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Players should not be responsible for balancing the server & the community.  Our job is to pay for the game and enjoy it.  The devs are the only ones that can implement lasting changes needed to balance the server and population.  Asking players to do this is absurd.  

There are 2 ways to fix the current imbalance.  ALLIANCES or Removing Nations.  With 11 nations and 600-700 active players the game is simply too diluted to fill up all these nations.  Smaller port BRs would be nice, but it won't fix the greater issue of nations not having enough players.  a Smaller BR fleet will just get tagged and screened out by said larger nation.  Admin has said he will not remove nations because more nations = more copies of the game sold.  So the only option is an alliance system that is hard coded into the game.  Don't like who your alliance partner is?  You have the ability to move.  

Back in the fine woods patch days alliances worked and full 25/25 Port Battles were consistently full with 100 screeners outside of major ports.  The dilution of nations is the issue here, not the size of the ports.  (also ship replacement costs...but different discussion)

Smaller BR ports will not instantly fix the problem.   They might even make it worse.  I do however think values need to be adjusted.  



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37 minutes ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:

The hardcore game, the bonus ports, the high costs and the low rewards, all that and more have unbalanced the game in relation to the factions. If a new player just enters the game look at the map, where do you think he is going to go, to Poland, Spain, France? No, he will go to Russia or Holland. It is logical, people choose the winning horse. So or this, and less and less players or alliances, that allow some balance and therefore a more fun game. There's no more.

I think GB is also an option if you look at the map. I think attitudes of clans have to be taken into account, I think everyone should still be able to choose whatever nation appeals. Ideally alliances would work, But that would require a leader of each nation to decide alliances and that certainly wouldnt work. i dont see how the devs can balance the game, i really believe it will have to be for the players to realise, if not well lets all change to Russia and it will be a pve2 server and the game dies. Seriously though i dont have an issue with Russia being in the game [although historically totally inaccurate] but maybe if the devs offered compensation to switch it may help. I heard the other day that Reds had 60 players online, how many clans in other nations can match that! none is the answer, it will only get worse until the player base wakes up and does something before its too late, look at NN changing from France to Russia why? the same way a child stops supporting Accrington stanley fc and goes to Manchester united lol, its not a Devs issue its for us to sort it with maybe help from the devs in the way of compensation.Also the player base is way too small to support so many nations

3 hours ago, Celtiberofrog said:

For example, FR & ESP Factions are sadly lacking of active "veteran clans",

One experienced group of players in a Faction can really change the motivation of that Faction community.

Why join or return to a nation you left, if the reasons you left are still true ?


Anyway, from the start the whole clan based stuff have been in a weird spot. Each player is not a single captain as we can man multiple ships across the carribeans without embracing a unique career, and clans are just here to messed up nations.

Posted (edited)

As a matter of fact, today every Faction, like a body, needs a backbone to stand in RvR.

I guess "veteran clans" are the ideal backbone for Factions.

When a veteran clan leads RvR the rest of its Faction players will follow or not, but at least they have a choice, which is a relief for new players when discovering their Faction.

"Veteran clan" means, apart from their players experience & skill, a group of players who can spend enough time in NA to be efficient and therefore create content for their followers.

Today, precisely due to the Clan system (instead of former Faction system), Factions can easily be driven by their most efficient clans.

Had Rediiii choosen to settle in FRANCE or SPAIN, i'm quite sure he would have found plenty of followers.

We know the reason of the resurrection of United Provinces after the wipe  

Edited by Celtiberofrog
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Posted (edited)

Most of the problems in this game come from the small number of players for such a large map. The immense difficulty that a player has to get a competitive ship is what makes the few players that there tend to be grouped into nations that give them the security and resources necessary to have a competitive ship. We want a hardcore game for hardcore players (admin dixit).... This phrase was the epitaph of this game.

400 players = boring game

2500 players = fun game


hardcore game = 400 players

easy game = 2500 players

But dev prefer hardcore game than a fun game.... 😔

Edited by Alvar Fañez de Minaya
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Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Bryan Von Gyldenloeve said:

So Russia 5 % think that would give the rest like

GB 4%
VP 4%
Rest nation 4%
Didn’t know when had some many bots in the game to pump up the numbers. Guess they for some reason don’t count in population. Maybe you can get devs to pump more bots in to Russia to help you.

it was a joke.

Edited by Potemkin
3 minutes ago, Bryan Von Gyldenloeve said:

Well I have to. I’ll have to fight in a 40 point ship. But it is not going to stop me from PvP. 
Right now I just fight in my rat, untill I sawed up to a new shipyard, but first things first. We need the last uogrades done and then the shipyard.

I still have fun saling my Rat. Feel a bit lousy because ppl might think it is because I won’t risk a crafted ship. Have a few Wasa left from SJ, but they are reserved to fun with my son, until I again can craft.

But do actually like just to redeem a ship, put cannons on and go fight. And think we all can agree 50-55 points crafted ships are better than a same clans dlc.

Ppl should worry less and just do as they think is fun.

If you do so much pvp why would you worry about ships?
As far as I remember we had more issues getting rid of ship due to the amount of ship captured with nice port upgrade and mods than anything else.

You dont even need to bother establishing a shipyard or docks. just go around tumbado and capture anything russian. usualy nice wasa, bellona and vic.

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Posted (edited)
On 11/5/2019 at 1:07 PM, Celtiberofrog said:

Hi all,

Would it not be the time for "veteran clans" to settle in different Factions ?

Everybody can witness that any Faction that includes several active "veteran clans", is enjoying larger RvR possibilities.

Within our small +/-400 players tank, I guess the RvR health depends on players before the Dev's.

So, if we imagine that any Faction could include an active "veteran clan", then the RvR might look something more lively & thrilling.


Message to large Faction:

Would you sacrifice your playerbase for the health of other Factions & therefore for more balanced RvR potential ?

Would you consider recommending some of your clans to settle in other Factions ?

Don't you think that experienced players & clans could have a greater influence to improve RvR content ? 


Message to experienced players & clans:

Would you sacrifice your fun & wealth to settle in a small Faction (like HAVOC did) for the sake of war server health ?


Thx for possible comments

the game is not supposed to be responsibility, the game is supposed to be fun
and it's just dumb to pay the costs stated above by other people just to please some retard, I'm not here to please some retard, I'm here to play and have fun

it makes no sense to sacrifice anything for some random retards, if they want something, they should either get good (the people who have something in the game also had nothing at some point, but somehow they didn't cry and have a great problem about other people playing the game how its supposed to be played) or demand some reasonable change from devs, such as changing the BR for PBs or lowering the cost of shipcrafting, because it's a lot easier for devs (if they don't do anything about it - noone is going to do it) to make this kind of change than it is for a player to switch nation just because some retard said so

it makes more sense to pick some other game/activity/hobby which is going to be fun, rather than sacrifice anything for a retard who's going to be gone anyway, just because some "asshole"(asshole - normal player who is just playing PVP game by doing PVP) sank his trashy, cheap, rattvisan/herc (which was clearly worth an attempt to run away 🤨), or some other worthless ship

btw the word is "responsibility", not "responsability", learn to write

On 11/8/2019 at 11:14 PM, Bryan Von Gyldenloeve said:

Well Guess I lose more than I win. That dosen’t mean I can’t mainly spend my time on PvP. Or you can only do PvP if you win most of the time?

can't disagree with those words

losing is a normal and key aspect of a PVP game and it doesn't mean you can't get better - sometimes I also lose, but it doesn't mean I didn't learn some tricks which are often going to work against the dumb / the ones with advantage / the ones with disadvantage / other people

but apparently some people prefer when unknown experienced players come and lead them by the hand instead of approaching an experienced group themselves - the first thing is noone's responsibility and the second thing is easy to do

and even if I destroyed all of the buildings and moved to another nation what would be the result? - the same what we have now, except I would have wasted some things - and this is why there is no motivation to listen to this dumb idea

On 11/8/2019 at 10:13 PM, Mascarino said:

keep telling that to yourself if that makes you better.

the port bonus is not everything and it has it's cost, just like the ship type, the firepower, and other statistics - and getting more power for paying a higher price makes sense
it's not necessary for the game to be played and it's actually just another thing which takes time and makes people grind - but say that to devs and see the result 🙄

Edited by Captain2Strong

I really cant see how lowering the BR is going to have any positive impact. Lowering the BR just means fewer 1st rates enter the battle not that the rate of the ship sent will change. The other thing is that the BR of the port currently means very little considering the size of some escort fleets sent with the port battle fleet. Even if you lowered the BR to 3000, russia would still send 20 1st rates to the port and then send in 2 or 3 of them. You still can not stop them unless you commit 20-25 equal sized ships. I think this is the point that most people are missing. Russia got such a huge jump in establishing an economy that a war of attrition mean absolutely nothing to them now. Russia losing 3 or 4 1st rates has less impact on their ability to field a fleet than Britain losing 1 1st rate. These NPC raiding missions is just going to make things worse for the very same reason. Smaller nations can not field enough ships/screeners/canoes to stop over 13,000 BR of ships approaching a port. Focusing on the mechanics of a port battle at this point is pointless due the the resources available to the larger nations, lowering the BR only helps them as they will need to commit fewer ships to achieve the same outcome. 

As to factions/clans/players moving to russia, what did you expect? How many months of getting raided every single day do you think is acceptable before someone says to hell with this and either switches or leaves the game (the online value dropping from over 900 to a little over 200 i think indicates what choice was made). Stop barking at the players to fix this issue. They moved to russia because it is easier to rebuild there than any other nation currently. Until the gulf becomes a focused hunting ground 24x7 nothing will change. The game is one of economics, how fast can you replace losses compared to other nations. If it takes russia only 3 hours to generate/gather the resources to replace a group of lost 1st rates and it takes spain a week to do the same, spain is going to get crushed and it will not matter the skill levels because eventually spain will not be able to produce enough to cover the losses. Think of it this way, China in one of their wars had over 50 men per rifle, so their tactic was to just overrun the target and every time the guy who had the rifle died the guy next to him picked it up and kept going. China could afford to lose 20 or 30 men to every defender killed just because china had the extra. That is what the game has devolved into at this point, russia got a massive headstart on establishing an economy and now the devs have undercut it further hindering the smaller nations ability to generate cash. 

At this point, there is very little that can be done to change what is. Players will change to russia just to hide and rebuild. What the game will become is a bunch of alts joining russia and doing trade runs and shipping the money back to other nations. It wont save the smaller nations, but it will at least allow them a chance.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Raekur said:

I really cant see how lowering the BR is going to have any positive impact

smaller groups will be able to fill port battles for some ports, giving them more possibilities for PVP with reasonable chances to win
bigger groups will have an alternative when they want to have a smaller battle or when some of their members are inactive

the BR doesn't have to be lower for all ports, the more important ones cas stay with very high BR
but it doesn't mean that every single port has to have high BR, which takes away the motivation to fight over them for smaller groups

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

Lowering the BR just means fewer 1st rates enter the battle not that the rate of the ship sent will change. The other thing is that the BR of the port currently means very little considering the size of some escort fleets sent with the port battle fleet.

maybe they could do it, but does it mean this is what would happen every single time?

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

Russia got such a huge jump in establishing an economy that a war of attrition mean absolutely nothing to them now

maybe, but if a smaller group manages to capture a port it means something for the smaller group

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

Russia losing 3 or 4 1st rates has less impact on their ability to field a fleet than Britain losing 1 1st rate.

and yet GB and VP managed to win some battles - maybe they don't have a clear advantage, but the force of GB and VP still means something - they can manage to win some of the port battles - what if they allied and tried to take vera cruz together? they could manage to win, because they already managed to win some port battles - or does russia always have 100 screeners prepared?

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

These NPC raiding missions is just going to make things worse for the very same reason. Smaller nations can not field enough ships/screeners/canoes to stop over 13,000 BR of ships approaching a port

I can't disagree with that, and I think that it has a negative impact on all of the nations - now... how force devs to delete that bullshit...??? ...

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

Focusing on the mechanics of a port battle at this point is pointless due the the resources available to the larger nations, lowering the BR only helps them as they will need to commit fewer ships to achieve the same outcome.

they can have 100 replacement ships when I only have 5, but does it mean they will always win if they can't condense that power of 100 ships into 1 ship? no, sometimes I can manage to win regardless of their ability to replace power, because it's still going to be docked in port, useless for the duration of the fight and for as long as they do not decide to use it

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

As to factions/clans/players moving to russia, what did you expect? How many months of getting raided every single day

oh was it really like that? - I'd like to ask for an example if you don't mind...

the target was not always the same... and a lot of people had breaks from the game, there was some number of days with no PBs or lower player activity

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

Stop barking at the players to fix this issue. They moved to russia because it is easier to rebuild there than any other nation currently.

I agree, this is a normal feature and a player can pick to play for any nation they want - and devs ignore a lot of the issues they could try to fix by taking some simple steps, but they don't

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

Until the gulf becomes a focused hunting ground 24x7 nothing will change

some time ago some players tried to encourage other ones to do something similiar to that - but not many seemed to care about this, so let's just play the game how we want to play it

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

If it takes russia only 3 hours to generate/gather the resources to replace a group of lost 1st rates and it takes spain a week to do the same, spain is going to get crushed and it will not matter the skill levels because eventually spain will not be able to produce enough to cover the losses.

only if Russia was stubborn enough - and are they going to be stubborn every single time? I don't think so - more than half of the map is still in other hands
they might eventually give up after a few loses - and having replacement does not have to make them try again - how can we predict that?

some time ago, Spain was the major dominating nation, some time ago GB was the major dominating nation - and now they are not - someone has to be the dominating one, but it doesn't mean they are always going to stay there forever

1 hour ago, Raekur said:

At this point, there is very little that can be done to change what is

but we can still try and see how it goes!

Edited by Captain2Strong
  • Like 3
6 hours ago, Captain2Strong said:

maybe they could do it, but does it mean this is what would happen every single time?
doesn't mean they are always going to stay there forever

With the front line mechanics it has become very easy for russia to defend key location should they chose to. Look at the last time George Town was captured by Russia. They did have an extensive fleet positioned there and thwarted 3 attempts to recapture the port if I remember correctly. One at least one of those occasions the british never made it into the port battle. Their holding onto this single port allowed them to capture Santanillas and Cayman Brac and turn them to available to all for use in raiding Truxillo and the entire southern coast of cuba. 


7 hours ago, Captain2Strong said:

oh was it really like that? - I'd like to ask for an example if you don't mind...

Within about 2 weeks of Russia getting established in the gulf there were daily raids from Belize to Truxillo which hindered many from moving supplies to ship building ports. Add to this the losses of ships who were attempting to defend the area (initially 6th rates facing off against trincomolee's and later wasa's) it more than doubled the slow progression of britain being able to defend the area. That trend has been ongoing to even today with 3 raiders who parked themselves between utilia and trux. The main thing that I think worked to stop the amount of raids is that the raiders have moved on to other areas and that truxillo now has defensive emplacements.


7 hours ago, Captain2Strong said:

I can't disagree with that, and I think that it has a negative impact on all of the nations - now... how force devs to delete that bullshit...??? ...

They wont, I am confident in that. While I know the devs have claimed that the battles are able to be won and I know one ONE occasion it was, the only way that a small nation does not get stomped into a steaming cow pile is to make sure the algorithm that selects ports only selects the highest tax ports. This should effectively eliminate small nations from the list of possibilities. That is until the ones that are being targeted every weekend start complaining. I am pretty sure russia will stir up a stink if Vera Cruz is attacked every single weekend for generating over 70 million real (and that is IF the selection process is based on taxes and not development). If they do the selection process by a ports investment amount than even small nations can still be a target. Personally I think the selection should be based SOLELY upon the taxes generated by the port regardless of port points spent on the port.

Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Raekur said:

Within about 2 weeks of Russia getting established in the gulf there were daily raids from Belize to Truxillo which hindered many from moving supplies to ship building ports. Add to this the losses of ships who were attempting to defend the area (initially 6th rates facing off against trincomolee's and later wasa's) it more than doubled the slow progression of britain being able to defend the area. That trend has been ongoing to even today with 3 raiders who parked themselves between utilia and trux. The main thing that I think worked to stop the amount of raids is that the raiders have moved on to other areas and that truxillo now has defensive emplacements

from my own experience I was playing since the wipe around truxillo area and I've only been attacked from time to time, most of the time I was free to move around and I managed to move a lot of resources and craft a lot of ships regardless

and when some enemy was in sight it was not necessarilly a russian, there were various players looking there for pvp, just like in some other areas around the map

from time to time I also decide to move some wood from santo tomas or omoa to truxillo and usually I do not meet anyone

and well 6th rate is mostly going to mean little to nothing, and trincos are not as expensive, they do not require doubloons and are quite spammable, so Im not surprised someone lost somewhere because they used a bad ship, it's normal

3 raiders also mean very little, 2 or 3 players could attempt to fight them and win, or you could use like 4 or 5 if you want it to be easy

groups of 3 players are so little that they probably lurk around in various parts of the map every day(although it's sometimes hard to notice 1 person when looking for pvp in some areas), and eventually they either win or lose in some battle, that's not a significant force at all

Edited by Captain2Strong
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The problem was that at that time the players around Truxillo either did not have a ship that could fight a trinc as we were still trying to build up our ship yards to build frigates or were unwilling to engage. I dont know what time you play in but I have seen you around in my later afternoon. At first there were a few that were willing to engage them using shallow ship in an attempt to drive them off but that eventually lessened after ship losses or being unable to catch them. By the time trincs were seen around truxillo the raiders started showing up in wasa's. 

I am proud that Britain has managed to rally and build up as well as they could and are managing to put up the fight they can, this was a forgone eventuality as once you can turn out 1st rates it evens the playing field. The issue now is that a large amount of players that were british after the wipe have moved to other nations and some have even been raiding the truxillo area. I think actions like this are deplorable at best and show a complete lack of honor. Leaving a nation because you didnt get your way is fine, but turning around and either getting another nation to start raids against it or attacking it outright is a bit childish. I know one particular clan that has done this THREE times and yet they still have clans willing to support them.

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