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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, ZorinW said:

I didn't take it that way. Sorry if I made you feel that way.

Regarding the matter at hand I feel very strongly that it is within the responsibility of a development team to have a sufficient size that allows for filling all necessary posts including a communications manager - especially if you rely on your testers to get your game out the door.

I have my fair share of experience with working on multi-million euro projects (architecture) and if one of the projects would have ever even barely resembled what is happening with UAD we would have gone to court a long time ago. The teams working on such projects are also of a similar size of less than 10 people (only counting the design and development phase).

So yes, I am throwing a tantrum as I feel that a lot is going very wrong within the development process of UAD and if the dev team doesn't take swift action I don't see a bright if any future for this game.

That's where I don't agree. A community manager needs to be provided by the company under which you work, not from the development team. Developers are developers, not communicators. In my mind, that responsability is on Game-Labs, not on the Ultimate Dreadnought development team. Maybe you were using "developer" to designate the company and not the development team, and in that case, I agree.

I am working also in projects (software), and things like these... should not happen, but happen more frequently that they should. In terms of videogame software projects, there's a good amount of projects taking a lot of time or being cancelled after a successful kickstarter or crowdfunding campaign. At least, this game is being developed and they're working on it, even if it's taking time. That's better than a cancellation, or than a "hey guys, the game is finished as it is". Especially in niche games like this one, that is definitely not a mainstream game, IMHO. This is financially riskier for the company and the team, so they having a small team is the price we all have to pay.

Edited by bshaftoe

I mean honestly what did i just read? Subs arent working properly so now you have a right to be rude on the forum? Yes the current beta build has quite a few issues but thats why it is a beta. And this is quite the massive update so bugs are expected but does that mean the game is unplayable now? Not in the slightest, because worst case you have the released patch you can always switch to and even now the beta still mostly works fine. With just a little of patience you will get a full release for this patch without the major bugs.

12 minutes ago, Admiral Donuts said:

Why am I not finding the update for map wraparound?

Same. my ships are going the long way around still



Posted (edited)

Why do I still need to calculate the effective armor strength of armor by myself ? Its literally the only game I ever played where I need a calculator to be opened.





Edited by Rucki
16 minutes ago, MDHansen said:

Same. my ships are going the long way around still



No I just tested it in an early Japan campaign I have running. Ran a destroyer out to Pearl, it ran through the eastern map edge. So I do have the update after all.

26 minutes ago, Admiral Donuts said:

Why am I not finding the update for map wraparound?


14 minutes ago, MDHansen said:

Same. my ships are going the long way around still

I run a quick test. It seems you need enough range to go where you want without the need to refill your fuel.


On the left you see a CL sailing from Japan to the "other side".

On the right you see two Japanese BBs sailing all around the world to get to that location. They stop at many ports to refuel for the journey.


Next turn the CL is there on the "other side".

@Nick Thomadis bug report


This Japanese fleet is sailing from Japan to the USA west coast.

When they reach Gibraltar, they are teleported to a port in the Canary Islands.

  • Like 2

There are of course lot of problems, although by most part it works. I did noticed that enemy love to escape more then before, and if you have slower ships, impossible to catch with them.


I am glad that submarines are added to game (hope aircraft carriers would once be to). However i dislike how they are used. I mean it would be nice to have designer so that we can design our own submarine based on existing or generic components, also that submarines are part of your battlegroups. So that you can use them for scouting, attacking far from main group. That we can attack directly convoys with them, using wolfpacks tactics. This automatization is not really that fun. Of course i hope in future there will be such addons, but even for now its okay. Addition of new nations is bingo to me. But i hope that one full update will focus on new hulls, new superstructure parts like bridge section, new funnels.... and that those will actually be modeled after real ones, because fully recreating ships in this game is not possible with exception of very very few that are actually 90% correct.


Really hope that 1.10 or even 1.11 would focus more on those. But i like direction game is going just please DONT add multiplayer.

  • Like 5
Posted (edited)

I maintain that there should be enough focus points to put one point into a research of each of the research groups. (So, 10, at the moment)
Possibly even make it so that they're limited to one per, so that it's much harder to fall behind in anything.

The problem with towers not accepting casemate guns that they have slots for persists, incidentally.

Edited by Urst
Added a thought
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Submarines do not add power projection. They increase the Raiding power against enemy shipping (Chance to sink enemy TR per month).

The AI is affected by lost of TR now?


I noticed that the long run campaign 10y+ have one big issue. (but unfortunately everyone are in one big war for 8+ years...). The AI (on legendary diff) start bankrupt and the GDP of all nation is constant or go little down. In other words in 1900 I have  very similar amount of money like in 1890. 


1 hour ago, Rucki said:

Why do I still need to calculate the effective armor strength of armor by myself ? Its literally the only game I ever played where I need a calculator to be opened.

Sorry mate, but this is asking to be roasted you :D

I have a plenty of games with calculator open and these games are AMAZING!

Factorio, League of Legends, Sprocket, Total War, even paper RPG (without computers) like Warhammer or D&D asking from time to time to take calculator or paper and count it. 

And about armor if I see +38% the calculations I made simply: 1.4*armor. example 1.4*250=250+0.4*250=250+4*25=250+100=350 like small kid from school. Ofc this is not 350mm, but close enough.


1 hour ago, Nagato said:

Really hope that 1.10 or even 1.11 would focus more on those. But i like direction game is going just please DONT add multiplayer.

I will be pleasant with MP, but as additional way to play a game. 

Edited by Plazma

Starting a battle with 1 battle division and 1 screening division.

CLs in the screening division start with speed of 20, 13, and 0 knots. After ordering them to move they all instantly teleport to 20.

Also I am begging you. Please let us set up our fleet dispositions before battle! At least by assigning the ships to their division and duty, more than half of every battle is spent just trying to sort out the formation.



Research is dreadfully slow and doesn't make sense. Despite having 100% research and nearly every month keeping cruiser hulls a priority, Its May 1899 and I was only able to get to 12,500tn CA, a year 1900 tech. Meanwhile, most of my techs are researching 1891 techs. I'm going to go back and try but it seems like I wouldn't even be able to get all the necessary techs to build an authentic HMS dreadnought until well into maybe the 1920s. The pace of tech development seems more like 1 turn is 1 week, vs 1 month.

  • Like 4

I'm getting second ship in divisions unable to reduce speed to match the lead ship and spending the whole battle slaloming back and forth. This is even with avoid turned off.

  • Like 1
3 hours ago, Rucki said:

Why do I still need to calculate the effective armor strength of armor by myself ? Its literally the only game I ever played where I need a calculator to be opened.





Should be made a togglable value in the interface imo.

  • Like 3

First of all, thanks for improving the fuel situation.

But now I've noticed new problems.

At the beginning of the battle, I can’t find anyone, I swim for a long time, and as a result I press the end of the battle button, because. it is impossible to wait and swim further. Judging by the feedback from above, the enemies are running away. This not normal.

Also, something happened to the visibility distance, because. the torpedo boat disappeared at a distance of 2.4 km from my battleships, moreover, continuing to shoot at them, because. projectiles were displayed.

Solving problems with the enemy running away from the battlefield would be solvable, BUT!

The rate of research for some technologies, in particular engines, big guns, boilers and some others, is incredibly LOW.

Thank you for your attention




Why am I not included in the war panel on the left? I am allied with Japan and the UK and at war with China and Russia. 

Also, I have had a fleet in between japan and asia for months and not a single battle has happened. This seems like a glitch. 

15 minutes ago, Makko said:



Why am I not included in the war panel on the left? I am allied with Japan and the UK and at war with China and Russia. 

Also, I have had a fleet in between japan and asia for months and not a single battle has happened. This seems like a glitch. 

I was just running a test on this. I pulled my entire (japanese) fleet back to Sasebo. The next month I did over 14,000 vps worth of damage to the Chinese navy, plus a metric buttload of transports sunk. However, when I'm out at sea in Sea Control stance, I hardly ever get a fight even when there are a bunch of fleets terminating at my location.

Posted (edited)

If we are forced to participate in a battle the enemy should not immediately run away.
Every time one of my heavy cruisers or battleships get the ambushed by torpedo boats mission I never see them. Maybe make it so the enemy has to suffer a certain percentage of ship loss before they can retreat. Otherwise make the missions where the enemy is just going to run away be optional.


Option at beginning of the game to set limit of how many ships per fleet. My computer is pretty decent and had no issues when about 25 of my ships were going against 130 enemy ships. Shortly after though I got a mission with 15 of my ships vs 260+ enemy ships. I was only able to get 4-6 fps even turning down graphics and that was with me retreating immediately and never even seeing the enemy fleet.

Edited by elkev
  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Fangoriously said:

Playing Spanish, its impossible to send any ships to Guantanamo bay, it always tries to send them to Santiago instead



There are many ports that this bug is effecting. 

Posted (edited)

Toyed around with the new beta, started several campaigns as Japan and USA.

While I like the new world map and playable nations and added features in campaign, other stuff is lacking or a step back.

Some random thoughts:

- Ai seems to be less aggressive. This results in ships keeping their distance out of gun range, resulting in either you chasing them endlessly, or 15 minutes of my life chasing / retreating trying to bait them into following me and ultimately leaving the battle with the calculator doing all the work, resulting in weird battle results and/or losses where there shouldn't be. 75% of the battles are just not fun to play.

- Japanese start in 1890 is just harsh. Can't build any decent ships even for 1890 standards.

- Optimization. Please focus on this the next few patches. This game runs on a single core and its very noticeable, especially after the added nations last patch. Rounds (the time between turns where game calculates... stuff) taking over 2 minutes shouldn't be happening, not in a game which has a potential to have around 700 of those. I'm not about to spend 12 to 20 hours of my life  in a campaign waiting for the game to calculate. Same goes for starting a campaign. I can click the start button, make coffee, drink coffee, take a shit and at last vacuum house and after all that it still hasn't finished loading. 

In the same categorie (optimization) are the 1890-1920 battles where an enemy blob of doom engages with my fleet, resulting in a 20vs100+ battle. The FPS is horrendous, resulting in a slideshow at 1-2 fps at the start at an engagement. Now, my specs aren't state of the art anymore, but a 9900k~4.5ghz / 2080 / 32gb should get much better results in my opinion.

EDIT: The amount that the game gets stuck on loadingscreens has also drastically gone up.

I love the premise of this game, and I really have/had fun with it, but the optimization problems have plagued the game from the start. "Soon" would be a great time to fix them :) 

Attached are system resources used during 100+ ships battle. This is all the game takes.



Edited by Bubs
  • Like 3

 There is also quite long wait between turns, of course more nations that are AI mean longer wait but sometimes it froze and crash. I also feel that Japan have to little ports. There should be few additional ports or increasing size of existing.

In smaller clashes, enemy run away, its impossible to catch them (as usually those are either destroyers or light cruisers)

As i mentioned before submarine combat is automated, its not fun at all. Its nice that they are in game but whats the point if you cant design your own, or control like you control surface ships.

Minelayers - minehunters should be separate ships instead putting all into destroyer. As well introduction of frigates, escort frigates, etc. Starting in 1920 enemy fleets are far larger then mine, playing with Japan, my starting fleet was some 20 ships, every AI nation had over 70. I don't mind other nations having more, but increasing more funds would be nice. Heck my starting fleet was some two battleships, and five battlecruisers (one which i lost early), i did manage to hold my own because despite been in war with Russia, US, France and Spain, i was only attacked by Russian navy, which most was in Vladivostok, hell, Russian pacfic fleet in this game was twice the size of my own fleet. But biggest issue is the wait between turns. Algoritms are to slow. It should go faster.

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