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Hello, I'm reconnecting to the game after several months of inactivity. 
When I am in a port, I am told that I do not have a clan. 
When I am in combat the tag of my old clan is present in front of my name. 
Furthermore, I can no longer open and access any chat channel. 
I opened a support ticket, but I'm not getting a response, maybe you don't get my message either. 
I obviously reinstalled the game, but the bugs remain the same. 
I think my character is bugged on the server side. What to do ? 
My ingame name: Howel le Malouin. 
Thank you
Posted (edited)

Hello Vladislav, thank you for your answer, I applied both REGs, unfortunately that did not solve my problem.

Here are some additionals informations:

- My friends in games do not see me connected while I am in-game.
- The leader of my Clan clearly sees my character as being part of the clan, but he also sees me disconnected and can neither fire me from the clan nor perform any action concerning my character.
- I have also tried to create a character on the PVE server, with success, but I also encounter exactly the same bug concerning the chat windows.

So I have two separate bugs, probably related, the first concerns chat windows and the second the fact that when I am in open world or inside a port I do not have a clan and when I am in combat my clan tag is displayed.

I'm going to uninstall again the game and will perform a search in the registry to be sure that nothing from naval action keep in.

I will keep you in loop soon.

I use Windows 10 1909.


Edited by zyzko
Posted (edited)

I uninstalled the game.
I did a search on the keyword Naval in the registry.
I found the following entries:

Ordinateur\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Game-Labs\Naval Action


I deleted it

I also found several keys located in

 themOrdinateur\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\LowRegistry\Audio\PolicyConfig\PropertyStore\

With Data :

{2}.\\?\usb#vid_0d8c&pid_0012&mi_00#{6994ad04-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global/00010003|\Device\HarddiskVolume4\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Naval Action\Client.exe%b{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}

I deleted it


With Dword :

{7C5A40EF-A0FB-4BFC-874A-C0F2E0B9FA8E}\Steam\steamapps\common\Naval Action\Client.exe


I deleted it

I kept that one :



I then restart the computer and reinstall the game.
Same problems, here is an FLV file showing both problems :

- Chat does not work
- Telling me i'm not in a clan, and if you look in your DB, i'm pretty sure you will find me as part of [FP] Clan (PvP server).


I sent you my log as private message.

Edited by zyzko


did you try this solution?

  1. close the game,
  2. open Windows Command Prompt (press Windows + R), then type: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\LocalLow\Game-Labs\Naval Action
  3. delete all files in the folder

After this, launch Naval Action and check the issue.



Folder content erased and got same problems.

Directories Cookies & HHTPCache, and DCFF16B7.db & Library filles reappeared correctly after launching the game.


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