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@Nick Thomadis Here I listed some ideas i had while playing your wonderful game, I hope you will eventually consider realising one or another. If you got a minute please let me know what you think about it.

  1. I don't know how feasible this is, but imagine creating an editor-like tool that allows players or enthusiasts to design custom hulls or other ship parts relatively easily. Additionally, there could be a section for uploading proposals, which would enable the addition of more accurate and diverse content to the game at a faster pace. For example, individuals with a special interest in pre-Soviet Russian destroyers could create more accurate designs for them. This way, nobody would have to waste time on things they don't enjoy, and players would have access to more enjoyable content from every nation and ship type. Particularly, destroyers often seem very copy-paste, and they would benefit enormously from such a system. 
  2. Guns
    • It would be great if players could choose which iteration of a gun they want to place, such as MK1 or MK2 etc..It would also be nice if players could choose between a fully enclosed turret, a gun shield, or even a completely unshielded gun (for early iterations like MK1 to MK3 for up to 6 inch guns and perhaps for small vessels.) for single-barreled guns of course.   [with unshielded guns you could replicate things like the Derzky- or Ochotnik-class and also some american and other nations designs]
  3. Construction Modes - I can imagine choosing a construction mode at the start of a campaign and in the shared designer that defines which hulls and parts you're allowed to use. Please examine my following mode suggestions:
    • Historical - Only hulls and parts that the nation has historically used or designed would be available. This includes designs that were never realized and some generic ones to keep every nation competitive.
    • Semi Historical - could bea realised in difgferent ways, it could include the historical ones and
      • Some of neighbor countries
      • Dynamic allied ones
      • Predifined ones of historical allies 
      • Perhaps purchased ones. To further explain: there could be random or regular events - Fleet Reviews - after which every nation or just the player can make an offer to buy the plans of the hull and related towers and funnels of a displayed ship. (I know this would be a lot of work to implement, but it's just a suggestion that came to mind, and I wanted to keep my suggestions diverse.)
    • Ahistorical - Where you have access to every possible hull/part according only to your research progress and not limited by your nation.
    • And a option or checkbox to decide if this choice only applies to the player or to the AI too.
  4. New Classes - After reaching a certain point in the game You loose the ability to build Torpedoboats but they did in fact continued to exist, some even did participate in D-Day and there were even a whole bunch of other small warship types or classes(The smallest ones maybe limited to coastal defense only). For example:
    • Sloops
    • Frigates
    • Sub Chasers
    • Coastal Patrol and River Patrol vessels
    • Monitors
    • Gunships/Armored Gunships
    • Torpedo Boats and Speedboats
    • Corvettes
    • Minelayers
    • Hydrofoil Boats
  5. Islands or shoreline could be added to fights depending on the area they take place would make the gameplay much more interesting.
  6. Perhaps give us the opportunity to place different kinds of lifeboats and liferafts optionally, so you could add some clutter to empty areas. This could also be implemented as a mechanic where you could save some crew members of a sunken ship if you won the battle, if they manage to get into the boats before the ship sinks (so this would apply only to slow sinking or given up ships. not for the ones blown apart.). Which leads me to the next point.
    • New ship sinking animations like hulls rippd in two parts or blown into pieces.
    • The option to give up or retreat a single ship during battle.
    • Exchange of prisoners of war for money, captives, or vessels.
    • and so of course the option to take prisoners in won battles.
    • I know it's a bit dark, but I know this happened at least in WWII. You could let these captives perform forced labor to shorten construction times significantly instead of exchanging them. (maybe this could negatively affect public order)
  7. Camos or Paintjobs for the ships would be great to identify them more easily during battle to make the look of the game less monotonous in general.
  8. Perhaps Support Ships to supply fuel and ammo.
  9. A round barbette sizewise between the medium barbette for small guns and the medium superimposed barbette
  10. Aircraft catapults for reconnaissance aircraft, for example. This doesn't need to be animated. In my mind, placing the catapult allows you to choose between different aircraft, similar to radar. They would just give you a passive buff to reconnaissance. A bit like in the N.A.R-Mod but more elaborated.
  11. More hardpoints to place guns or barbettes for secondaries aside the centerline, and the possibility to place them closer to the turret sides. Or maybe a free placement mode for barbettes, similar to the one for guns.
  12. I dont know if this is ever going to happen but Aircraft Carriers would complete the WW2 experience and as a result of this also AA guns.
  13. No forced end for campaigns. I think the Total War games had a good solution for this; they simply gave you a pop-up indicating that the campaign was over, whether you won or lost, and you could choose to quit or continue. (Perhaps continuing with generated research that buffs random things.)
  14. PLEASE give us the option at the end of the campaign to adopt ship designs into the shared designs.
  15. Allow us to change the displacement in refit mode within a certain frame and perhaps to modify the bow or casemates to reconstruct ships like the Andrea Doria, the New Mexico, and other American and Russian ships as far as I know(there are many ships that traded their straight ocean bows for Atlantic bows, as ther were the two i mentioned aswell as the German Scharnhorst or the Soviet Oktjabrskaja Rewoljuzija).
  16. Tool to assemble Taskforces no matter where they are so you dont have to search every single port or list.
    • like a Button Create Taskforce here
      • Showing a list of all ships you own in two categories: "In Port" and "Already in Taskforce," sorted by default by range to the creation point.
  17. Sometimes flaws take the upper hand. Please give us the ability to fix at least some of them. Too often, you collect more and more super flawed ships that are completely useless, and no admiralty with at least one working brain would ever have used them. So, what should happen to them? Scrap unused? Lose a full crew?
  18. In history, scrapping ships was extremely lucrative for countries and shipyards. For example, after WWI, Britain desperately wanted the German fleet as a war prize to scrap them and make much money to boost their post-war economy. Wouldn't it be nice to give scrapping in the game a similar mechanic?
  19. Please summerize all notifications after a round that you can just click ok in one popup. There is  a popup flood in lategame.
  20. Hulls & Parts (Mostly for russian vessels cuz' this was my most recent playthrough)
    • Hull and correct towers for Omaha class with space to fit 2 6inch casemates (on a light cruiser)in the tower and the small boxy 6inch twin turrets
    • Hull and towers for Pr.68k Chapayev  class CL
    • Hull and towers for Pr.68 bis Sverdlov class CL and Pr.68A Kutusow
    • Hull and towers for Kirov class CL, especially the secondary superstructure
    • Flat modern light cruiser hull for Russia
    • More realistic russian design inspired Funnels
    • Overhaul for the Gangut class hull with correct casemate positions and the late refit towers and curvy funnels for the Oktjabrskaja Rewoljuzija refit
    • more accurate hulls  for Borodino/Izmail and Sinop-class battlecruisers
    • Tsarevich class Predreadnought hull does not fit the right gund in the right places
    • Hull and towers for Navarin Class BB
    • More modern gun turrets for mk4/5 small caliber guns 4inch to 7 inch to fit the Kirov and Chapayev style 
    • British triple turrets layout to fit more the Town or Crown Colonies class CL
    • Hull and towers for Kronshtadt class BC
    • Hull and towers for Wladiwostok Design BB
    • Hull and towers for For Sovetsky Soyuz class BB
    • Hull and towers for Svetlana class CL
    • Russian destroyer main towers with integrated barbetts
    • russian destroyer leader/ destroyer hull to fit the leningrad like backwards facing turret after the main tower
    • Hull and towers for Skoryy class DD
    • Hull and towers for Kotlin class DD
    • Hull and towers for Tashkent/Kiev class DD
    • Hull and towers for Rurik Class CA and other early russian armored cruisers
    • Hull of russian early light crisers should fit the armament they really carried
    • Hull and towers for Bogatyr class CL
    • Hull and towers for the Noworossijsk class BB Italian war prize
    • Hull and towers for Kerch class CL Italian war prize
  21. Fixes
    • Often things couldn't be placed because of collision even if the couldn't collide with anything. This is mostly an issue with Torpedotubes or other sidemounted stuff.
    • I don't know if others have the same issue, but I experience constant stuttering in battles, especially when I move the mouse or camera. I can't imagine why, as the game is installed on an SSD and my components are not under heavy load while I play. I have more than ten gigs of RAM free during gameplay, my CPU runs at 30%, GPU at 50%, and the hard drive is also not under significant stress. What I want to say is, if the game needs more resources, there are plenty available, it just needs to utilize them.
    • Sometimes Flaw lists are that long so you cannot see the ships name or class.

Hope you liked my suggestions and maybe some of them will find their way ingame someday.

Kind Regards


PS: If i can assist you with translations into German, I'd do it. 

Edited by xXT4LLIXx
Forgot to tag Nick
  • Like 3

Good list.


12. As for aircraft carriers the devs have more or less confirmed that they wont be added into the game at all

(for the love of god make it a DLC if you need the money but add them)


Oh. And one thing to add to this:

--- FIX THE DAMN BUGS!!! ---

especially the newest one where your ships freeze and/or slow down for no reason at all

  • Like 2
5 hours ago, PhoenixLP44 said:

Good list.


12. As for aircraft carriers the devs have more or less confirmed that they wont be added into the game at all

(for the love of god make it a DLC if you need the money but add them)


Oh. And one thing to add to this:

--- FIX THE DAMN BUGS!!! ---

especially the newest one where your ships freeze and/or slow down for no reason at all

DLC is actually a good idea. I just wonder if it would generally be possible with the engine and the way the game is structured.

Please be kind to the devs; the team is small, and fixing errors can be a hard job. Please respect their work.

3 hours ago, xXT4LLIXx said:

DLC is actually a good idea. I just wonder if it would generally be possible with the engine and the way the game is structured.

Please be kind to the devs; the team is small, and fixing errors can be a hard job. Please respect their work.

Yeah I might have been a bit harsh on the devs but there are just so many frustrating bugs appearing lately and I am playing this game since alpha 3 or 4 so i have encountered enough of these bugs to just be mildly annoyed by them.


Also I know how much of a pain bugfixing can be so the devs have my full respect with how good of a job they have done fixing anything that is reported to them.

I just sometimes wish there was more transparancy as to which ideas the devs have concidered from our feedback and which not.

  • Like 1

https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/40596-cycle-between-fleetsports-that-are-on-top-of-each-other/  -- this one pretty much explains itself.  Being able to select the task force that is underneath another to be able to send them in different directions on the same turn is necessary, whether to send to different ports after a war, for resupply or just to split the task force to do 2 different missions.  It gets very tedious when I have a fleet of over 24 warships that I need to send only 1 or 2 to each port to avoid overfilling said ports.

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