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Today I rammed with my Navy Brig an opponent's Privateer. It was done by an accident, I thought I will be able to make a turn go behind his stern. Well, I haven't assessed his speed and my rate of turn and rammed him. He was in a bad shape anyway, so he would sink in one or two more broadsides, but because of my ram, he just sank few seconds later.


Aaaand it started with a sarcastic "thanks for the ram". I said that I was sorry and it was an accident, but he tried to argue with me, that it was done on purpose. Even if, so what? I DO ram sometimes on purpose if some smaller ship passes by and is beat up pretty badly. It saves time and your broadside for another opponent, so we could say it's a viable tactic. Why some of people butthurt so much about ramming?


I find deliberate, "proper" rams, like you described, finishing off a wounded opponent, or if sinking, using your ship as a makeshift torpedo, to not be an issue at all. Accidental rams happen as well. I know I've rammed and been rammed in easily avoidable instances. I generally say sorry and move on.


 However, if, one way or another, an opponent rams me...Sure, I'll be upset. I like gunnery duels. I like seeing ships blasted apart by cannons. I suspect it is like minded people, who hate ramming, to be the ones who moan and groan. Not much to do but just continue on.

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Its just one of those things people think of as intentional, I think the same every time I get rammed but just tell myself it was probably an accident. If it is intentional its basically the teabag of Naval Action in my opinion.


Just today I was in a snow trying to out turn a navy brig in a very tight spot. Instead it look liked I rammed him at a perfect angle so I quickly explained I couldn't turn tight enough. :wacko:

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i Agree on Ram here but 1 thing that no one even think of is that, first of all we arent in cars  that can instant stop or in a plane that can instant turn and avoid crashes we ar ein BIG Sialing ships witch doesnt turn like a car. So esp in stormy weather and alot of ships on the field ur bound to hit someone  even if u dont want it or not. So im just saying to all pepole that cry about ram stop  cry about it. Cuz it happends and just deal with it.  there times when you just cant avoid the crash and that´s it. I´ve said it before we arent driving cars here  we ar ein BIG HEAVY ships and wind as our asset so think before crying... :) 


Also something people may forget, and to further Royals' post, cars turn from the front, because the front wheels are what turns them. Ships turn from the stern (especially if powered/only using rudder) so the back swings out to turn the front.


If it is intentional its basically the teabag of Naval Action in my opinion.

Why do you say so? I agree, it's not very...sophisticated? But it works. And if it works, I don't see why it shouldn't be used. Ocassional ram won't change the game into destruction derby.

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Mat, don't even think on it.  I was in the match, and it meant nothing.


Think on it this way:  we trounced them pretty hard in that fight, and the guy is pretty competitive.  So it prob felt like insult added to injury!



I'm going to have the T-Shirts made...I'll send you one:





By the way...I wouldn't ever feel bad for it.  Just say "Yes, I rammed you.  You're on the other team"

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I started not to post but i'll go ahead and chime in since I was the one that was rammed. Yes, my health as you saw it was low but I wasn't on the verge of sinking as I had a few repairs left. That's where the frustration came from as it was an annoying way to sink so I said "thanks for the ram". It did appear as a direct hit since you perfectly t-boned me but if it was in fact accident then that's fine. As Grim said I am highly competitive so I prefer to go down fighting instead of getting ran over and sunk unceremoniously. No hard feelings on my end.

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Got my Bellona, today and decided to test her in PvE, match was another Bellona and a Connie, after some manovering was in the ideal pos to broadside the Bellona only to see the Connie cut the Ballona's bow and ram me, NOW this is the AI, so if this can happen with AI then, as the story goes "Shit happens, build a bridge and get on with it".


Ladies and Gents, ramming happens, wether intentialy or by accident, the Devs have endevered to reduce this, and I for one am happy with there work.

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I think ramming is seen as a cheap way to damage or kill. Especially a large ship versus a small ship. Dunno why exactly, but that's the way it is at the moment. 


Captains that purposely crash there ship into another should be flogged by there crew, its so wreck-less.


I have done my best to avoid knocking off the hostile ships bowsprit and succeeded in that. Loved the surprised faces of the captains.

(I also gained a +4 bonus visiting hostile ports for being a gentleman last 10 battles.)


Ramming as far as I am aware is fairly unrealistic. 

Ships got entangled by accident but do not ever seem to have rammed on purpose. The damage to both ships would be devestating and hardly worth the effort.

I think the structural damage of two SOLs colliding would mean that both ships would be taken out of battle and the loss of life potentially devestating.

A little like two aircraft or ww2 battleships ramming each other. 


ramming is a perfectly valid tactic in battle. also, accidents happen in the heat of battle. I don't get upset when someone accidentally rams me.


I think ramming is a problem better solved by change in gaming mechanics than with rules. If ramming is favorable in combat people will use it and we can have endless discussions about it. It will still happen. It will happen by accident even if it is not.


I think a better way to deal with it is to make changes that make it a lot less rewarding to ram a ship dead on. For example to let the front of the ship take a lot more damage if ramming head on into another. Masts could also have a risk of breaking when coming to a dead stop slamming into an opponent ship.



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I dont get uspet at rams that are obviously an accident but i do think an intentional ram is the sign of talentless hack and when our ships arent free anymore that glaring lack of talent will come back to bite them in the arse.


I believe there is also a secondary reason why there are a lot of rams. there are a lot of times when I am making long shots and get my aim dialed in, only to tend to not look around (and forget I have a mimimap) because it throws off my aim. I believe the mouse aim is unintentionally causing rams due to bad situational awareness. however, I like the way the aiming is done because it is difficult and makes it so there is a skill difference.


No one will risk it after the release of the game. Open World ramming translates in full loss of ship.


In Sea Trials ? Sure. Actually the collisions have to be worked on by the devs so a ram here and there can benefit us all.


Stop treating Sea Trials as a full game.

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Ramming as far as I am aware is fairly unrealistic. 

Ships got entangled by accident but do not ever seem to have rammed on purpose. The damage to both ships would be devestating and hardly worth the effort.

I think the structural damage of two SOLs colliding would mean that both ships would be taken out of battle and the loss of life potentially devestating.

A little like two aircraft or ww2 battleships ramming each other. 

I'm not talking about ramming SOL with SOL or else. But I do ocasionally ram a schooner with a frig for example. Especially when it's trying to manouver ~10-20 meters from me. I doubt that heavier ship would suffer some vast damage due to collision with something not much bigger than a jolly-boat. Broadside trading is a waste of time.


I started not to post but i'll go ahead and chime in since I was the one that was rammed. Yes, my health as you saw it was low but I wasn't on the verge of sinking as I had a few repairs left. That's where the frustration came from as it was an annoying way to sink so I said "thanks for the ram". It did appear as a direct hit since you perfectly t-boned me but if it was in fact accident then that's fine. As Grim said I am highly competitive so I prefer to go down fighting instead of getting ran over and sunk unceremoniously. No hard feelings on my end.

As I said in the game and here. It maybe looked like it was done on purpose, but I said it wasn't and apologized. I just didn't like how you insisted on saying that I wanted to ram you and all the conversation made me thinking that ramming is almost as bad as cheating for some people, because I had similar situations earlier that ended up with some chat brawling.


Anyway, if I'm going to benefit from utilising a ram, I see no point in not doing that. Either you fight fair with all your chivarly and stuff or you win. I don't see anything non-competetive in such behaviour.



No one will risk it after the release of the game. Open World ramming translates in full loss of ship.

Depends on what you ram. It's obvious that I'm not risk my vessel and ram a ship bigger than mine, it's illogical even in Sea Trials. But if some crunchie gets in my way I just make him rethink his positioning in a fight.

Ramming is evolving, just like whole Naval Action. We are testing, and I guess that G-L is analyzing after battle data. No matter how playable (or not) it is - we are testing. Some situations that happened three months ago, now not  happen at all. Other scenarios have been partially neutralized. I have a modest satisfaction, because many times I sent recordings of ramming events as my contribution to the testing, and I hope this helped in developing of the game.

An example of this evolution can be Cerberus - kissing Victory bowsprit  with Cerberus is impossible.


Public Service Announcement:  I try my hardest to be a gentleman in this game (doesn't always work, sadly) but when I fight, I will ask for no quarter and give none.  If I'm going to sink and you put yourself in a position where I can ram you, expect it.  If I'm trying to maneuver to get a close broadside on you and I end up ramming you, well as they say, c'est la vie.  Now when the game changes and there are consequences to losing one's ship, I might be a little more circumspect, but for now, game on!

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I do think an intentional ram is the sign of talentless hack.

Ouch. That's it, I am going to ram you first opportunity.

That should change your mind!

PS-please post ingame name, otherwise going to be alot of upset Joe's out there *grin*

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The only ramming that's annoyed me is the AI in PVE.

I don't usually play it much, but in 2 of my last 3 games, the AI has gone slightly suicidal.


One, I was trading broadsides with a Navy Brig and the Regular ol' brig just turned straight in to me, sinking both of us in under a minute, (despite survival and repairs).

T'other was partially My fault, I was heading towards a Surprise in a Privateer, turned alongside it and it swung around towards me. If I'd noticed a few seconds earlier, I could probably have cut behind it, but as it was I just went straight under it. Literally, Nose hit the side and went down below.


And yes, I'm aware the AI is in a barely functional state, so I'm not too concerned. But it's still a tad annoying. I'd never lost against the AI before ;)

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