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>>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Opt x2 latest version)

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Posted (edited)

Diplomacy kinda broken

The US and Ecuador Britain had an alliance. I defeated the US and made peace with them. The US still has an alliance with Britain and a new war begins in 4 turn.

If the US had severed the alliance with Britain after they withdrew from this joint war, everything would have been fine. But for now...

Eternal war! Blood to the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!

Edited by Lima
  • Like 1

Army AI was very good at the end of the beta. There were only attacks in which there was a chance to win (at least at the beginning of the offensive, such attacks could fail due to further redistribution of forces).

But now the army is making completely suicidal attacks again (both armies have 100% logistics).



In, diplomacy and, accordingly, the campaign are completely broken.

Countries declare wars almost immediately after the conclusion of peace. As a result, already in the 12th year of the campaign, outsiders and majors in GDP and fleet stand out sharply.Japan, Italy, China, Russia are sitting with 5 destroyers. Germany is constantly trying to survive under the blows of England and France. Austria-Hungary captures central Russia.

First, the cost of ships with turbines was sharply raised and now the AI is building a CA with 16kts. Now this. How could such a thing even be released without a tests?

  • Like 3
16 hours ago, MDHansen said:

Game feeling pretty good these days. Keep it going


One juuuuge request though. Are you able to add an option to disable damage messages that appears above ships in battles? This would clean up the screen, and the dmg messages are in the logs (lower left) anyway.


right above the log you can toggle what shows up in it. 


One thing I would like to appreciate is that when I conquer a minor nation's territory, their fleet (if they have one) charges out to fight me.

Not much challenge in wiping the floor with a hodgepodge of their former allies' old designs, especially with the amount of tonnage the conquer action tends to require (especially by late game) but it makes sense from a gameplay perspective.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, Lima said:

Army AI was very good at the end of the beta. There were only attacks in which there was a chance to win (at least at the beginning of the offensive, such attacks could fail due to further redistribution of forces).

But now the army is making completely suicidal attacks again (both armies have 100% logistics).


True, but if my guys are attacking them, they can't attack me, so there's some logic to it, from a meta-perspective.

I am still frustrated by "my" army's apparent inability to move troops from rear areas into the current theater, unwillingness to garrison new territories adjacent to large concentrations of enemies, and the AIs ability to conjur up troop formations much larger than their empires actual army.

Edited by Dave P.
1 hour ago, Hangar18 said:

right above the log you can toggle what shows up in it. 

This is only for the log, not the overhead dmg visuals


Speaking of logs; the log in the campaign screen could use some improvements.
You currently can't scroll far enough down to read everything that happened each month.

Maybe the log could be separated with different tabs? So one tab for research (Spain researched Radar 1, China researched 16" MkII), one for new ships (Britain laid down 1 BB of Warspite class), and one for politics (China provoked Japan, Germany and France declared war, etc.)

There's a lot of info that scrolls past as a new turn is generated, but it goes by so quickly it's almost impossible to read it all, and it's then never available again.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, Panzergraf said:

Speaking of logs; the log in the campaign screen could use some improvements.
You currently can't scroll far enough down to read everything that happened each month.

Maybe the log could be separated with different tabs? So one tab for research (Spain researched Radar 1, China researched 16" MkII), one for new ships (Britain laid down 1 BB of Warspite class), and one for politics (China provoked Japan, Germany and France declared war, etc.)

There's a lot of info that scrolls past as a new turn is generated, but it goes by so quickly it's almost impossible to read it all, and it's then never available again.

Agree, and I advocated this exact suggestion about a year ago :D

A reason I run MelonLoader, so I can see the entire log. This has the disadvantage of seeing all the failed ai designs lol

Edited by MDHansen
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, flashmozzzgg said:

the cost of ships with turbines was sharply raised and now the AI is building a CA with 16kts

This is extremely prevalent. The cost to build a 50,000-ton battleship (Bismarck, in this case) shouldn't be pushing 1 billion dollars with appropriate modifications for historical accuracy (Making it Turbo-Electric skyrocket its cost beyond a billion easily). I think, that instead of increasing ship costs, reducing the economy to balance it would be more appropriate (You can have an economy pushing 150-200 billion by 1905). I prefer a 300-400 million cost Bismarck and a reduced economy over the current state of the in-game economy for the campaign.

I'm sure other players have seen similar figures for comparable designs for different nations.

Edited by StrikerDanger

Uploaded optimized version including the following:
- Optimized the auto-design processes, reducing significantly the loading times of the campaign and the AI fleet generation time. This functionality works the best so far compared to all previous versions of the game, producing capable AI generated ships at the fastest time possible.
- Increased the cost of turrets/barrels affecting the cost of ships accordingly. This change also makes their combat value evaluation more accurate for AI and auto-resolve purposes.
- Fixed minor issues of the Ship damage window that appears during combat on the top right corner.
- Fixed minor issue causing deselection of ships when a ship was sunk.
You have to restart Steam to get this update fast

  • Like 1

So, any reason submarines aren't either removed or optional yet?


They break the game when they randomly sink one of your BB's and give the enemy 60,000VP, even though said BB had heavy ASW escorts and maxed torpedo protection.


A few patches ago subs were a nuisance, now they are OP again.


No one wants to click a bunch of random screens with our fingers crossed.


Multiple people have asked for this for a long time, please listen to us. Subs add nothing but frustration and aggravation to the game. It is not Ultimate Admiral Submarines.

  • Like 8

I'm noticing severe tension increases in areas where I don't have a) territories or b) ships (I'm playing as Japan, all of my ships are in the Pacific, East Asia Sea or the Yellow Sea). I'm getting a 15.0 tension increase vs the Spanish in the Atlantic (Where I've sent exactly nothing nor do I have territory there) and up in the Arctic Sea vs Russia/Soviet Union (Again, where I have no ships).

I think the recent patch broke this (Haven't downloaded the optimized as of writing this), but I don't know what's regressed the system back to 1.1/1.2 days in terms of tensions increasing.


Kwang-Chou-Wan = French home territory (not that it's important right now, but nevertheless)



I know a thing or two about the history of China and I believe that hundreds of Frenchmen lived in this territory (at best).

2 hours ago, StrikerDanger said:

I'm noticing severe tension increases in areas where I don't have a) territories or b) ships (I'm playing as Japan, all of my ships are in the Pacific, East Asia Sea or the Yellow Sea). I'm getting a 15.0 tension increase vs the Spanish in the Atlantic (Where I've sent exactly nothing nor do I have territory there) and up in the Arctic Sea vs Russia/Soviet Union (Again, where I have no ships).

I think the recent patch broke this (Haven't downloaded the optimized as of writing this), but I don't know what's regressed the system back to 1.1/1.2 days in terms of tensions increasing.

Tension can be a little weird but it’s also possible for tension to increase because an enemy fleet is close to one of your allies (including I think minor allies) - essentially your people are getting angry at other powers warmongering 

38 minutes ago, brothermunro said:

can be a little weird but it’s also possible for tension to increase because an enemy fleet is close to one of your allies (including I think minor allies) - essentially your people are getting angry at other powers warmongering 

This seems to make the most sense. Because, just now (after updating the game) I had a double tension increase with Italy, one off the west coast of NA and the other in the North Atlantic. This system makes zero sense. There is no "Would you like to join an allied nation in a war against X" It's purely "X is angry at you and demands exuberant amounts of money or war". It's ridiculous. I'm currently at war with Germany, Russia and Italy. Spain was apart of it, but they've collapsed after being transport hunted and colonial invaded into obscurity.


Diplomacy kinda broken 2

Well I (Germany) made an alliance with the USSR to get more army. They had a war with Japan. With the help of new mechanics, I went to war with Japan, defeated Japan and made peace. However, the USSR is still at war with Japan and will soon drag me there again (look at these -15 in Japan-Germany relations).




Been a long time since i've last played, After playing a campaign (my first) from 1890-1940, here are some thoughts


  • I found the "gun layout" techs to be awkward. In the early game, youre scrambling to get decent layout. But later on this becomes very useless. Some of the techs you get later are obsolete by the time you reach them anyway. Making this research a bit faster would alleviate both issues.
  • I ran out of small gun techs to research around 1935, but it was very difficult to get the larger guns i wanted researched. Partly because you have to run a gauntlet of guns you potentially will never use (like 17"+). I would like to see this evened out somehow. Maybe move 11" and below to small guns, or break guns up into 3 categories.
  • It would be nice if you could combine task forces at sea
  • The AI despite being the wealthiest country on the planet by far, just keeps refitting old ships. Very few newer ones.
  • It would be a great QOL improvement if when you click a research tab, that the newest, and current research is at the top, rather than the bottom, so you dont have to scroll.
  • Research paths are kind of boring because you can predict exactly what you'll research next (even before the game tells you). I would like some randomness in this.
  • There is a extremely strange gap in CA hull tech around 1900. You end up with CL IV, which is fine and serviceable, but you will only have armored cruisers hulls for a very long time, and it causes you to just not want to build any CA, since theyre essentially outdated. A simple generic hull in this time frame would ease things up.
  • Alliances dont really mean anything. You should be going to war, and peace dealing together.

General Balance

  • HE is disgustingly over powered, a few light cruisers with incendiary rounds can hose down a battleship, and kill it very quickly just by causing fires. But even with other forms of HE, this is still true.
  • Reload times are out of line for large caliber guns. Theres an artificial, and arbitrary bump after 10" that just skyrockets reload times. No capital ship since the first world war has had a 1 minute reload time (if ever), but thats pretty standard in game for large caliber guns. The balance for large caliber guns, is the cost, and weight.
  • Armor tech far outpaces gun performance. A light 6" of armor will hold against cruiser AP, even if the gun is significantly more advanced. I dont know if the penetration drop off is too significant, or if there is simply a lack of penetration to begin with. AP almost requires stacking modifiers in order to be effective. Not a problem for the larger battleship guns, but for cruiser guns, its a losing race.
  • Might be a bit much to allow capital ships to use sonars. Historically speaking, no capital ship used sonar, and only a few used hydrophones. 


  • Northern France seems to boost GDP growth by an outrageous amount. maybe 15% or so per month.
  • Ships refuse to fire their guns while in range, with high hit probability. same thing with torpedoes. Sometimes it looks like the crew just gave up.
  • I also encountered the issue where you simply cant find a sub even with a whole task force searching
  • you cant mass select submarines for scraping.
  • The maneuver penalty will still hand you a massive penalty even if the ship is stationary. I didnt like this penalty when it was introduced, and I can't say that's changed. Unrealistic, and does not work as intended.
  • Ships seem to be trying to avoid torpedoes, fired by themselves, or any friendly ships nearby, regardless if its possible for a accident. This leads to them swerving out of formation wildly.
  • Some of the secondary towers for the German hybrid battleship were stretched to lengthen them, but it made the barbettes oblong.
  • In stormy weather, sometimes the AI can see you, and fire at you, but you cant see them.
  • On the US fast battleship, and BC, some o the secondary towers arent scaled right.
  • There has to be a bug where you miss your target, but if another ship is close by, its almost certain to get hit.

Please add

  • There so many large cruiser hulls in the game, but we dont even have the only large cruiser ever built in game. How about a hull/tower for the Alaskas?
  • Town/Takao are pretty important but missing.
  • The mogami hull as a CL would add some flavor. Straight copy paste.
  • More of the hull mounted torpedo slots in hulls that had them
  • 5" secondary mounts on CA/BC towers. Not really sure why its restricted to 4".

Things that are good

  • Flash fires seem to happen appropriately, and look/sound great
  • Stormy weather, can be a bit hard to see through. but overall, its amazing to play in if you have radar.
  • The in hull torpedo mounts on the Mogami hull are fantastic.
  • Shareables is a bit janky in the way it has to be set up, but is an excellent add.
  • Like 3
11 hours ago, jw62 said:

enemy battleship has a max speed of 12kts.


Relax man, not every ship can be built to do the stunning 14 kts of HMS Warrior.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Hangar18 said:
  • It would be nice if you could combine task forces at sea

Amazing post, and I, and many others, agree on all points

The merging is possible though, just make sure the merging fleet wont make the TF have more crew than is available through tech. I merge quite often my BC+support fleets when I invade and need some more tonnage

13 hours ago, jw62 said:

enemy battleship has a max speed of 12kts.

I would like to see this glorious piece of shipbuilding here to remember her glory


  • Like 1

Uploaded optimized x2 version including the following:
- Fixed issue which could cause peace treaty to never become triggered and reset the relations to zero, resulting in never-ending wars. Please report if this issue is completely solved. Needs to be tested in several turns.
- Reduced the tension modifier for enemies of ally, giving the chance to delay a war.
- Tension events now show up always if they trigger.
You have to restart Steam to get this update fast

  • Like 6
8 hours ago, Lima said:

Kwang-Chou-Wan = French home territory (not that it's important right now, but nevertheless)



I know a thing or two about the history of China and I believe that hundreds of Frenchmen lived in this territory (at best).

Kiatschou Bay/Tsingtao is a German home territory as well.  They both need to be changed to colonial ones.

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