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Hello captains,I would like to bring your attention to a very important factor of sailing with a crew.

As a sailor myself (for a hobby/sport) I know the importance of having good crew moral on board a ship (all tho im not a expert) 

I would like to see this feature in the future, like say your sailing along the south american coast mining your own business when suddenly a wild pirate appears out of nowhere wanting to capture your ship now seeing that you're not a pacifist you bought some guns with you seeing that you're able to defend yourself you will stand your ground and sink the bloody pirates ! After a epic battle you are finally victorious your crew is happy with this victory and moral increases.

After a few days at sea your crew finally ran out of the "hipe" of the victory still good on moral tho.

The next day you see a second pirate appears on the horizon seeing that your last battle was a great success you and your crew feel confident of your chances and attack !

But this pirate is a clever on he has dealt with your kind before.

The first half the the battle is not well you lost 25% of your crew and you took some very accurate broth sids from the bugger.

You decide you can't win this battle and you run like the france tails between your legs.

After the disaster of a battle your crew feels rather downe losing their comrades for nothing you decide it's a good thing to get to a port repair and get more crew.

You send your name off to the tavern with some gold so they can drink away the sorrow after your ship is fixed you decide to check upon your man and get son crew at the tavern.

After that you decide to become a pirate hunter and take revenge on the bloody pirates. 

For about a few months you have been sinking pirate from the caribbeans to the main land your crew has become battle hardened and in their restend victorys they have become to like ther captian ther master and comander.

Seeing that your now command a ship of 200+ man  but after some recent losses you get to port and are off recruiting but you can't find any seeing that you want to sink more pirates as soon as you can you turn towards the press gang after they find you some new crew members you get them aboard and sail of seeing that these new men were unwilling under your command the crew morals drops abit.

But after some recent victories the unwilling crew members are now battle hardened loyal men under your command.

A few months passed and it's not looking too well you have lost a lot of battle do to the pirates hunting you down the hunter became the hunted.

But you do not care and keep sailing on the following day som man try to start a mutiny !

After your loyal man disarmed and capture the mutineers scum you can choose to throw them into the sea or beat them into submission seeing that you need this man you decide to let them live and punish them.

After the punishment they dont look like they will try any thing like that soon but what is that ! a pirate fleet !

you're unable to run away so you must face battle after about 30 minutes of fighting and losing about half your crew you decide to try and make a run for it you load chain and fire at the sails and rigging it slows them down ! you are able to run away.

But seeing that you lost most of your brave and loyal crew members the remainder of the crew is largely displaced with you and decide to mutiny against you they take over the ship and throw you into the drink....


Hope you liked that little perspective of how crew morale can possibly work (hope it was not to long) but yeah that is my take on how crew moral and recruiting can work i think the prospect story is good enough of a explanation but if you have more question about my take on it feel free to ask an post your owen take on this.


(Do excuse my english it's not my first language)


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