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Captain's Liqueur chest


- 3x Burgundian Wine

- 3x Madeira Wine

- 3x Gin

- 3x Whiskey


- Turning +1%

- Sail setting speed + 2%

- Reload time -1%


Officer's Liqueur chest


- 3x Tequila

- 3x Normandy Cider

- 3x Russian Vodka

- 3x Liqueur


- Melee attack +3%

- Sailing crew required -2%

- Gun crew required - 2%



  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Malcolm3 said:

Very good idea, but the problem is that ships are moving objects while battles are not.

 you can see it as last position (its not a battle,but a  real log > last position at a given time)

if the wind is in a direction i know where to look :)

also the T logbook looks extreme >>>>but you see here, it is not that extreme.

Edited by Thonys

Shark teeth mace

Strong attack weapon from the carribean islands



- 30x bullshark

- 5x Sussex oak


- Melee attack +10%

- Melee defence - 5%



Posted (edited)

Dutch Gunners

Well trained dutch gunners from continental dutch naval academy


Cannon penetration 4.5 %

cannon travers down /up  6%

dispersion vertical -7 %


cost: (study time)

100 ukrainian grain

500 dutch peanut butter

500 dutch cacao

5 european book


Clan: GWC


Edited by Thonys

Naval observer

naval observer on board a vessel dispatched from the general admiralty to observe you crew capability


benefit :doubles the xp for doing battle when you win a battle

cost :

200 rum

200 fisch 

200 salt

15 madeira wine

500 peanut butter


clan:  GWC


  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Master Ship Crafter/builder - 

30-50 ships completed, 5-10% less material across the board for construction, 3-5% more hull strength/speed/and rigging.  30k dubs, 2k Rum, and 50k Reals for Master Builders certification. Higher possibility (maybe 10-30%) of gold and purple drops for builders holding certification. Can buy the fourth upgrade slot for dubs or Reals when building. 

Allow the construction of a clan ship dock. Not related to Master Ship Builder. 



Edited by Bubba Smith
  • Like 1


The Queen of the King.

As a favorite of the King  you will be overloaded with jewels and gold ,chains necklaces  and pearls and are the kings favorite to get many children for the kingdom.


effect: triple  xp (300 %) (if you get 50 xp from battle you will get 150 xp as a result) 



5 pearls necklaces

100 pearls

5000 dubloons

 only to be used in 7 / 6/ 5 / rates. 


Clan:  GWC



Posted (edited)


The Blue Pearl treasure ( hunter )


you:   you can bury (everywhere in shallow)  hull/ rig/ and rum/ on a island (and get a pearl visible on map screen)

side effect a (any)  treasure >  hunter:  and can see buried treasure on chalow islands  ([to collectit ] just like shipwreck on the water you see a pearl ) within a distance of 250 meters for any buried treasure  and for  every/any  treasure ( hunter ) upgrade on a ship.


Restrictions :

.you can have only 1 pearl on screen (map)

.only shallow islands

.restricted to 7 and 6 rates . and max 200 rum/ rig/ hull .

.no traderships , only warships.



100 Buffalo hides

10 Spanish Walnut Oil

200 Provisions

200 hemp

200 oak


clan GWC



Edited by Thonys

upgrade :

The Whaler in disguise

effect :

all negative becomes  zero  (example -0.38 speed  or turn rate -0.20 %  >> becomes 0.0 neg/pos )


all ship bonus / port bonus is/will be active

only in battle 



1000 oak

200 hemp

100 rum

10 Spanish Walnut Oil


clan GWC




The  Marines marksmen( for tradeships only) 


only in conjunction with the marines 5 on traderships 


(knowns as snipers>>  to repel enemy attack in battle )


effect : where  medium broadside and front cannons and carronades act( just) like the rear cannons vision (single shooting gun vission )


con: only on trade ships.(7/6/5/ rates)


cost :

 100 rum

5 college graduates 

10 Spanish Walnut Oil 

1 water book


clan GWC


Upgrade: better naval action game

effect: a game that has population, exciting stuff happening all the time and mechanics that work for the majority and not just a handful of streamers and forum warriors.

cost: 5 dedicated game developers that actually play the game on a regular basis 

clan: well I don’t have one😂

Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, Simon Cadete said:

Upgrade: better naval action game

effect: a game that has population, exciting stuff happening all the time and mechanics that work for the majority and not just a handful of streamers and forum warriors.

cost: 5 dedicated game developers that actually play the game on a regular basis 

clan: well I don’t have one😂

ps. at least you can try to make it better


Edited by Thonys
1 hour ago, Liq said:

Something to actually reduce raking damage (structure) would be nice

I believe that item is already in a strong bow and stern note cost 10 cms

  • Like 1
On 12/3/2019 at 9:06 PM, admin said:

Captains. Lets have some fun with upgrades. 

Is there an upgrade you always wanted? Propose it!
Is there an upgrade you do not like but want to use - Propose how to change it.


Очень хочется, чтобы фрегатное пвп было менее затратным, т.е. дорогие модули разделить на классы, как батареи к примеру.

Все хотят плотников, картахену, нэви планкинг, коппер плейтинг.

Если посмотреть на статы модулей на толщину брони, то просится более бюджетный вариант, типа

Armor thickness + 5 %
Leak resistance + 5 %
Mast thickness + 1.5%

По ремонтам - крафтовый аналог Sea Service Toolbox

Ну и что-то среднее между коппером и базик квадрантом, типа на 2,8% скорости.

Главное, чтобы оно все было доступное.

Что касается "do not like but want to use", то это bridgetown frame refit - самый доступный для худого кошелька модуль на броню.
Чуть побольше бы и с меньшим штрафом.

Navy модули почти все суперские, но надо очень  много (и успешно) выступать в патрулях. Чуть попроще бы и подешевле.

С другой стороны - после ввода новых модулей (мушкеты там и прочее) и так есть некоторый информационный перегруз что куда,
а если еще наделать... У вас же есть вся информация. Берем топ 100 игроков сервера за неделю, снимаем фит кораблей, на которых были сделаны их пвп/пве киллы.
Получается список модулей и частота их реального использования. То, чего там нет это юзлесс, их надо вообще выпилить, для топ 10 добавить более бюджетные
варианты с немного меньшими характеристиками.

Как интегрировать рыбалку о_О
В каждом регионе рыба разная, если только менять на соль ))
Идея не очень хорошая, т.к. рыбаки с кликерами в момент ушатают такой рынок. имхо.

Естественно, это все такой всесьма и весьма нубский взгляд. Опять же, зная ваш подход к работе - пожалуйста, по чуть-чуть подкручивайте.

Posted (edited)

"Indiaman Refit":

      6th-3rt-rate Warships only, each rate with different stats, so that there are "indiaman refit 6th rate" etc.

Pros:  cargo space quadrupled and cargo slots doubled because of obvious reasons, 

           cannon reload time bonus of (1/2/3/4%), because the gunnery crews of indiamen often were trained and well paid veterans.

Cons: 6th: 4% speed malus, loss of the upper gun deck, the deck below gets degraded by 1 caliber, -30% Crew.

           5th: 5% speed malus, loss of the upper gun deck, the gun deck below gets degraded by 2 caliber, -30% Crew.

           4rth: 6% speed malus, loss of the upper two gun decks, every gun deck below gets degraded by 1 caliber, -30% Crew.

           3rd: 7% speed malus, loss of the upper gun deck, every gun deck below gets degraded by 2 caliber, -30% Crew.

Materials: 6th: tools x2, oak log x100, iron ore x100, european books x1

                   5th: tools x4, oak log x200, iron ore x200, european books x2

                   4rth: tools x6, oak log x300, iron ore x200, european books x3

                   3rd: tools x8, oak log x400, iron ore x200, european books x4


This would be awesome to me, because we finally would have a lot more diversity among trading ships.

Happy new year and safe waters to everyone. :) 

Edited by Yorkshire Studding

"We are all equal"


10 x Russian Vodka

10x European books

10x Chinese books

10x Arabian books



ship-stats for all ships in battle instance (red and green) are set to oak/oak standard, ignoring all mods and woods.


This might be a powerful weapon to counter the mod-stacking captains.



  • Like 6
2 minutes ago, Bryan Von Gyldenloeve said:

And port bonus to right?

As I said, all equal, no bonus at all, wherever it comes from.

Just standard stats for ships, guns and boarding.

  • Like 1

I would like to sail my gunboats but lelelling is difficult, because even trader brigs destroy my single front carriage before I can kill them. So why not introduce for the LAMA clan

Heavy duty gun carriages (+50% hitpoints/resistance)

Ingredients: 5 svedish iron and 5 logwood


Astronomer's Spyglass

made by Academy


Visibility range of other objects in OW increased by 50 %

Blueprint needs:

10x Quartz (from Puerto Rico, for manufacturing special magnification + filter lenses)

10x Naval Graduates

100x Copper ingots

10x Silver ingots

200 Doubloons


MDRA (Framce)

  • Like 1

I also would like to introduce an upgrade for the mortar brig lovers. In anciant times these kind of thrown bombs were used to bring fire and fury to enemy fortifications if filled with flammable liquids. So maybe we (LAMA) should introduce

Greek Fire  - Fire probability is 50% if hit by mortar strike

Ingredients: 5 Gunpowder, 5 Chile Salpeter, 5 Diplome d'Artillerie, 5 Guacata Salpeter

  • Like 1
18 minutes ago, RepairyMcRepairous said:

Explosive mortars

Double damage mortars


same Idea - it just took me too long to get the historical background   o)


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Gambling Den

made by Academy


You provide a gambling casino on board of your ship which entertains passengers (from eco missions) so delightfully they voluntarily extend their maximum stay on board for the fun of it. Passenger delivery countdown is doubled: six days instead of three

Blueprint needs:

actually only playing cards and dice needed, but devs can add 5x specimen of really rare fish as you need to cook splendid meals for your guests on board as well, plus an assortment of alcohol we have in the game, tequila, gin, whiskey, bordeaux wine, danish beer, for a deluxe accomodation.

Nice if this upgrade also brings back the money betting game we once had while sailing, and you can use it to squeeze money out of your passengers...


MDRA (Framce)


Let's cheer up the poor sailors on  trading ships (only them) with some stuff:

East India traders chest +1% speed bonus

Ingredients: 5 Languedoc violins, 5 carolina Tobacco, 5 danish beer

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