Nick Thomadis Posted February 2, 2023 Posted February 2, 2023 6-month Roadmap: What you want us to make? Hello fellow admirals, Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts has been fully released but that does not mean it will not continue to be supported with new content or needed fixes. We already have deployed a considerable amount of hotfixes, addressing issues that you reported. We will still provide similar fixes for as long as it will be necessary and we will also provide new content for the game. Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts should be already playable, stable enough and enjoyable but we will continue polishing, so that we can safely move our development team into new game projects that you will surely like. Here is a brief list of the most important things we plan to offer till Summer 2023: Weather graphics: Currently we have a few different sea weather graphics that randomize and do not directly link with the weather modifiers. For example, we have stormy weather accuracy modifiers and the generated graphics show a sunny calm sea. We will soon add to the game a wide range of different weather, wave and daylight conditions that will radically increase the battle immersion. You will be able to play even night battles and any weather modifier will directly correlate with the visual experience. Spotting distances improvement: With the new weather graphics, we will offer a more advanced and realistic visibility mechanic. Now ships that fire remain unspotted and cannot be fired at. We will improve so that even distant ships can be spotted when they start firing and reveal their position, but they will show up as a little faded and there will be an accuracy penalty against them. A realistic fog of war will make ships slowly fade in/out according to their visibility. New detailed hulls: The following ships are scheduled to be offered in the next months: New York Class Battleship (detailed variants of USS Texas 1914-1946). Atlanta Class Cruiser and variants that can produce Cleveland-class and similar cruisers. C-Class cruiser as a generic interwar cruiser variant. Other ships can follow or replace the above depending on your recommendations and the war condition in Ukraine, since our main modeler is situated in Kiev. Map graphics finalization: The map includes all the necessary content to simulate the strategic conditions of the 1890 - 1940 time period and is not “flat” as the pathfinding system estimates the shortest route and generates paths via the pacific edge from one side to the other. A lot of players would like the map to have a horizontal “looping” but that would be only aesthetic as the main functionality is already implemented. This aesthetic aspect could generate various new bugs and broken saves that a lot of players will dislike, but we will review if we can improve it further. The map will receive the following planned improvements: We will fix inconsistencies in all provinces that either do not have borders or they have wrong offsets. We will fix several UI inconsistencies, including tooltips appearing on top of each other. Any needed graphical enhancement will be made according to your recommendations. Performance optimizations: We will Improve further the loading times, we will repair issues that can cause lag in battles, check Unity CPU thread management etc. We have to remind players, when we first launched the campaign with a small map and only 2 nations that the loading times were much higher than now, while having a huge global map, 10 major nations, many minor nations and dozens of new strategic features in the calculation tables. So there is progress and we will keep improving. General UI and Window interface improvement: We will improve the aesthetics of all UI where necessary and will provide better support in window systems so that you can Alt+Tab out of the game in a borderless game window. Language Localization: We currently plan to offer support for the English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Greek languages. Fix of all remaining issues or add missing features: This is a top priority. We have already fixed several reported bugs or inconsistencies. We already continue to fix known problems or things you report to us. We have just created this thread here in Game-Labs forum and one thread in the Steam forum where you can mention your biggest concerns, issues that prevent you from fully enjoying the game. We will use the feedback gained from these forum threads to fix one by one everything that is possible or a confirmed bug. We will also try to implement any new feature that will be widely requested, if the situation allows it because the majority of the development team is situated in Kiev so we have to prioritize more on fixes. PLEASE POST BELOW YOUR SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT TO IMPLEMENT OR FIX AND WE WILL PRIORITIZE ACCORDINGLY. ============================ UPDATE 30/7/2023 Dear Admirals, We thank you for your kind participation in providing feedback and ideas on how to improve Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts. With your continuous help (those that appreciate the game and report to us with constructive and sincere feedback) we made successive updates which gradually enhanced the game to the level it plays now. Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts is a game like no other with a unique 3D ship design system and a really challenging and immersive campaign covering in detail the time period between 1890 - 1940+. Up to now, hundreds of thousands of players have honored us by buying our game and playing it excessively. As our data shows, we have served you as you have served us. So we will keep supporting the game as much as our time allows, since we have in the works new and exciting game projects. Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts is scheduled to receive v1.4 major update which will include many new interwar cruisers and other new features. Other updates will surely follow up for any fixes needed and for localization updates. This thread is no longer needed, as it served its purpose for providing your ideas on how to best prioritize our work till this summer. Thank you again for your support, The Game-Labs Team 17
madham82 Posted February 2, 2023 Posted February 2, 2023 Interested to see #2 get implemented as soon as possible. For #4, if you can at least add a button to jump between the two sides of the Pacific would do QoL wonders. Extremely annoying to have to scroll all the way back and forth. Makes it harder to track what is going on as well. 5
Guest Posted February 2, 2023 Posted February 2, 2023 (edited) 4. If the campaign map stays in its current form: -Let us minimize all windows on the campaign map, individually -Let popup info tabs/windows be toggled on/off in settings and/or hotkey -Hotkey set for East/West side of the map for "hotswapping" between (same as @madham82 above me suggest) - EDIT: or, add an "arrow" to the two ends of the map, to swap between the sides Other: UI scaling, pretty please Keep up the good work and progress, and to those devs in Ukraine, be safe Edited February 2, 2023 by MDHansen
Felime Posted February 2, 2023 Posted February 2, 2023 (edited) Love to see what you guys have in store. 1 and 2 would add a lot, as right now there's a lot of very important information that has no strong visual cues (weather/time of day information), and you could play a while not realizing why your ships hit far less in some battles than others. And obviously 3. More hulls to play with are always good. Thanks for all the work you guys put in, especially given the situation. Stay safe, all of you! Edit: As a quick request, the Designs folder currently doesn't check subfolders for design files, but if it did, that would be a big help in putting together shared designs, so I could keep other people's designs separate from the collection I work on. Edited February 2, 2023 by Felime Add feature request 4
Astor Posted February 2, 2023 Posted February 2, 2023 (edited) I posted this in steam forum, but will place it here too: it would be really nice to get more settings in custom battles. It feels quite barebone currently with the lack of options it has. - ability to mix/use multiple designs of same class I would like to use more designs at once, instead of one design per class like its now It's not possible to have a leader destroyer and smaller destroyers in the same battle as example. - pickable weather and time settings sunny, night, calm, clear, cloudy, fog, rain, snow, storm, etc - start position towards the enemy advantage / disadvantage / equal / random - setable fuel states per side How much fuel do ships start with 0-100%, or random - multiple nations in one battle having battles like germany + italy vs britain + russia etc - tonnage/budget limit per side having settings for total tonage/budget limits per side, like for example gold in Total War custom battles. They can range from a custom number to no limit. - ability to use older ships in later years when I design a ship in 1890, why can't I use/select it in 1895? it's currently impossible to mix dreadnoughts with pre-dreads on one side for example. if you fear that the designer gets clustered you could organize the designs in folders which are sorted by year. - custom startpositions let people place own and/or enemy ships on the start, so if you save the battle, then you could share these "challenges" with other players. This feature could be also used in campaign battles as many asked for pre battle placement of fleets. - selectable minor nations as playable (for custom battles that is) this can be a great addition for the above mentioned, to create more custom scenarios/challanges with flavour. Edited February 2, 2023 by Astor 9
21hugoPT Posted February 2, 2023 Posted February 2, 2023 I only have 2 more ideas: -Pre-battle deployment; -Diplomacy with minor nations. 13
kineuhansen Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 more british hulls between 1910 and 1940 with unique towers and diffrent funnels vanguard funnels would be nice so it not just that kg v style all battleships seem to get would love a proper representation of the g3 the hull we have is to short and to heavy york class and norfolk class heavy cruisers and town/belfast type and leander class light would be nice modern heavy cruiser 3 could use some non kgv towers would love to see queen elizabeth class iron duke renown class battlecruiser original and refit of these ships 2
admiralsnackbar Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 (edited) @Nick ThomadisSee my comments on each of these priorities Weather graphics: Sounds good, if you're doing night battles then just be careful about *just how dark* it actually gets. Star shells perhaps? I will say though that I would prefer more "bright and clear and colorful" and less "grey and foggy" that seems to characterize a lot of battles. Spotting distances improvement: > Something that I feel like could be done rather quickly is, if the game is telling you that smokestacks are spotted in a particular direction, make those smokestacks visible. Those smokestacks *already exist in the game* you don't have to add them, you just need to make them visible at all times. Note that this is already true about smokescreens (you can see them even if the ship that produced them is not visible) so it's very likely a very tiny change in the code will fix this. > I also suggest a general increase in the spotting range of ships (something that can literally be done in a matter of seconds, having done it myself several times) When I implemented a 50% increase in spotting range, I found that, in relatively clear whether, ships become detectable **just** outside of the range of their main battery guns. This gives the player time to decide how they want to maneuver before the guns start firing. New detailed hulls: The following ships are scheduled to be offered in the next months: New York Class Battleship (detailed variants of USS Texas 1914-1946). Other ships can follow or replace the above depending on your recommendations and the war condition in Ukraine, since our main modeler is situated in Kiev.Are you looking for someone you can contract out model making to? Not as a replacement but if you would like to get hulls and guns out faster. I have a friend who has looked at the models in this game and feels confident he could do it. I have some comments on the models [recommendations] that I will list out below. Map graphics finalization: A lot of players would like the map to have a horizontal “looping” but that would be only aesthetic as the main functionality is already implemented. It's not just an aesthetic functionality but a quality of life one, as it takes a fair bit of time to scroll from one end to the other. If you absolutely cannot implement a scrolling map then I strongly suggest put 2 buttons somewhere outside of the map (like at the top) that takes you from one side of the pacific to the other. The map will receive the following planned improvements:Issuing commands through 'right clicking' where the interactable options within a certain range of the click would be a huge benefit when you have multiple fleets and multiple ports within close proximity of each other. Performance optimizations: Sounds good to me General UI and Window interface improvement: Sounds good to me Language Localization: It's worth noting that some of the phrase choices, like in the campaign, are a bit misleading. "The war continues" thing fooled me for months into thinking that there was some sort of bug. It didn't occur to me that we were making a recommendation to our government on making peace. I would have changed it to "Our government has decided to continue the war against our recommendations" which is much clearer. ___________ These are my suggestions that are separate from the above Models Your lone model maker in Kyiv has my utmost sympathy btw Oddities in gun models: I've been inspecting models within unity and also within partsmodel which dictates the gun models used for different country tech levels. I am doing this because often times the gun models available to players seem inappropriate (too big for the hull, too heavy, historically inappropriate, etc.) Several observations: There are gun models that exist in the game that are not used for any country, they're basically sitting in the files collecting dust even though they can be quite valuable for early game as 2-4 inch guns. I am referring specifically to these for example, small_gun_d_152, small_gun_b_51, etc. For the most part, the model scaling's are often incorrect. The dreadnought 305 gun in game cannot fit properly on the first UK dreadnought hull, but this is because in partsmodels the game is scaling the default model upwards. The model at 1.0 scale fits the dreadnought hull model properly. This does have real game consequences as the AI will often autodesign their dreadnoughts into semi-dreadnoughts because they cannot fit a uniform battery on the wing turrets of the battleships. I have been working on trying to rescale some of these weapons for my balance mod but that is dangerous to do as a mod because it's much more sensitive to breaking a campaign. I would rather it be the default option. Models have names that don't match their default scaling, the vdt_280 gun size is identical to the dreadnought 305, which is sort of ok if you down-scale the vdt_280 properly, but the partsmodels doesn't do that properly. Some models have appropriate gun sizes but inappropriate turret sizes (too small) (compare the ussr_152 to the kirov turret.) Some models have names that don't make much sense in terms of the visual for example iowa_gun_127_3x is based on a japanese 5 inch gun, richelieu_gun_120 is based on the bofors gun Restrictions on protected and semi armored cruisers [minor issue but kind of a bummer for an early game campaign] Semi armored cruisers models were built around ships that used twin turrets, but light cruisers don't get twin turrets until semi-armored cruisers as obsolete. Ships like USS Olympia which are semi-armored cruisers would not be buildable. protected cruisers [light cruiser I/II] have hull models that can accommodate 5-6 inch gun casemates and were based on hulls that had larger casemates, but light cruisers are limited to secondary's of 3 inches. Recommended modeling projects More twin and single shielded/unshielded mounts for lighter [3-7 inch] guns. Mostly to pad out the destroyers and cruisers between roughly 1909-1924 Single shielded mounts already exist in some cases but once you get twins you find the options go straight to shield mounts. (An example of a very nice twin shielded mount is the one for Graf Spee) Clemson Class [4”] Faragut Class [Single] [5 inch] and Porter Class [Twin] (Take the existing Akizuki gun which shouldn’t be for Akizuki and cut it in half) Tribal class (if you wanna be lazy take the existing british 4.5” turrets and basically cut them in half) Fantastique and Mogador classes Hawkins Class Cruiser [7.5”] British modern light/heavy cruiser guns Country Class and Town class cruisers American style large caliber gun turrets, like the kind featured on the pre-dreadnoughts and battleships up until the standard class (MK 2 and 3 9-14 inch guns) American Style cruiser 6-8 inch guns Tier 3 6-9 Omaha Class, Northhamptom class, Pensacola class, etc. have roughly the same shape Tier 4 6-9 New Orleans through USS Baltimore as well as Cleveland Using the Iowa heavy gun is a good short term solution but the scaling for this is off Russian 150mm Just a comment that this particular gun doesn’t really resemble the turrets used on the Kirov Class cruisers (the ones from the 1930s that is) The turret is too large relative to the size of the gun, I don’t know what ships gun this was modeled off of since it just says ‘USSR’. The 406 is clearly inspired by the Soyuz/Stalingrad concept (Low priority) Advanced 2 inch guns [mk 4-5]: Low priority since for the most part engagement ranges are outside of the 5 inch gun by the time you reach this point. USSR and France already have autocannon models that can suffice for this purpose US can just use “richelieu_gun_120” [why is it called 120 when it’s a 40mm bofors?] but I recommend removing the base plate because it leads to box colliders that are too large for it to be used in practical locations. UK used both bofors and pompoms so again I think using the bofors is better than the miniaturized 5.5” [hood 1914] Could you make the single and dual model versions of this a bit more compact? For Germans I would recommend one of their 37 mil AA guns Bonus points if you have the crappy semiautomatic versions as the mk4 and the better ones with the gunshields as the mk5 For Italians something like the 37 mm model 1932, but again something like the bofors would look very similar from a distance. German mk 4-5 5” The current models are based on the 88mm and 105mm (the small high angle batteries) and the 150mm surface target secondaries on the modern german BBs. The 5.9 inch gun house seen on german destroyers is closer to the Akazuki gun turret. If you wanna be super lazy you can just make that model the default for 5 inch guns Combat and Balance Most of the things I think is bad about the balance of guns I attempt to fix in my mod, but there are certain things that are hard coded that I cannot fix. 1. Shell Damage: a. Selecting different shell types increases damage by some percentage, when you select a different bursting charge, you get an additional damage that sort of looks like: Base * (1+ sum of bonuses) -- the problem here is that the mass of the bursting charge and the type of bursting charge should interact. So I would change it to: Base * (1 + shell type bonuses) * ( 1 + bursting charge bonuses ) Ideally torpedoes would operate on the same principle but that's less important. b. Overpenetration damage in the game is currently as a percent of gun damage treats a SAP shell as passing through the hull as being more damaging than overpen from an APC shell. You could make overpenetration damage as a percent of the shell mass, or you could unwind the impact of shell damage modifiers on the shelltype by modifying the overpenetration damage in the gun technologie, or you could simply make overpenetration damage solely a function of the guns base damage and not include any modifiers. 2. In vanilla 2 inch guns and 12 inch guns are the most accurate, and gun stats generally do not take account of the year in which the gun is introduced during the campaign (which makes 15 inch guns or higher usually incredibly bad)After 1910 you're stuck between guns that can't penetrate [12 inchers] or guns that can't hit anything [15+] See what I did to the guns text file for ideas on improving the balance in the accuracy and damage of the guns, I have gotten very very good feedback on the changes I made. I certainly don't mind my mod being made obsolete if the changes to guns and technology get folded into the base game. Also note that making accuracy ultimately a function of maximum range means that cordite powder increases accuracy far more than it decreases it. 3. Blast resistance of armor - right now high damage values from HE get spread to adjacent sections even if they are covered by deck armor or a citadel. This allows ships to cause flooding to the citadel components of a ship with HE. There needs to be some check, such as turning the citadel belt armor into a belt and bulkhead armor which prevents that from happening necessarily. If you're caught in a stern chase you have every right to penetrate the stern of a ship but you should still have to damage/penetrate the rear and front bulkheads to do damage to the mid part of a ship. 4. Research rates are such that the AI does not have a snowballs chance of keeping up with current technologies. You can barely keep up with maxed out research rates. (again I can get pretty 'on time' results with the changes to parameters in my balance mod.) 5. Funnels; there is no good relationship right now between funnel sizes and funnel capacity. There are 'advanced' funnels that take up 2 times the space but only give 20% extra capacity. Generally the 'meta' for early game ships is to stack as many small funnels as possible together. I'm happy to work on that last part and feed you suggested number changes after I work through the funnel sizes in unity, if you want. 6. Lastly, pre-battle deployment and/or a top down camera would be very useful. See navalart for a pretty simple and effective way to do this. The latter would basically just require a button that moves the camera way up into the sky with a top down view. The lower UI can stay as it is but the ships are represented by icons. Edited February 4, 2023 by admiralsnackbar 17
o Barão Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 "Other ships can follow or replace the above depending on your recommendations and the war condition in Ukraine, since our main modeler is situated in Kiev." If possible, I will strongly suggest adding these 3 components and 2 hulls. If not, at least consider adding them as future DLC in a ship pack with more hulls and components. Crown Colony / Town class cruiser. Iconic British warship design from WW2 time period. Rodney Battleship superstructure. We have the hull, but we never got the superstructure. The H-Class Aft superstructure component. To allow the players to build late German BB with 2 funnels with a natural look. Scharnhorst-class cruiser / Roon-class cruiser / Prinz Adalbert-class cruiser / SMS Prinz Heinrich. One single hull type that can be used in 4 German armored cruisers class, with minor differences in the design. From 1898 to 1908. Too much important to be ignored. Algérie superstructure components. Only the superstructure component is enough to allow the players to build late french cruisers with a unique look. Only 3 components and 2 full hulls, I am asking to be added to the list if possible. If not, I hope to see them and many more in future DLCs. 13
smsvu Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 1 hour ago, 21hugoPT said: -Pre-battle deployment; I second that 5
AdmER Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 (edited) Thats a great game so far. But we really need few things more:: 1- More precise choice on gun size technology, not only main and secondary, but precision like developing 2 or 3 inch, 7 and not 8 inch etc. 2- Pre-engagement positioning, let us the choice of the position of our TF before en engagement. So we do not have to move all ship 1st before battle 3- Port customizing: we should develop ports independently not on the economy window. Wich size of dock, shipyard and supply, having smaller ports building DD and bigger ports with many Yards to build bigger ship. We can focus our investment on few precise port of a nation. 4- Managing supply, stocking shell, torpedoes on presice size, so if we developed new tech, we should have to consider supplying our fleet we new ammunition. Like in reality, if we have a ton of 13 inch shell, we will have to consider that before having a new size gun. 5- More control over policies, specially we minor nation. Having more controls on invading minor will gave the game a more re-pliability. So times campaign is only tech-tree and new ship. With more direct control over invading we can have a largely different game each time. 6- All different hulls per-nation, specially on the 1890 area. France is the way to go. unique hulls no other nations can use. It is sad that the same CA and CL are used by nearly all other nations. Again more uniqueness to each nations. For me this is the 6 cores options missing in the game currently that will made in way more interesting Thanks very much ! Edited February 3, 2023 by AdmER 6
StrikerDanger Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 A good roadmap. The bug fixes and whatnot are always welcome, as are more hulls. As others have said, being able to negotiate with minor nations would be a big bonus, as well as hotkeys for quick-scrolling the world map in campaign would be a blessing if making the map a wrap-around provides too difficult and/or would induce too many bugs. Economy tweaking would also be welcome: The Ai decides it wants hundreds of ships and goes for hundreds of ships, so a ship hard-cap for fleet size would be nice (Potential Naval Communications option?). And the ability for German battlecruiser tower barbettes to use 14 and 15 inch guns again would be welcome. Hulls would be a big list: US Dreadnought hulls (Nevada, Pennsylvania, etc.) as well as treaty cruiser hulls (town class, County class, Portlands, New Orleans, Brooklyn class), the German O-class Battlecruiser hull. The New York SuperDreadnought hull is a good start. Above all, though, I hope your people stay safe. 2
Schmitty21 Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 (edited) 10 hours ago, Schmitty21 said: New Features I'd like to see a colored map overlay so I can see who owns what territories. Naval treaties would be great, especially to reign in AI spending. Smaller battleship hulls in late game. I'd like to keep building smaller BB's later on, instead of being forced into building super battleships. This would be good for nation's with smaller economies. More hulls of course, especially for USA and AH. Intelligence on enemy ships. I'd like more info on the enemy, so I can know what to design. I like the idea of being able to see the little info card we get on the shipyard screen showing the profile view and the basics of the ship. I'll attach an example from a screenshot I took in an earlier version of the game. I posted this earlier. Additionally I'd like to see the following; -More destroyer hulls and components, especially unique ones for different countries. -A wraparound map is important imo. And every modern game with a world map has one... -More in depth fleet management and task force organization. -Port development. -Ability to mod in new hulls and components. EDIT: -Adjustable barbette heights. It would be great instead of separate parts, barbettes were just part of the gun and you elevated the gun however much you wanted and the barbette auto generated under it. Edited February 3, 2023 by Schmitty21 5
Silas Kruge Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 Since you are asking, here are a few things I'd like to see: - more advanced damage models, I'd like to see masts topple over, superstructures collapse, funnels get blown overboard, etc. I realize this may be difficult to achieve but it would add a lot to the immersion of the game, I think - lingering smoke and more massive explosions when ammunition magazines blow up. i'd like to see ships that are sinking or severely damaged emit a lot of smoke and huge fires - the abillity of sinking ships to completely capsize - a pre-deployment phase where you can arrange the ships in your fleet into your own desired deivision and set up the initial deployment configuration of your fleet - the possibillity of building upgraded designs directly without having to copy them and save them under a new or the old name - the possibillity of loosing one or more guns on multi-gun turrets with one or more still remaining active - the ability to paint, or at least choose from a pre-determined set of camouflage schemes, your own ships! - the abillity to invade ungoverned territory or smaller states! Important for expanding your empire! But all in all, this is an amazing game that I enjoy sop much. Many, many thanks for your incredible effort and the best naval warfare game I have ever played! 8
Gsam Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 3 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said: Hello fellow admirals, Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts has been fully released but that does not mean it will not continue to be supported with new content or needed fixes. We already have deployed a considerable amount of hotfixes, addressing issues that you reported. We will still provide similar fixes for as long as it will be necessary and we will also provide new content for the game. Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts should be already playable, stable enough and enjoyable but we will continue polishing, so that we can safely move our development team into new game projects that you will surely like. Here is a brief list of the most important things we plan to offer till Summer 2023: Weather graphics: Currently we have a few different sea weather graphics that randomize and do not directly link with the weather modifiers. For example, we have stormy weather accuracy modifiers and the generated graphics show a sunny calm sea. We will soon add to the game a wide range of different weather, wave and daylight conditions that will radically increase the battle immersion. You will be able to play even night battles and any weather modifier will directly correlate with the visual experience. Spotting distances improvement: With the new weather graphics, we will offer a more advanced and realistic visibility mechanic. Now ships that fire remain unspotted and cannot be fired at. We will improve so that even distant ships can be spotted when they start firing and reveal their position, but they will show up as a little faded and there will be an accuracy penalty against them. A realistic fog of war will make ships slowly fade in/out according to their visibility. New detailed hulls: The following ships are scheduled to be offered in the next months: New York Class Battleship (detailed variants of USS Texas 1914-1946). Atlanta Class Cruiser and variants that can produce Cleveland-class and similar cruisers. C-Class cruiser as a generic interwar cruiser variant. Other ships can follow or replace the above depending on your recommendations and the war condition in Ukraine, since our main modeler is situated in Kiev. Map graphics finalization: The map includes all the necessary content to simulate the strategic conditions of the 1890 - 1940 time period and is not “flat” as the pathfinding system estimates the shortest route and generates paths via the pacific edge from one side to the other. A lot of players would like the map to have a horizontal “looping” but that would be only aesthetic as the main functionality is already implemented. This aesthetic aspect could generate various new bugs and broken saves that a lot of players will dislike, but we will review if we can improve it further. The map will receive the following planned improvements: We will fix inconsistencies in all provinces that either do not have borders or they have wrong offsets. We will fix several UI inconsistencies, including tooltips appearing on top of each other. Any needed graphical enhancement will be made according to your recommendations. Performance optimizations: We will Improve further the loading times, we will repair issues that can cause lag in battles, check Unity CPU thread management etc. We have to remind players, when we first launched the campaign with a small map and only 2 nations that the loading times were much higher than now, while having a huge global map, 10 major nations, many minor nations and dozens of new strategic features in the calculation tables. So there is progress and we will keep improving. General UI and Window interface improvement: We will improve the aesthetics of all UI where necessary and will provide better support in window systems so that you can Alt+Tab out of the game in a borderless game window. Language Localization: We currently plan to offer support for the English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Greek languages. Fix of all remaining issues or add missing features: This is a top priority. We have already fixed several reported bugs or inconsistencies. We already continue to fix known problems or things you report to us. We have just created this thread here in Game-Labs forum and one thread in the Steam forum where you can mention your biggest concerns, issues that prevent you from fully enjoying the game. We will use the feedback gained from these forum threads to fix one by one everything that is possible or a confirmed bug. We will also try to implement any new feature that will be widely requested, if the situation allows it because the majority of the development team is situated in Kiev so we have to prioritize more on fixes. PLEASE POST BELOW YOUR SUGGESTIONS ON WHAT TO IMPLEMENT OR FIX AND WE WILL PRIORITIZE ACCORDINGLY. ============================ IMHO the biggest failing of this game is the research system. YOu need to throw the whole thing out and overhaul it. We need to be able to have a larger level of customization on how we want our tech to go. If I want to invest 1 trillion into research cause I have that kind of money laying around let me. If I want to skimp on my navy and rush research, let me. Right now research feels more like an impediment and not at all intuitive rather than a fun component of the game. YOu had a wonderful opportunity to bring national flavor to this game via research or via perks to ships for each nation etc. and none of that is here. I would strongly encourage you to consider re-doing the above. 3
ZorinW Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 Properly open the game up to the modding community. We have way greater man power than the tiny dev team and therefor are able to provide the game with a longevity which otherwise it will not have. As of right now the game is little more than a playable shell with visible cracks. I know that the tiny dev team is not to blame for that but letting misguided pride block the way towards a better future for the game, by not opening it up to proper mod implementation, would be a huge mistake. 6
smsvu Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 Fixing the VP awarding for predamaged ships - have recently (1.1.5) again lost a battle were I just outran the AI never even spotted one onother (the ships were predamaged) but the AI just got awarded VP 1
mk4m Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 (edited) Refitting captured enemy ships. Ship trade - option to buy ships from other countries. Like Japan and Russia before russian-japanese war. Edited February 3, 2023 by mk4m 8
UnafraidBuffalo Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 I only want to comment about the map because everybody else seems to have covered the rest. I want the AI to move ships around the map better and less predictably. Right now the Mediterranean ocean, Suez canal, Red sea, Arabian sea, to Indonesia is the route that the AI takes virtually every time. It makes this area so cluttered. I understand this is because the current system uses the shortest route possible. However in the real world, navies can't take the same route EVERY time. A weaker navy would perhaps have to go around the cape of Africa or South America instead. The other issue is not only do the AI nations take the same route every time, they constantly send all their fleets on this route with very little regard to how many ships they leave home. I think it would make the strategic gameplay much more fun if you didn't know which way the AI would go. It would make all those South American and African provinces much more important and valuable. I wouldn't be able to just park a doom fleet in the Red sea and wreck everybody year after year. As the United States, the player would actually have to worry about defending the west coast. Last but not least, since this route is such a cluster of battles, the AI fleets rarely pass through unscathed. If you do engage any fleets that have passed through this route, they are usually highly damaged and very easy to sink. I lied, I will comment about one more thing: that is modding. After this game is finished I would love to see it opened up to the modding community. This game is gold, and modding will only make it better. There are so many fun ways modding could go. That's my two cents. Cheers 🖖 1
Dave P. Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 (edited) Germany could use a few more superstructures for its modern cruisers/battleships. The one superstructure model they all seem to share is kinda long and includes a barbette, making it harder to do an all-forward design if you're so inclined. I know, historically, the Z plan was mostly two-aft-two-foward turret layouts, but it would be nice to be a bit more flexible. Also, being able to annex unaligned territories and/or unallied minor powers would be nice. My army decided to invade Latvia for no apparent reason, but more importantly than that, I'd like to be able to snap up the territories and colonies of my defeated enemies after their economies collapse. (And when the UK collapses, they leave a plethora of unaligned minor powers springing up around the map, which you can't really do anything with.) Edited February 3, 2023 by Dave P. 3
Himbeereule Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 I don't dare dream of aircraft or (designable/controllable) submarines, but adding placeable AA guns to the ship designer, if only as decorative parts, would massively improve the look of the game. 1
popcap200 Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 I personally would definitely most like to see more parts. I also definitely agree with Himbee. Decorative parts would be an amazing addition.
Rina Ravyn Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 There is going to be a Lot of reading on your end from everyone and their grandma wanting all sorts of shit, so ill try my best to keep it short and simple. ill be responsing mostly to point 8: MANUAL RUDDER IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE. but please dont simply return the old slider, because this provides us with the opportunity to rework the system slightly, and ill hope with little effort. Ill just post a picture to keep it brief. The center of these three indicators is the rudder. point and click, very simplistic. Something else i would enjoy very much is some semblance of damage control or more transparent method of explaining to us how long it will take for some damage to be repaired. Finally i will have to throw my hat into the ring when it comes to more custom battle options. - set ship headings and locations of every participant - set damage - be able to have multiple classes of one ship type instead of all BBs or DDs having to be the same class - set specific victory conditions (for example 'stay out of combat for 5 hours' to simulate a ship on the run and having escaped - yes with 30x timewarp this will fly by in a minute dont worry) 3
Tycondero Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 (edited) Good to read that you will continue to develop the game. Especially the weather and visibility mechanics are required as this was a promised feature. Another feature that I do not hear anything about anymore is naval treaties. I believe we were supposed to get the ability to have countries sign a naval treaty at some point, like the Washington Naval Treaty. Besides the list that you provided I think that the campaign AI and balancing of the campaign is most needed. Currently, the game is a bit too easy, especially when you are a couple of years into the game. As Germany I am swimming in money, even though I am building ships to the maximum dockyard capacity all the time. It feels as if money is no longer a factor in the game. Edited February 3, 2023 by Tycondero 1
Zuikaku Posted February 3, 2023 Posted February 3, 2023 So captains and admirals are definitively dropped?
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