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Posted (edited)



so... who is playing it?

I am quite surprised and really enjoy it.

Shooting is really skill-based, carrier-gameplay isn't game-breaking but fun, classes are different but all worth to be taken into battle.


What do you think of it?

IMO it is an awesome skill-based arcade game while waiting for Open World^^... much better than World of Tanks.


Best Situation so far:
I was highly damaged in a cruiser and faced a FUSO.

He shoots his broadside off, hits me hard, but was unable to destroy me, I close in while destroying with well targeted shots his rear-side turrets, cross the T behind him, stop the ship close to him and just damage him as good as possible... so much, that after he was able to turn (to get his frontside guns on me) and sinking me, he was destroyed by a single-salvo of a friendly Kongo.



What nice situation did you had so far?





PS: If this topic is seen advertisment for a opponent (which I don't see so personally, one is an arena/ arcade game, the other a open-world "simulation"), just delete it admin.


PPS: So far only the US and the Japanese are playable, next faction is unclear but it is probably Germany (offers most diversity in comparison to Japs and US), than Russia (not much work^^).

The UK is said to come later (next year).

Edited by Thonar
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Posted (edited)

Maybe I missed something, just tried it for an half an hour yesterday. For me I just pointed my mouse over another ship, gave a little lead, click and hit? No skill involved. Is there a way for manual aiming, and if there is, where is the point, if autoaiming is dead on?


I like the way of the old Navyfield, in which you need to cross your gun lines, range your salvo with gun angles and then really shoot without a direct line of sight. So NA is even without a finalized damage model ways ahead in the physical regime and the atmosphere is way better IMO. I always had maps with ice fields and a flooded fantasys Guilin in my battles in WoWS, which instantly turned me off further more.

Edited by Ole Pinelle

Well, with Destroyers it is point and click, a bit harder with cruisers, but still relatively easy.

Battleships, with several km range, start to get difficult (when you need to lead but the targeted ship is half or even out of your screen).


Not sure how far you went up the tech-tree.


In close combat it is easy to hit the enemy ship, but hard to actually hit important parts (turrets, citadel,...) which make a real difference in fight.


I wanted to like world of warships but with aiming assist mods being allowed, and a terrible community transplanted directly from WOT just ruin it.


  • You very rarely get to have a really good game, players break off contact as soon as they are fired at.
  • They don't look where they are going and crash into islands and other ships.
  • They camp with their battleships at the rear or go on stupid wide flanking maneuvers removing themselves from the entire game, costing your team victory.
  • Destroyer and cruisers players NEVER cover the battleships from air attack


It's a team game where victory relies on all ship classes to work together, with an entire community which focuses on selfishness and self preservation. 

Posted (edited)


Not sure how far you went up the tech-tree.


In close combat it is easy to hit the enemy ship, but hard to actually hit important parts (turrets, citadel,...) which make a real difference in fight.


Ok, good to hear. Was just a little disappointed after my first half´n hour. Surely I will try again.




It's a team game where victory relies on all ship classes to work together, with an entire community which focuses on selfishness and self preservation. 


So basically like every MMO? Just asking, the only MMO I ever played was Navyfield...


PS and MWO, I forgot.

Edited by Ole Pinelle
Posted (edited)


So basically like every MMO? Just asking, the only MMO I ever played was Navyfield.


In most MMOs you can get away to some extent with just doing your own thing, but it's completely impossible in this game. In other MMOs where you do need a lot of teamwork, they tend to also have a community capable of doing so, without having crutches like sanctioned aim-bots to hold up the worst players.


I much preferred Navy Field.

Edited by BustyLove

I actually expected the worst:
- "Instant Rudder"

- no real distances

- OP carrier

- too easy aiming

- Underpowered classes

- Machine-Gun Battleships...


Nothing of it came true, well, easy aiming... maybe, depends on what People think is easy for an arcade(!) game.

For an arcade game I think it's quite fine.


The critics about the community are correct... but WoWs is different to WoT.

Teamplay became much more important and I think the players which will stay will change their mindset a bit and we will see a difference in appearence..

Currently I've got the feeling the WoWs community is far nicer...


To my points made above:

- Rudder isn't instant, thus direction changes can really affect you (especially on the maps with narrow passages)

- Carrier gameplay is close to a strategy game, maybe torpedo-planes are even a bit UP

- aiming, see my post above

- Underpowered classes: That's not really the case.

- Machinegun Battleships: with around 30s reload time... not the case.

  • Like 1

Been playing it for over a month now, and it is fun. A little depressing, though, as I am waiting OBT for the wipe, thus I kinda stopped playing it after getting the Amagi battlecruiser and the Benson Destroyer.


I've been playing it. It's better and worse than WoT in some ways. The balance between ships is better than between tanks. I like no stats/xvm. The players aren't quite as toxic yet. I love ships. :-)

It's not as deep, in terms of strategy or skill requirements as WoT, although DD play is closer. Team play in WoWs is perhaps more important, as noted above, but that could be a good thing, and only those willing to learn it will stick around. Playing in divisions gives a big advantage in the meantime.

I don't think the aim mod has changed things much. And the next update is supposed to break it. Aiming isn't hard without it (I've never felt the need to find and try the mod...most of my shots hit already).

I'm enjoying it. I'm burnt out on tanks. It's the player community in WoT that has diminished the game significantly for me. If that happens in WoWs, I'll probably just uninstall both when OW is opened.

As for best play, cruisers are easy mode. destroyers are silly unrealistic, but challenging to play well. I enjoy setting up a stealth approach around islands on preoccupied enemy, especially other destroyers, flanking and torping for the kill, then scooting away, dancing between the enemy volleys. That doesn't get old!

I'm Griphos in WoT and WoWs. Hit me up in game and we'll lob Volleyballs of Fire at the enemy together.


WoWS is trash it was perfect in the january Weekend Testintg what did they do?

Balance! oh no Destroyers have no purpos without subs or merchant konvoi's

lets nerf BB's to the level of Starwars Stormtroopers.

so a single destroyer can onehit a BB with a singe torpedo wave 

a cruiser can spray it with HE and set it constandly on fire.




Currently I've got the feeling the WoWs community is far nicer...

Morons ramming each other being completly focused on aiming with thunnelvision

random friendlyfire and teamkilling since early alpha testing.

played the first two days 12hours+ each only to got bored how skill unbased it is.

shiphandling is rubbish basicly old WoT without "Physics"


when i started it was S-P-S teamwork was need when using all classes together effectivly.

thrown away after trying it a couple times again later.

  • Like 1

Been playing it for almost a year and a half.  It was amazing in early-mid Alpha, now it's shallow, too easy, and boring.


Hopefully they move it back towards the complex, deep game that it was in early 2014.

Wargaming and complex ...

Making complex games is not exactly how you cater for mass appeal so I have bad news for you.


Wargaming and complex ...

Making complex games is not exactly how you cater for mass appeal so I have bad news for you.

Oh, I quite agree. My main point is that, as with WoWp, they had a gem of a game that was extremely fun and then turned it into a nightmare. I see a trend developing. :)


Out of curiosity I watched some of Jingles YT videos. Seems to me it is WOT on the water, ie; an arena arcade game (not that there is anything wrong with that, just what it is). I would hope that the CBT community is much better that the WOT community at large though! Maybe not?

What gets me is that you have Dreadnought type ships, 1890s to WWI in the low tiers but sometimes fighting against WWII era ships, similar to WOT. Maybe I am wrong but that bugs me. Hopefully they'll stick with ships that actually hit the water and not just paper as well! One point I like about WT is the historical simulator mode with teams of Axis v Allied and tanks limited to a specific period, early war, late war etc.

What about the size of the maps? Are they large enough for WWII era battleships? I can see the complaints about camping and sniping with battleships already!


No. The maps used to be huge, with BBs sending rounds (though not necessarily accurately) out to 13km or more. They had controllable scout planes for ships that had them, a ranging circle that got smaller with each salvo (simulating dialing in your range, it re-expanded if you moved the turret too much), etc. They didn't allow you to plink the same place a dozen times to keep removing HP - once a module or zone lost its HP, you needed to hit somewhere else to do more damage. They had immunity zones (they claim they still do, but with the nerfed range, it's common to penetrate armor since the immunity zone is now probably a few hundreds of yards wide, instead of the KM or more that it used to be), Cruisers and DDs could wreck the BB's exterior modules with HE, but couldn't hope to penetrate it for HP damage (this enhanced teamwork - a couple of cruisers could still put a large hurtlocker on a BB). It seemed like a decently deep game. They've since nerfed ranges across the board, scouts are basically a consumable that orbits your ship to slightly increase view range, etc. It went from a Warships feel to, as you said, WoT on water, which is not good.


I've been playing it lately, it's not a bad game, but I don't think it will last very long or at least develop a strong core of players as it is currently built.


I had very high hopes, of all the WG games, this is the one that I was waiting for (of course it would be the one that took the longest to come out).  This though, just feels very arcade like, too much point and click in the combat.  It seems that most of the really good points they could have emphasized the skill cap on are really dumbed down.  Right now combat is basically find a decent lead on a ship, load AP, hope RNG throws the round into the citadel.  It just feels meh.


I like playing around in the WWII ships I guess.  They also did a decent job with the carriers for the most part.  Not OP'd, not UP'd (besides DB which are just awful).  But I personally was rather keen on playing a support role in an AA cruiser for instance, but mostly that's just driving next to a friendly BB waiting for the planes to come up.  Or I take pot shots at DDs that get too close.


The game is fun, don't get  me wrong.  But I don't feel the depth that say WoT has.  At least with WoT knowledge is a huge advantage.  In WoWs, sure some knowledge helps, but its not so big a deal.




I will say this, Game Labs has in this very hyper-extremely early alpha created a far deeper game than the giant WG beta that has been built over several years.  My expectations for NA may have gotten a bit higher honestly by the disparity. 

Posted (edited)

WOWP was amazing in beta, then poof turned to crap almost over night and the toxic WOT players moved in. WOW will do the same thing, beta is great (for what it is) then they will release it, add a patch that changes everything and the WOT players will arrive...the uber leet haxors will rek you bro. I give it 2 months live before a post Mortem and time of death will be listed.

Edited by Joe

No. The maps used to be huge, with BBs sending rounds (though not necessarily accurately) out to 13km or more. They had controllable scout planes for ships that had them, a ranging circle that got smaller with each salvo (simulating dialing in your range, it re-expanded if you moved the turret too much), etc. They didn't allow you to plink the same place a dozen times to keep removing HP - once a module or zone lost its HP, you needed to hit somewhere else to do more damage. They had immunity zones (they claim they still do, but with the nerfed range, it's common to penetrate armor since the immunity zone is now probably a few hundreds of yards wide, instead of the KM or more that it used to be), Cruisers and DDs could wreck the BB's exterior modules with HE, but couldn't hope to penetrate it for HP damage (this enhanced teamwork - a couple of cruisers could still put a large hurtlocker on a BB). It seemed like a decently deep game. They've since nerfed ranges across the board, scouts are basically a consumable that orbits your ship to slightly increase view range, etc. It went from a Warships feel to, as you said, WoT on water, which is not good.


I could not agree more. The More i play WoWs the more and more i get frustrated with the asinine BS you have to deal with from the player base. Being playing NA to long got used to the Civilized world. :P  

Posted (edited)

Ahhh, WoWS...


Played a lot of it back in Alpha and was really active on the forums for it. Game used to be very different back then, stuff like buoyancy bar, shallow waters, larger maps, controllable scout planes... 


Devs started removing those things because it made the game "too complicated"


Once closed beta came, the game changed and turned into WoT on water, though I would argue it was even less complex than WoT. 


Devs stopped communicating as much as they did in Alpha too. Torpedoes were nerfed and DDs were made pretty useless except for high tiered USN DDs (8-10)


BBs became easy mode monsters that crushed everything, and way too many people played them, and they all called for even more torp nerfs and nerfs to torpedo bombers, the only offensive weapon carriers really have. 


Eventually I just couldn't take it. It's not necessarily a bad game, but nothing compared to what it used to be, and what it could have been. I've left it behind.



Been playing it for almost a year and a half.  It was amazing in early-mid Alpha, now it's shallow, too easy, and boring.


Hopefully they move it back towards the complex, deep game that it was in early 2014.

Unfortunately the Devs are happy with the direction the game has gone. Believe me, they've seen our feedback. However, with simple and easy mechanics, they can get more people to play the game. 
Sorry if this post seems too ragey. I really still do hope that the game will go back to its former glory, but the chances are slim. They have made some minor changes in the right direction, added some heavily requested things, but we still have bathtub sized maps and extremely shallow gameplay. Now I'm just occasionally lurking in the WoWS forums, seeing patch notes and the state of the game. But the game itself isn't very enjoyable to me anymore. 
More content won't change anything, what the game is missing is depth and lasting appeal. 
Edited by Kookaburras
  • Like 2

I missed out on the early alpha of WOWS and I've been needing the naval warfare itch scratched ever since I left my big computer and switched to a dinky old laptop that can't run shader model 5 (and therefore NA).


Honestly, I've been enjoying the game. By no means is it as good and indepth as NA and I think the skill cap that is pretty high in NA is going to be pretty low in WoWS (which I think will be the biggest challenge to the game's longevity).


I don't play it for too long (30-40 minutes at the most in a sitting) but I do it close to daily. 


I like it a great deal. Don't take it too seriously, but executing all kinds of strategems is a lot of fun.


Yeah, I don't have much hype on World of Warships. Not realistic enough for me.

I'm hoping that when War Thunder starts going down that path they will do a good job with it, however War Thunder started going downhill for me for a while when they started advertising for it. The game was a lot more fun back in the day when really only advertised by the word of mouth.

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