admiralsnackbar Posted January 21, 2023 Posted January 21, 2023 (edited) 11/5/2023 UPDATE Just got back from vacation. I spent this evening trying to quickly cobble together a basic version that is compatible with the latest game. It is likely that not all features from 1.3.X were brought in. For obvious reasons this is a non-resizer rebalance mod. Installation: To install - Copy resources.assets into SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts_Data folder It will override the games version. To uninstall – Replace the above resources.assets You can keep a fresh copy of the vanilla resources.assets somewhere if you want an easy uninstall, or simply re-install the game. Rebalance mod Changes (If you use the mod and your problems seem associated with the below, report it on this thread first): Gun base Accuracy Gun reload rates Gun/Shell Damage Research Rates Certain accuracy modifiers Government modifiers Spotting distance and weather modifiers Rebalance mod does not Change (if you use the mod and see problems associated with the below, report it to the devs): Gun models Hulls Penetration Aiming progress/aiming speed Income (except through government modifiers) Rebalance Overview The general purpose of this mod is to tune some of the features of the research, campaign and ship builder to give an experience that tries to balance historical realism with reasonable trade-offs. It will also attempt, where/when possible, to implement adjustments to the modules which are clearly unintentional on the part of the developers (e.g. lighter guns having heavier weights). With this mod it should be possible to start a campaign in 1890 and reach roughly the same level of tech in 1920 as if you started in that year [or possibly more], and the AI should have an easier time keeping up with you technologically as well. Every gun type should have strengths and weaknesses, and newer weapons should generally be superior to older ones. Campaign mechanics will be tuned to try to account for the behavior of the AI and the limitations of features. I have been testing these changes over the course of 1.10 beta, I have had enough time to make my the changes to the non-beta version and confirm that the game should not crash and can launch a campaign. I cannot guaranty the mod will work perfectly during all campaign eras or that it won't break saves, although my changes thus far should not break saves. Install at your own risk. It is difficult to keep current with a daily update schedule, being quick about this limits my ability to guaranty that campaigns and battles are not broken. I very quickly checked my own campaign and custom battles to make sure they could launch properly, but that is no guaranty. Please be kind to me if something breaks, just revert to vanilla and inform me about it.!AhR3YVzwEWaUg6EbZI_A2ykaiEQpJg?e=63vUuN Gun resizer: Goal: to allow allow for more true-to-history ship designs and to rescale the gun sizes such that they look and feel appropriate for the ships they are historically designed to accommodate. For example, previously it was not possible to mount the dreadnoughts own guns on the dreadnought hull, now it should be. You could not properly build semi-armored cruisers, now you can. You could not feasibly arm early light [protected cruisers] with 9 inch guns and side mounted 6 inch guns, now you can Secondary twin guns often outrageously large if you compared them to the superstructure elements. Now they are properly scaled. Important notes: Compromises are made between scaling to the size of the mount (which dictates how well guns can fit on the hull) and the size of the barrels. Consistent gun sizes across all tiers and mounting types is not feasible. Since most gun models are being scaled down and not up, loading an old campaign is less risky than the reverse case. Still, beware that switching between resizer/no resizer mod is inherently risky Not all countries are yet as this mod will take a longer time to develop and perfect. Check the notes. Gun model selection is based around the tech era assumptions of the balance mod. I cannot do anything about changes in default length of the models Also note that the resizer already has the balance mod features, so your choice is; 1. balance mod without resizer 2. balance mod with resizer. Unlike the balance mod which is relatively tight and complete, this mod has the potential to damage campaigns (loading a save with different gun models and sizes can cause problems) Current features: Main battery on light cruisers increase to 9 inches to allow for historical protected cruisers. Twin battery on light cruisers enabled at start of campaign (7-9 inches initially) Casemates on light cruisers can now go up to 6 inches (the ship must still be large enough to accommodate them but the rescaling of the casemates allows CLs to achieve New single MK1 2-3" , new single MK 2 2" inch guns [generic], new 2-3" casemate guns Single MK1-3, 2-6" guns changed to mostly be shielded mounts, to make mounting them in tight spaces more viable relative to twins mounts. Some changes to selected generic MK1-3 1-6 Inch gun models for twins and triples. Rescaling of generic 7-12" MK1-3 inch guns (Affects mostly UK and other countries that use the generic guns in that range) Some preliminary changes to MK1-3 Chinese nation specific guns but still very much WIP. Rescale generic MK4-5 2-8" Guns Russian Guns mostly completed German Guns mostly completed American Guns mostly completed Planned features Rescale MK1-3 nation specific guns as necessary Examine MK4-5 nation specific inch guns as necessary (I think these are currently fine) Changelog Link: Going forward i will only show the most recently changed versions. The rest of the changes can be found in this word doc Rebalance!AhR3YVzwEWaUg6FBO_lcpi-jwOtxtg?e=xKTgFY Changes to most recent Version [8/10/23] Unchanged from prior update Edited November 5, 2023 by admiralsnackbar 11
spinaker Posted January 21, 2023 Posted January 21, 2023 I had a couple of fights, first impressions. BB and BC have become more vulnerable. To sink them, 20-30 hits of a large caliber are enough, and not a hundred, as in vanilla. It pleases. I haven't collected the necessary statistics yet, but nevertheless I watched how the hit of one projectile causes flooding of 4 compartments out of 10 on the most pumped battleship. Too cool, I hope it's a random factor. CA sink much worse than battleships. Of the oddities - some guns, it seems 152 mm, I observed an unnecessarily ballistic trajectory of 5-6 km. In general, the mod is interesting, it is necessary to test and collect statistics. 2
admiralsnackbar Posted January 21, 2023 Author Posted January 21, 2023 There was an issue with shell weights/reload rates that should be fixed in the file linked above. 1
o Barão Posted January 21, 2023 Posted January 21, 2023 11 minutes ago, admiralsnackbar said: There was an issue with shell weights/reload rates that should be fixed in the file linked above. Thank you for all the work. I will be using your mod for the next weeks and will report any issue I can find. Thanks. 1
anonusername Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 Would you mine sharing which variables you had to modify to fix the issues with the AI being constantly at war / going bankrupt? I have a similar set of changes that I apply via script (to avoid needing to redo the changes after each patch.), but I haven't managed to fix the AI warmongering and failed economies. 1
admiralsnackbar Posted January 22, 2023 Author Posted January 22, 2023 18 minutes ago, anonusername said: Would you mine sharing which variables you had to modify to fix the issues with the AI being constantly at war / going bankrupt? I have a similar set of changes that I apply via script (to avoid needing to redo the changes after each patch.), but I haven't managed to fix the AI warmongering and failed economies. interesting that you use a script, that would definitely be helpful for someone like me. I basically got very good at altering the values with excel/csv after each patch. in params, changed values in bold. #,,Economy,average cost of ship,ship_average_cost,"1,000,000",,,, revol_wealth_growth_add,-0.001,,,,,,,, revol_gdp_multiplier,-0.007,,,,,,,, wealth_growth,0.007,"growth of state's wealth, ratio, monthly, 0.007",average building time,building_average_time,20,,,,war_wealth_growth_add,-0.0015,"addition to wealth growth, if we are at war",peace month inflation,peace_inflation,0.055%,,,, inflation,0.00055,inflation monthly,war month inflation,war_inflation,1.255%,,,,war_inflation_add,0.006,"addition to inflation, if we are at war",peace one year inflation,peace_year_inflation,0.662%,,,, threshold_deflation,-0.01171,"minimum level of actual wealth growth, after which decrease of inflation will apply",war one year inflation,war_year_inflation,16.1443%,,,, cycle_wealth_amplitude,0.001,economic cycle wealth ampitude (1+[-a/+a]) (applied to actual wealth growth),current month inflation,inflation,0.055%,,,, cycle_wealth_period,60,"economic cycle period, in months",wealth growth monthly,wealth_growth,+0.645%,,,, change_limit_wealth_growth,1,limit for monthly change of wealth growth,10 year growth of wealth,wealth_growth_10y,+116.304%,,,, change_limit_inflation,1,limit for monthly change of inflation,,,,,,, province_income_max_modifier,6,Income max. scale according to campaign initial year (1890-1940),,,,,,, port_capacity_max_modifier,5.5,Port max. scale according to campaign initial year (1890-1940) ,,,,,,, initial_player_cash_multiplier,4,Funds max. scale for own fleet (1890-1940) ,,,,,,, initial_cash_without_fleet_multiplier,0.24,Additional funds multiplier for own fleet,,,,,,, port_capacity_growth_modifier,1,Affects growth of port capacity,,,,,,, population_growth_modifier,0.25,Affects growth of population,,,,,,,lose_provinces_threshold,0.1,threshold of province income to dissolve a nation,,,,,,, 1
anonusername Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 2 minutes ago, admiralsnackbar said: interesting that you use a script, that would definitely be helpful for someone like me. I basically got very good at altering the values with excel/csv after each patch. in params, changed values in bold. #,,Economy,average cost of ship,ship_average_cost,"1,000,000",,,, revol_wealth_growth_add,-0.001,,,,,,,, revol_gdp_multiplier,-0.007,,,,,,,, wealth_growth,0.007,"growth of state's wealth, ratio, monthly, 0.007",average building time,building_average_time,20,,,,war_wealth_growth_add,-0.0015,"addition to wealth growth, if we are at war",peace month inflation,peace_inflation,0.055%,,,, inflation,0.00055,inflation monthly,war month inflation,war_inflation,1.255%,,,,war_inflation_add,0.006,"addition to inflation, if we are at war",peace one year inflation,peace_year_inflation,0.662%,,,, threshold_deflation,-0.01171,"minimum level of actual wealth growth, after which decrease of inflation will apply",war one year inflation,war_year_inflation,16.1443%,,,, cycle_wealth_amplitude,0.001,economic cycle wealth ampitude (1+[-a/+a]) (applied to actual wealth growth),current month inflation,inflation,0.055%,,,, cycle_wealth_period,60,"economic cycle period, in months",wealth growth monthly,wealth_growth,+0.645%,,,, change_limit_wealth_growth,1,limit for monthly change of wealth growth,10 year growth of wealth,wealth_growth_10y,+116.304%,,,, change_limit_inflation,1,limit for monthly change of inflation,,,,,,, province_income_max_modifier,6,Income max. scale according to campaign initial year (1890-1940),,,,,,, port_capacity_max_modifier,5.5,Port max. scale according to campaign initial year (1890-1940) ,,,,,,, initial_player_cash_multiplier,4,Funds max. scale for own fleet (1890-1940) ,,,,,,, initial_cash_without_fleet_multiplier,0.24,Additional funds multiplier for own fleet,,,,,,, port_capacity_growth_modifier,1,Affects growth of port capacity,,,,,,, population_growth_modifier,0.25,Affects growth of population,,,,,,,lose_provinces_threshold,0.1,threshold of province income to dissolve a nation,,,,,,, Thanks. I can post my script here if it is helpful (still WIP). It basically has two sections. a "dumb replacement" mode that just execute find replaces on the assets file using regex, and another mode that automatically rebalances the years for gun caliber enhancements. (I decided it was easier to do this way than by fixing the marks to fit their original year like you did. I also chose to boost fire rates by improving the autoloader tech instead of doing it the hard way by editing all the individual guns. ) #!/bin/zsh UAD_DIR='/home/REDACTED/Documents/games/steam/steamapps/common/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts_Data' UAD_ASSETS="$UAD_DIR/resources.assets" UAD_BACKUP="${UAD_ASSETS}.bak" declare -a GUN_MARKS GUN_CALIBERS declare -ia MARK_STARTS MARK_ENDS CALIBER_OFFSETS GUN_MARKS=( "Mk-I" "Mk-II" "Mk-III" "Mk-IV" "Mk-V" ) GUN_CALIBERS=( "9-inch" "10-inch" "11-inch" "12-inch" "13-inch" "14-inch" "15-inch" "16-inch" "17-inch" "18-inch" "19-inch" "20-inch" ) # Taken from secondary gun techs. MARK_STARTS=( "1890" "1893" "1910" "1919" "1930" ) MARK_ENDS=( "1890" "1902" "1919" "1929" "1940" ) # Taken form main gun techs. CALIBER_OFFSETS=( 0 # 9in 0 # 10in 0 # 11in 0 # 12in 5 # 13in - 1895 21 # 14in - 1911 27 # 15in - 1917 29 # 16in - 1919 34 # 17in - 1924 37 # 18in - 1927 39 # 19in - 1929 41 # 20in - 1931 ) generate_gun_years() { local -i ncals=${#GUN_CALIBERS[@]} for ((i = 1; i <= ${#GUN_MARKS[@]}; ++i)); do for ((j = 1; j <= $ncals; ++j)); do local -i coff=${CALIBER_OFFSETS[$j]} local -i syear=${MARK_STARTS[$i]} local -i eyear=${MARK_ENDS[$i]} local -i year=$(( $syear + ($eyear - $syear) * $j / $ncals )) # "Minimum Year" for calibers which are not invented at game start. local -i myear=$((1890 + $coff + 2 * $i - 1)) # Don't allow bigger guns to hit high marks too fast [[ $year -lt $myear ]] && year=$myear echo ${GUN_MARKS[${i}]} ${GUN_CALIBERS[${j}]} guns $year done done } apply_changes() { local line; while read -r line; do echo sed -re "$line" -i "$UAD_ASSETS" done } # Applies changes in a single sed call. apply_changes_opt() { local line while read -r line; do echo -e '\055e' "'$line'" done | xargs sed -r -i "$UAD_ASSETS" } #cp "$UAD_BACKUP" "$UAD_ASSETS" apply_changes << 'EOF' s/,south_carolina_hull_a,/,dreadnought_hull_c,000/ s/(tech_budget_boost),110/\1,120/ s/(tech_budget_max),35/\1,50/ s/(hide_research_below),66/\1,20/ s/(fuel_cost_mod),0.05/\1,0.03/ s/(fuel_battle_max_throttle_mod),1.05/\1,0.50/ s/flaws\(3.5\)/flaws(5.0)/ s/reload\(27.5\)/reload(50.0)/ s/reload\(20\)/reload(40)/ s/reload\(15\)/reload(30)/ s/reload\(10\)/reload(20)/ s/gun_damage\(+17.5;-15\)/gun_damage(+5.0;-5.0)/ s/torpedo_damage\(+20;-20\)/torpedo_damage(+5;-5.0)/ s/gun_damage\(+20;-20\)/gun_damage(+5;-5.0)/ s/ap_ricochet_chance(7.5)/ap_ricochet_chance(-10)/ s/ap_ricochet_chance(10), /ap_ricochet_chance(-15),/ s/ap_ricochet_chance(15), /ap_ricochet_chance(-20),/ s/ap_ricochet_chance(20), /ap_ricochet_chance(-40),/ s/(^gun_length_firerate_min,0.)275/\1100/ s/(^gun_length_firerate_max,-0.)15/\110/ s/(^over_penetration_threshold,)2/\13/ s/(^over_penetration,0.0)85/\135/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-2\)/\1-1)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-3.5\)/\1-2.0)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-5\)/\1-3)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-6.5\)/\1-4.0)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-8\)/\1-5)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-4\)/\1-2)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-7\)/\1-4)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-9\)/\1-5)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-11\)/\1-06)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-13\)/\1-07)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-15\)/\1-10)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-20\)/\1-12)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-25\)/\1-15)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-7.5\)/\1-5.0)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-10\)/\1-06)/ s/(weight\(tower_(main|sec);)-12\)/\1-08)/ EOF generate_gun_years | \ # This works because the first capture group is greedy and catches up to the last space. sed -re 's/(.*) (.*)/s\/(\1),1...\/\\1,\2\//' | apply_changes_opt
PalaiologosTheGreat Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 Was it this historical for HE shells to be this powerful against All or Nothing?
anonusername Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 Also, I noticed the game says "During peacetime, special events can trigger missions against other smaller nations where your land armies attack automatically or you have to send a fleet to begin a naval invasion.", but I have never seen any such event. Would you happen to know where the probability of these events is controlled?
Suribachi Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 3 minutes ago, anonusername said: Also, I noticed the game says "During peacetime, special events can trigger missions against other smaller nations where your land armies attack automatically or you have to send a fleet to begin a naval invasion.", but I have never seen any such event. Would you happen to know where the probability of these events is controlled? I do not know where they are controlled, but 2 such events popped up in my campaign playing as the US. My government wanted to "prep for conquest" by invading some points in the Caribbean. So at least I know they do work
anonusername Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 2 minutes ago, PalaiologosTheGreat said: Was it this historical for HE shells to be this powerful against All or Nothing? It makes sense for HE to do a lot of damage to non-essential sections of an All or Nothing ship. The issues are 1. Damage to the non-essential portions of the ship cause a massive "damage instability" accuracy penalty. 2. There is no counterflooding to avoid listing when the prow or stern flood. 3. If additional damage is dealt to a destroyed section, it will "flow" to adjacent sections. This was introduced because of player feedback, but went too far in the other direction IMO. 3 minutes ago, Suribachi said: I do not know where they are controlled, but 2 such events popped up in my campaign playing as the US. My government wanted to "prep for conquest" by invading some points in the Caribbean. So at least I know they do work Would you happen to remember the exact text of the event so I can search for it? On a different topic, I wonder if increasing the "peace_treaty_chance_per_month" (very misleadingly name, it is actually the chance for peace to happen *after* a treaty is proposed, which can only happen twice a year) would help the AI not fight endless wars.
admiralsnackbar Posted January 22, 2023 Author Posted January 22, 2023 4 minutes ago, anonusername said: It makes sense for HE to do a lot of damage to non-essential sections of an All or Nothing ship. The issues are 1. Damage to the non-essential portions of the ship cause a massive "damage instability" accuracy penalty. 2. There is no counterflooding to avoid listing when the prow or stern flood. 3. If additional damage is dealt to a destroyed section, it will "flow" to adjacent sections. This was introduced because of player feedback, but went too far in the other direction IMO. Would you happen to remember the exact text of the event so I can search for it? On a different topic, I wonder if increasing the "peace_treaty_chance_per_month" (very misleadingly name, it is actually the chance for peace to happen *after* a treaty is proposed, which can only happen twice a year) would help the AI not fight endless wars. If the flow of damage can be limited in the parameters I can try to tweak it down. I like the idea of being able to cripple a ship that uses all or nothing with HE or common shells but not necessarily sinking it outright. I can also look around to see if I can increase the likelihood of the AI accepting peace.
anonusername Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 9 minutes ago, admiralsnackbar said: If the flow of damage can be limited in the parameters I can try to tweak it down. I like the idea of being able to cripple a ship that uses all or nothing with HE or common shells but not necessarily sinking it outright. I can also look around to see if I can increase the likelihood of the AI accepting peace. The issue with damage instability is that it is ridiculously overtuned. Often it will be maxed out by just a couple of hits, even though those hits caused only minor damage.
ZorinW Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 @admiralsnackbar Great work! I was wondering if you have checked the mechanics behind the auto-resolve as well? Cause right now, that function is best be avoided for its completely random nature.
admiralsnackbar Posted January 22, 2023 Author Posted January 22, 2023 (edited) 13 minutes ago, ZorinW said: @admiralsnackbar Great work! I was wondering if you have checked the mechanics behind the auto-resolve as well? Cause right now, that function is best be avoided for its completely random nature. I only know the parameters but not the function itself power_estimation_cost_exp_ai,0.65,"...same, but used for ai during battle",0.4,,,,,, power_estimation_cost_exp,0.5,power of exponent applied to cost to estimate generic power of ship,0.2,Autoresolve +10% cost (Should address a report of players),,,,, power_armor_exp,0.75,autoresolve power factor for armor,0.45,,,,,, power_speed_exp,0.35,autoresolve power factor for speed,0.6,,,,,, power_firepower_exp,0.55,autoresolve power factor for firepower,0.68,,,,,, power_ammo_exp,0.15,autoresolve power factor for ammo,0.1,,,,,, power_crew_exp,0.15,autoresolve power factor for crew,0.1,,,,,, If i got better at C# and unity programming I might be able to look under the hood but I've opened the files in visualbasic and it's gibberish to me. 12 minutes ago, anonusername said: The issue with damage instability is that it is ridiculously overtuned. Often it will be maxed out by just a couple of hits, even though those hits caused only minor damage. I think i saw the lines about damage instability, and I May be able to address it. Edited January 22, 2023 by admiralsnackbar
anonusername Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 4 minutes ago, admiralsnackbar said: I only know the parameters but not the function itself power_estimation_cost_exp_ai,0.65,"...same, but used for ai during battle",0.4,,,,,, power_estimation_cost_exp,0.5,power of exponent applied to cost to estimate generic power of ship,0.2,Autoresolve +10% cost (Should address a report of players),,,,, power_armor_exp,0.75,autoresolve power factor for armor,0.45,,,,,, power_speed_exp,0.35,autoresolve power factor for speed,0.6,,,,,, power_firepower_exp,0.55,autoresolve power factor for firepower,0.68,,,,,, power_ammo_exp,0.15,autoresolve power factor for ammo,0.1,,,,,, power_crew_exp,0.15,autoresolve power factor for crew,0.1,,,,,, If i got better at C# and unity programming I might be able to look under the hood but I've opened the files in visualbasic and it's gibberish to me. Did you find a tool for reversing il2cpp assemblies back to c#?
admiralsnackbar Posted January 22, 2023 Author Posted January 22, 2023 Just now, anonusername said: Did you find a tool for reversing il2cpp assemblies back to c#? Uh i actually don't remember exactly how i did it, some combination of having unity, an asset ripper, unity asset extractor, and visual studio
L3gi Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 any chance you would do an alt version mod that makes sub and mine tech unreachable for any nation? I think it would improve the gameplay by a lot.
SpardaSon21 Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 3 hours ago, anonusername said: This was introduced because of player feedback, but went too far in the other direction IMO. It was introduced not because of player feedback on damage models but because AI ships kept running away and their sterns kept eating all the shots leading to near-invincible ships, and rather than do the difficult but necessary thing and fix the AI Game Labs added the damage overflow. 3 hours ago, admiralsnackbar said: If the flow of damage can be limited in the parameters I can try to tweak it down. I like the idea of being able to cripple a ship that uses all or nothing with HE or common shells but not necessarily sinking it outright. That sort of thing should be exceptionally difficult since AoN ships were explicitly designed to prevent that sort of thing by having everything outside the citadel be of little to no value. Everything from ammo to fire control to primary damage control to even backup diesels were inside the citadel. The only thing the towers were necessary for was providing central rangefinding as opposed to turrets handling that individually, which is what the bunny ears on the B and Y turrets were for. I believe in an emergency one of those could even handle fire control for all three turrets thanks to how they were hooked into the fire control computer. 1
Sapphire Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 4 hours ago, anonusername said: Did you find a tool for reversing il2cpp assemblies back to c#? The issue with modding Il2ccp is the fact you can't just rebuild you'd need to use melon loader to create a C# mod for it. 1
ZorinW Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 5 hours ago, admiralsnackbar said: I only know the parameters but not the function itself power_estimation_cost_exp_ai,0.65,"...same, but used for ai during battle",0.4,,,,,, power_estimation_cost_exp,0.5,power of exponent applied to cost to estimate generic power of ship,0.2,Autoresolve +10% cost (Should address a report of players),,,,, power_armor_exp,0.75,autoresolve power factor for armor,0.45,,,,,, power_speed_exp,0.35,autoresolve power factor for speed,0.6,,,,,, power_firepower_exp,0.55,autoresolve power factor for firepower,0.68,,,,,, power_ammo_exp,0.15,autoresolve power factor for ammo,0.1,,,,,, power_crew_exp,0.15,autoresolve power factor for crew,0.1,,,,,, If i got better at C# and unity programming I might be able to look under the hood but I've opened the files in visualbasic and it's gibberish to me. I think i saw the lines about damage instability, and I May be able to address it. Interesting, but as you say, without the function we don't really know what is happening.
anonusername Posted January 22, 2023 Posted January 22, 2023 10 hours ago, SpardaSon21 said: It was introduced not because of player feedback on damage models but because AI ships kept running away and their sterns kept eating all the shots leading to near-invincible ships, and rather than do the difficult but necessary thing and fix the AI Game Labs added the damage overflow. The correct answer here is to properly model the armored bulkhead at the rear of the citadel and allow sufficiently powerful shells to go through the destroyed stern and penetrate it from behind. Instead we get shells fired at broadsides magically doing a 90* turn into the citadel and ignoring the armor. 10 hours ago, SpardaSon21 said: That sort of thing should be exceptionally difficult since AoN ships were explicitly designed to prevent that sort of thing by having everything outside the citadel be of little to no value. Everything from ammo to fire control to primary damage control to even backup diesels were inside the citadel. The only thing the towers were necessary for was providing central rangefinding as opposed to turrets handling that individually, which is what the bunny ears on the B and Y turrets were for. I believe in an emergency one of those could even handle fire control for all three turrets thanks to how they were hooked into the fire control computer. I wonder if it is possible to make AoN citadel reduce the penalties from stern/bow damage.
admiralsnackbar Posted January 23, 2023 Author Posted January 23, 2023 New version/download link I would like to look at funnels and turrets next, but that will take more time than it took to finish this. V0.3 Changes Lowered damage instability malus from generic damage suffered and boosted rate of recovery. (Permanent damage and flooding damage should be unchanged) Lowered the magnitude of the aiming and accuracy bonus to trained/veteran crew Minimum war duration lowered from 5 to 4 months Base peace probability changed to .5 Change in likelihood of peace if you tell your government to sue for peace or continue the war is +/-.4 respectively, so if you tell your government to make peace it happens 90% of the time, if you tell your government to continue the war it happens 90% of the time. Lowered VP thresholds for triggering peace chance [15000-> 8500] raised the threshold of relative difference. Peace request events can trigger every 2 months [previously 4] Damage to already destroyed components reduced to .1 from .25 Damage spread to other sections changed from .975 to .9 (effect unknown will require testing and feedback) Changed the War naval budget multiplier to 1.25 [from 2] I was finding against legendary enemies with perpetual states of war that I was amassing a huge amount of money, as China. I honestly couldn't build a fleet large enough to bankrupt myself because my shipyards were always at full capacity. 1
anonusername Posted January 23, 2023 Posted January 23, 2023 I finally got around to decompiling the code, and I found that the variable for controlling minor invasion frequency is "major_nation_threat_chance". You can increase it up to 1 to up the odds of a conquest. Note that there are other (less random) checks after this, and the invasion check only happens once per X turns.
admiralsnackbar Posted January 23, 2023 Author Posted January 23, 2023 14 minutes ago, anonusername said: I finally got around to decompiling the code, and I found that the variable for controlling minor invasion frequency is "major_nation_threat_chance". You can increase it up to 1 to up the odds of a conquest. Note that there are other (less random) checks after this, and the invasion check only happens once per X turns. Any idea which section is responsible for deciding what the largest casemates and guns can go on a particular class of warship?
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