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Posted (edited)

Could somebody explain what does mean the red effects for some units slots in game ? I searched in the guide but founded nothing (I have to say that the guide is a little bit "minimal", a complete manuel would be great)

Also, other question : The guide does not explain how exactly we have to process to do a fusion between 2 units (and the conditions for)


There is a fusion button, ok. But what is the exact process : must we select 2 units before and then press this button ? Or must we select first a unit, then presse the button and then select another unit ?


I noticed some other same situations in the guide : it's a good tool in game, but nothing is beter than a complete and detailled manuel

SCREEN OF GAME (Red effect on slots units)


Edited by welk

The red outline means the unit has taken damage recently.

If you select one unit and hit the combine division button, they will move towards another unit in their division to merge.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for infos.


Concerning fusion button : Ok, the process is that if I am not wrong :

1- Select one unit

2- Presse the fusion button

3-Then, the first unit will combine with another in same division

But the pb is : how is made the choice of this another unit ? By the player (and if yes : how ?) or automatically by the unit (i.e, the unit choices the nearest other unit ?)


Edited by welk

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