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Seasonal Update: Treacherous Waters - Preliminary information

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Regarding the wind (gusts), the only thing that is achieved is to reduce the time in front of the screen of our pc for certain trips. The time taken for these trips was excesive and there have always been complaints. Now this is solved by streaking and lowering the rewards. Well, in my opinion this is not as good as we expected. We will make more trips to collect the same benefits and, therefore, we will be the same time in front of the Pc.  It would be preferable that reward only decreases in case of a player use the gust.

To get the same reward (trading) you will need to stay fixed on your screen more time.

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

So now delivery quests don't give Dabloons? is the only way to get Dabloons now random Npc kills? C,mon. devs quite holding the game back. how is someone supposed to get 50,000 dabloons for a lvl 3 shipyard? pve for months? pve for months to do pvp, thats what we have now.

but lets give it a try, maybe we can get dabloons from somewhere else instead, 


Edited by IceBurg
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About the Loki Rune...

The second rune in Futhark is called "Bjarkan".

Trees were considered holy by the norse, prime among them the Birch (Bjarkan). No mystery here; Used as firewood, construction material, food stuff (sugar source, tea, medicine...).


They exctracted sap which contains nutrients (chief among them: sugar) and antioxidants. They would boil it down to a sort of syrup used in cakes and pastry.


Old birch trees can get ulcers as shown above. They would use these for various things like some sort of coffee to medicine. They also used the leaves for tea and made a brew which they used as shampoo.

I know how "Vikings" are portrayed, but as with many others they're often misrepresented to suit our modern history revision. The norse were a people quite hung up on cleanliness, there is a quite amusing old english document advocating an attack on the norse to "protect the chastity" of young english maidens, paraphrased: "They have well kempt beards and smell like flowers".

The focus on antiseptics is rather obvious with the warrior culture.

"Bjarkan er laufgrønstr líma" = The birch is attached with the greenest leaves or Birch has the greenest leaves of any shrub.

lel, this is of no consequence to this game... (free history lesson on me, tho.)

The second line, however...

"Loki bar flærða tíma"

The wording is extremely odd to us: Loki carried misdeeds [happened to]. It means: Loki was fortunate in his deceit.

I suppose it is some sort of false flag thing.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Gustav_Fuchs said:

This speed booster is a complete disaster.
Bigger ships are catching small and fast ones as if they're getting out of the hyperspace (Trinco caught my Gold TBrig with 15kn as if it was 2 times overloaded).
Have you tested it before making such update?
Truly long-awaited...

So the patch is already installed? 

*edit, nevermind, answered on another thread

Edited by Angus MacDuff


boarding a burning ship or fireing broadsides during boarding ...is a safe recipe to loose your ship now.

The crew of the boarded ship cant detach enough sailors to extinguish, result is insta blowup.

Both "fire" and "fire shock" pop up same time practically...

makes a lot of sense if the boarding ship is near sunk already. Powder magazine used to be below waterline in reality....

This needs a hotfix asap.

As to the rest: I'll wait commenting the PB on PVE part  till we get a clear description, in particular how many players it needs for one. There are maybe 50 players in total on PVE, spread over all timezones and nations ready for PB and maybe 1 clan in total that could have 5 sol online at the same time.....

  • Like 4
1 minute ago, Jan van Santen said:


boarding a burning ship or fireing broadsides during boarding ...is a safe recipe to loose your ship now.

The crew of the boarded ship cant detach enough sailors to extinguish, result is insta blowup.

That sounds pretty reasonable.  IRL, there is no way you would approach a burning ship....



NPC RAIDS  ARE FOR PRACTICE. - raiders WILL NOT take control even if they win the port battle. Use this opportunity to practice the event so you do not lose ports in the future.

  • Like 5
4 minutes ago, Angus MacDuff said:

That sounds pretty reasonable.  IRL, there is no way you would approach a burning ship....

Not when the ship ignites from a broadside fired during boarding and the explosion happens just 5 seconds later....

The new fire mechanism just makes using broadsides during boarding suicidal. I guess this happens when the crew count is low already, so not enough can be detached to extinguish. 

Fire, Shock, explosion, all within less than 1 boarding turn, so player cannot escape


This wind zone is stupid. It has turned the game into a bad arcade joke. 1st rate ships able to catch a Trader Lynx? Ruins the game.

I bought this game to experience fighting in the great era of wooden tall-ships. If I wanted worm holes I'd play Eve.

Please return some sanity to this game. Take away the "wind worm holes". RAISE the reward for trading resource goods, so the stores are full again & there are plenty of traders to loot and/or protect. RAISE rewards for grinding so it doesn't take so long to get a competitive fighting ship. RAISE rewards for PvP if you wish to encourage fighting.

These "gimmicks" are making the game less attractive to most players interested in experiencing the era of fighting sail.

Get back to basics, or change the description to read "Experience Naval Action in a fantasy world of supersonic wooden ships with science fiction technology for the wealthiest players!"

  • Like 9

i am not sure what this game is about ... reasonable question unanswered for weeks about this patch to come ... tradewinds to be able to use them requireing a detour longer than the way you actually want to sail ... slow ships able to esacpe the fastest ships in game ... rewards lowered to a point an unfun thing (econoy missions) get useless and luck of loot becomes the only way of making progress ... great patch guys

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I tested the wind zone with a t lynx, 53 knot, an a USS , 31 knot.

The problem IMO is that you can have this boost annd your prey maybe is just out the port and dont have it. So in theory i could catch a little traer with my uss.

Dont like it

  • Like 3
9 minutes ago, Conte D. Catellani said:

I tested the wind zone with a t lynx, 53 knot, an a USS , 31 knot.

The problem IMO is that you can have this boost annd your prey maybe is just out the port and dont have it. So in theory i could catch a little traer with my uss.

Dont like it

Sounds exactly like an Honour Harrington gravity wave.  Now we need Warshawski Sails!

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Just now, Spikes said:

The wind boost should be for traders only. Why in the world would you allow 1st-3rd rate ships to get uber speed boosts like that?

Because warships are faster than traders and warships sail faster in wind gusts.. But the boost is equal for everyone you can use them too.
Are you AFK trading by any chance. 

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if i need 15 mintues to get to that wind zone on a 10 minute trip i am not afk sailing ... this update makes the thing player love the most RNG loot even more important ... someone can earn in anglie fhgt more then other can earn on an entire day ... additional to that if you are unluck and the trade winds are not on your rout in a trader you get caught by a ocean or santi because you didn't want to sen half of your playtime that day to get towards that trade wind

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The wind boost is good. But the cargo/passenger shipping cut is bad. If you want to increase the fun of the game and increase the number of players, I think it's a good idea to get the shipping back to normal. The game should be fun when the reals turn around well. 

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

yep the wind dynamic is extremely daft and unrealistic. you have to sail to a point click a button to get it so you can have insane winds  while others do not. everyone should be affected by these winds or none at all and the boost is stupidly fast too. its stupid, comical, unrealistic and worst unsportsmanlike. worst is adding a book which allows pvps to use the map to invade others battles. I hate that people can travel across vast distances in a different time zone and join a battle which would have been over and gone before they got there. now its going to be worse

 why take all the dubs off trading missions why not lower them to 250 or 500 . I got this i as a full finished game  not as a beta and these are starting to be very big changes. I do not expect to buy a game which changes itself and this feels like very much like Beta.

i disapprove of this patch and the lowering of standards towards an arcade style

Edited by chagadiel
  • Like 6
12 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

If one side hasnt the boost, it is in disadvantage.


Remove ability to tag or join all kind of battles with the boost active and the problem will be fixed.

So traders can outrun everything...


I like the concept of the wind gusts. It sounds like it needs some fine-tuning. There are some easy potential fixes:

1. The simplest would probably be some kind of timer preventing tagging for some amount of time after the speed bonus.

2. More complicates, but maybe also more in line with the intent, another choice would be to apply the speed bonus to any ship that comes within XX distance of the already-speeding ship.

3. Have the wind gust option unavailable within sight of land, which is where most hunting usually takes place.

On the other updates, we'll see. At any rate, I'm looking forward to trying it out this evening.


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If there was a timmer then there would never ever be any combat ever. It should just be areas of the map you get a boast or remove it.


  • Like 1
8 hours ago, admin said:


  • NPC Port Battles
    • Raiders will attack ports on all Servers.
      • On war server - for testing purposes - for a week, NPC Raiders will just probe ports and WILL NOT take control even if they win the port battle. This will give some time to practice and prepare for the real raids that will start in a week or two. This is a PRACTICE WEEK

time to abandon ports, move to a free town, and start building fir and oak ships 🙄:rolleyes:

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