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I saw someone else had already made a topic like this too, but I figured I would make my own as I have a few wishes. Some small, which I would guess could be easily implemented, and some that I'm unsure of whether or not they're possible. But hey, it's just a wishlist; not a list of demands😉

Custom Battle Setup:
The option to set battle timer. Currently the timer is 10 hours (ingame) for a custom battle, with no option to reduce it. Would it be possible to give us another drop down menu to select battle time from 1 hour up to 10 hours?

The option to use multiple classes of each type of ship. Currently if we want to replicate something like the battlecruiser fight in the battle of Jutland, Germany and Britain would only get multiple ships of one class, rather than several types of different battlecruisers. Would be nice if we could select for example 2x Derfflinger and 2x Seydlitz VS 2x Queen Mary and 2x Indefatigable (or even try to replicate each individual ship) rather than just having to settle for 4x Derfflinger VS 4x Queen Mary or something.
This would also make things easier when you're trying to fight a specific Shared Design ship - currently we have to remove all other similar designs to ensure we get the opponent we want.

Campaign Setup:
Campaigns could also benefit from more options.

Select Ending Year. Currently a campaign will last until 1965. That's great if you want to play a long campaign, but what if you just want a short campaign starting in 1890 and ending at the dawn of the Dreadnought era in the early 1910's? I would think it would be easy to add this to a drop down menu (and yes I'm aware no one is forcing us to keep playing)

More options for AI behaviour. Currently we can pick Historical, in which each AI nation is controlled by its respective AI personality (Germany is controlled by germanyAI, Britain by britainAI  etc.) or Random where Germany might be controlled by franceAI, Britain by defaultAI, USA by jeunecoleAI, etc. Looking at the save files, there are a lot of AI personalities. It's possible to assign specific personalities to specific AI Nations by editing the save file, but it would be nice if we could do it when just generating a campaign.
If possible, setting the AI personality to Default should make their Technology progression paralell that of the custom battle/shared design progression. This should make the AI more likely to build Shared Design ships throughout the campaign, as their tech level would always match.

Divorce Funds from Difficulty. The current difficulty setting just gives the AI more money. It would be nice if higher difficulties gave the AI certain tech advantages at the start, and made all nations more hostile to the player. So on Legendary difficulty it should be very hard to make friends and a player would often see the AI ally with each other and go to war with the player. While on Easy difficulty the opposite would be true.

Funds could have two separate drop down menus, one for the player and one for the AI. High Funds would be similar to the GDP bonus the AI currently enjoys at Legendary difficulty setting. So setting AI funds to High and player funds to Low (or standard?) would give the same experience as the current Legendary difficulty setting, but if combined with the reworked more agressive AI behaviour at Legendary difficulty proposed above, a player would be up for a real challenge.

Submarines/Mines, Enabled/Disabled
Self explanatory :)

Campaign in General:
More events to lower Unrest would be nice. Currently it is very hard to lower unrest unless you're at war. While I personally don't struggle with very high unrest, the AI constantly does, leading to revolutions and rebellions. I think it would also make sense if Unrest constantly decreases when a country is at peace and the economy is doing OK.

When taking ships as War Reparations, could we always get the plans for them so they can be refit? Currently, if the AI we're taking ships from has deleted the design plans, there's no way to refit our prizes. And there's no way to know which ships come with design plans when selecting ships. As a workaround, could the AI be prevented from deleting plans of ships they still have in service? It would also be nice if we were shown which class each ship belongs to, by mousing over them to see details. Currently we just have to guess based on the value.

The Log in the lower left corner of the campaign map shows a lot of information when a new month is being loaded, but once the month has loaded most of that info is just gone. It would be nice if we could scroll down the full log.

Battles in General:
Something a lot of players have asked for is a "deployment phase" at the start of a battle. I don't need to see the enemy deployment, personally, but it sure would be nice if I could manually set which ships are in a line formation, and their heading, and which are screening, scouting, etc. Currently it can become a bit of a fustercluck doing it at the start of a battle, especially if the enemy is already in firing range. Many DD's have been lost by simply not being able to get out of the way soon enough when the BB's are taking fire.

The bad weather "fog effect"
Note, I'm not talking about DD/CL smoke screens! In certain types of weather, the battlefield is covered in a kind of haze. Not only is this annoying to play in, as seeing your ships, their heading, torpedoes etc. becomes very difficult for a player, but it also looks bad. There are two types of cloudy weather; Cloudy and Overcast. I forget which is which, but one of them has the ugly haze, one of them has a nice steel gray ocean and a cloudy sky box. The second one looks great, and the actual in game effects of both kinds of weather are more or less the same. Can we just lose the hazy fog, please? It also hides the dramatic looking waves in Stormy Weather.
Now again, to be clear, I'm fine with my Ships having reduced view range when the weather is bad, but I, the Player, would like to see what's going on!

Ship Designer:

Could we get a separate Length slider, and just calculate Displacement from where we set the Length, Beam, and Draught?

Could certain ships get access to a third type of optional tower; a Middle Tower that fits between the Main and Rear towers? This would typically have funnel slot(s) and maybe some secondary barbettes or casemate mounts.
Yes, the effect can be replicated currently by just mounting funnels and secondary barbettes on the deck between the Main and Rear towers, but that doesn't look as good...
Would be nice to fill out some of the bigger Super BB hulls, which can often look a bit empty! (and some of them, like the German one, could really use some more funnel slots)

That's about it for my wishlist. Yes, I left out things like Multiplayer and Multithreading support, but I feel that's probably outside of the scope of a Patch. (would love to be proven wrong though!!!)

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My wish is much simpler:

1. Allowing 10x speed and 30x less restrictively. I understand it was to prevent accidents, but sometimes chasing enemy require 30x speed unless I watch 5min of nothing.

2. Allowing me to build latest variant of ships. This is a critical request, one that should be easy to allow and make huge impact on gameplay.

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