MasterBurte Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 (edited) 1. I have found that the game starts to lagg after a while. It's so bad that even gameplay outside of battles is pointless because everything becomes a slideshow. Closing the game and restarting fixes it immidiatly. So there seems to be some build up of data. Ram usage seems to get pretty high to while lagging. My system: i5 10400f, 32 gb ddr4 3600, 960 gtx 2. Another issue that is gameplay related is that the value hull form and the displacement system doesn't make any sense. First hull form seems to be a multiplicator connected to the displacement. So the game doesn't care if the ship is short and wide or long and narrow. The requiret horsepower stays the same. Additionally the hull form independently changes engine weight in stead of horsepower what would make more sense. Instead hull form should be changed to a drag coefficent. We should get a calculation of the hull speed (vmax=2.43 x (√l)kn) that is only dependend on the length of the hull. This speed can't get exided no matter how much engine power you have. For smaller craft like torpedo boats and maybe small destroyers it could be possible to at least partially glide and excide hull speed. The engine power needed to accelerate to the hull speed on the other hand should be calculated by the drag which is dependend on the factors like form coefficent, drag coefficent and length/width comparison. The length/width comparison itself can then be used to determine turning rates. I would like to see these values reworked and have the displacement slider replaced by a stepless length slider. When you construct a ship and aim for a certain speed you can just set the max hull speed by length. 3. Currently ship hulls get unlocked via research and sometimes make old hull obsolete and therefore unavialable. I can't even build additional ships from an existing design if the hull is obsolete. Also we have multiple identical hulls that get magicly different values but are except for their dimensions and displacement identical. First i would love to be able to build obsolete hulls. Just tell the player in the editor that he is building an old hull design. Second it would be great to have every single hull design only one single time. Just give the player the option to decide how big he wants to build it. No more dreadnought I, II and III. Make a research field just for hull designs of all ships. CA/CL/... can be restricted by displacement and have the same designs available. Edited July 7, 2022 by MasterBurte 2
Norbert Sattler Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 I started a campaign with the current hotfix and am now in the very first battle of the very first war... and both the French and my ships have veteran crews. So the hotfix doesn't seem to fix that bit, or at least not in all cases. I also transmitted it ingame.
havaduck Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 (edited) Nah sorry I had enough of this update. Maybe after another few Hotfixs Ill give it a try but this is bonkers. I "played" how long? 3 Hours? More? And not a single battle. So war finally starts. The French are sitting there with their lovely Doomstacks I dont wanna fight. Not because I cant win, because it will take me 2 hours or more and I gotta work tomorrow. So I hope to get a mission generated. Spoilers: I dont. So I mobilise the battlefleet and would you know it? All the cunts that sat there unmoving the first few months of the war disappered. Has this been all for naught then? Not exactly. I do love that power projection considering they do not have a single fúcking ship south of Brest. Even if its 3 empy ports fo the british their empty tea bags are just to much. And the French as well. So if they doomstack and I sit in port, I dont blockade them. But if I send the fleet out ins response I am blockaded. And ofc. So far. No battles. At all. Edited July 7, 2022 by havaduck
Norbert Sattler Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 Did something change for sinking transports? In the western mediteranean I have 1400 power projection vs the French who have 82 with my fleet setting right outside Toulon on Invade. If I have a lot more power projection, shouldn't that lead to their transports being sunk, at least every now and again?
Plazma Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 German 1890: I know that I don't have BB, but the difference in Power Projection is too big. Like 1000 point per BB, when the one CA have not more than 96-100 points. Ok, my CA are 4 time less expensive and have 4 less tonnage compared to BB, but this force me to build at least 5 CA per 1 BB (137) to don't get blocked or 13 BB only to balance the power. This should looks like that? Also the Britain had 47 BB on the start of the war in 1890. I little feel like the Britain on the start have 200% more funds at least or maybe more and is high risk that I get blocked, especially when I don't go in BB.
VanillaBryce Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 Lots of people have reported crashes when leaving the ship designer in campaign and I noticed that I always crashed in the beta if I designed all my ships without leaving the shipyard between designs. Using the "New Design" button in the shipyard seems to cause this issue pretty reliably... I have no idea how things are done, but it seems like a cache issue; the shipyard instance is getting overloaded by all the high-fidelity models being stored. Just a theory. Maybe disable the button in campaign until this issue is resolved? 1
VanillaBryce Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 1 hour ago, Nick Thomadis said: Hello Admirals, We just deployed the following small update. *1.07 Hotfix* - Fixed issues that could greatly delay the campaign turns ("Building Turns" Lag). - Fixed bug that could cause crew training to become higher than "trained" without combat. - Total Crew pool will now depend on population and will not increase infinitely. - Adjusted Tension to be caused a little more easily. - Fixed issue that caused Conning Tower armor limit to be very low. - Campaign AI will scrap ships or delete old designs more efficiently (AI fleets should become stronger in the long term). Enjoy! The Game-Labs Team Lots of people have reported crashes when leaving the ship designer in campaign and I noticed that I always crashed in the beta if I designed all my ships without leaving the shipyard between designs. Using the "New Design" button in the shipyard seems to cause this issue pretty reliably... I have no idea how things are done, but it seems like a cache issue; the shipyard instance is getting overloaded by all the high-fidelity models being stored. Just a theory. Maybe disable the button in campaign until this issue is resolved? 1
slaugman Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 I am having a blast playing the update, and love the new French Hulls and gun models. Really was a fantastic update, and I love this game. I've run into a few issues, and reported them in game too when I saw them. Really look forward to more updates. I might have a big ol' wall of text on bugs, gripes, and suggestions, but I really enjoy the game and am impressed. Some fascinating death stack battles, including facing 20~30 Heavy Cruisers from Italy and Austria Hungary. If it weren’t for the bug of the AI not scrapping old ships/designs, I think I would have lost handily. Although the AI might get very confused on some of the large battles. It’s hard to tell, but they seem to just kinda form into a giant ball of ships. Underwater Torpedo launchers are too fragile. They seem to be getting blown far too easily on battleships and the like, and I am curious what (if any) armor is covering them. Additionally, I think torpedo explosions should only remove the torps in that launcher. It’s a bit annoying that my 20,000t battleship that has 10 underwater tubes loses all torps. It is my assumption that each tube would be its own separate room with its own torpedo storage (even if this game doesn’t track ammo per gun but rather per group) I’ve run into an issue where some of my secondary guns and/or primary guns don’t seem to fire. When I tell the ship to retarget, they all go off in a salvo, but it doesn’t seem to be a permanent fix, and they freeze up after a slavo or two. I thought it was the auto targeting, or even turns, but it seems to be an issue with multiple gun groups firing. Some of my wars have not shown up on the left of the UI. I think it might be an issue with them being separate wars with no allies, but I know I have seen multiple wars in the past. So far I think I’ve only seen a single war at a time on the left ui. AI controlled groups in battle: I’ve actually had some great luck giving CL’s to the AI. TB’s and DD’s less so, and in very large battles, some groups have a tendency to guard against a flank that doesn’t exist. I’m not sure if it has to do with having them with movement orders (scout, screen, ect) before I gave AI control of them. I wish there was some clarity on what the AI is hoping to accomplish AI ship movement on campaign has been questionable. For instance, Italy had a sizable fleet outside of Nice for years, even while at peace, until they were all blown to bits cause aforementioned bug regarding old ships. However far more entertaining was nearly the entire British Fleet sitting in Gibraltar. GB and I (France) had bad relations, and the AI I assume knew the war would happen soon, but emptying every port on the isles to bottle me into the med. was a not a strategy I was expecting, especially when I had a capable fleet in Brest, and another in Le Harve. (I don't know where the rest of the British Fleet is, as all the ports are empty. This image also captures the whole, only 1 war on the left of the UI, as I am in a separate war with Germany.) I’ve had some ships “mothballed” when I had more than enough men to crew it. Not sure why it was mothballed right out of the shipyard. Is this due to AI wanting to man all my ships with more than green sailors? There are a lot of AI decisions (Our countries AI in campaign) that I wish we could see the “Why?”. Sometimes its not clear why the AI decided to do something, and its frustrating; but at least knowing why the AI decided to do that would alleviate a lot of frustration for myself. Additionally, can we have a button or something that auto mothballs a ship rather than setting crew? Or something to mothball/reactivate multiple ships easily. The refits also need some way to tell how long it will take in the shipbuilder (unless there already is one) Having some idea of how major a refit is would honestly have me experiment more. Also refitting a ship, that selection menu needs a port column and a refit time column too. As France, my Med Fleet and Atlantic Fleet might have different refit priorities that the current menu requires me to memorize ship names instead and refit 1 first to see the time it takes. In a similar manner, would love the ability to build directly into refits, rather than being forced to build the initial ship, the refit. Also refitting while damaged would be nice. Maybe a slight increase in time, but there is no reason I can think of that certain refits can’t be started and done while battle damage is repaired. In a similar manner, I think there is an issue with Tech being locked to when a ship is built in the builder. If I were to copy one of my designed, the guns will auto update to the newest model (which I wish was an option but not forced) however, modules are stuck. For instance taking a copy of a refit to make a new ship with, but trying to add a new rangefinder or shells isn’t possible. It seems that when you copy a ship, the game doesn’t recognize any new tech since the original ship was made. Also, with designs, as you are aware, some aren’t delete-able even when all ships using it are scrapped. At a personal level, I also would like to be able to see known other nations designs. (for instance ones we have faced in battle) and even rumors of new ship classes being laid down. I’d personally like a closer fight rather than fielding Heavy Cruisers larger than the enemies Battleships. (might be issue with AI not scrapping) Building ships in series and parallel. Would love a stat on overall dockyard room, and not being able to exceed that total tonnage being constructed at any time. I find it less fun when I can lay down 40 battleships at the same time (assuming I can afford it) and I wish there was more reasons for the player to not just build the maximum sized class, with as many as they can afford at the given time. I’ve run into two additional problems with task forces on campaign map. Transferring ships from port to port is very tedious. Because of Task Forces being limited to Protect, Invade, and Sea Control, I find it they are often pulled into battles, when I really wish they would just try and get to the port. Its one thing for them to be intercepted by the enemy, its another when they go out of their way to get into a battle. The problem with that is unless they get to the new port, they go back to their original port for repairs. For Nations like GB w/ the Mediterranean, and France w/ Atlantic and Med. And it will be an issue when Japan/America are added, and any overseas colonies. If I recall, earlier versions had them go to a basically random port, and I don’t want that back, because that was even more frustrating. But would it be possible that when a Task Force is moving from port to port and need to repair, they either check if they are closer to their start or end destination and go there (no sense having a damaged vessel cross the entire Atlantic when it got hit just outside of port at the start of the journey.) or ask the player where the damaged ships should go. (Ideally with a menu where you can pan around the map and check port sizes before you have to answer) Not sure if this is a bug, but when I do have a Task Force get into combat and need repair, they keep their fleet behavior. So, for instance if they were set to Sea Control, get damaged, get repaired, but are still in port, they continue to be on sea control. This can get aggravating when a Task Force was made from multiple bases, and suddenly you have a lone BB get into a fight or a convoy escort mission when you would otherwise never let that BB leave port without any escort. Also would love the ability to “favorite” a Task Force, or a better UI for building one, especially in cases where they are built from multiple ports. As it stands, those require 2 turns to form two TF’s and move them together where they auto-merge when close enough, but 2 turns is also amply opportunity for them getting into a mission, get damaged, and are already back in port. Would LOVE the ability to create a TF by just something like right clicking the sea, having a context menu pop up, and then it launching a menu that you can select ships from multiple ports that will automatically form up into a TF. And maybe when ships get damaged, they split off, get repaired, and potentially join back up (or at least an easy way to send them back to the TF). Lastly, a feature request, but at the end of the battle, would it be possible to have a map that tracks all the vessels? Either a savable gif, pan-able timeline (major reports being on the timeline such as X ship spots Y ship, or Z ship sinks), or even just a still map similar to historic naval battle maps? Similar to Rule the Waves? I think it would add a lot. 1
Plazma Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 (edited) Please fix the situation when the guns stop firing for no reasons. With the huge battle like 10+ ships is very hard to check each ship/group etc. I found that half of my fleet don't shoot back even if they have 60% of accuracy, because why not?! Or they have ready guns but they wait like 20s for nothing... this is simply annoying. How I can help you to fix that issue? Edit: Eh... Britain ask about peace, I agree, war continue... Edited July 7, 2022 by Plazma
kjg000 Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 4 minutes ago, VanillaBryce said: Lots of people have reported crashes when leaving the ship designer in campaign and I noticed that I always crashed in the beta if I designed all my ships without leaving the shipyard between designs. Using the "New Design" button in the shipyard seems to cause this issue pretty reliably... I have no idea how things are done, but it seems like a cache issue; the shipyard instance is getting overloaded by all the high-fidelity models being stored. Just a theory. Maybe disable the button in campaign until this issue is resolved? I use multiple screens and keep windows Task Manager running in one of them showing memory use. I noticed that whenever I used the ship builder memory usage jumped and remained high after exiting. Whenever it gets around 80% (of 32Gb) I exit cleanly to windows. This generally is required about once every 10 years of game time. Rarely it will drop without exiting the game and I don't know why. I never create more than 1 design at a time but sometimes I will abandon several designs in one session without causing problems. So design, muck about, save, exit seems OK but design, save, design, save, exit seems to cause problems. BTW it may not be the absolute amount of memory used (I.e 24Gb) but the percentage used (80%) that's causing the problem. Also, above 50% I seem to have more long delays between turns, but that may not be real as it may just seem that way because I'm expecting it to happen. 1
VanillaBryce Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 (edited) 6 hours ago, Grayknight said: Please add limit to the ship amount in task force based on communication technology and give us a reason to have a radio please give time limit on ship after wich AI scraps it (10to15 years) I do not think underwater torpedo tubes should be destroyed and exploded by 2inch 3inch guns? I mean we are talking about guns that are what 50mm? 75mm? 4 inch should be about 110mm? Ignoring the fact that them hiting torpedo tube would be unlikely when shells are AP, shells should explode soon after hitting water if they are HE rather harmlessly. As for now all bbs with UNDERWATER torpedo tubes explode in the start of the battle due to the ridiciuluse amount of fire poured by the AI doomstack (i personaly fought few battles against only 80 ships so not that big of amount compered to some here but it is still stupid and over all sadly... not fun I do really like the idea of using the communications size to limit task force size, but I don't think this makes sense from an engineering perspective for the AI. Such a system would be a lot more complex than simply telling the AI that its task forces need to adhere to a fixed ratio relative to the size of the player's task forces. This would ensure that the player always has a fleet capable of taking on the AI task force. For instance, the ratio could be set at 3:1 (the best overmatch ratio from a game play perspective imo). This could even be made into a slider on the campaign window! Having a slider to determine the maximum numerical advantage you want to face in battle would be awesome. Of course, there could still be a minimum value of like 1-1.5 : 1, so that the AI at least has a chance. This would give the player the ability to choose how much of a disadvantage they want to put themselves at when they fight. Personally, I'd love the game even if I was facing two or three to one odds a lot of the time. It's the times when I'm facing four or five to one odds that are frustrating and immersion-breaking. With this system, the AI could only organize task forces that adhered to the ratio designated by the player. A system based on a fixed ratio like this would be easy to implement compared to complex logic related to communications technology, ranges, etc. In the case of a 3:1 ratio, 3x fleets would still be incredibly difficult to fight without using cheese tactics like torpedo-spam or speed-tanking, but a skilled player could put up a good fight, maybe even win. It really annoys me when people suggest "Just use cheese-tactic X and the game is a walk in the park." I don't play historical games like this to show how much smarter I am at exploiting game-mechanics than a dumb AI. I play to pretend I'm an admiral trying to fight for their country. In the real-world, there are very few cases where a cheese-tactic exists like in a game. There has to be a balance between realism and play-ability because games can't fully emulate the real-world. My biggest gripe with these gigantic fleet battles is that they don't make any sense. Sure, I shouldn't have left port with a doom stack roaming, but IRL the lead admiral (player) would have several fleets to coordinate with. A real admiral wouldn't just have a single task force engage a massive enemy blob of ships (that you can't withdraw from half the time). They would have several forces engage simultaneously. There is no reinforcement system in the game at the moment, so this kind of realism is impossible. Instead, the player just gets caught out by a death blob when they try to role-play realistically. I don't think players should be forced to put all their ships at one port at the start of a campaign just because the AI can glob together in a giant death-ball. Edited July 7, 2022 by VanillaBryce 1
Plazma Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 One small problem: The chance to hit the TB are very low, let's say 1%. But around this TB is literally dead zone. The second TB having this same size/speed will be hit much more often than the target! Like any ship/object in the red zone have will take 60% shots. This make a funny situation when you target opposite TB to hit the original one. The distribution of the shots are very unrealistic and sometimes in situations like this the ship get bunch of shots like in 5s 10 shots, while if the TB is alone by 50s usually don't get hit or like 1 or 2 times... depends on range/accuracy. I know the target size is 2x more bigger in this situation, but why the rate of hits jump by 10x times? 1
Fangoriously Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 I don't remember seeing any major doomstacks in the beta, is everyone who sees them playing on Legendary? 1
o Barão Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 10 minutes ago, Fangoriously said: I don't remember seeing any major doomstacks in the beta, is everyone who sees them playing on Legendary? In my campaign was in normal difficulty. It seems it happens more with A-H AI.
IshPR7777 Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 20 hours ago, IsmaelMolina2021 said: The 1 inch or other smaller guns like a half inch gun from M2 Browning machine gun, 12.7mm guns, 20mm guns, 25mm guns and 37mm guns hasn't added to the game yet, but it is the one where we have been missing to replicate anti-aircraft type weapons and the other guns that the navies have been used from the late 19th century and all way to WW1 period @Nick Thomadis, when I was talking about the smaller guns other than 40mm guns and 1.1 inch guns, there are some gun models that the navies have been used in between late 19th century and WW1 period, like it has two digit decimal figures instead of just one digit decimal figures
Norbert Sattler Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 5 minutes ago, o Barão said: In my campaign was in normal difficulty. It seems it happens more with A-H AI. AH starts with the smallest shipyard and is restricted to 11500 t pre-dreadnoughts, so they tend to build far more ships than other factions, on account of their ships being so much smaller and thus cheaper. They also have far less territory than anyone else. So it's hardly surprising that they tend to "doomstack" more than anyone else. With just three ports, simply keeping their fleets at home already creates big stacks.
Skeksis Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 (edited) The French will hide in port until about 18 months and then throw everything at you. It's like if training is set so low and it takes 18 months for ships to reach trained level, then the AI actions. Does ‘training crew’ trains every ship at the same speed or is the speed proportional to the number of ships? So maybe the AI won’t action until crews are trained, this would match what is happing. i.e. nothing (unreadiness) - then suddenly a stacked fleet, all training finished at the same time. Edited July 7, 2022 by Skeksis
Urst Posted July 7, 2022 Posted July 7, 2022 (edited) 51 minutes ago, o Barão said: In my campaign was in normal difficulty. It seems it happens more with A-H AI. I get it just as much, if not more, with the British. Too bad that they destroy their economy when they do this and once I've killed all their battleships after 10 years of war they literally can't make any more ships. Edited July 7, 2022 by Urst Adding needed information. 1
Littorio Posted July 8, 2022 Posted July 8, 2022 Based on the latest hotfix, feedback is thus: - Lag in leaving designer for campaign is reduced, RAM usage is better - AI makes less doomstacks - Citadels are fixed - Tension happens a little more Thus my concerns from earlier today are largely dealt with. However... Out of 3 engagements, each one where I outnumbered the foe, they fled before even seeing my forces, just immediate 180 turns, since contact was never made between the points of the compass using fast TBs and CLs on varying courses, on 10x speed, for a good 20 minutes. I just wanted to see if I ever saw even the slightest bit of them. I am tired of saying since the earliest days of the campaign that this behavior is illogical. The enemy should not flee before it ascertains my forces. Oh wait, we "already" did that on the campaign map, operational level. So why is the engagement even occurring??? Even better, if I "trapped" them with my "superior speed" and forced the fight, how are they evading? All this, I and others have stated countless times. Besides the obvious need for a spotting overhaul, the UI/UX is just horrid. It's depressing trying to build ships and being unable to compare designs side-by-side. It is a pain to switch behind 2 different classes 100x trying to compare stats and weights. It is idiotic to have to build ships to ancient designs only to refit them. Formations are still garbage and collision avoidance makes things worse, because ships do full 180s and then run parallel to each other far, far out of formation and away from the fleet. The stupid "cloudy fog" that in no way models the supposed conditions on the field makes it annoying to try and see your forces and how close they are, and only exists in-game to give cover to their nonsensical "fog of war" which is not real fog as discussed ad infinitum. We need real weather visually modeled. We need a top-down fleet view, or a paper chart or something, anything to get a better look at the positioning of a large fleet. There are many such simple add-ons and fixes that would go a long-way to making this game better immediately. Essentially, the user experience is just not fun right now, either as facilitated by the UI or through many existing game mechanics. Based on the way the devs have been going, and the things that have been given priority, I am doubtful these concerns will be addressed anytime soon. The game is just a time sink as it stands, which would not be a problem if it was at least fun. But it is not even that, and is hobbled by too many nagging design issues, both large and small. I can't play this game anymore as it is, and I refuse to waste more time on it unless changes are made. The more they build on this shaky foundation and tie in ever-increasing numbers of systems, the worse it will be to go back and revamp things. I have uninstalled this game and deleted all cache info. I'm taking a long break, at least 3 months, probably more. I'll check in down the road admirals and see how this awkward beast is faring, if we ever get there. But there are many other players who checked out that you don't see on the forums anymore at all, and I am not alone. Sooner or later there will be a reckoning, and either this game will finally become what it should be, or else will remain mired in mud as a nightmare to manage and play. I wish you all well. Good luck. 10
Norbert Sattler Posted July 8, 2022 Posted July 8, 2022 There is still a problem with task forces combining. I had plenty of cases where two taskforces sent from the Adriadic to spots around the UK or Germany ended up in one big blob, instead of the seperate forces I sent them out. I also had several cases of task forces absorbing other forces when passing them by. For example I had a guard force near Gibraltar. When I sent a task force to blockade France's atlantic coast, this task force decided to tag along to the Atlantic and merge with the attack group, rather than stay in their assigned position. Moving them a bit more to the east solved the issue, since that put them apparently far enough away from the spot where the attack force would pause on their way to the front... but this never should have been an issue in the first place. Task forces should only merge when their final destination is close, not the spots they stop along on the way. 2
Norbert Sattler Posted July 8, 2022 Posted July 8, 2022 (edited) Okay, that was just peak frustration. I fought a war with Germany and trashed their entire fleet save for 5 ships CL and below. Twice I got asked whether I agreed to peace, twice I said yes and both times the war continued anyway... and then Germany dissolved while we were still at war... Come on, really? Edited July 8, 2022 by Norbert Sattler
Norbert Sattler Posted July 8, 2022 Posted July 8, 2022 There's still the issue of Austria-Hungary being able to research quad secondaries, but not actually being able to build any.
VanillaBryce Posted July 8, 2022 Posted July 8, 2022 (edited) I've said it before and I'll say it again - many light ships are currently way, way, waaaay too tanky. It is completely absurd how many shells they can take without sinking. Take, for example, this LIGHT CRUISER in my 1910 campaign that took not 5, not 10, not 20, but FIFTY 12" SHELLS, A TORPEDO, AND ALMOST SIXTY 8" SHELLS BEFORE IT SANK: A LIGHT CRUISER... This is what my battleships were equipped with: I literally ran out of AP on my cruisers and battleships because these things would not die. Edited July 8, 2022 by VanillaBryce
VanillaBryce Posted July 8, 2022 Posted July 8, 2022 I'd also like to add that the 8" guns the enemy fleet was using were somehow ridiculously accurate for 1910. They often had more than 40% chance to hit at 5-7 km range, while my own 11 inch guns had closer to a 7% chance to hit... Supposedly the 11 inch were supposed to be far more accurate...
kjg000 Posted July 8, 2022 Posted July 8, 2022 1.07 Hotfix I can but dream! Sorry, this is a long one. - STILL getting a free pass for transports once all of their escorts have been sunk. Either let us chase them down or assume they were sunk. - STILL no way to force a war or some sort of mechanism on the politics screen to push for war or appeasement with nations. - STILL no scroll bar on info boxes. I assume such boxes are an object, add a scroll bar to the object! - STILL no link from ships in the Fleet screen to the Design or Refit functions! - STILL can’t build directly from a Refit design, again little more than a link. - STILL effectively only one war/alliance option. If more than one war then the campaign breaks or at least becomes unreliable. Similarly, if non-standard alliances form then the system breaks. World Screen - All wars listed, not just one Victory Point listing shown. This will help clear up some of the other problems. - A marker on the port flags to show if they are occupied, possibly a coloured strip along the bottom of the flag representing the percentage of port capacity used, i.e. if 50% a green strip stretching half way along the bottom of the flag, if > 100% a red strip stretching the full width of the flag. Information at a glance helps the game become more enjoyable. - Screen currently auto-centres on GB/Germany, it should auto-centre on the PLAYERS nation. - Some info boxes almost disappear off screen with the acknowledgement box barely accessible, scroll bars are needed for these. - When peace treaties fail, give some explanation why. - TF should not merge unless the player instructs them to! Too often I find 2 TF have stopped somewhere random because they happened to end a turn near each other, even with different destinations or missions. Politics Screen - I don’t see how this will be expanded should new nations be added. Is this the envisioned final layout, if not please change to reflect the intended layout. - Possibly include a relationship grid for all nations, that is a grid with nation listed along the top and side where the intersection of the relevant rows and columns show the state of the relation ship, possibly using colour. Say red = at war, grey = neutral, green = good and blue = allied, dark hues indicating getting stronger, light hues indicating easing off. Rollover to show national details. Depending on the size of each box also include a number from -100 to +100 as you do now or indicating the change since last turn. - PLAYERS nation should always be listed first. - Allow players to sue for peace. - Allow players to exert some pressure on relationships such as setting a bias to war or peace. This may not be decisive, other factors may still dominate, but it will give players some agency over their countries stance. Finances Screen - Fine as is except are you going to add an espionage/intel slider? - Ditto crew training and recruitment as independent sliders? Research Screen - Many many suggestions have been made, can you tell us what direction this is going in? This will help us give better feedback. - ALWAYS list the current tech under research as the first tech in the drop-down. - Give the drop-downs a scroll bar. - May need a full re-think and although I think it is workable for now others clearly do not. Ship Design - Always let the user delete any design, sure, have a trash function to allow them to recover it if needed but the used doesn’t need to see them all the time as they just become clutter. - Allow players to build the Refit designs. Dockyard - Pitch, Roll and Engine Efficiency in the centre of the screen should have a mouse over to show relevant details. - In the Overview box each armament listed should have the same info box you provide in the “Ship Details – Weapons” section, you can then remove that section for a cleaner interface. - Balancing ships needs to be looked at. Sure not every design can be perfectly balanced but it is frustrating when moving a component the minimum distance only to have an offset change from, say, -0.5 to +0.5. Some are much worse and sometimes happens when the previous offset adjustment was 0.1 or even 0. - When placing components with mirroring turned on, the complimentary component needs to be correctly placed with the correct rotation unless something, e.g. an orphaned undeleted secondary, is in the way. - Weights should only be checked to the resolution shown on screen. NO rejection of designs with Weight 1200/1200 because the unseen weight is 0.1 over. I think +1 ton is not going to break the game-play. Fleet Screen - Add Crew checkbox reverts to off when re-entering the game. This should always reflect the players selection. - Allow ship management from the screen, Refit, repair, and Refit during repair (see below) - Allow players to refit a ship under repair. I suggest the time required should be the longest time of the two plus half the shortest time of the two. So if a repair has 6 months to run and the refit requires 8 months, then the refit/repair will take 11 months. If a repair requires 10 months (to go) and the refit 2 months then it will take 11 months. Similarly players should be able to refit a ship under construction with the same calculation for extra time. Battle Screen - Obviously there is a limit to the number of objects the computer can handle at one time. Placing limits on the numbers in a battle should help the AI be a better opponent as well as giving players a better experience. - I find the projectiles/hit system to be acceptable for now, as I can play a battle and damage enemy ships OK. However others clearly do not so either more explanation or a fix is required. - The formations options need urgent attention. Ships colliding with each other or sailing off either into the never-never of to their doom because they have charged several km out of formation and into a group of enemy, often torpedo armed ships. - Ships need to avoid wrecks as well as other ships. In general - All drop-down or info boxes should have a scroll bar - the info the player is most likely to want should always be at the top of any list, even if the rest of the list is sorted by some other criteria. I’d like to see the first few updates focusing on rounding out what is already there. Possibly add Russia and Spain IF this can be quickly done, hopefully the AI nations have a generic template which is customised with a list of variables. A roadmap of future development/intentions would help make feedback more relevant. 6
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