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>>>Beta 1.05 Available!<<< (Update: 5)

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Hello Admirals, 

The next Beta of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts is now available! Here is how to enable it.


- Find the game on your Steam Game Library and right click on it:


- Click on properties...


- ... and on the opened window, select from the list the "BETAS" option. On the appearing list, select the "beta branch" to switch to the latest beta version of the game.

- If you want to switch back to the stable live version, repeat the procedure and select from the Beta list "None".


==v1.05 Update==


  • Map Expansion: Expanded the map to include the Mediterranean Sea and a larger portion of Europe.
  • New Nations: Italy, France and Austria-Hungary are added to the major nations. The nations form two rival alliances and fight with each other for total victory (this is temporary functionality until we offer the prolonged campaign system).
  • Task Forces: Previously you were able to move ships only between ports. You can now also form Task Forces, by grouping ships and sending them to any sea point on the map. In this way you block strategic passages and generate missions according to the ships in the vicinity.
  • Refit Mode: Now you can refit your ships, from changing a few components to radically replacing weapons, funnels, towers with modern variations. This new and essential feature will allow you to utilize all the latest technology advancements for your current ships without the need to scrap them and build new ones.
  • New Sea Roles: New sea roles added to the previous “In Being” and “Sea Control”, special for the Task Forces, offer more options for controlling strategically your ships.
  • Interface improvements: There is a new tab “Politics” where you will later manage some diplomacy aspects. Now you are able to overview the relations and power of all nations. Additionally we added an “ Economy Growth” to the GDP which will be dependent later from various conditions. You will be warned when you want to end the turn with danger of going bankrupt. When you hover at a sea region a tooltip shows statistical information for the included fleets. Many other minor changes to support the new functionalities.
  • Balances: Maintenance cost is balanced so that it is not so high now that ships will spend more time at sea with all the various and expensive sea roles. Tech research is balanced to be overall faster and tech priorities will give a more distinctive advantage when chosen. Various other balances were made to support the new campaign expansion.


  • Many New Hulls (To be announced)


  • Customization of Beam / Draught: You can now adjust the width and height of the hull in the design options. These adjustments will greatly affect the hull characteristics and the performance of your designed ships.
  • New Components for AP/HE rounds ratio: Choose the distribution of AP and HE rounds between different settings for your main and secondary guns. You will no longer have indefinitely any type of AP or HE round but both will have their separate limit. 
  • New Components for AP/HE shell types: The type of the HE or AP shell can be now customized depending on technology. 

    The different HE shells span between the options: 
    HEI - High Explosive Incendiary Shell
    HCHE - High Capacity High Explosive Shell
    CNF - Nose Fuze Shell
    CP - Base Fuze Shell
    CPC - Common Pointed Capped
    CPBC - Common Pointed Ballistic Capped

    The varying AP shells are: 
    SAP - Semi Armor Piercing Shell
    SAPBC - Semi Armor Piercing Ballistic Cap Shell
    AP - Armor Piercing Shell
    APC - Armor Piercing Capped Shell
    APBC - Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped Shell
    Improved APBC - Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped Shell
  • New Battle Control Option “Avoid Ship”: By default it is enabled and allows the ships to automatically avoid other ships to prevent collision. You can now override this behavior individually for any of your ships, either for improving your swift maneuvers or for ramming the enemy…
  • New Battle Control Option “Ammo for Secondary Guns": You can now choose what type of ammo is used for your Secondary Guns, Auto, AP or HE.
  • Improved Shell Ballistics and Gun Aiming Mechanics: Following the various new options for AP and HE shells the shell ballistics now follow a much more characteristic trajectory depending on all their different physics variables. Additionally, the guns aim in a more realistic manner, firing salvoes depending on the target’s speed and angular velocity. For example, previously you would see shell salvoes to be mostly random in relation to the center of the target, but now salvoes are en mass fired forward, aft, in front or behind the target until the range is found and hits start to be achieved. This automatic procedure affects the base accuracy and now makes the firing more natural and expected depending on target distance.
  • Improved Ship Motion at Sea: Ship buoyancy mechanics are enriched to support the new Beam/Draught options. The interaction of ships with waves is now more characteristic depending on the weight offset, pitch/roll, beam/draught options chosen for their design.
  • Exponential speed limit for hulls: As ships reach a maximum speed barrier depending on the hull technology, then the engine weight needed to achieve a higher speed increases exponentially. Thus it will be much harder to design unrealistically fast ships with old hulls, something that a lot of players abused to make much faster ships than the AI to overwhelm it.


  • Over penetration mechanics improvement: Overpenetration will now happen with more accurate conditions. Previously the unarmored ships would mostly overpenetrate, or the heavily armored almost never became overpenetrated.
  • Flooding mechanics improvement: Flooding from direct hits will now spread not only to adjacent sections but further beyond, depending on the height of water inside the flooded sections. This new feature addresses the previous unnatural survivability for smaller ships (especially the torpedo boats) which would become unsinkable until more sections were flooded from a direct hit. With this new feature, the torpedo and flooding protection schemes in the design options will be more than essential.
  • AP/HE different stats: When you hover on guns to see their info tooltip you will now see detailed and different statistics for AP/HE shell weights, damage, range, muzzle velocity, penetration and accuracy tables.
  • Crew scales with hull size and displacement: As you change displacement, beam/ draught the hull crew number will change accordingly. Previously the “Control Station” crew was not scaling.
  • Added instability/beam/draught values in battle UI: These are important design aspects, useful to know for any ship that participates in a battle.
  • Save file system improved: When a new game version requires it, obsolete save files will be discarded and new will be generated automatically. This will stop the confusion of players when the game would become broken due to incompatible saves (invalid designs, exceptions, floating guns etc.)
  • Ship weight/cost balances: Balanced the weight and cost for various parts and components, as it was needed for all the latest new features. 
  • Other balances: The “Dunnite” explosive charge is available in late tech years, new Radar Rangefinder III is now available and other minor improvements or balances for the ship design options.
  • Minor Visual Effects Improvement: You will notice a little better visual effects overall.


  • One new mission (To be announced).


  • The Battle AI is further improved to make decisions more promptly and effectively by using more algorithms. The result is an AI that will know better when to attack and defend and at which distance, always depending on the nation's personality.
  • Auto Targeting is influenced by the new AI algorithms and is more effective. Some older issues should become resolved, for example the over-prioritization of Transports.
  • Improved the AI decision making on switching shell type. You will notice that the ships will more successfully switch ammo depending on the armor and angle of the target.
  • AI auto-design algorithms enriched to support all the new features for Beam/Draught, new components. The ships created will be balanced in protection and firepower and thus more potent adversaries.


  • Several division movement bugs were fixed: Ships will not confuse so much as before in dense formations. Further fixes will come after feedback.
  • Fixed issue that caused the division ship leader to instantly switch position when receiving little damage, causing confusion to the formation.
  • Fixed bug that would cause ships of screen formation to immediately try to switch position at the start of battle, creating big confusion in the formation.
  • Fixed bugs that would cause the showing of inaccurate statistical data after battle.
  • Fixed some issues with barbettes that were not available in mount positions, while they should. This bug would cause issues in the auto-design which made it very difficult to find a proper barbette to place a gun.
  • Fixed old issue of inconsistent reverse engine damage.
  • Minor text fixes.


The beta has known incomplete features. For example, the nations on the campaign fight each other but cannot yet create alliances. Britain, France, Italy fight vs Germany and Austria-Hungary, but they cannot yet create coordinated naval battles together, so you will be only fighting alone vs all your enemies while the rest of the nations will damage them as much as they can.

Please note that all the new features of this patch will make all previous saves not working. The  new game file system will make sure to not have any bugs when you update. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to keep your previous saves on campaign, battles and saved designs

Thank you for reading,

The Game-Labs Team


UPDATE 25/2/2022

- Fixed bug of refit that made components to reset.
- Improved Auto-Refit to handle better the deleting of parts so that it works more consistently.
- Fixed bug of Beam/Draught function which could make length of ship to be modified.
- Fixed issues that could make missions to happen very rarely in campaign.
- Improvements in Campaign and Battle AI.
- Targeting and aiming improvements.
- Smoothened the speed limit of hull so that it does not increase so suddenly.
- Fixed some reported minor issues.

UPDATE 4/3/2022

- Fixed various already known or reported bugs of the campaign.
- Repaired Mission Generator so that there is much more activity in battles (it will be further improved).
- Fixed various refit bugs (components resetting, simple refit stalling, crashes etc.)
- Auto-design is further improved in all levels.
- Aiming mechanics of guns improved.
- Penetration mechanics for the new shells improved. Damage, Ricochet, Overpens, Full Penetrations are occurring with improved mechanics.

Please note: Old saves became reset to follow the new fixes.

UPDATE 5/3/2022

- Fixed bugs of refit that could make it unresponsive.
- Fixed bug that happened during the generation of the fleet or custom battles, which prevented those ships to be used due to higher tonnage than allowed in the shipyard. The auto-design system will adjust the size instead of rejecting the whole ship, creating issues in the fleet size of the campaign or absent ships in custom battles.
- Ships at sea have an increased 2x power projection so that they can help greatly in breaking a blockade.
- Ships at sea now correctly have increased cost in all situations (previously they had no increased costs if they participated in a battle).
- Some remaining issues which gave opposite vp in battles should be resolved.
- Improved the Auto-Resolve to provide overall better results.
- Unlocked all campaign years for immediate play (will work like this until we finalize the game). It is advised to start a new campaign to resolve previous bugs.
- New "Legendary" difficulty level added for the campaign.
- Improved further the mission generator for even more frequent battle action.
- Auto-Design is even more effective and consistent in its designs.
- Fixed some collider issues which could create part placement errors.
- Fixed a camera lagging issue in battle.
- Improved ship buoyancy (addressing rare issues of ships to be too high above water, possibly causing torpedoes to pass below them).
- Other minor fixes.

UPDATE 5/3/2022 (2)

- Repaired collider issues in early light cruisers (unable to place funnels or overlaps in the hull)
- Crucial Repairs in code of collider and auto-design logic. Now the Auto-Design should be even faster and more effective. It is advised to restart campaigns and discard or re-do old saved designs, as there will be changes in the ship part interaction.



  • Like 25
9 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

Hello Admirals, 

The next Beta of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts is now available! Here is how to enable it.


- Find the game on your Steam Game Library and right click on it:


- Click on properties...


- ... and on the opened window, select from the list the "BETAS" option. On the appearing list, select the "beta branch" to switch to the latest beta version of the game.

- If you want to switch back to the stable live version, repeat the procedure and select from the Beta list "None".


==v1.05 Update==


  • Map Expansion: Expanded the map to include the Mediterranean Sea and a larger portion of Europe.
  • New Nations: Italy, France and Austria-Hungary are added to the major nations. The nations form two rival alliances and fight with each other for total victory (this is temporary functionality until we offer the prolonged campaign system).
  • Task Forces: Previously you were able to move ships only between ports. You can now also form Task Forces, by grouping ships and sending them to any sea point on the map. In this way you block strategic passages and generate missions according to the ships in the vicinity.
  • Refit Mode: Now you can refit your ships, from changing a few components to radically replacing weapons, funnels, towers with modern variations. This new and essential feature will allow you to utilize all the latest technology advancements for your current ships without the need to scrap them and build new ones.
  • New Sea Roles: New sea roles added to the previous “In Being” and “Sea Control”, special for the Task Forces, offer more options for controlling strategically your ships.
  • Interface improvements: There is a new tab “Politics” where you will later manage some diplomacy aspects. Now you are able to overview the relations and power of all nations. Additionally we added an “ Economy Growth” to the GDP which will be dependent later from various conditions. You will be warned when you want to end the turn with danger of going bankrupt. When you hover at a sea region a tooltip shows statistical information for the included fleets. Many other minor changes to support the new functionalities.
  • Balances: Maintenance cost is balanced so that it is not so high now that ships will spend more time at sea with all the various and expensive sea roles. Tech research is balanced to be overall faster and tech priorities will give a more distinctive advantage when chosen. Various other balances were made to support the new campaign expansion.


  • Many New Hulls (To be announced)


  • Customization of Beam / Draught: You can now adjust the width and height of the hull in the design options. These adjustments will greatly affect the hull characteristics and the performance of your designed ships.
  • New Components for AP/HE rounds ratio: Choose the distribution of AP and HE rounds between different settings for your main and secondary guns. You will no longer have indefinitely any type of AP or HE round but both will have their separate limit. 
  • New Components for AP/HE shell types: The type of the HE or AP shell can be now customized depending on technology. 

    The different HE shells span between the options: 
    HEI - High Explosive Incendiary Shell
    HCHE - High Capacity High Explosive Shell
    CNF - Nose Fuze Shell
    CP - Base Fuze Shell
    CPC - Common Pointed Capped
    CPBC - Common Pointed Ballistic Capped

    The varying AP shells are: 
    SAP - Semi Armor Piercing Shell
    SAPBC - Semi Armor Piercing Ballistic Cap Shell
    AP - Armor Piercing Shell
    APC - Armor Piercing Capped Shell
    APBC - Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped Shell
    Improved APBC - Armor Piercing Ballistic Capped Shell
  • New Battle Control Option “Avoid Ship”: By default it is enabled and allows the ships to automatically avoid other ships to prevent collision. You can now override this behavior individually for any of your ships, either for improving your swift maneuvers or for ramming the enemy…
  • New Battle Control Option “Ammo for Secondary Guns": You can now choose what type of ammo is used for your Secondary Guns, Auto, AP or HE.
  • Improved Shell Ballistics and Gun Aiming Mechanics: Following the various new options for AP and HE shells the shell ballistics now follow a much more characteristic trajectory depending on all their different physics variables. Additionally, the guns aim in a more realistic manner, firing salvoes depending on the target’s speed and angular velocity. For example, previously you would see shell salvoes to be mostly random in relation to the center of the target, but now salvoes are en mass fired forward, aft, in front or behind the target until the range is found and hits start to be achieved. This automatic procedure affects the base accuracy and now makes the firing more natural and expected depending on target distance.
  • Improved Ship Motion at Sea: Ship buoyancy mechanics are enriched to support the new Beam/Draught options. The interaction of ships with waves is now more characteristic depending on the weight offset, pitch/roll, beam/draught options chosen for their design.
  • Exponential speed limit for hulls: As ships reach a maximum speed barrier depending on the hull technology, then the engine weight needed to achieve a higher speed increases exponentially. Thus it will be much harder to design unrealistically fast ships with old hulls, something that a lot of players abused to make much faster ships than the AI to overwhelm it.


  • Over penetration mechanics improvement: Overpenetration will now happen with more accurate conditions. Previously the unarmored ships would mostly overpenetrate, or the heavily armored almost never became overpenetrated.
  • Flooding mechanics improvement: Flooding from direct hits will now spread not only to adjacent sections but further beyond, depending on the height of water inside the flooded sections. This new feature addresses the previous unnatural survivability for smaller ships (especially the torpedo boats) which would become unsinkable until more sections were flooded from a direct hit. With this new feature, the torpedo and flooding protection schemes in the design options will be more than essential.
  • AP/HE different stats: When you hover on guns to see their info tooltip you will now see detailed and different statistics for AP/HE shell weights, damage, range, muzzle velocity, penetration and accuracy tables.
  • Crew scales with hull size and displacement: As you change displacement, beam/ draught the hull crew number will change accordingly. Previously the “Control Station” crew was not scaling.
  • Added instability/beam/draught values in battle UI: These are important design aspects, useful to know for any ship that participates in a battle.
  • Save file system improved: When a new game version requires it, obsolete save files will be discarded and new will be generated automatically. This will stop the confusion of players when the game would become broken due to incompatible saves (invalid designs, exceptions, floating guns etc.)
  • Ship weight/cost balances: Balanced the weight and cost for various parts and components, as it was needed for all the latest new features. 
  • Other balances: The “Dunnite” explosive charge is available in late tech years, new Radar Rangefinder III is now available and other minor improvements or balances for the ship design options.
  • Minor Visual Effects Improvement: You will notice a little better visual effects overall.


  • One new mission (To be announced).


  • The Battle AI is further improved to make decisions more promptly and effectively by using more algorithms. The result is an AI that will know better when to attack and defend and at which distance, always depending on the nation's personality.
  • Auto Targeting is influenced by the new AI algorithms and is more effective. Some older issues should become resolved, for example the over-prioritization of Transports.
  • Improved the AI decision making on switching shell type. You will notice that the ships will more successfully switch ammo depending on the armor and angle of the target.
  • AI auto-design algorithms enriched to support all the new features for Beam/Draught, new components. The ships created will be balanced in protection and firepower and thus more potent adversaries.


  • Several division movement bugs were fixed: Ships will not confuse so much as before in dense formations. Further fixes will come after feedback.
  • Fixed issue that caused the division ship leader to instantly switch position when receiving little damage, causing confusion to the formation.
  • Fixed bug that would cause ships of screen formation to immediately try to switch position at the start of battle, creating big confusion in the formation.
  • Fixed bugs that would cause the showing of inaccurate statistical data after battle.
  • Fixed some issues with barbettes that were not available in mount positions, while they should. This bug would cause issues in the auto-design which made it very difficult to find a proper barbette to place a gun.
  • Fixed old issue of inconsistent reverse engine damage.
  • Minor text fixes.


The beta has known incomplete features. For example, the nations on the campaign fight each other but cannot yet create alliances. Britain, France, Italy fight vs Germany and Austria-Hungary, but they cannot yet create coordinated naval battles together, so you will be only fighting alone vs all your enemies while the rest of the nations will damage them as much as they can.

Please note that all the new features of this patch will make all previous saves not working. The  new game file system will make sure to not have any bugs when you update. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to keep your previous saves on campaign, battles and saved designs

Thank you for reading,

The Game-Labs Team


this should be fun

beam/draught should be fun to experiment with


Kinda curious; is there a reason why BB armor cap has been dropped to 25in, with the 20" turret caps at 30in of armor? Was it a gameplay issue, realism issue, or something else?

The main reason I'm asking is because with the ability to push the German super-BB hull to 158k tons, there's a lot more tonnage that I could dedicate to armor.

Also, it restricts the ability to give an immunity zone to 20" guns.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, The PC Collector said:

@Nick Thomadis Game is not playable. The ship designer is completely broken. Parts place in the air, sliders other than beam and draguht don't work properly, or don't even work at all. Speed, for example, is set to minimum on all hulls, and is not modifiable by any means.

My designer is absolutely playable, but is definitely riddled with some bugs(?) or very strange new features. For example, the new exponential tonnage increase for engines appears to happen all at once rather than over a range of speeds. At 37.8kts, the egine takes up 88 tons. At 37.9kts, the engine takes up 89 tons. Then, at 38.0kts, the engine suddenly takes up a whopping 394 tons. That's a 4x tonnage increase for a 0.1 knt gain that previously only costed 1 ton.

Edited by Phelidai
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

Okay, some odd things I noticed... The increased beam/draught allows hulls to go way above their theoretical max tonnage. Is that intended, or is some kind of bug?

Also, maximum optimal ship on hulls are not indicated.

Besides, I somehow expected that the beam increase function allowed for bigger side guns on pre dreadnoughts... And that's not happening, I'm afraid

Edited by The PC Collector
  • Like 5
24 minutes ago, The PC Collector said:

Okay, stupid question: How does the refit option works? No matter how much techs I discover, the option keep being unavailable for my ships.

You have to select a design and enter the ship designer, then click the wrench to refit.

  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, slightlytreasonous said:

You have to select a design and enter the ship designer, then click the wrench to refit.

Okay... I have done so... And I see the upgraded version there, but the option to refit is still unavailable.. and I can't even build the new variant.

1 minute ago, The PC Collector said:

Okay... I have done so... And I see the upgraded version there, but the option to refit is still unavailable.. and I can't even build the new variant.

Have you sent the ships of the class to port, or are they at sea still?


  • Like 1

You pick the design, hit the wrench, make your changes, save it and then the refit option should be available as a new class at the bottom with the year of the refit in brackets, its awesome you even get to choose which members of the class are to be refitted

  • Like 1

Got some feedback about shell types here.
Semi-Ballistic AP shells seem to be a bit too reliable.

Despite having some of the heaviest armor I've ever seen on an AI ship, and constantly giving an angle greater than 20 degrees, and at times over 50 degrees, the low-penetration SBAP shells worked just fine. I think this is mainly due to the improved ricochet angles for these shells. Out of over 60 hits, Only 4 Did No Damage. The maximum penetration value on the shell's I'm using is 1021.2mm of belt armor at 1km and just 48.4mm of deck armor at 35km, a ship with over 16" of belt armor and about 10" of deck armor should have no problem keeping these shells out, but because they hardly ever bounce, and never over-pen, they always do decent damage on a hit. Sure, there'll never be that massive salvo that deals hundreds of damage, but when each salvo does 60 to 100 damage, you don't really need to land those sort of hits, because the enemy can't do anything to stop you from damaging them. So long as you keep your ship in once piece, they're as good as dead.

I'm sure the best shell types for each kind of ship is going to take time to figure out, but I'd very much apricate it if folks tried out SBAP spam on their BB's, and see if it works across the board. This might be overpowered, but we're going to need more evidence before we draw any actionable conclusions.

  • Like 1

Wanna thank and congratulate the devs on a great patch so far. Enjoyable and the new content is a breath of fresh air -- I'm even more excited for the new hulls, which will hopefully add more early-game variety for other countries (particularly Italy and Austria-Hungary).

I've already reported a handful of battle bugs in game but wanted to put this here.

Love the ability to refit ships, which makes the campaign feel more dynamic and gives the player more options on a strategic level. I appreciate that displacement is locked during a refit, but shouldn't other things be locked as well, like hull bottoms (double/triple hulls), the type/quality of the ship's armor (i.e. Compound, Iron, Krupp, etc.), and the citadel/armor layout? I know many battleships were refit in the 30s/40s with added torpedo protection, but as far as I know it's sort of impossible to refit a ship and add/subtract hull bottoms, and it's definitely impossible to straight up change out the armor on ships (... at least, as far as I know. It at least makes more sense to just build a new ship rather than completely strip off the armor from a hull and apply new armor). Anyone else is free to provide input on this one, because personally I'm not quite sure.

  • Like 4
19 minutes ago, SodaBit said:

Got some feedback about shell types here.
Semi-Ballistic AP shells seem to be a bit too reliable.

Despite having some of the heaviest armor I've ever seen on an AI ship, and constantly giving an angle greater than 20 degrees, and at times over 50 degrees, the low-penetration SBAP shells worked just fine. I think this is mainly due to the improved ricochet angles for these shells. Out of over 60 hits, Only 4 Did No Damage. The maximum penetration value on the shell's I'm using is 1021.2mm of belt armor at 1km and just 48.4mm of deck armor at 35km, a ship with over 16" of belt armor and about 10" of deck armor should have no problem keeping these shells out, but because they hardly ever bounce, and never over-pen, they always do decent damage on a hit. Sure, there'll never be that massive salvo that deals hundreds of damage, but when each salvo does 60 to 100 damage, you don't really need to land those sort of hits, because the enemy can't do anything to stop you from damaging them. So long as you keep your ship in once piece, they're as good as dead.

I'm sure the best shell types for each kind of ship is going to take time to figure out, but I'd very much apricate it if folks tried out SBAP spam on their BB's, and see if it works across the board. This might be overpowered, but we're going to need more evidence before we draw any actionable conclusions.

Quick update to this post because I have a horrible habit of giving feedback mid-battle.
Final damage log for enemy BB:
147 hits received, 120 18", 27 6".
16 ricochets
121 partial pen vs. 742mm
1 over-pen vs. 37.1mm
9 penetrations vs. 405.7mm
18": 4427 damage dealt. The fact that I could still reliably get partial pens when the enemy ship was angled at over 60 degrees is a bit much.

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