William the Drake Posted January 26, 2016 Posted January 26, 2016 (edited) Clans are fairly new and as such the management system is bare bones, which is completely understandable. However, clans are already a huge part of the game just a few days into EA. Large communities have sprung up and clan ranks are being filled. As such, I think the devs should take some time to begin fleshing out the clan system, specifically focusing in the tools that clan leaders can manage and run their clans. I have played a number of MMOs and to this day, ironically it was Pirates of the Burning Sea that had the best clan management system (Don't even get me started on SWTOR and how you had to actually pay in order to access advance guild management.) Here are a few aspects that I found best from PotBS that I have yet to see most other MMOs. These are the biggest. Rank Creation and Customization - Most MMOs allow you to customize the ranks that are already present in their system. Change the name, tweak permissions. But you are usually limited to just those provided. In PotBS, you could make a new rank completely from scratch, meaning a guild could have as little as 2 ranks (leader and member) or over 20 unique and customized ranks. Clan History - Very simple; a history that shows the past administrative actions by all members. PotBS had this divided into Wallet actions (withdrawals and deposits into the society wallet), Recruitment info (who was invited or kicked and by whom), and General Admin (Description, rank permission, promotions and demotions and who did them). This is extremely helpeful when keeping track of the daily comings-and-goings of a guild, especially of someone has been offline for a few days. Clan Wallet and member salaries- Monkey Bullet suggested in another thread a Clan Tax. I like it, but before we can have a clan tax, there should be a clan wallet for into which the taxes go. This is nothing unique in MMOs. However, I would also like the ability to allow salaries for members, to be set by leaders or officers who have permissions to do so. In PotBS, my clan allotted a small parcel for our high ranking members and officers, but where this really helped was that our Ship builders and crafters were given large salaries to support their economy, which they would then in return use to support the society. This salary system meant that officers didn't have to be online to personally trade the gold themselves. The salary was at a daily base, and members could choose to not collect salary if they wished. And all of this was recorded in the Clan history. Here are some other aspects that I found useful as a society leader in other games Clan Warehouse- a warehouse for the entire society. Permissions could be changed to where members could only deposit, only look into, or not even see the warehouse in a port. Message of the Day (MotD)- Leaders could have a message that would automatically pop up when clan members logged in. This could be pertinent information for the day or simply friendly reminders. Permissions could restrict the editing of this to only the leader or officers as well Member sort- currently, the clans list members simply by who recently joined (oldest members at the top, newest at the bottom) allow for sorting based on rank, name, etc. Cheers, Edited January 26, 2016 by William the Drake 12
Jacob van Heemskerck Posted January 26, 2016 Posted January 26, 2016 Yes please!!! Good ideas, i like it! Never have been a clan kind of guy, but with naval action i'm going to give it a go. And with this it's way more interesting!
Fletch Hardy Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Great ideas, Societies would also be a little more accurate instead of clans.
Ligatorswe Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 EXCELLENT IDEA! So excellent that I have to use caps lock. :-)
Xoosch Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Sounds good. Something more the a Name would be really nice. But still keep working on Alliances first.
Lord Roberts Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 why has there been nothing mentioned about this from the devs? the next major patch NEEDS to have clan management.
Meraun Posted February 17, 2016 Posted February 17, 2016 big Fat +1, its really anyonning currently...
mandrake Posted February 22, 2016 Posted February 22, 2016 i agree this sort of thing needs a upgrade. but i would add a few other features. 1. Clan Voteing system allowing clan to Vote in there clan leader. this i feel is inportant as i am currently in a clan where our leader has gone awol so we are being forced to disband the clan and remake it... a simple voting system could fix this sort of issue. (sure it could also have other intresting aspects to internal clan politics but lets be stright if your clan leader dose hot have the support of his clan he should not be leader any way.) simple Majority should be best this way. also to prevent abstainers any clan member who joins the clan must have set a vote in order to be a full member. 2. Abilty to Change Clan name. some where down the line a change in mindset may come about and players may want the name of there clan to change instead of having to leave the clan and remake they should be able to do this internaly. should not be a thing that can change daily but one that can be changed if the need arises. Maybe add a Price tag attached to the option this would prevent over use. 3. Sub leader rank. now if they make it easy to make ranks then this is not needed but if they keep things the way they are they need to make a Vice leader position like i said we have our leader gone. we could at least keep working if we had a sub leader that had the abiltiy to promote officers kick players and such. 4. allow internal Clan sales system this would mean that players could make others ships and sell them cheaper to them then they would to the public. this is not totaly inportant compared to the other suggestions but it would be nice. speicaly nice if you have a crafter who is never on the same time as you and can set a personal sale up so some random did not come on and buy it before you get on. 5. clan Divisions/squads. it makes it easyer to orgnize a clan if you can have squads and divisions to allow some deligation of responseabilty. also handy to have people who are on at the same time set into divsions. ie a multi National clan could have a Divsion for Aussies/NZ another for US/canda and so on allowing you to have active groups orgnized by time zone. sure you could also have a crafting divsion or any number of reasons for a divsion but the point is to have that option regarding the OP post. The wallet is a Must we should already have a centrial clan bank account that players can donate to and leaders/offiers to withdraw from when needed for conquests and such. the idea of a Saliary is not so good... it builds up a level of distrust that is just not worth the time. because you get attackers going wow crafters have it easy we earn all the cash and they live it up... maybe i should say i going crafter to get a free ride too.... and this is just one look at it... think about how you are gonna earn the cash for said salary... all around it is not needed and will just cause unneeded stress and conflict. even leaders should not get salaries... clearly we should just forget the suggestion ever happened and move on. regarding the clan history Totaly agree but i would restrict the people who can read it to officer and above. this is not a game where avrage players should be micro viewing every leadership dissions or change... it think it is simple if they looked at the eve system and cherry pick the best from it to help work on there own. should not be copyed verbaitim... 1
William the Drake Posted February 22, 2016 Author Posted February 22, 2016 1. Clan Voteing system allowing clan to Vote in there clan leader. this i feel is inportant as i am currently in a clan where our leader has gone awol so we are being forced to disband the clan and remake it... a simple voting system could fix this sort of issue. (sure it could also have other intresting aspects to internal clan politics but lets be stright if your clan leader dose hot have the support of his clan he should not be leader any way.) simple Majority should be best this way. also to prevent abstainers any clan member who joins the clan must have set a vote in order to be a full member. This is the only one of your suggestions that I do not completely agree with. It has some merit, however I believe there are some greater pitfalls that could be avoided. This mechanic could easily be abused in a number of ways from fixed/staged mutinees to downright trolling. If you have a selection of people who do not like the current leader, their option should be to leave the clan and make their own, not try to take over someone else's. Issues could arise due to players with multiple accounts affecting votes. I don't like the idea that someone could come along and oust a creator of a guild, (first voting them out of leadership, then kicking them) effectively robbing the player of 100,000 gold This does bring up a good point, however, as right now the owner of the Clan is labeled "Creator" and is also the leader. The only one. Some clans operate as Oligarchies (rule by few) as opposed to Monarchies (rule by one). MoD for example has 3 leaders (4 in ArcheAge). In PotBS, we all had the highest leadership rank. Here we cannot do that, only one is 'Creator" so perhaps first there needs to be a distinction between "Creator" and "Leader" and then the ability to flesh out ranks to make them more identifiable. the idea of a Saliary is not so good... it builds up a level of distrust that is just not worth the time. because you get attackers going wow crafters have it easy we earn all the cash and they live it up... maybe i should say i going crafter to get a free ride too.... and this is just one look at it... think about how you are gonna earn the cash for said salary... all around it is not needed and will just cause unneeded stress and conflict. even leaders should not get salaries... clearly we should just forget the suggestion ever happened and move on. We had little to no issue with this system in PotBS, as our crafters being payed and supplied immediately turned into free ships for our members. Any excess was sold and put into the soc. wallet (which in-turn gave the crafters pay). And remember, it's not a "free ride", the crafters needed that pay in order to craft ships in the first place. Often, crafters were operating at a loss regardless, however our system had them supplied with a stream if free building supplies, so this wasn't an issue. Pay can also be a nice little incentive to log in or to just be around. When we were at our peak, we allowed a daily salary of 100 gold (chump change in PotBS) for our base members. Even though it was a very small amount, it was better than nothing and members liked that. They would have just one more reason to log in and play the game. Never did we have any issues arising from pay disparity. regarding the clan history Totaly agree but i would restrict the people who can read it to officer and above. this is not a game where avrage players should be micro viewing every leadership dissions or change... I'm a bit split on this. I would like for only my officers to be able to see what is happening, but at the same time, I personally would like to be as transparent as possible when leading a guild. If I (or another officer) kick someone, everyone should be able to see who was kicked and by whom (furthermore, we should even be given an option to designate why someone was kicked). A compromise could be to have this as a permission: leaders can decide who can see the clan history.
mandrake Posted February 22, 2016 Posted February 22, 2016 This is the only one of your suggestions that I do not completely agree with. It has some merit, however I believe there are some greater pitfalls that could be avoided. This mechanic could easily be abused in a number of ways from fixed/staged mutinees to downright trolling. If you have a selection of people who do not like the current leader, their option should be to leave the clan and make their own, not try to take over someone else's. Issues could arise due to players with multiple accounts affecting votes. I don't like the idea that someone could come along and oust a creator of a guild, (first voting them out of leadership, then kicking them) effectively robbing the player of 100,000 gold This does bring up a good point, however, as right now the owner of the Clan is labeled "Creator" and is also the leader. The only one. Some clans operate as Oligarchies (rule by few) as opposed to Monarchies (rule by one). MoD for example has 3 leaders (4 in ArcheAge). In PotBS, we all had the highest leadership rank. Here we cannot do that, only one is 'Creator" so perhaps first there needs to be a distinction between "Creator" and "Leader" and then the ability to flesh out ranks to make them more identifiable. i do understand no one wants the feeling of being deposed but think about the sittuation currently where if a clan leader stops playing no one can do any thing. my own clan as i said has this issue. no one can be kicked and currently we have had people leave and join the pirate faction... when ever we get a mass mail from officers it gose out to those same players who are now pirates... sure it could be seen as a bug but i rather remove the source of the issue being that a clan leader is no longer active and we cant remove any one. in the case of a leader/creator leaveing we need a way to change the leader. yes this opens a can of worms but truly a majority Vote is required. so you would have to have another canidate with enought of a power base for this multi account thing to work and that would only work for a very very small clan. and untill a clear winner occures the encumbant leader would retain command. i amite this allows for a very unscruplus clan leader to kick said canidate which i feel would nip it in the bud or force the disafected to leave the clan. i think the main danger to the system is some one gets voted for who dose not wish to be leader. but that could be a simple matter of making it a system where the person who wishs to be a canidate has to apply and make the aplication cost say 50k gold? maybe even have the 50k go to the ex leader to somewhat compansate him for his duty. this would also make this somthing that some one would not do without the concern of costs as well.
James Thomson Posted June 7, 2017 Posted June 7, 2017 Just gonna post it in this topic too... Clan invitation that can be send to offline player. 2
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