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Need your help and input in form of one liners that will be shown during loading screens

For example:

You can use [ ] keys for point blank broadsides without going to deck view

Survival crew focus increase the speed of repairs

Switching to double shot is 30% faster if you have ball loaded

Topic rules.

Last time this topic turned into something not useful. Thus:

Only one liners in form of the list are accepted. NO DISCUSSIONS Please.

Posts having other things in them will be purged

Let's make it useful.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Hi Admin


To start how about Crtl H to hide UI and N to remove boundary line

Edited by Young
  • Like 2

Clicking "B" will reduce you to fighting canvas (battle sails)


Battle sails configuration reduces heel and the chance of fires (on your lower sails (if thats implemented in Dmge model 4.0))


Press "F" to (re-)enable the autoskipper


Dont forget to reverse your rudder when going backwards (when making headway || whatever sounds more "naval")


Survival crew focus will plug your leaks


You can put your waterline hits out of the water by heeling to the opposite side


Lower your speed to decrease the rate of flooding



  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

-A ship is particularly vulnerable when attacked from astern. Try to get into a firing position behind your enemy, and make sure that he isn't able to do the same to you. 


(Or something like that.) 

Edited by Arvenski

TIps and Tricks:

- Manual Sailing increases turn rate.

- Carronades and Double shotted cannon have reduced range.

- Double tap turn keys "A or D" to lock rudder full left or right.

- Pressing the B key gives you battle sails.

- Battle sails provides a sail configuration that can't be achieved by lowering sails in steps.

- Bigger ships are not always better.

- Shots at the water line create leaks.


Fun Facts:

- "The bitter end," and "I'm at the end of my rope" both come from a knot that was tied on the end of a nautical rope.

- The longest plank on the outside of a ships hull was called the "Devil"

- When a sailor was hung precariously over the side "between the Devil and the deep blue sea," in order to caulk the "Devil" it was said that he had "The Devil to pay."

- "Carry on," was an order given by the officer of the deck to set all possible sail when the wind was picking up.

- The word "Bamboozle" was used in the age of sail when a ship would deceive another by flying a false flag.


"You can turn your masts with Q/E(Front Mast) Z/C(Rear Masts (dont know the english keys - fixed it for the german keyboard) to turn faster."


"You can turn your sails 90° to the wind to slow down."


(Please fix keys for normal settings - It should be Z but I dont know - turned it into Y for my keyboard :) )



"If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable." -Seneca

"You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails." -Unknown

"One doesn't discover new lands without losing sight of the shore." - Andre Gide

"The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators." -Edward Gibbon

"He who commands the sea has command of everything." -Themistocles

"Perdidos! Perdidos, perdidios, perdidos!" -Admiral Churruca of the Royal Spanish Armada at the Battle of Trafalgar, upon seeing Villeneuve turning to engage the English fleet. 

"This is too warm work, Hardy, to last long." -Lord Horatio Nelson to his first mate, as they charged the combined French and Spanish line at Trafalgar.

"Tell the men to fire faster and not to give up the ship; fight her till she sinks." -James Lawrence, US naval captain, his last words

"Don’t give up the ship!" -James Mugford, US naval captain, his last words


"I have not yet begun to fight!" -John Paul Jones, US naval captain

"No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy." -Lord Horatio Nelson, British admiral


Tips and tricks:

The wind is your ally, try to keep yourself between the enemy and the wind.

Know how you intend to fight and prepare accordingly.

Double shot is useless at long ranges.

Carronades are great for close-quarter engagements.

When using chain shot, aim for the sails, not the hull.

The ship does not make the captain.



(Funny) Tips and Tricks and Quotes:

Remember to keep your powder dry.

Fruit prevents scurvy.

Don't go off half-cocked (reference to musket loading)

  • Like 1

These are not mine, but Sun-Tzu. This guy is a champion when it comes to one-line maxims of war.

I chose the ones that fit best to the specifics of our game:


"Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness; travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has taken no precautions."


"The best victory is when the opponent surrenders of its own accord before there are any actual hostilities... It is best to win without fighting."


"He who knows when he can fight and when he cannot will be victorious."


"Management of many is the same as management of few. It is a matter of organization."


"A skilled commander seeks victory from the situation and does not demand it of his subordinates."


"If words of command are not clear and distinct, if orders are not thoroughly understood, the general is to blame."


Can not forget about Nelson


"England expects that every man will do his duty."


"Something must be left to chance; nothing is sure in a sea fight above all."


"Duty is the great business of a sea officer; all private considerations must give way to it, however painful it may be."


Isoroku Yamamoto:


"The fiercest serpent may be overcome by a swarm of ants."

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Pressing the Space Bar fires only one cannon, allowing you to range in your shot.

In stormy weather with high seas, wait for your moment to fire on a clear target. Wasting a broadside into the sea just annoys Poseidon.

When taking on a larger target, use your advantage of better speed and maneuverability to gain the advantage.

Never get into a broadside to broadside action with a larger, more heavily armed vessel. You will lose. Every time.

When standing on the quarter deck and your feet are getting wet, it means you've left the cat flap / windows open.

When trying to capture an enemy ship, tempt the enemy captain to strike their colours with the tactical application of hot buttered crumpets and a pot of Earl Grey tea on your quarterdeck.

Getting into a long range gunnery battle with a larger and more heavily armed ship is your one way ticket to the locker.

Use your crew modes wisely, e.g. sacrifice turn rate (sailing mode) for increased loading speed of your cannon (gunnery mode), or vice versa, depending on the situation and depth of shit you're in.

Watch your opponent closely: there's no point loading double shot early on if your opponent wants to stay at range: having to reload your cannon with ball wastes time.

Learning how to correctly use manual sails is a vital skill for turns, and critically important for tacking.

When in aiming mode, you can select to hold fire on the different decks by using F1, F2, F3, and F4. A red X will appear over that decks icon. Press the corresponding F key to return it to the firing queue.

Edited by M G

When your ship is flooding, you'll see your compass start to fill with blue water. Use Survival Mode (Press 8) to pump out the water.

A red numbered leak means that you have holes beneath the waterline. Change your heading to put the wind to the other side of your ship, then use Survival Mode (8) to repair the leak and pump out the water.

Pressing the "Shift" key will bring up your telescope. Use the telescope to see where your shots are falling on a distant target.

A red X over a gun deck means that those guns can not fire, often due to flooding.

To fire your guns, move your mouse to move your view in the direction of the guns you want to fire, then right click your mouse to enter that side's firing mode. Right click again to exit firing mode.

Instead of dropping/raising your sails (S and W) to control your speed, try using the Q, E, Z and C buttons to move your yards into a position where they don't catch the wind as well. Press F to re-enter automatic yard control mode.


Be careful of your shots. Friendly fire is not at all friendly.

Chain shot can even the odds for smaller ships by reducing a larger ship's maneuverability.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Sailing - The fine art of getting wet and becoming ill, while going nowhere slowly at great expense.


Schooner - A sailboat with a fully stocked liquor cabinet in the cabin


Sloop - A sailboat with beer and/or wine in the cabin.


Ketch - A sailboat with good wine in the cabin


First Mate - crew member necessary for skippers to practice shouting instructions to.


Crew - Heavy, stationary objects used on shipboard to hold down charts, anchor cushions in place and dampen sudden movements of the boom.


Cruising - Fixing your boat in exotic locations.


Gentlemen never sail upwind!

Edited by Ole Pinelle
Posted (edited)

Chain shot does not stop if it hits sails.  [it will pass through and hit anything on the other side.] 
Be sure you aren't shredding friendly sails on the other side of the ship you are shooting at.

Chain shot passes through sails. Don't shred friendly sails on the other side of your target!

Edited by Prater
oneliners please. No phrases or paragraphs ;)
Posted (edited)

Press F8 to take a snapshot of the action

Press F11 to take a detailed picture and report a problem to the Developers


Edit: You are correct Yeoman Prater

Edited by ampaholic
Fixed it for you. :)

Swab the scupper deck.


Mutiny will get ye hung.


Don't share your cheese with a rat.


Only show your stern to your lover


The trader has guns!!!


I risked my ship and crew for six bags of grain?


Run out the guns and show them what we are made of.


Never trust a pirate.


Mutiny will get ye hung.

When referencing the punishment/act of hanging, it is said/written as "hanged". (i.e. "Mutiny will get ye hanged" "He is to be hanged at dawn" etc.)



Sailors would eat hardtack (their daily bread ration, sometimes called 'biscuit") in the dark, so as to not see the many weevils that had made it their home.


Friendly fire isn't.


Smaller ships with smaller draughts have a distinct advantage over larger ships, as they can sail in shallower waters where ships with deeper draughts cannot go.


There can be a number of reasons for having a red x on your guns: this can be due to flooding, having pressed the corresponding F# key, or after having all cannons for that deck destroyed (more likely for bow and stern chasers)


Also, any of the (interesting) definitions from this post should do as well: Naval and Nautical Terms

  • Like 1

To be honest, I've always preferred quotes to advice in loading screens - 


"No Captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of his enemy." Horatio Nelson


"Never mind manoeuvres, just go straight at them." Horatio Nelson


"Pour encourager les autres." Voltaire on the execution of Admiral Byng



Those are the ones I can get off the top of my head, there must be more (perhaps a few O'Brian and Forester quotes and the like as well).

  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

We'll put up our handkerchiefs if we have to. We must survive this day.

To wives and sweethearts. May they never meet.

I command a king's ship, not a private yacht!

She has a bluff bow, lovely lines. She's a fine seabird: weatherly, stiff and fast... very fast, if she's well handled.

No, she's not old; she's in her prime.

For England, for home, and for the prize!

He may have had the weather gauge, but we had the weather gods.

Do you not know that in the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils!

This is the second time he's done this to me. There will not be a third.

Run like smoke and oakum!

What is it with this man? Did I kill a relative of his in battle, perhaps?

I can't see any women. Just ducks and lizards.

Hold fast

(all from "Master and Commander")

Edited by Inigo Balboa

Pirate Terms and Phrases

If you think that there are only a few pirate terms and phrases to learn, you are absolutely mistaken! After reading this list, you will see that there is quite a bit more to speaking pirate than running around and say "Aargh!"

We have included the pirate phrases, as well as the modern English translation of that phrase.

  • All hands hoay=Everyone get on the deck

Avast ye=Pay attention

Black spot=Death threat

Dance the hempen jig=To hang someone

Dungbie=Rear end

Hempen halter=The noose used to hang people

Hornswaggle=To cheat

Shiver me timbers=An expression used to show shock or disbelief

Abaft=Back area of the boat

Binnacle=Where the compass is kept on board the ship

Cackle fruit=Chicken eggs

Coaming=A surface that prevented water on the deck from dripping to lower levels of the ship

Duffle=A sailor's belongings

Head=Toilet on board the ship

Holystone=Sandstone that was used to scrub the ships

Jacob's Ladder=Rope ladder that was used to climb aboard ships

Monkey=Small cannon

Monkey jacket=Short jacket worn by some of those aboard the ship

Orlop=Deck where cables are stored away

Poop deck=Deck that is the highest and farthest back

Cockswain=The helmsman

Flibustier=Pirates of the Golden Age

Freebooter=Refers to an actual pirate

Landlubber=A person who is not incredibly skilled at sea

Powder monkey=A gunner's assistant

Black jack=Large drinking cups

Davy Jones' Locker=Refers to death


Ahoy, matey=Hello, friend

Batten down the hatches=A signal to prepare the ship for an upcoming storm

Blimey!=Something said when one is in a state of surprise

Blow the man down=A command which means to kill somebody


Buccaneer=Name for a pirate

Crow's nest=The place on the ship where the lookout stand is built

Cutlass=Type of sword used by the pirates

Feed the fish=Meaning that an individual or group of individuals will soon die

Heave ho=Instruction to put some strength into whatever one is doing

Jolly Roger=The famous pirate flag with a skull and crossbones on it

Man-O-War=The name used for a pirate ship that is all set and ready to go to war

Old salt=A sailor that has a great deal of experience on the seas

Privateer=Pirates who are sponsored by the government

Scallywag=A name that is used as an insult to someone

Scuttle=To sink a ship

Seadog=An old sailor or pirate

Shark bait=Going to die soon

Thar she blows!=An expression used when a whale is spotted from the ship

Son of a biscuit eater=An insult

Three sheets to the wind=Someone who is quite drunk

Walk the plank=A punishment which entails someone who walks over the side of the ship off of the plank. Their hands are often tied so that they cannot swim and they drowned.

Yo Ho Ho=There is often used to express some sort of cheer but also can be used to call attention to the speaker


Ne montrez votre poupe qu'à vos amis les plus sûrs.

Le gouvernail et la direction des vergues aident à diriger un navire.

Le tir à la mitraille est inefficace contre une coque en bon état.

Avant d'aborder un navire, préparez votre équipage pour bénéficiez d'avantages en abordage.

Certains navires rapides peuvent voir leur proie s'échapper si elle s'enfuit dans une allure peu propice au navire de chasse.

Les caronades font des dégâts importants mais ne peuvent tirer qu'à courte portée.

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