafting. Crafted 3 (or 2)  "Trader Lynx". Sold them to the port. I realized a bit of lag at that point (Took a little time after confirmation to get rid of the confirmation window).
  2. Crafted a final "Trader Cutter" and sold it. Nothing happened. Had a small lag just after that again. I double checked I was on the Trader cutter, and hit the "sell ship" again, the window asking me confirmation poped this time. Checked it was for the Trader (it was), clicked "ok".
  3. The window stayed for a 5/6 seconds, then after a final small lag, went away. 2 ships where missing from the harbor : The trader cutter, and my Mc ship.


Why cant it be a mistake from me ? Well first of, cause I double check EVERY time I sell a ship to the port. In that particular case, I even remember doing so (cause of the lags).

But most importantly, it's not possible anymore to sell ships with cannons or upgrades. My ship had 4 cannons in, and 3 upgrades.


I am however not sure 100% it was "sold", it may just have "vanished". Cant remember the exact amount I had.


I did not sell/fight/Trade/change anything since so you guys get clear logs.

Edited by Kair
Posted (edited)

Hey Steel !


Indeed I forgot ! Thanks for pointing this out.


Edited the main thread : (MC Snow) + Server PVP One EU. + Correction made about the upgrades.

Edited by Kair

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