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[] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.16.7: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)

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22 hours ago, Krissy said:

Does NAR override the Peace Checks changes in Params for TAF? I was looking in the Params.csv file and found no mention of TAF_peace_checks or any of the configurable parameters for it. Am I looking in the wrong place, or does NAR override it? 

No, there were no variables for peace checks, so it should default to off


  • NathanKell changed the title to [] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.16.5: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)
52 minutes ago, NathanKell said:


* Support enforcing maximum speeds during ship generation, even if there is spare tonnage
* Recompile for UAD and MelonLoader 0.6.6

Thank you...


5 hours ago, PalaiologosTheGreat said:

Is it possible to mod the Ai? As in, make their ships always go on limited/in being if not in war so that they have more money.

Sure it's possible, you'll need to hook into AIManageFleet probably?

  • Like 1
Just now, PalaiologosTheGreat said:

How much performance impact would it have?

Dunno, you'd have to try it and see? Depends how much work you want it to do and how well you write it.


@NathanKellMay I ask once more... If I would like to add Mark 6, 7 and so on Guns to my NAR Game. How would I do that, how to balance their stats and so on? And how to make them researchable in the Campaign?


Longtime lurker, first time poster here.

I have been silently appreciative of NathanKell's sublime contribution to the community for several months now, and have thoroughly enjoyed expanding the playability of UA:D for my own enjoyment using TweaksAndFixes along with some of my own changes to resources.assets via UABEAvalonia.

I was in the midst of adding quite a bit of flavor text, tweaking which ship hulls and components are available to some added playable nations, adding Romania and Canada as playable nations. Other than those I had Brazil, Netherlands, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, and Sweden playable and working under UAD v1.6.1.0

I am noting now that my latest batch of changes coincided with the past week's flurry of updates by devs, and the latest update to TAF. I have endeavored to keep my modified files current by pulling out the latest versions after Steam update, and merging my changes back in manually. Some hours of whack-a-mole debugging later, and the Main Menu loads again now. Progress!

I have campaigns in progress as Sweden, Netherlands, and Portugal but after some of the latest updates I can no longer advance turns in these (something broken with "Updating Research" stage of new turn). In chasing my tail on this, I did find and resolve a couple of errors logged out by MelonLoader (e.g. some errant whitespace which I presume was a copy-pasta flub on my part, given I was able to start new campaigns previously). After some effort this weekend, saving and re-loading in existing saved campaigns does move the turn forward... but research does not ever progress for any nation.

From here I had accepted it was time to start a new campaign, however I also cannot get past the loading screen after selecting any nation, just shows the moving .... Loading World .... endlessly (yes, I went away for a couple hours and it was still stuck). @MDHansen it looks like you ran into this in the past - any tips?

On new campaign launch, this is the only error logged by MelonLoader:


[16:55:21.649] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: aiAdmirals was modified!
[16:55:21.649] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: aiPersonalities was modified!
[16:55:21.658] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: params was modified!
[16:55:21.661] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: partModels was modified!
[16:55:21.670] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: parts was modified!
[16:55:21.671] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: players was modified!
[16:55:21.672] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: provinces was modified!
[16:55:21.677] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: relationMatrix was modified!
[16:55:21.685] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: shipNames was modified!
[16:55:21.689] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [ConfigValidation]: checked 40 configs
[16:55:22.782] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [OnLeaveState]: Loading
[16:55:22.782] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [OnEnterState]: LoadingCustom
[16:55:24.061] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [OnLeaveState]: LoadingCustom
[16:55:24.062] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [CampaignController]: CleanupShips
[16:55:24.062] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [OnEnterState]: MainMenu
[16:55:27.963] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [OnLeaveState]: MainMenu
[16:55:27.964] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [OnEnterState]: NewCampaignSetup
[16:55:27.968] [TweaksAndFixes] Loading flags database
[16:56:02.851] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [UISaveLoadWindow]: ShowLoadWindow
[16:56:04.571] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [OnLeaveState]: NewCampaignSetup
[16:56:04.571] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: [OnEnterState]: LoadingCustom
[16:56:05.223] [TweaksAndFixes] Loaded map data successfully`
[16:56:10.404] [TweaksAndFixes] [Unity]: KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].get_Item (TKey key) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
CampaignController.PrepareProvinces (System.Int32 year) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
CampaignController+<>c__DisplayClass233_0.<Init>b__0 () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
UnityEngine.Font+FontTextureRebuildCallback.Invoke () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
GameManager+<UpdateLoadingWorld>d__106.MoveNext () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

Thank you in advance for your input!


@NathanKell Hi uh... im not sure if i understand how this works... I managed to get the melonloader running with the game and the version I see that you have the UAD Realism at github, how can i install that mod to the game?

  • NathanKell changed the title to [] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.16.6: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)

Updated to UAD

On 11/18/2024 at 2:01 PM, TerminallyGamer said:

Longtime lurker, first time poster here.

I have been silently appreciative of NathanKell's sublime contribution to the community for several months now, and have thoroughly enjoyed expanding the playability of UA:D for my own enjoyment using TweaksAndFixes along with some of my own changes to resources.assets via UABEAvalonia.

I was in the midst of adding quite a bit of flavor text, tweaking which ship hulls and components are available to some added playable nations, adding Romania and Canada as playable nations. Other than those I had Brazil, Netherlands, Ottoman Empire, Portugal, and Sweden playable and working under UAD v1.6.1.0

I am noting now that my latest batch of changes coincided with the past week's flurry of updates by devs, and the latest update to TAF. I have endeavored to keep my modified files current by pulling out the latest versions after Steam update, and merging my changes back in manually. Some hours of whack-a-mole debugging later, and the Main Menu loads again now. Progress!

I have campaigns in progress as Sweden, Netherlands, and Portugal but after some of the latest updates I can no longer advance turns in these (something broken with "Updating Research" stage of new turn). In chasing my tail on this, I did find and resolve a couple of errors logged out by MelonLoader (e.g. some errant whitespace which I presume was a copy-pasta flub on my part, given I was able to start new campaigns previously). After some effort this weekend, saving and re-loading in existing saved campaigns does move the turn forward... but research does not ever progress for any nation.

From here I had accepted it was time to start a new campaign, however I also cannot get past the loading screen after selecting any nation, just shows the moving .... Loading World .... endlessly (yes, I went away for a couple hours and it was still stuck). @MDHansen it looks like you ran into this in the past - any tips?

On new campaign launch, this is the only error logged by MelonLoader:

Thank you in advance for your input!

Thanks! On top of work being busy we had a lengthy power outage last week so I'm just now getting back to things. I haven't looked at the new dll yet so I don't know what ConfigValidation is, I assume they added something to check to see if game data was modified. My guess is it'll only cause issues in multiplayer though. As to the freezes, that seemed mostly related to incorrect borders which The Baron has been fixing.

On 11/22/2024 at 9:05 PM, Birendra said:

@NathanKell Hi uh... im not sure if i understand how this works... I managed to get the melonloader running with the game and the version I see that you have the UAD Realism at github, how can i install that mod to the game?

The OP describes installation instructions, it mostly involves unzziping a TAF release.

On 11/19/2024 at 4:50 PM, MDHansen said:

Houston, we have a problem.

Just an FYI, TaF seems incompatible with latest UAD

Fixed. Apologies for delay!

  • Like 3
1 hour ago, NathanKell said:

Updated to UAD

Thanks! On top of work being busy we had a lengthy power outage last week so I'm just now getting back to things. I haven't looked at the new dll yet so I don't know what ConfigValidation is, I assume they added something to check to see if game data was modified. My guess is it'll only cause issues in multiplayer though. As to the freezes, that seemed mostly related to incorrect borders which The Baron has been fixing.

The OP describes installation instructions, it mostly involves unzziping a TAF release.

Fixed. Apologies for delay!

Ok so after unzipping TAF into the Mods folder, where can i put the UADRealism? or is it already included with the TAF?

7 hours ago, Birendra said:

Ok so after unzipping TAF into the Mods folder, where can i put the UADRealism? or is it already included with the TAF?

Some of it is allready active with TaF. The rest you have to edit the params.csv. Read the TaF readme for indepth explanation. We are always here to help if more is needed 👍

12 hours ago, MDHansen said:

Some of it is allready active with TaF. The rest you have to edit the params.csv. Read the TaF readme for indepth explanation. We are always here to help if more is needed 👍

thanks a lot! very considerate :) i dont quite understand how to do these by myself, or to edit the params. but if some of it is already active with TaF, i suppose that is good enough for me. thanks again!

  • NathanKell changed the title to [] [Code] Tweaks and Fixes v3.16.7: bugfixes, new features for players, support for modders (including new nations and better AI ship generation!)
Posted (edited)

[23:05:00.705] [TweaksAndFixes] Failed to load overriding map data

This message will appear if you make a new game with UAD opt5 / TaF 3.16.7

Basically this means the game will load the vanilla "province" file, not the one edited by players (DIP/NAR/yourownmod), as far as I can tell.
I put in my edited province file and I got province "errors" in the ML log that I know I had fixed, and could verify by looking at my copy.
Checked by running UAD opt4 and everything works fine.

I am fairly certain an ongoing game is fine, but I had no current savefile to compare at that moment. Making a new game now with opt4 and I'll do a test.

nvm. i should have tested first :D Back to scratching my head then...


Edit: t'was my ever nemesis "a-random-space" in the scrabble. 3 places where i'd left a space after a comma.... Le Sigh

Edited by MDHansen
Posted (edited)

When you get the time(™) @NathanKell could you check what/if something is changed in the latest patches? Maybe in particular war declerations. Not saying it is TaF, but I am having issues with declaring wars, and vanilla works fine.

upd: I disabled TaF alliance changes
and wars are declared again between ai, germany decced me, and I could push for a war against the russians (they didnt pay me off and the war subsequently started)

I'll do some more testing with alliance changes on/off

Edited by MDHansen

I just wanted to ask: In the campaign mode there is an option to choose "AI Design Usage" and its tooltip points out that the "slow" option is the only one that works with mods. However, at least initially the campaign seems to run normally with other options as well even when Tweaks and Fixes is installed.

Does anybody know if it is safe to use this mod with other campaign options, or is it better to be safe than sorry and just stick to the slow option?

Posted (edited)

With 1.7 beta out, and 1.6 branch seemingly future-patch-proof, would you have time to update TaF for 1.6? 
I don't think there is any issues though, obvious or not.

I am getting this;
[01:03:17.516] [TweaksAndFixes] Failed to load overriding map data
Not sure how that affect anything, as the map/save loads fine, and I can't see any wrongs in the gameplay either. I started getting it from

Edited by MDHansen
  • Like 3
On 12/14/2024 at 12:50 AM, HMS Implosive said:

if it is safe to use this mod with other campaign options

You can't use this with other options - the switch is not active. 😃

In any case, "slow" only means fleet generation at the start of the campaign. Everything else works as before.

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