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So, we've all had situations, where smaller friendly vessels block your aim, or your manuverabilty where you have to choose between ramming them or taking a full boardside from the enemy santisima. Even if you lead or try to keep communication, bad positioning always seems to happen. We also might have blocked a friendly here and there, without even realizing it. 

Truth is, this can decide if you win the game or not. It can get very frustrating and people often lose their nerves. 


I may swear at home when such things happen, but so far, my most rude line in chat was "why did you block my manuever <username>? All you had to do is turn with me : (" then I just refrain myself from continuing to argue as I know it won't bring to anything good.

How do you guys cope with these situations, when you start to lose your nerves? : )


Of late I've been advising the team to stay with the wind. Gives us more options and keeps everyone aligned even when scissoring to let go both broadsides fire.


Most collisions occur when, for some unexplainable reason, captains decide to reverse and go across the wind. Obviously another ship coming full speed will have no space to evade.


Other than that I keep a 400 yards distance from friendlies that are not on TS.


Obviously a chat message is in order if one can anticipate, but after the crash it is only meaningful for the future :) so no need to get that much angry.

It is a learning process and a bad temper does not help. 

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In game you to try to compensate for it by your positioning, but more importantly it is just a state of mind.


It is important to keep cool. If I personally start having agressive thoughts against other players and start to be salty, i go to play one game of dota. Then when you come back, you will see everyone and everything in much brighter light :-).


Sometimes sitting in the other end. The smaller vessel. People tend to tunnelvison, small ships and big ones. Sometimes in battle ships are very close to each other and if one start to turn the other ship has nowhere to go and whatever he does when the bigger ship start tunring he will ram into something.


That said. What I started to do quite fast was to just keep distance from other ships, especially the big ones. I thinkhowever that when a smaller ship cut you of or ram you you should also concider it is not allways thier foult. I know the general rule is small ships stay out of the way of the big ones. Now another rule when it comes to most situations in real life is that the one behind should watch out for the one in front. Now I understand fully a big ship can not turn as fast as a small vessel but I think the people sailing the big ones should sometimes at least try to watch out whats in front of them. I have at several occations been sailing in front of a bigger vessel with battlesails, the big one at full sails passing me. Then sudddenly when the big one is half way past he turns sharp left right into me. Since I am at lower speed even if I start to tunr the second he does and set full sails I have no means of escape and I get rammed.


Like I said. People tend to tunnelvison when aiming. Even if they don t, a lot can happen in the few seconds you aim and fire. You are zommed in 5 sec aiming and fire and during that time the ship in front of you have gone from full sails straight ahead to almost a dead stop and sharp turn right in fron of you.


So what can we do. Well if you are making a sharp turn, if possible announce it in chat or TS. For the small ones keep some extra distance to the big ships. Basicly a distance where you, no matter what they wierd manuvers they do will have time to get out of the way.


..But well. I think a good mindset when a collition happens is to think that its not allways the others foult just becasue he got a smaller boat and also think about the times you accidently did the same when you had a smaller ship. I am sure it happened at some point.


I know I'm as guilty as the next newbie, so I try not to hold it against folks. I try to keep cool and say something in chat before it becomes a real problem.

I think my biggest complaint is players who are in big ships and don't say anything until it's too late. I've watched when a player sees a smaller ship on a collision course, starts to turn to avoid but thinks better of it, then complains when there's a collision because they're bigger and have the right of way. Sure, but if the other player doesn't see you it doesn't matter who has the right of way.

If you're in a ship of the line and see a sloop cutting across your path, say something right then! Don't wait until after the fact and complain.

Think of it like honking your horn when someone starts to change lanes in to you. Would you simply sit there and watch as they run in to your car? I mean, you do have the right of way... ;)


It all fine when people (meaning everyone, from newb to experienced player) apologize for friendly rams, blocking shots or simply doing wrong things


"Hey XY please ...."


"Ah okay, sry"


-all fine here


Trouble starts when people are ignorant or start to rant.



PS: speaking of collisions, bigger ships always have the right of way


The bigger ship may have the right of way, but that doesn't fix your bowsprit when you hit that cutter after you turned without warning.  If you're going to alter your course, and their are other ships in the immediate area, put something into chat.  If that person is in the middle of firing an aiming shot or two with their telescope when you turn, even with "normal" scans, it's very easy to cause a collision when your straight sailing ship suddenly decides not to go straight any more.


"Henry, I'm tacking." Me:  "Alright"  


It's that easy.

  • Like 2

The bigger ship may have the right of way, but that doesn't fix your bowsprit when you hit that cutter after you turned without warning.  If you're going to alter your course, and their are other ships in the immediate area, put something into chat.  If that person is in the middle of firing an aiming shot or two with their telescope when you turn, even with "normal" scans, it's very easy to cause a collision when your straight sailing ship suddenly decides not to go straight any more.


"Henry, I'm tacking." Me:  "Alright"  


It's that easy.


No it wont bring you back your precious bowspirit. And often there is no time to zoom/fire, accelerate/slow down and type in chat, thats clear.


But a bigger ship must rely on the fact that everybody knows that a bigger ship has the right of way.

Not meaning in case of ramming a smaller ship has always the blame


Would estimate that friendly rams are causing 80% of dissonances and anger in game. We can see that in the Tribunal section


When i play these pub games, i strictly aim to have fun. I generally want to win but you have no idea who the other captains are you are sailing with. Soon enough, organized battles with organized teams. It will completely change the dynamics of the battle and we will find teams in sync with each other will be a formidable foe. I only wonder what will become of the lonely pub guys?


I sail in meatspace (real life).  I grew up racing our boat in regattas, some of which had 40 or more boats (and that's small compared to some).  If you can imagine 25 boats in close quarters all jockeying for the best spot on the start line, and 3/4s (including us) of them inexperienced at best, you can imagine the mess.  In racing, there are quite a few rules dedicated to who has to yield to whom.  So you'll hear people yelling "starboard!!!!" or "overlap!!!!", etc. as two boats close on each other.  My father used to give way, even when we were authorized to hold our course under the rules.  When I asked him why, he said "having the right of way doesn't fix your boat".


I agree with you, the big ships are harder to maneuver, and have more important things to do than dodging a flotilla of smaller ships that are in its way.  Anything you can do to alert others in the area to the fact that you are now altering course will, in the long run, save you a lot more time, damage, and lost opportunities than time you'll lose in taking the 3 seconds to type "tacking" into chat.

  • Like 7

Of late I've been advising the team to stay with the wind. Gives us more options and keeps everyone aligned even when scissoring to let go both broadsides fire.


Most collisions occur when, for some unexplainable reason, captains decide to reverse and go across the wind. Obviously another ship coming full speed will have no space to evade.


Other than that I keep a 400 yards distance from friendlies that are not on TS.


Obviously a chat message is in order if one can anticipate, but after the crash it is only meaningful for the future :) so no need to get that much angry.

It is a learning process and a bad temper does not help. 


Just a quickie here, you say 'friendlies that are not on TS'.  I installed TS last night, but can't find the right connection for NA. Share?


 My father used to give way, even when we were authorized to hold our course under the rules.  When I asked him why, he said "having the right of way doesn't fix your boat".


I agree with you, the big ships are harder to maneuver, and have more important things to do than dodging a flotilla of smaller ships that are in its way.  Anything you can do to alert others in the area to the fact that you are now altering course will, in the long run, save you a lot more time, damage, and lost opportunities than time you'll lose in taking the 3 seconds to type "tacking" into chat.


wise words



A couple of days ago, I spent a good 15 minutes of a 35 minute game trying to get around/past a pair of allies who'd apparently decided they wanted to hug me. They'd get out of my way and apologise when I asked them to, but 25 seconds later, they'd be right in front of my guns again. All in all, I found it rather amusing, and I'm fairly certain they weren't doing it intentionally. Fortunately, they didn't know how to use manual sails, so I did manage to break away for a couple of minutes a few times.


That time, no collisions occurred (through some miracle), but there was a heck of a lot of near misses.


So how do I deal? I ask politely. If somebody plows into me, I'm aware that I'm playing a game and it doesn't matter. Whether I'd feel the same way when Open World comes around, and they cost me a ship, who's to say.


It also helps if BOTH ships try to avoid the situation.  Last night I had a guy screaming at me to be careful in Chat.  Soon as I say the message which I am sure took a bit because I was lining focused on lining up a broadside, I jumped out of zoom but by the time I identified where the he was at, it was too late to turn away.  What was annoying, was that he just kept sailing straight ahead instead of turning away from the collision, all the while expecting me to move out of his way.  What was even more annoying was that if he would have made any effort turn away from the collision we would have missed each other but doing so would have made him turn into less favorable wind and lose his alignment on the enemy ship he was firing on so he just bulled on ahead and got pissed at me we we hit.  


Point is, sometimes, someone is going to get in your way and it is just as much up to you to try to avoid the collision as it is them to not put themselves in positions that force you to avoid them.  


Remember, depowering yards is also an option (use Q/E and Z/C to rotate your yards to be parallel with the wind).  I've gone to battle sails and depowered the yards to allow a ship to pass in front of me without having to make major course corrections.

Posted (edited)

It also helps if BOTH ships try to avoid the situation.  Last night I had a guy screaming at me to be careful in Chat.  Soon as I say the message which I am sure took a bit because I was lining focused on lining up a broadside, I jumped out of zoom but by the time I identified where the he was at, it was too late to turn away.  What was annoying, was that he just kept sailing straight ahead instead of turning away from the collision, all the while expecting me to move out of his way.  What was even more annoying was that if he would have made any effort turn away from the collision we would have missed each other but doing so would have made him turn into less favorable wind and lose his alignment on the enemy ship he was firing on so he just bulled on ahead and got pissed at me we we hit.  


Point is, sometimes, someone is going to get in your way and it is just as much up to you to try to avoid the collision as it is them to not put themselves in positions that force you to avoid them.  


Maybe it was me. Maybe not. Was on a Constitution and the other captain was on a Surprise. But serves as an example of what can happen and the reasoning behind many decision that prove fatal.


The whole decision, as a captain myself, to not alter course was that the Surprise alignment was not on a collision course but then a sudden course reverse through port put the Surprise into my own course. Rest to say that the stern of the Surprise was to my 2'oclock straight. A sudden turn through port side was enough to provoke the collision. I warned first time because I was passing the line astern, and the second time when the turn was being made...


I altered course slightly to my port side but did not radically change it because of the wind course and I was picking up good spped and position. I did not want to lose it and was amazed why someone actually turned into the wind like that...


Gladly my ship was not badly damaged.

Edited by Hethwill_Khan

A few days ago I was protecting a Santisima with a Surprise when a second Surprise put me in a situation where a collision with one was inevitable. I choose to smack into the Surprise rather than the SoL. He gave me a little crap until I explained that the other option was to punch a hole into our Santi, and that I'd choose to ran him every time.


I was rammed in the side mere minutes ago on a storm map - entirely unintentional (I believe) stormy map, I think he was a new player, and he'd been trying to line up with a ship for some time, before turning sharply and plowing into me.



He seemed to be blaming me, so I simply told him there wasn't a lot I could do about it, and that I forgive him; and moved on.


I sail in meatspace (real life).  I grew up racing our boat in regattas, some of which had 40 or more boats (and that's small compared to some).  If you can imagine 25 boats in close quarters all jockeying for the best spot on the start line, and 3/4s (including us) of them inexperienced at best, you can imagine the mess.  In racing, there are quite a few rules dedicated to who has to yield to whom.  So you'll hear people yelling "starboard!!!!" or "overlap!!!!", etc. as two boats close on each other.  My father used to give way, even when we were authorized to hold our course under the rules.  When I asked him why, he said "having the right of way doesn't fix your boat".


I agree with you, the big ships are harder to maneuver, and have more important things to do than dodging a flotilla of smaller ships that are in its way.  Anything you can do to alert others in the area to the fact that you are now altering course will, in the long run, save you a lot more time, damage, and lost opportunities than time you'll lose in taking the 3 seconds to type "tacking" into chat.

A really nice elaboration from you and you are right about racing regattas (i was on many also in varius ships) that beaing said you must know that

today rules of behavior on the sea are a little different then the age of sails time,In that time allmoust all nations where at war with each other so imagine a scenario where a 2 ships fighting and then a frog captain is turning and the english captain is cutting hes way so will the frog capt. yell at english capt. that hes in a right of way and that eng. capt should let him pass... i think that the eng. capt would say fu frogy im crossing and im giving you a nice placed B/S.


And the rule that smaller ships needs to avoid big ships is not made up its actually in rule book of today modern rules of the sea.


I will give you an example what happened to me.

I was windsurfing one afternoon the wind was blowing from west stady and firm ant around 30 knts . I was surfing at 20-25 knots of speed and in front of me there where 2 big ships one is a big transatlantic cruiser and the other one was a bit smaller local commercial ship also some 60m long so it is a big ship. Both of those ships are going on engines while me on the other hand using just wind as a propulsion and as you may know ships that goes on wind has the advantage or right of way over the engine ships.Those ships where going in a straight line one behind the other and the distance beetwen those 2 where some 2nm give or take..I decided to cross their path and pass in the middle of those 2 big ships just for fun of it and i did.


So what do you think did i did a legit move or not ? :)


One thing I've noticed about the chat in this game, and it's a refreshing change, is that there isn't a whole lot of abusive talk when someone makes a mistake or "isn't playing right".  I suspect part of that is that everyone knows it's just alpha so the competitive gene hasn't fully kicked in yet, coupled with the fact that losing your ship doesn't cost you anything currently.


If people aren't positioned well or are sailing off into the sunset to see what's over the horizon I'll make a gentle suggestion or two in chat, but that's it.  I save my anger and vitriol for Wold of Tanks.   :P


One guy stood still and I was unable to steer away or stop in time, so I rammed him with my victory. He then started flaming me like crazy so I put a broadside in him and then the problem was solved. I suggest more people do this to people with bad a mouth.

Posted (edited)

One guy stood still and I was unable to steer away or stop in time, so I rammed him with my victory. He then started flaming me like crazy so I put a broadside in him and then the problem was solved. I suggest more people do this to people with bad a mouth.


(assuming the other guy was on your side in the battle)

For your own sake, don't do this.  The player group generally tolerates accidental ramming, but firing on a friendly ship is NEVER ACCEPTABLE and leads directly to the Tribunal where you will be called to explain your actions.   The above will not be a justifiable excuse and your progress is likely to be (at best) reset.  


Behave as you would in real life.

Edited by Lt. Obiquiet

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