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Hey again Darth, I've updated my build considerably, in case you want someone to test out on a high-end build.


Old specs:


Windows 8.1 64-bit pro
Asus Sabertooth 990fx r2.0
16 GB memory
Three way SLI GTX 770s(4GB version)
AMD FX 8350(4 GHz)
160 GB SSD with 40 GBs free
1 TB HDD with 500 GBs free



New Specs:


Windows 8.1 64-bit pro
Asus Sabertooth 990fx r2.0
32 GB memory (1600 MHz)
Two-Way SLI GTX Titan Blacks
AMD FX 8350(4 GHz)
160 GB SSD with 10 GBs free

1 TB SSD with 900 GBs free.
1 TB HDD with 300 GBs free


I'd love to help out by testing also.


My experience is

Playing computer games since 72 (Mainframe games as my father was in collage at the time) and the following beta projects over at PDS


HOI3 Their Finest Hour: Beta

EU4: Beta

V2 Heart of Darkness: Beta

East vs West: Alpha


I'm also one of the 4 guys that is the main team behind BlackICE, a mod for Hearts of Iron.  I mainly do modifications to the lua.


My free time is kinda hit or miss though so, I may not always be available.  If you are not limited to the number of testers you need, I do bring excellent testing abilities to the table.


end result though, once it's out I will be buying it :)


weeks have passed and still no mail ............................. I am starting to lose faith in this process. Guess I just have to buy it on steam when it eventually comes out like everyone else :(/ :angry:

  I somehow think that they might actually want to make some money out of this... good luck to 'em.


weeks have passed and still no mail ............................. I am starting to lose faith in this process. Guess I just have to buy it on steam when it eventually comes out like everyone else :(/ :angry:


I'm not sure you understand either the point of this topic nor what 'testing' is. This thread was created for individuals to express interest in helping; NOT to directly apply for beta-testing. You're not instantly gratified with the right to play an early version of the game simply by posting here. If Darth needs more help for this thread, he'll pick what he wants and then you go from there. IF he needs further help.


Also, a 'tester' does not test a game simply because they want to play it. A 'tester' has to show a willingness to help with the development of a game, not simply to play it early. What I'm saying is; this 'process' wasn't put here so eager players could get a free, early version.


Oh, and consider putting at least a little effort into your grammar. It'll look far more inviting to those looking for further testers. 

  • Like 1

What a bunch of trolls. I can't help Darth if I don't have a file. I don't see too many other testers around here who have one either.


I would pay double to get "early access" .


Maybe after betaing for Matrix and Slitherine I was expecting something different.


I even voted to green light on Steam!.


Entitled ..... not really. I have a zillion other strategy games while I am waiting.


Ok... either I'm missing something or you're missing something. Did you get a message from Darth or any other administrators here stating you were accepted into the beta? If not, then you're not a tester. It's closed testing, not whoever-wants-to-be-a-tester testing. 


You're not simply a tester by posting here, nor will you get any 'files' unless you are a tester. Which I'm pretty sure you're not. Indeed, I don't think anybody here really is, or perhaps they are, I don't know. I like to think that's because they simply don't need any more, and the game will soon be playable by the public. Keep your faith up and your patience higher. ;)

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Just for the record... I'm testing. My selection as a tester was based on substantive subject matter contributions on the forum and responsiveness to their questions over the past months. I didn't gripe or even ask to test - I was invited.

P.S. Testing does not equal "early access" to the game. It is part of the dev process. Just because you are selected to test doesn't make your suggestions/input followed. You simply get the privilege of making suggestions/observations. Substantial time and effort has been contributed by the testing community to identify mundane stuff like bugs, stability issues, and the pros/cons of implementation ideas.

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Hello all, we are sorry for the delay in the process. Testing now is frozen until we prepare the next test build with steam integration. That possibly will be available next week and invitations will be given via pm in this forum.


Early access means what? It is exciting to know that you guys are this close to a release. I still cannot believe how enticing the graphics are. Good job. Can't wait. Hopefully your work will raise the bar for other strategy games and other developers/designers will be inspired to produce such quality.



I question your punctuation, contribution, and perspective.

If you can't give it a rest at this point the entire forum community has every reason to question your intelligence.

Here are a couple of observations/facts that might help you understand one member of the community's perspective on your posts:

1) You are very late to the testing party that has been ongoing for months.

2) There is nothing unique about your enthusiasm for strategy games (everyone on the forum shares your enthusiasm).

3) You've played the same game titles that everyone else has played.

4) Gettysburg gets 3 million visitors/year on average. What makes your knowledge special?

5) What is the source of your data supporting your assertion that by walking Gettysburg, "That's more than most"?

6) You've posted a grand total of six times.

7) All of your six posts are focused on yourself. Where are your contributions to other subjects on this forum?

8) You say you have, "a zillion other strategy games" to do; yet, you keep repeating yourself at all too frequent intervals on this forum. It's great you have a zillion things to do; please go do any of them until the game is available.

9) We understand you would, "pay double for early access". My suggestion to Darth is to charge you double at FCS.

10) Despite multiple suggestions from the forum community you don't seem to have the maturity to support the dev team schedule/process/decision.

11) Your statement that, "We were told many lies in the forum. I lost track of how many times I had to load a new "hot fix" or patch which of course wiped out all my current progress" are highly likely to alienate any dev team from ever bringing you into the design/testing process. Testing is not about YOU or "ALL OF YOUR CURRENT PROGRESS". It's about delivering a quality customer experience.

12) Your statement that, "I don't want to go through that again" is exactly the point. As a tester I rely on the contributions of the testing community because we are all in the same boat sharing the same experience of testing. This is not about "early access" and the testing community would hate to have you participating in a process that you "don't want to go through again". We agree with you and support your decision.

13) Patience is part of the testing process. The testing community is chomping at the bit to post AAR's but at this point we haven't been given the green light.

14) Before you hit enter on your next post please hit the "think" button first.

  • Like 3

So Mr. Fair.

Is there any possibility, that you could give us some sort of report from the 'testing front' please?

Like how is the feeling when playing. The immersion. Is it comparable to any other strategy game and so on...



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