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Posted (edited)



Sorry to have to bring this up in the Tribunal however I would like to present this for the Tribunal to review. I know this will instantly receive a dozen or more negative comments from FTS who like to spam anything that is said against them with reports however I present it anyway.


I was engaged with a 3rd rate and 2 Renoms outside of Mortimers. Included in the battle was several randoms and 4-5 FTS members. 


While the FTS members engaged the Renoms I engaged the 3rd rate and began to strip its crew. As you can see from the screen shot I did more than my fair share of damage to the 3rd Rate crew and was well on my way to completing the decrewing procedure in order to capture. 


I was using the standard stay on his hip, and cross back and forth unleashing a broad side every time right up his stern. 20 minutes or so in both Renoms are sunk and FTS members join the chase on the third rate. FTS Snail begins to mirror my movements behind the ship however has the outside lane. So as I cross the back of the third rate, he is on the opposite side of me. Rather than wait for me to clear, he shoots his broadside into my ship, then immediately spins into me in a manuvour that can only be describes as deliberate as I had absolutely no where else to go and he did. He collided with my ship, him being in a frigate and me in a Niagra he has the tonnage advantage, he continued to push my ship right around the 3rd rate and both into the wind and the 3rd rates guns. Between the 3rd rates broadside and the ram my ship was put out of action and I had to leave the battle with very little time left before my ship sank.



I have not witnessed this kind of action from FTS for some time and I was actually starting to think they had grown up. I guess not. 


This was nothing more than an obvious action to prevent me from capping the 3rd rate. (Not that I even planned to do so) As they wanted it for themselves. 





Edited by Kutai
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Posted (edited)

I was in a Surprise, graping an NPC 3rd rate at close range. He (Kuthara) sailed his Niagra between me and the 3rd rate. I fired my broadside into the 3rd rate. Some of my grape hit Kuthara's sails. I held my course and the 3rd rate turned slightly away. Kuthara, having trapped himself between 2 larger ships, then took much of the 3rd rate's broadside, and sank. He then blamed me for the incident.

Edited by Snail
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