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New Feature Proposals - Combat



Please propose your ideas in the following way.

  • 1 Post = 1 Proposal.
    • Players will vote on 1 proposals only. Multiple proposals will mix different subjects and confuse.
    • Multitiered or multi subject proposals will be removed.
  • Keep the proposals on the topic subjects
  • Do not comment. The thread is for proposals only
  • If you want to improve on other people proposals contact them so they can update the post. 
  • Best proposals will be brought up by the system based on likes and we will comment on them once in a while. Proposals which dont get community attention will be ignored and will sink to the bottom.


Example of formatting 
Correct example

  • Cannon crafting proposals
    • Cannon crafting change rationale
    • Cannon crafting current version and whats wrong
    • Proposal on cannon crafting change

Incorrect version

One post 

  • Cannon crafting proposal (should be a separate in a economy section)
  • Trading proposal (should be a separate post in an economy section)
  • Hostility proposal (should be a separate post in RVR section)
  • DLC ship proposal (should be a separate post in DLC section
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Recommended Posts

  • -2
  • Eagle's eye reports: lets you see a bit further than normal in OW, about 10% more. So you can spot enemy ships before they can see you. Costs 500 CM in Admiralty shop and must be fitted on ship in an upgrade slot.
  • -2

Let the participants of a PVP battle view the stats of all ships that took part (woods, upgrades, boni) after battle end.

  • -2
Posted (edited)

During BATTLE - Guns repair proposal

  • Guns are repaired during Hull repairs
  • Given the %% of Hull that can be repaired, technically in some situations it will bring back a ship from the dead to fairly "full" condition after two cycles with full guns.
  • ------
  • My proposal is to NOT include Guns in the repair cycles. Any gun lost during the combat stays lost.
  • Serves as balance for the repair mechanic.
  • Very long battles will see vessels reduced to token batteries. This is proper.
  • Very short battles reliant on repair books and modules will still be fierce and contested.
  • Gun loss is somewhat tied to the woods used as i experience it. As I see it is one more factor to take into account when selecting which woods to use.
Edited by Hethwill
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Challenge to a duel.

Can challenge both friendly and enemy.

Can challenge only in a very small area around free port (same area that you can click enter port) to prevent exploiting.

No gain of exp. No loss of ship when concluded.

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Posted (edited)

Increasing the number of Port Raid Mission and make them a lil  different 

  • Ports Raid are funny but are not always in good places for a good reward
  • The suggestion is to increase the number of the port where you can daily make them and also add different kind of raid for example  shallow water port,   frigate port raid, or just for ship with a 4 rt max
  • Increase the reward in poor ports maybe adding guns, trading resource or rare/seasoned  woods
Edited by Conte D. Catellani
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  • -3
Posted (edited)

Extended battle timer for battles near major ports

  • System for joining battles where enemy ships are attacking friendly traders and small ships in port needs to be addressed. 
  • Current system allows for players to be attacked on the docks or nearby, and even with the fastest possible response it is often impossible to teleport to the port, jump in a ship, and wait out the join timer to help save said players. Historically it would be near impossible to attack ships near a major naval base without having other ships come support. Especially frustrating when the ships are of the type that larger ships such as indiamen or even line ships cannot easily engage individually.
  • Expand defender's allowed join time to 5 minutes within a certain radius of the port (perhaps the width of the inner join circle for the port's port battles). Applies only to capital ports or ports with a certain level of investment (or naval bases???)
Edited by vellnueve
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Posted (edited)

forts wont shoot if there is a friendly ship in the way of the target


last time we nearly had a friendly die from the fort because it tried shooting through the friendly ship to get to the enemy 

and last night by belize we had an enemy constitution that got shot by its own fort untill he died

doesnt sound fun for the player 


makes sense right ?


Edited by mexicanbatman
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Posted (edited)
  • A game mechanic for arranged battles - let players of a clan choose their mates by creating a battle group, then throw down the "gauntlet" to another battle group of a clan in another nation, then a circle of battle is created (like in PZ) where both clan groups can join. They way to get there is over OW so everybody can attack them, but joining the clan battle is only allowed for both battle groups.
Edited by mikawa
  • -4

It was my understanding that one of the features of Port Raids was to promote PVP as you could intercept the Raiders either in the battle or after, possibly having a chance at the loot.


After a raid begins, an announcement happens in the defending nation’s chat that X port is being raided.

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Increase time is solo patrol minimum to 40 minutes its almost impossible to sink a 4 rate+ ship in it when they have repair upgrades and when they sinking they just can leave when time is over and when they leave the battle no one get dmg from it

  • -4

Repair System Overhaul


Overpowered repair mods with port bonuses, elite upgrades, makes battles uneven and advantage for rich and good players. Lots of kiting in battle instance with rinse and repeat. Ships with good mods are restored fully.


Limit number of repairs to 3 set in each battle for any hull or rig repair. Limit crew repair to 1 time in battle.

Hull repair: Limit total repair to restore maximum %90 of the damage, for each set of repair. You always lose that %10 percent for each set of repair. No ship could be repaired perfectly like a new ship under battle conditions. Those repairs are temporary.

Rig repair: After 1st sail repair, you can not recover %2.5 of your starting sail hp. So even if you repair 3 times, after 1st %100, 2nd %97.5, 3rd %95. Sails are easy to repair, but still it should not be a perfect repair.

Result: More realistic combat, where players really need to think for best strategy of repair, mistake can be deadly. More fleet tactics, more effort for protection of your damaged teammates. No more heroes sinking 5 ships alone by kiting and repairing.



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15 hours ago, Slotburg said:

Give the opportunity to turn off chat with enemies in battle.

Thanks ! 

Ignore list now seems to work in battle chat 😉


  • -4
  • AI should surrender when demasted; I'm tired of stern shooting a bigger AI ship when all the masts are already gone and I simply can't destroy the hull enough to sink him; if he has only bow spirit he should immediately surrender
  • -5

Patrol zone change:

Two suggestions that would go together to lower chances of people trying to join PZ  for quick fun from being ruined by trolls. 

Instant teleport to PZ from the closest Free Port, only for ships of the rate allowed in that PZ. (only 1 ship, no fleet ships) And locking PZ areas to the PZ rate of ships. No bigger ships than the PZ specified rate allowed inside the PZ.

  • -5

Wind Boosts for Trade Ships only

Wind boosts should be visible and usable for trade ships only. Any fleet with a warship in it should not be able to see or use wind boosts. Justification is to encourage more open world sailing of trade ships and reduce the crazy ability of warships (built for combat) being able to chase down (unrealistically) ships build for speed and cargo runs. Exception could be LGVR. Speedy warships could in many cases still chase down windboosted  Indiamen and LGV and without wind boost balance the scales for Tbrig fleets. I think this would also reduce the current spate of wind boost camping by pvp players using this to run down (also unrealistically) faster ships e.g wind boosted Redoutable chasing down Trincs and Endys.

A side benefit would be more trade fleeets sailing and therefore potentially more scope for the hunters while also giving us more trade focused players some relief!


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Repair/Survivability Encyclopedia Proposal:


      -We have a boarding, a gunnery and a sailing encyclopedia; Nothing for added repair or health.
      -Maybe formulate a combination of existing, (but more rare,) repairing books to be the new repairing encyclopedia, add blueprint and apply the same rules as the other ones for construction and crafting.

  • -6

Bring back ship's durability. 

Under the current system, it's way too harsh on players to lose a ship, specially on new players. A lot of pvp is avoided due to fear of losing ships. 

I propose to bring back durability and make it possible to recover lost durability with doubloons+reals, making it increasingly expensive to recover each time it's done. (Better and more expensive ships costing more to recover their lost durability)
Durability as a bar with for example of 1000 points. Sinking taking off 200 points and also durability being lost over time. (for example 10 points a week, which would simulate ships requiring a refit after being in service for some time). 

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PvP to PvE Switch/Flag on WAR Server

Some of us have good days and bad days ( in RL and in Game) and sometimes you want only to do your missions to get your chests without getting interrupted by Players who want some action.

For this case I would suggest the following:
Players can decide when they are logged on what type of gameplay they want. Only PVE or PVP (includes PVE and all other stuff).
This flag is valid as long as the Player is logged on and can only be selected once (like the Tow request) a day.
Players then will become a marker like the [X] (when got sunk), so that everyone see that the player wants play only PVE on this day.

So you can do your missions in peace and quiet without being disturbed. Alone and or together with your clan members when they also selected PVE only.


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Posted (edited)

Here is what this game desperately needs: 

The ability to que for fights while in port.


The game itself is amazing, but holy crap does it take forever to get the ball rolling on pretty much anything. Eventually players realize they will get more fun/excitement from other games for their time and leave. That's what I did. Loved the game. Hated the time it took to actually play it (waiting for npcs. Sailing across the world with the hopes of finding some good action, etc). When you only have an hour to play and that whole hour is spent sailing in search of something to do, you soon realize that you'd be better served playing something else.

So you should be able to enter a que to join various types of fights (Frigates, small vessels, light lineships, heavy lineships, etc). You should be able to use your own ship (the one you're currently in, assuming it meets the criteria for the fight).

Casual que: You don't lose your ship if it sinks. This is to counterract the increased number of fights happening total, so the que wouldn't be a huge drain on resources. also provides a good environment to learn the game and have fun! Maybe tie in daily quests for doing a certain que, etc. for a nice little gold reward.

Competitive: You lose your ship if it sinks. But if you win you rise in rank on an online leaderboard. You also get tiered competitive que rewards (I like the idea of colored sails: eg. Blue sails=Tier 3, Red=tier 2, black= tier 1).

Now where does RvR and open world still stand with the addition of a que? Its still there! Econ would still require open world sailing and dealing with privateers and pirates. If you were still inclined to spend hours in the open world hunting, you would still be rewarded with the chance of taking someone's nice stuff, etc. Ports would still be necessary for econ, and RvR would be the way to get them.

Over the years I always wondered why more pirate/sailing games weren't made, but now I realize it is because it takes way too long to do almost anything. People play games to have fun, and once you have done the open world thing hundreds of times, the only thing you begin to notice is just how long it takes to get to the thing you actually want to do: get in a fun fight, etc.

The actual battles in this game are amazing and that is this game's salvation: make the fighting as easily accessible as possible. Turn sitting in port doing nothing to actually having fun and playing the game.



I would also add that que'd fights can also be a platform for new, exciting game modes: Imagine a VIP mode where the teams objective is to sink the enemies vip and protect their own.

Or how about a treasure fleet mode where two teams are not only fighting each other, but also fighting an npc treasure fleet and competing for how many ships they can sink. Team with most npc kills at end of round wins.

How about a death race mode where you bring your fastest ship, and the objective is to get to the next capture point while fending off the other ships from getting there first?

Edited by B Caudizzle
  • -6

Reduce the ow attack cooldown to instant "clicking attack" will start the battle and not after xx seconds




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