Liq Posted November 29, 2019 Posted November 29, 2019 (edited) Remember different quality upgrades? gray - green - blue - purple - gold? In the end they got removed, because noone wanted to be using anything other than exceptional (gold) Remember fine woods? Removed for similar reasons Now why seasoned woods? /discuss Edited November 30, 2019 by Liq 18
Custard Posted November 29, 2019 Posted November 29, 2019 No - I do not like the addition Yes - I believe it will further exacerbate an imbalance Fine woods version 1 stopped the majority of my gaming community playing this game bar one guy on PEACE and myself and another on WAR, this may not be as bad but it'll run it close. We need less differences in ships not more. The ingame Russian faction have played the eco game brilliantly they do have an advantage now this change will increase that advantage. 1
William Death Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 NO. Bad idea, already tried, already failed. YES. I will create further imbalance. More than what we already have. Get rid of the fine woods (seasoned woods). All that does is remove the usefulness of regular woods. We already had some useless woods like caguarian and sabicu and bermuda cedar, why would we want to increase the number of useless woods? 2
Never Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 If anything we should be heading toward more equal ships, not further away from that. I like the idea but would implement in a different way; it will definitely create more imbalance. Makes the game even less new player friendly.
huliotkd Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 i voted no and yes because they don't wipe the existing ship. if @admin will wipe all the existing ship, it maybe can be a good patch
Oli Garchy Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 NO FINE WOODS REBOOT kthnx this is just more imbalance and pointless busy work to keep those who must stay atop the totem pole with our dwindling population. 4
s2bu Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 if i had the attention span of a guppy i'd probably agree with the devs and think superwoods are an amazing concept - but as every1else already pointed out it was tried before and failed hard...
AeRoTR Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 It is obvioulsy done to limit line ships by limiting economy, more dubloon based, but this is another wipe rendering all our current ships useless, crappy compared to seasoned wood ships. I would prefer increasing crafting cost of lineships, but now we will have super frigates from pb + seasoned wood, which you have no chance with regular ships. I do not understand the motivation behind it. No body will sail regular wood ships as the difference can be huge 1
Guest Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 If this was an attempt to limit the number of line ships in-game it was a very poor way of doing it. This amounts to nothing more than a step forward for the PvP clans whos nations perfect economy can replace full 1st rate fleets regardless of how many loses they take, a step back for everyone else and another wall to climb for the new players. Very much like almost everything in the previous update it simply proves that the devs have lost all grip on the reality of what most players go through when they play this game.
Rolando Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) 1.No. 2. Yes Попытка внести разнообразие в ТТХ кораблей на случайной основе приводит к еще большему перевесу зерг-наций. На ПБ они очень скоро будут приводить более толстые корабли, на 0,1% побыстрее, с 5% дополнительной защитой экипажа от щепок. Их элитные золотые ганковые корабли будут безнаказанно терзать окрестности нестоличных городов. Предложения: 1. Прикрыть "сезоные", выдержанные деревья (из других вроде бы корабли и не строили - все корабельное дерево было выдержано) до времен более тщательной проработки этой идеи. Некоторые уже вайп кораблей и карты просят, чтобы зерг-нации начали игру с начала 2. Усилить характеристики вышедшему ДЛС Леопарду: у него сильно не хватает людей на орудиях, даже подкалиберных (18ф блумфилды, 12ф нави-ганы) - прибавить хотя бы до 415 Индефатигейбловых, усилить ему маневр, так как у более сильного Ратвизана маневр выше, прибавить калибр каронад на верхней деке, т.к. 3 18ф каронады на шканцах практически бесполезны 3. Добавить 55-пойнтовых городов в центр карты - там сейчас один Сантьяго да Куба. Возможные кандидаты на "повышение": Порт-о-Пренс, Пуэрто-Плата, Питс-Таун 4. Добавить городов, производящих медь и тик. Как вы считаете: правильно ли делать 55-пойнтовым городом Бриджтаун, единственный на карте город, где без инвестиций дропается лучшее дерево (тик)? Если уж сделали французам блатной крафт кораблей в городе, где к тому же дропается еще 3 вида хороших комплектующих на перманенты, то дайте шанс и другим нациям: дроп тика на Эспаньоле и Гваделупе - ближе к фри-таунам , откуда любая нация сможет взять хостилити. "Сезон дикорастущего тика" Всю медь держат 2 зерг-нации - дайте шанс испанцам на Кубе, датчанам и шведам на Пуэрто-Рико, пруссакам в Панаме. 5. Ни один корабль 4 рейта не имеет хороший ход в бейдевинд, в то время как в 3 рейте два таких корабля: Васа и Конста. Прибавьте ход в бейдевинд Индефатигейблу. 6. Доделайте Эссекс: бортовую прочность ему прибавили, а носовую и кормовую - нет. Кормовые орудия, хотя бы 6-фунтовые. Его основным конкурентам Тринкомали и Эндимиону скорость прибавили, Эссексу - нет. 7. Санта-Сесилия в игре теперь есть. Как насчет Дианы к Новому Году (Рождеству)? Edited November 30, 2019 by Rolando 1
Guest Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 Я не понимаю, как улучшение leapord могло бы что-то исправить.
s2bu Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 20 minutes ago, Chromey said: its new and unussual so i HATE IT! here is the thing - it's not new. we have been there before. it didint work. 5
s2bu Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 2 hours ago, AeRoTR said: It is obvioulsy done to limit line ships by limiting economy, more dubloon based, but this is another wipe rendering all our current ships useless, crappy compared to seasoned wood ships. I would prefer increasing crafting cost of lineships, but now we will have super frigates from pb + seasoned wood, which you have no chance with regular ships. I do not understand the motivation behind it. No body will sail regular wood ships as the difference can be huge if the ultimate goal was to limit the amount of lineships their previous move of making all ships capturable makes 0 sense. so first (just going back to the launch state of the game) we had pretty much only good first rates as all of them were crafted, "all" of the crafted ones were made of "proper wood" because the price difference between a fir/fir and a t/wo 1st rate was neglectable... (they were expensive but i guess it was somewhat ok) then they made all ships capturable which flooded the market with cheap and crappy 1st rates. now they add a new top tier of ships which is even better and even more expensive. so this will not in any way limit the amount of first rates it will just tilt the odds of being victorious even further towards the "top notch" players for no good reason. I dont see any aspect of the game that gets improved by the seasoned woods.
Rolando Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 1 hour ago, Winterthrust said: Я не понимаю, как улучшение leapord могло бы что-то исправить. Сейчас ДЛС Леопард потенциально сильный 4 рейт за счет того, что его можно делать из выдержанного дерева. Наверное все кто купил это ДЛС Леопард лелеют надежду к Новому году получить золотого Леопарда с хорошими портовыми бонусами и при этом потолще и побыстрее. Если убрать деревья (S), то корабль так себе - любой фрегат, кроме Эндимиона отрейкует Леопарда в корму, то же самое сделает при одинаковых дереве, бонусах и зафите Ингерманланд, имеющий ту же скорость но гораздо более маневренный. А так Леопарда можно было бы и без деревьев (S) сделать неплохим кораблем, чтобы это ДЛС было популярно.
Guest Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 Я думаю, что разработчики не хотят, чтобы эта игра стала выигрышной, поэтому DLC-корабль никогда не будет таким мощным, как встроенный в игру. тоже извините за мой дерьмовый русский.
Rolando Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 11 minutes ago, Winterthrust said: Я думаю, что разработчики не хотят, чтобы эта игра стала выигрышной, поэтому DLC-корабль никогда не будет таким мощным, как встроенный в игру. тоже извините за мой дерьмовый русский. Но ДЛС Ратвизан с деревьями (S) остался хорошим 4 рейтом: ему тоже прибавили дефолтную скорость с 11.6 узлов до 11.75, даже чуть сильнее, чем Индефатигейблу (на 0.1 узла), у Ратвизана 2-е место в 4 рейте по экипажу (490) после Агамемнона (500), а у Лепарда - последнее место. Если выбирать из 2-х ДЛС - я бы однозначно выбрал Ратвизана, вероятность получить имбоватый 4 рейт одинаковая, а статы Ратвизана все повыше Леопардовых, кроме скорости. Еще я бы навел порядок в перманентах и книгах: никто, поверьте, не ставит Reinforsed Mast, не покупает за 5к дублонов Drinking, разве что не разобравшись, по ошибке.
Guest Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 Люди плохо оценивают 4-й уровень, большинство говорят, что Агамемнон - лучший «потому что это так», и они ценят такие жесткие характеристики, как скорость и огневая мощь, по сравнению с реальной боевой способностью. Четвёртая ставка - моя любимая игра, и я ценю Ваппена над Аггой, потому что она быстрее поворачивается и стреляет быстрее, давая вам преимущество, когда она имеет значение. У Лепорарда будут свои сильные стороны, но это может быть не так очевидно.
Cetric de Cornusiac Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 (edited) 5 hours ago, AeRoTR said: rendering all our current ships useless, Some percent's worth in difference concerning wood effect does not render exisitng ships "useless". Have more confidence in your personal skills. I suspect often the cult of "only the best ship ingredients make me a super player" is based on placebo effect - it's really your personal skill. Or why do some people destroy lineships using snows? Certainly not because they have the better woods on their snows... I find it rather amusing to read how many veterans react on seasoned woods by complaining their existing high-quality boosted ships are suddenly useless, crappy, obsolete. Does not sound like they are really confident about themselves. Edited November 30, 2019 by Cetric de Cornusiac 1
inquisitor dunn Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 Maybe if they made seasoned wood a rare drop on trade ai. Kind of like how navy guns are on elite ships. or elite trader AI? eliminate the crafting part.
Liq Posted November 30, 2019 Author Posted November 30, 2019 14 minutes ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said: Some percent's worth in difference concerning wood effect does not render exisitng ships "useless". Have more confidence in your personal skills. I suspect often the cult of "only the best ship ingredients make me a super player" is based on placebo effect - it's really your personal skill. Or why do some people destroy lineships using snows? Certainly not because they have the better woods on their snows... I find it rather amusing to read how many veterans react on seasoned woods by complaining their existing high-quality boosted ships are suddenly useless, crappy, obsolete. Does not sound like they are really confident about themselves. Now sure, it might not matter much on the PvE server, but it really does not take a mastermind to figure out a fleet of 25 regular woods 1st rates vs 25 seasoned woods 1st rate is basically just pointless RvR / PB's, on pvp, will ALYWAYS have the best possible woods/upgrades in them. 5
erelkivtuadrater Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 10 hours ago, Never said: If anything we should be heading toward more equal ships, not further away from that. I like the idea but would implement in a different way; it will definitely create more imbalance. Makes the game even less new player friendly. if they were to continue with this, then we need some kind of limits of what can be created from what and what not on the framing of the ships. Example below. Limit it so live oak are used for warships meant for fighting and not running away, and dont allow 5th rates to be crafted by so heavy wood that they are indestructible from lineships. We're so far off the sandbox genre already so that has nothing to do with this or else there wouldnt be any limit for who you can/can not attack, and neither would we have frontlines 1
Cetric de Cornusiac Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 32 minutes ago, Liq said: but it really does not take a mastermind to figure out a fleet of 25 regular woods 1st rates vs 25 seasoned woods 1st rate is basically just pointless ... as if such simplistic distribution of equipment - here 100% regular woods - there 100% seasoned woods - would ever happen. It will be a wild mix. And beware of regular wood ships then sinking godlike seasoned wood ships, better classify your battle result screens then as secret, - the cult of 'top hardware alone matters' could be at stake!
Macjimm Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 Pro: Capturing a S wood ship will be a nice prize. Con: Crafting a S wood ship is approx 100 times the cost. (Based on crafted materials, free doubloons and free labour) Con: DLC ships can be made with free S woods. Solution: remove option for S wood for DLC ships 2
Baptiste Gallouédec Posted November 30, 2019 Posted November 30, 2019 Could very well be balanced by adjusting hardcaps, If a seasonned LW ship + can t gain more thickness than a regular LW with carta upgrade for exemple. or a (s)Fir fir can t go faster no matter what upgrades, than a regular Ff pimped with copper, navy hull etc. Then cost of the seasoned woods would just be justified to pass on the upgrades cost ?
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