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Hello all,


Due to popular request, there is going to be another hotfix that will address last needed things, mainly charge/melee balances that affect CSA effectiveness too much and make them less challenging. A new beta procedure will start soon so please provide below a shortlist of changes you would like to see in the next patch (gameplay related) in order to implement for the next hotfix.

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1. Discrepancy between morale of Union units and Confederate units should be not so day-and-night

2. Artillery LOS indicators- although much, much better than before, still have occasional head-scratching moments where you can't figure out why some batteries aren't firing. Is it LOS? Is the enemy behind too much cover? Are the gunners fatigued? It would be nice to get some information; for example, if you were to hypothetically target an infantry unit that is out of the battery's LOS, a "Unit cannot be targeted; out of LOS" pop-up or something would be very much appreciated.


Hello all,


Due to popular request, there is going to be another hotfix that will address last needed things, mainly charge/melee balances that affect CSA effectiveness too much and make them less challenging. A new beta procedure will start soon so please provide below a shortlist of changes you would like to see in the next patch (gameplay related) in order to implement for the next hotfix.

Good to hear! Will this also address the recent buff to Confederate shooting? Ever since the last patch I've been finding it impossible for the Union to win a shooting match with the Rebs, even under optimal conditions. 


I've been able to rip the CSA to shreds in firefights as the union if I abandon non-forested defensive positions and focus on the major ground. I feel that buford's cavalry is not able to really complete its objective of holding McPhereson's ridge in a historical way, but I can pull them back to any forested area and use them to delay like they were intended.


I agree that cavalry needs to hit from a flank or at least charge in between reloads to be effective. However, in my recent playing, this actually does seem to be the case. Others are reporting different results, of course.


Artillery targeting - with the pseudo 3d terrain (which is fine), feel free to spoon feed me on targeting. Like, if I target an enemy artillery and it switches off to shoot something else, I wouldn't mind a message saying why, or a way to force them to shoot what I asked them to for say, 2 minutes. I've played the game since release and I still don't know where to put my artillery in several situations.


Buford's cavalry units in the first day at Gettysburg acted largely as infantry, riding to the battle line, dismounting and firing from cover.  The few Union cavalry units in the game, both Custer and the two Buford mounted units behave exactly as cavalry could in the face of line infantry, they disintegrate.  My complaint is the rebel cav units are almost mythical in their capabilities when attacking Union infantry.  Someone has bought the myth of southern cavalry as being super human.  They certainly were resourceful as irregular troops raiding well away from the main combat and successful in containing Union cavalry in its scouting roll.  The instances in which southern cavalry was successful against infantry was when Forrest used them much as Buford did - as mounted infantry.  Just think about riding a horse at top speed for several hundred yards toward a line of people shooting rifles at you.  Yes, cavalry charging infantry in UGG is pretty unrealistic.  One quote I've always liked from a Civil War infantryman was "who ever saw a dead cavalryman?".


The quote, "who ever saw a dead cavalryman?" was originally attributed to Joe Hooker - though the quote became common during the war.  He was specifically complaining about the Union cavalry's inability to match the chivalry's cavalry in recon, daring, and rear area destruction.  The basic problem was that the Union attached cavalry (and artillery) in the early part of the war to infantry commands; often at the brigade-level sometimes as supports for individual infantry regiments.  It took the first couple of years of the war for the Union to sort out how to use cavalry.  Once the Union got their cavalry organization remedied they performed on par with the rebels.


The reorganization of the Union cavalry (and artillery) into a cavalry corps (and brigades of artillery) established parity between the Union and Rebel cavalry as shown at Brandy Station.  Note that parity was achieved BEFORE the Union cavalry had been armed with repeating rifles such as the Spencer.


PS - statistically the cavalry suffered as many casualties as the infantry during the war.  But most of these casualties were inflicted on recon patrols, scouting, screening, and vidette duty - seldom on the battlefield.


Buford's cavalry was not attacked by formed Confederate infantry brigades at Gettysburg.  Heth was under orders not to start a general engagement - he sent his men forward in triple lines in skirmish formation.  Buford's total casualties at Gettysburg were about 100 men.  The delay in the Confederate advance was not due to Buford's "heroism" but Heth's restrictive orders and Buford's "bluffing".   Courageous gamble by Buford to risk his command - but more of a bold ruse than a Thermopylae. 


Without CSA cavalry Heth lacked the recon ability to determine the composition of the force he was facing.  By the time the CSA figured out they were facing a line of Union cavalry elements of 1st Corps had arrived and the CSA was no longer facing a line of cavalry.  Had Heth plowed ahead with formed divisions at first contact Buford and his cavalry would have been steamrolled.


Buford's men had been deployed in the prone position and firing so furiously they made it appear they were more numerous.  They were not under "cover" other than the wheat that concealed these men while they were prone on the ground.  By the end of the first day Buford's men exhausted their ammunition supply and were withdrawn to the supply base in Maryland on the morning of July 2.  

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Hello, I am French and my English I am using google ^^ I love this game and I'm trying to discover several of my friends who is excellent and we thank you for the good work you brought the games. I want to know if there are plans to improve the multiplayer that is to say a cooperation 2vs2 for example or 2vs IA? I Thank You for your answer and continue to improve this awesome game. Thank you :-)

  • 2 weeks later...
Hello all,

We would like to inform that the beta testing of the upcoming patch is almost finished.

The up to now changelog is the following:


  • Stronger charge. It should be more powerful now so that the cost vs benefit of a charge is balanced especially against artillery defensive positions. 

  • Stronger melee. 

  • Canister damage reduced slightly. It will help brigades to take down artillery batteries more easily and discourage players to bring cannons too much in front. 

  • Increased damage of some large artillery battalions (It was too low).

  • Fine tuned morale so that units retreat not so often as before. +Fine tuned

  • Units retreat less far behind. 

  • Balanced Calef (It was an overpowered unit). 

  • Balanced CSA Artillery to be a little more effective overall.

  • Some map fixes and balances:

* Fixed artillery units positions that were too in front in some scenarios.

* VP balances in "Conquer the Map" so that the Confederates can win by acquiring more locations excluding Cemetery Hill and Culp's Hill.

* In "Union attacks Benner's Hill" scenario CSA got one extra battalion of artillery and Smith starts closer to Wolf's Hill. Additionally Benner's Hill is valued more so that the Union is forced to take it in order to win.

* Balances of reinforcement arrival times in the multiplayer scenario "The Battle of Devil's Den". Now the CSA get early their units so that if Union overstretches too much is in danger to be flanked and crashed early on.

* "Pickett's Charge" Scenario has more duration so that the Confederates have enough time to efficiently bombard the Union.

* Reinforcement time tweaks for the first battle. CSA reinforcements may arrive sooner so that forces fight with each other with a way closer to history but also without large pauses of action.

  • AI improvements so that it is better overall. Especially when it attacks it should concentrate forces more and be more decisive. 

  • AI units should leave better distance from player and make effective fire lines that player will have difficulty to withstand. 

  • Fixes in targeting and LOS. Units now should make auto-lines, spot and target nearest threat without excessive micromanagement. 

  • Better visual appearance of brigades as soldiers scale and bend formations on the terrain. 

  • In both Multiplayer and Single player mode, units will shutter out of the map after more losses (previously maximum losses were 66% now are 80%). 


The patch is going to be released after we improve some remaining things. We try to have it ready this week. Thanks for reading and we hope you still enjoy the game.


The Game-Labs Team

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