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Seasonal Update: Welcome to the Caribbean - Part 1

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Welcome to the Caribbean set of updates has started. 

New ships

Le Suffren/Redoutable
The Great Redoutable that bravely fought against 3 British and almost boarded HMS Victory has been added to the game as an imported ship.


Le Duguay-Trouin/HMS Implacable
The great tragedy for the age of sail history happened when the ship that participated in Trafalgar was sank by a decision of some idiot in the British Government in 1949

  • We have made amends, the beautiful ship has been fully restored and is now available for sailing in all its glory in Naval Action. 


  • Blueprint added to shipyards.
  • Permit added to chest. 

Admiraal De Ruyter has been added to the game as a ghost ship (it is in but not available because it still requires some tuning. It will be available soon. 

New paints have been added to Paint DLC for Redoutable and Implacable. 


  • Fixed the rare case where player could spawn in two instances in the same (for example when attacked by to players or NPCs)
  • Slowed down NPC Port Battle Raiders by 2 knots (they are now 2 knot slower than player ships), Removed penalties to HP and Structure. 
  • Fixed a soft exploit for Labor contracts which allowed generating extra 200LH out of air for an abnormally low cost. (Thanks Captain S. for pointing us to this exploit)
  • Moved a Mortimer town protection zone 5% upwards away from the Windward passage. They could sill reach this zone but much more rarely. 

New player starting mandatory mission Welcome to the Caribbean has been delayed. It is in game but require some more tuning and testing. It will be delivered as soon as final testing is finished. As a result here is an expected patch flow for this expansion

1) Part 1 - New ships - Will be completed by end of Feb (new flags will also be added)
2) Part 2 - New player mission and additions and improvements of NPC agression on the OW (inlcuding adding solo privateers to patrol zones in limited numbers)
3) Part 3 - Cheap edition and new pricing schedule (some pleasant surprises for all captains who own the current version will be in this part)



  • Like 17
4 minutes ago, admin said:


Duguyi Trouin/HMS Implacable
The great tragedy for the age of sail history happened when the ship that participated in Trafalgar was sank by a decision of some idiot in the British Government in 1949

  • We have made amends, the beautiful ship has been fully restored and is now available for sailing in all its glory in Naval Action. 




And yes, that was a tragedy of the highest order.


  • Like 2
11 minutes ago, admin said:

Moved a Mortimer town protection zone 5% upwards away from the Windward passage. They could sill reach this zone but much more rarely.

The problem with this is that we are seeing them up at Mayaguana.  Maybe you could Make the zone smaller at MT, as it sticks out in the ocean like no other zone

2 hours ago, admin said:
  • Slowed down NPC Port Battle Raiders by 2 knots (they are now 2 knot slower than player ships), Removed penalties to HP and Structure. 

Didn't Russians recently lose Nassau due to not being able to catch NPC before they reached the circles?

  • Like 1


13 hours ago, admin said:

Admiraal De Ruyter has been added to the game as a ghost ship (it is in but not available because it still requires some tuning. It will be available soon. 


oh tell me its a permit build .  notes are ok  because you can chose the build with out materials  but i prefer port bonuses so much more

  • Like 1
15 hours ago, admin said:

Fixed a soft exploit for Labor contracts which allowed generating extra 200LH out of air for an abnormally low cost.

I do not see how you consider this an exploit. Yes you can create the extra 200LH but it is not out of air, you need provisions and tools to create the labour contracts. Tools only drop at certain ports and due to their weight they are difficult to transport in the required numbers. In crafting ports there is usually high competition to get the tools when they drop. Also the main limitation is Provisions as a level 3 farm will only produce circa 2k provisions per day and so to mass produce the labour contracts you need an organised supply chain of provisions.

This so called exploit has been in the game since release, but because of the reasons listed above, people did not feel it was an exploit. The reason it has come to light now is because the huge increase in the requirement for labour hours for the production of seasoned woods, so people have started getting organised to mass produce them and even then it is still a major effort to produce the seasoned woods.

This patch will not stop the mass production of labour contracts, all it will do is increase the price of them and push the seasoned woods further out of the reach of casual players. As it stands now the easiest way to get seasoned woods is to break up DLC ships and as you can do this in the port where you use the wood it means less traders on the sea moving materials around. There was no real need for this change as the production of LC's was already limited and too much effort for most players.

  • Like 8
Posted (edited)
On 1/30/2020 at 4:29 PM, admin said:
  • Fixed a soft exploit for Labor contracts which allowed generating extra 200LH out of air for an abnormally low cost. (Thanks Captain S. for pointing us to this exploit)

I wouldn't call this quite an exploit due to the nature of the current use of Labour Hour Contracts. The increase in number of labour hour contracts being made is due to the fact that they must be used if you want to make crafting seasoned woods somewhat efficient. 

The increase of tools from 4 to 20 will make seasoned woods drastically much higher than they already are. Many clans have moved to crafting labour hour contracts to have a remote chance of crafting seasoned woods. Buying tools is extremely difficult due to low spawn rate and limited numbers of ports in which it spawns, as well as the difficulty in transporting tools due to their weight. Crafting tools is even more expensive and is high in resource usage. 

At the moment, a Level 7 crafter with the 25% additional labour hour perk can craft 89 seasoned logs a day. Realistically you average about 70 a day. 

A Level 7 crafter 25% additional labour hour perk can craft 625 tools a day. Realistically you average about 500 a day. 

To get enough woods to craft a Santi it would take you 39 days and for tools, 6 days with the perk, 49 days for woods and 8 days for tools without. And that's just crafting wood and tools, nothing else. An Endymion, 8-9 days for wood and 2 days for tools. Crafting seasoned woods without labor hour contracts is extremely inefficient. 


Before this fix, to craft a seasoned Santi, the cost just for seasoned woods, labour hour contracts, and doubloons was as followed.

3472 seasoned logs = 3472 tools, 3472 teak logs , 10,416 doubloons, and 146k Labour hours. 

- Tools: To buy you needed 6.5 Mil. To craft, 3.5 Mil and 17,360 iron (1 Mil), 17360 coal (70k) , and 21k labour hours. Buy: 6.5 Mil. Craft: 4.5 Mil

- Doubloons: 10,416 for seasoned woods, 8745 for ship itself. 19,161 Doubloons. Reals conversion: 5.4 Mil 

- Labour Hours, 146k: 292 Labour Hours contracts. In other words, 1,168 tools (2.2 Mil to buy and 1.2 Mil to craft (Crafting: 5,840 coal, 5,840 iron, and 7k Labour Hours)), and 58,400 provisions. Buy tools (292 LH Contracts): 3.1 Mil. Craft Tools (292 LH Contracts): 2.5 Mil. 

Santi Total Cost in reals just for seasoned wood, doubloons and LH Contract cost: 15 Mil if you buy tools, 12.4 Mil if you craft tools and LH contracts just for seasoned woods. 

With the change, this is what happened with labour hour contracts. 

- Labour Hours, 146k: 292 Labour Hours contracts. In other words, 5,840 tools (11 Mil to buy and 5.8 Mil to craft (Crafting: 35,040 coal, 35,040 iron, and 35k Labour Hours)), and 58,400 provisions. Buy tools (292 LH Contracts): 14.2 Mil. Craft Tools (292 LH Contracts): 9 Mil. 

Santi Total Cost in reals just for seasoned wood, doubloons and LH Contract cost: 26.1 Mil if you buy tools, 18.9 Mil if you craft tools and LH contracts just for seasoned woods. 

One can make the argument that a Santi is an extreme case so let's look at an Endymion before this patch.

676 seasoned logs = 676 tools, 676 teak logs , 2,028 doubloons, and 29k Labour hours. 

- Tools: To buy you needed 1.3 Mil. To craft, 676k and 4,056 iron (251k), 4,056 coal (16k) , and 4k labour hours. Buy: 1.3 Mil. Craft: 943k

- Doubloons: 2,028 Doubloons. Reals conversion: 568k

- Labour Hours, 29k: 58 Labour Hours contracts. In other words, 232 tools 435k to buy and 232k to craft (Crafting: 1,160 coal, 1,160 iron, and 1,392 Labour Hours)), and 11,600 provisions. Buy tools (58 LH Contracts): 435k. Craft Tools (58 LH Contracts): 494k. 

Endymion Total Cost in reals just for seasoned wood, doubloons and LH Contract cost: 2.3 Mil if you buy tools, 2 Mil if you craft tools and LH contracts just for seasoned woods. 

With the change, this is what happened with labour hour contracts. 

- Labour Hours, 29k: 58 Labour Hours contracts. In other words, 1,160 tools 2.2 Mil to buy and 1.2 Mil to craft (Crafting: 5,800 coal, 5,800 iron, and 7k Labour Hours)), and 11,600 provisions. Buy tools (58 LH Contracts): 2.2 Mil. Craft Tools (58 LH Contracts): 1.8 Mil. 

Endymion Total Cost in reals just for seasoned wood, doubloons and LH Contract cost: 4.1 Mil if you buy tools, 3.3 Mil if you craft tools and LH contracts just for seasoned woods. 


So Santi cost increased by 10 Mil and Endymion increase by 1.8 Mil. Then take into account the permits for these ships run around 4 Mil for a Santi and 2 Mil for an Endy, not to mention upgrades. 


This just further widens the gap between players and clans, as those with huge amount of resources (i.e. Alts) will still be able to push out seasoned woods in good amounts just with added difficulty, but at the same time makes it that much harder for the players/clans who do not have that many resources. 

My suggestion is that it might be advantageous to increase the number of ports with tools, increase the drop rate, or lower the cargo weight; essentially make tools more accessible to buy. Especially with the reduction of the cost of crafting tools, it makes those clans with a lot of players and resources a step above those that don't.

Other than the LH Contracts, fairly enjoy the patch.

Edited by Redman29
  • Like 12
3 minutes ago, Redman29 said:

I wouldn't call this an exploit as the 200 extra labour hours only happens in ports in which have a 40% labour hour bonus and the clan that owns that port pays for that bonus. Also, the increase in number of labour hour contracts being made is due to the fact that they must be used if you want to make crafting seasoned woods somewhat efficient. 

The increase of tools from 4 to 20 will make seasoned woods drastically much higher than they already are. Many clans have moved to crafting labour hour contracts to have a remote chance of crafting seasoned woods. Buying tools is extremely difficult due to low spawn rate and limited numbers of ports in which it spawns, as well as the difficulty in transporting tools due to their weight. Crafting tools is even more expensive and is high in resource usage. 

At the moment, a Level 7 crafter with the 25% additional labour hour perk can craft 89 seasoned logs a day. Realistically you average about 70 a day. 

A Level 7 crafter 25% additional labour hour perk can craft 625 tools a day. Realistically you average about 500 a day. 

To get enough woods to craft a Santi it would take you 39 days and for tools, 6 days with the perk, 49 days for woods and 8 days for tools without. And that's just crafting wood and tools, nothing else. An Endymion, 8-9 days for wood and 2 days for tools. Crafting seasoned woods without labor hour contracts is extremely inefficient. 


Before this fix, to craft a seasoned Santi, the cost just for seasoned woods, labour hour contracts, and doubloons was as followed.

3472 seasoned logs = 3472 tools, 3472 teak logs , 10,416 doubloons, and 146k Labour hours. 

- Tools: To buy you needed 6.5 Mil. To craft, 10.5 Mil and 17,360 iron (1 Mil), 17360 coal (70k) , and 21k labour hours. Buy: 6.5 Mil. Craft: 11.6 Mil

- Doubloons: 10,416 for seasoned woods, 8745 for ship itself. 19,161 Doubloons. Reals conversion: 5.4 Mil 

- Labour Hours, 146k: 292 Labour Hours contracts. In other words, 1,168 tools (2.2 Mil to buy and 3.5 Mil to craft (Crafting: 5,840 coal, 5,840 iron, and 7k Labour Hours)), and 58,400 provisions. Buy tools (292 LH Contracts): 3.1 Mil. Craft Tools (292 LH Contracts): 4.8 Mil. 

Santi Total Cost in reals just for seasoned wood, doubloons and LH Contract cost: 15 Mil if you buy tools, 21.8 Mil if you craft tools and LH contracts just for seasoned woods. 

With the change, this is what happened with labour hour contracts. 

- Labour Hours, 146k: 292 Labour Hours contracts. In other words, 5,840 tools (11 Mil to buy and 17.5 Mil to craft (Crafting: 35,040 coal, 35,040 iron, and 35k Labour Hours)), and 58,400 provisions. Buy tools (292 LH Contracts): 14.2 Mil. Craft Tools (292 LH Contracts): 20.7 Mil. 

Santi Total Cost in reals just for seasoned wood, doubloons and LH Contract cost: 26.1 Mil if you buy tools, 37.7 Mil if you craft tools and LH contracts just for seasoned woods. 

One can make the argument that a Santi is an extreme case so let's look at an Endymion before this patch.

676 seasoned logs = 676 tools, 676 teak logs , 2,028 doubloons, and 29k Labour hours. 

- Tools: To buy you needed 1.3 Mil. To craft, 2 Mil and 4,056 iron (251k), 4,056 coal (16k) , and 4k labour hours. Buy: 1.3 Mil. Craft: 2.27 Mil

- Doubloons: 2,028 Doubloons. Reals conversion: 568k

- Labour Hours, 29k: 58 Labour Hours contracts. In other words, 232 tools 435k to buy and 696k to craft (Crafting: 1,160 coal, 1,160 iron, and 1,392 Labour Hours)), and 11,600 provisions. Buy tools (58 LH Contracts): 435k. Craft Tools (58 LH Contracts): 959k. 

Endymion Total Cost in reals just for seasoned wood, doubloons and LH Contract cost: 2.3 Mil if you buy tools, 3.8 Mil if you craft tools and LH contracts just for seasoned woods. 

With the change, this is what happened with labour hour contracts. 

- Labour Hours, 29k: 58 Labour Hours contracts. In other words, 1,160 tools 2.2 Mil to buy and 3.5 Mil to craft (Crafting: 5,800 coal, 5,800 iron, and 7k Labour Hours)), and 11,600 provisions. Buy tools (58 LH Contracts): 2.2 Mil. Craft Tools (58 LH Contracts): 4 Mil. 

Endymion Total Cost in reals just for seasoned wood, doubloons and LH Contract cost: 4.1 Mil if you buy tools, 5.9 Mil if you craft tools and LH contracts just for seasoned woods. 


So Santi cost increased by 10-16 Mil and Endymion increase by 1.8 to 2 Mil. Then take into account the permits for these ships run around 4 Mil for a Santi and 2 Mil for an Endy, not to mention upgrades. 


This just further widens the gap between players and clans, as those with huge amount of resources (i.e. Alts) will still be able to push out seasoned woods in good amounts just with added difficulty, but at the same time makes it that much harder for the players who do not have that many resources. 

My suggestion that it might be advantages to increase the number of ports with tools, increase the drop rate, or lower the cargo weight; essentially make tools more accessible to buy. 

the devs want us to buy dlc. I think that's the reason why it was changed with the tools

  • Like 4
On 1/31/2020 at 10:35 AM, Obi-Heed Kenobi said:

And yes, that was a tragedy of the highest order.

It wasnt the winning, it was the sinking of the captured vessel, that was being referred to


Thanks @Redman29 for your comprehensive analysis, and I totally agree. What exactly was the 'soft' exploit? 

Just making things is not an exploit and does not constitute 'out-of-air' does it? 

LH Contracts were already expensive and you need to to burn 500 LH to make one. That is not 'out-of-air', I think? It would be great if we can have more of an explanation please @admin in order to understand this better. Thank you.

Also - love the Redoubtable. I wish to establish bragging rights also for crafting what I think was (one-of-the)  first implacable in the game, which the gods of RNG blessed as a purple. Merci Beaucoup. and my clan mate loves his ship. Please make it unsinkable as it was the first, and we don't want to follow the example of the stupid people in your picture above.



The new ships are a nice addition to the game. Still I think that a DLC 3rd rate makes the life much harder for those, who just paid for the game and not the DLC. Especially since the DLC ships are usually redeemed in s-woods.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against DLC, but they should be balanced in a way that the base-game player can compete with them when investing some more time (not weeks).

Therefore I would prefer to have DLCs mainly for cosmetics, some fancy colours, ships permits or the like.

  • Like 3
11 hours ago, Kubrat said:

Thanks @Redman29 for your comprehensive analysis, and I totally agree. What exactly was the 'soft' exploit? 

Just making things is not an exploit and does not constitute 'out-of-air' does it? 


The exploit loophole was that you can make 500 hour contract with 300 hours. 

On 2/1/2020 at 1:30 AM, Redman29 said:

I wouldn't call this quite an exploit due to the nature of the current use of Labour Hour Contracts. The increase in number of labour hour contracts being made is due to the fact that

What do players value more?. Labor hours or tools (widely available on the markets or crafteable too). 
To fix the loophole we either would have to kill the crafting port perk or keep the perk and find other means to even out the loophole. We decided that players value LH more than tools and added 16 tools to LH crafting.

The amount of tools added in LH was equal to loophole generation (200lh) = 200 LH = 20 tools to craft. And kept the LH perk still allowing savings on everything. 
So overall if the player did use the port perk and did not use the loophole the situation is a net neutral for the player. If the player did not use the perk he probably never cared about labor hours. The only players who are affected are those who used the loophole in academy allowing to generate 5 contracts out of 3. 

We could be wrong. We are monitoring the tools situation. Currently 50 ports supply them. The supply varies between 400-to 1700 tools per day per port. What could probably be done is reduction of LH per tool if the situaiton spirals out of control increasing the price. 



You are wrong because the "loophole" was only applicable to certain ports that were heavily invested in to allow that conversation rate of LH in LH contracts. 


It was not available to all/everywhere and it wasn't even for free. It was tied with port development. So you just took a piss on that with that change. What's next, a nerf to port bonuses that people invested in to satisfy all the whiners about port bonus ships dominating? stop.

  • Like 2
6 minutes ago, BoatyMcBoatFace said:

You are wrong because the "loophole" was only applicable to certain ports that were heavily invested in to allow that conversation rate of LH in LH contracts. 


It was not available to all/everywhere and it wasn't even for free. It was tied with port development. So you just took a piss on that with that change. What's next, a nerf to port bonuses that people invested in to satisfy all the whiners about port bonus ships dominating? stop.

you are using too strong a language for a drop down menu. 
Can you point me out what heavy investments you need to save LH. Are you referring to a clan drop down menu charging 10% of tax rate automatically? Which is 0 when your tax rate is zero?


it was never creating 500lh out of 300.   You needed the provisions.   Creating 200 provisions takes just over 100lh.  So it was 500 out of 400.   Changing the requirement for a labor contract to 400 provisions would close the loophole without DOUBLING the cost of a seasoned wood ship, and would encourage clan organization as it would require 120k provisions to build a seasoned wood l'ocean worth of contracts.

  • Like 5
1 hour ago, admin said:

The exploit loophole was that you can make 500 hour contract with 300 hours. 

OK, I am so noob I did not make my academy in a crafting port, I made it in the port where I could buy tools.  but I understand now. Thanks for the clarification.

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