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Good morning all.  I wanted to know will there be admirals like Isoroku Yamamoto, William F. Halsey, Wilhelm Marschall, because it would be nice to have admirals with special skills like for example better gun accuracy.  better reloading and much more. In short we would have a hell of a game if he still adds the admirals or captains of each nation.  tell me what you think and is it a good idea?

  • Like 1

Ye, we could get specials admirals as mere captains when they first start out and their portraits go through 4-5 phases to show how old they are getting basically. And like in real life will get bonuses to what they were good at as the progress or if going alt-history maybe they will go down other routes.

Captains and admirals could deviate to different areas of naval expertise and provide maybe small bonuses as long as certain conditions are maybe met and if they die the crew suffers a large amount of morale loss (or boost is the officer in question was hated) and continues unless some other officer takes over whos less liked or more liked and stable enough to keep the crew together.

Plus effects when the flagship dies as well.

  • Like 4

I'm going to nitpick. Putting the best admiral/captain in history in a ship manned by incompetent will only result in mild disaster at best. Crew training is more important on ship level than having some cool name at the helm, even if it "can" boost morale.

I know i'm not the best person to talk about "realism" and "accuracy", I'm even more enclined in gamey elements. On the other hand, UA:D is not an historical game. You deviate from history the moment you create your first warship with the nation you choose to play. In UA:D there is no reason to have a Beatty, Darlan, Nagumo or whatever because they will never be in the situation that made them famous.

What could indeed be cool is special skill added to your commanders as they serve your navy, win or lose battle, ect (although i'm not fond of the WoWs treatment of better reload/accuracy). What I find not cool is adding another meta of: "you need to reach the year 1900+ with the nation X to recruit famous captain Y for your destroyers, he's so OP". We already have that with hulls and superstructures characteristics and this is a pretty bad thing because it reduce diversity.

If all you want is having some known names as commanders, perhaps the game will add the option to change them?

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As usual, being a customization nut, I hope for option to train my own commanding officers with perks I see fit.

The main question is still the same — what devs are planning for the crew mechanic?


I'm all for captains and admirals in the campaign.

That being said, I would not be a fan of fixed boni for historical admirals.

If I put a young captain Halsey in a heavy cruiser in the 20s and keep him commanding cruisers and later on battlecruisers, I'd like him to get boni connected to those ships like tactical maneuvering a battlecruiser squadron, gunnery or something similar. If, on the other hand, I put him on the first CV I build (yes, I know there won't be CVs, just bear with me), I would expect him to develop an expertise with launching aircraft or improved performance of combined strikes.

What I'm trying to say here is this: The campaign is supposed to be an alternate reality that we, the player, form. It would be pretty strange if, while the player can change the whole direction his navy is going, essentially creating new and un-historical doctrines for his country's navy, his admirals will always be like they were historically. 

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13 hours ago, The_Real_Hawkeye said:

Je suis tout à fait pour les capitaines et les amiraux de la campagne.

Cela étant dit, je ne serais pas fan de boni fixe pour les amiraux historiques.

Si je mets un jeune capitaine Halsey dans un croiseur lourd dans les années 20 et que je le garde à la tête des croiseurs et plus tard des croiseurs de guerre, j'aimerais qu'il se connecte à ces navires, comme la manœuvre tactique d'un escadron de croiseurs de guerre, le tir ou quelque chose de similaire. Si, par contre, je le mets sur le premier CV que je construis (oui, je sais qu'il n'y aura pas de CV, soyez juste avec moi), je m'attendrais à ce qu'il développe une expertise avec le lancement d'avions ou des performances améliorées de combiné grèves.

Ce que j'essaie de dire ici, c'est ceci: la campagne est censée être une réalité alternative que nous, le joueur, formons. Ce serait assez étrange si, alors que le joueur peut changer toute la direction prise par sa marine, créant essentiellement des doctrines nouvelles et non historiques pour la marine de son pays, ses amiraux seront toujours comme ils l'étaient historiquement. 

Me personally that the game allows you to build the ships that you want is the goal of the games but people will still make ships that we already exist so I find it really important to put admirals or captains who do exist.  because I always said the ship is nothing, meaning its crews and its command


Me the commanders on as important as the ships to the same because if one takes example for example of under blow there is my motorcycle during the preparation of the attack of Pearl Harbor, you will tell me that if there had not been the  Admiral Yamamoto, there wouldn't have been this genius plan even if there is no aircraft carrier.  I think that personally I find that the controls have their place historically in this game even if we can make ships of our choice, we can always make the Bismarck and put Admiral Lütjens and as for example to be able to put Yamamoto on the  Yamato when we created I find it important to be able to put all of your historical commanders in a game that offers ultra realistic naval battles and frankly, that would be a plus for the games. I remember the peaceful operation theater 4 PTO4 games or precisely or  you had lots of commanders and it was the top game and ultimate admiral dreadnought it looks a lot like PTO 4 that's why i would like so much to have historical admirals in these games.

  • 2 weeks later...

What about using the famous people as the AI type for the countries you don't control. Choose a few different ones for each country and then give them all different types of strategies. One might be cautious, one aggressive, so on and so forth. Then each campaign it ends up random who and what personality type you will face.

  • 1 year later...

So as I  understand this people want a career progression something like the one in UG:ACW.

I'm not against this but personally I'd hope it would be implemented with an auto-manage option. I would not want to have to spend too much time managing these officers. To me this would just be more micromanagement which would detract from the game. However, as an option I can see the value. 

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

@Nick Thomadis

Bonjour, je voulais savoir si vous alliez enfin mettre des amiraux légendaires comme au début du projet qui disait sur votre site qui expliquait le fonctionnement de la campagne que vous alliez mettre cette fonctionnalité ? Après des années de développement, nous n'avons toujours rien là-dessus et je trouve dommage que vous n'ayez pas exploité vos idées dès le début du projet, car j'ai acheté le jeu au tout début pour avoir un jeu de bateau avec des amiraux, merci de répondre faites-moi attention si vous le pouvez et encore félicitations pour votre jeu.

Edited by Santisima Trinidad

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