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During the mid of the combat, it always crashes. I have tried this mission for three times and all of them are crushed. I am buliding a battlecuriser with 3x3 17" guns. My computer still has a lot of cpu and RAMs.  For now I have tried 6 missions this is the only one mission that will cause crush. Is there any solution for this issue? Or any suggestions?

7 hours ago, Professor Mark said:

During the mid of the combat, it always crashes. I have tried this mission for three times and all of them are crushed. I am buliding a battlecuriser with 3x3 17" guns. My computer still has a lot of cpu and RAMs.  For now I have tried 6 missions this is the only one mission that will cause crush. Is there any solution for this issue? Or any suggestions?


Apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for patience.
We are working on this full speed and wont start campaign until we implement critical feedback from release and fix at least 50% of crashes reasons.

Meanwhile, once crash happens again, could you please locate output_log text file in the game flies (Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\default\game\build_Data) and send it to ink@navalaction.com

49 minutes ago, Ink said:


Apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for patience.
We are working on this full speed and wont start campaign until we implement critical feedback from release and fix at least 50% of crashes reasons.

Meanwhile, once crash happens again, could you please locate output_log text file in the game flies (Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\default\game\build_Data) and send it to ink@navalaction.com

Sure, hope the fix will out sooner.

Thanks for reply!

2 hours ago, TAKTCOM said:

Same problem with "SuperDreadnought or Battlecuriser" - start three times and



Apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for patience.
We are working on this full speed and wont start campaign until we implement critical feedback from release and fix at least 50% of crashes reasons.

Meanwhile, once crash happens again, could you please locate output_log text file in the game flies (Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\default\game\build_Data) and send it to ink@navalaction.com (include a brief description or your forum name)

Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Ink said:


Apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for patience.
We are working on this full speed and wont start campaign until we implement critical feedback from release and fix at least 50% of crashes reasons.

Meanwhile, once crash happens again, could you please locate output_log text file in the game flies (Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\default\game\build_Data) and send it to ink@navalaction.com (include a brief description or your forum name)

Hello. Thanks for the quick response.  Found this file. I may send you now or i must restart this mission again that everything worked out right? Done.

Edited by TAKTCOM

Hello there.

I have been trying all kinds of ways to stop certain missions from crashing. Any files the devs need?

Here is my Log file for today:


2019-10-20T16:01:32    DEBUG    Main    developer mode activated
2019-10-20T16:01:32    INFO    Main    Launcher version:  10.0.10011.16384
2019-10-20T16:01:32    INFO    Main    OperatingSystemVersion:  "Windows"   "6.1.7601"
2019-10-20T16:01:32    INFO    default    UrlsManager::init.
2019-10-20T16:01:32    INFO    default    ConfigManager: init.
2019-10-20T16:01:32    INFO    default    ConfigManager: init.
2019-10-20T16:01:32    INFO    default    LOG MANAGER: New launcher id:  "3e471611-7fb5-415d-b5e6-ff80841db770"
2019-10-20T16:01:32    DEBUG    default    SET REGIONS CONTROLLER
2019-10-20T16:01:32    INFO    default    System region:  "gb"
2019-10-20T16:01:32    DEBUG    default    SET SYSTEM REGIONS CONTROLLER
2019-10-20T16:01:32    DEBUG    default    "2019-10-20T16:01:32.972Z"
2019-10-20T16:01:33    INFO    default    Loading fonts.
2019-10-20T16:01:33    INFO    Main       Ok!
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    default    [EventsTracker]: Event successfully sent!
2019-10-20T16:01:34    DEBUG    LauncherManager    Loading launcher configuration finished:
2019-10-20T16:01:34    DEBUG    LauncherManager    Loading locales list finished
2019-10-20T16:01:34    DEBUG    LauncherManager    isChatEnabled =  false
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    LauncherManager    Writing reply to cache "C:/Users/Chris/AppData/Local/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/cache/%1_conf.tmp"
2019-10-20T16:01:34    DEBUG    LauncherManager    Use CDN: "https://launcher-game-update.s3.amazonaws.com"
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    LanguageManager    Set application language:  "en"
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    LanguageManager    true
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    default    Load news list
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    ApiUsage    Load news list
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    default    Load banner news list
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    ApiUsage    Load banner news list
2019-10-20T16:01:34    INFO    ApiUsage    "Url: %1https://launcher.xsolla.com/projects/3e471611-7fb5-415d-b5e6-ff80841db770/banner_news?locale=en&region=gb"
2019-10-20T16:01:35    DEBUG    LauncherUpdater     check updates!
2019-10-20T16:01:35    DEBUG    LauncherUpdater    Url:  QUrl("https://launcher.xsolla.com/projects/3e471611-7fb5-415d-b5e6-ff80841db770/launcher_releases/latest?architecture=x86")
2019-10-20T16:01:36    INFO    default    Banner news list loading finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:36    INFO    ApiUsage    Banner news list loading finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:36    DEBUG    LauncherUpdater    No updates available.
2019-10-20T16:01:36    WARNING    default    qrc:/qml/LoginWindow/LoginWindow.qml:338:13: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///C:/Users/Chris/AppData/Local/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/
2019-10-20T16:01:40    DEBUG    logCatXsollaAuth    LOGIN URL QUrl("https://login.xsolla.com/api/login?projectId=bcbd7303-6119-11e9-9244-42010aa80004&login_url=https://login.xsolla.com/api/blank")
2019-10-20T16:01:41    DEBUG    default    "2019-10-20T16:01:41.220Z"
2019-10-20T16:01:41    DEBUG    qml    Load games data
2019-10-20T16:01:41    INFO    default    All log sent to server!
2019-10-20T16:01:41    INFO    default    [EventsTracker]: Event successfully sent!
2019-10-20T16:01:42    INFO    GamesModel    "Redeem key for game Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts(43265) :" true
2019-10-20T16:01:42    INFO    default    Load news list
2019-10-20T16:01:42    INFO    ApiUsage    Load news list
2019-10-20T16:01:42    INFO    default    Load banner news list
2019-10-20T16:01:42    INFO    ApiUsage    Load banner news list
2019-10-20T16:01:42    INFO    ApiUsage    "Url: %1https://launcher.xsolla.com/projects/3e471611-7fb5-415d-b5e6-ff80841db770/banner_news?locale=en&game_id=1697&region=gb"
2019-10-20T16:01:42    INFO    ApiUsage    Start loading bannerslist
2019-10-20T16:01:42    INFO    ApiUsage    "Url: https://launcher.xsolla.com/projects/3e471611-7fb5-415d-b5e6-ff80841db770/banner_groups?locale=en&game_id=1697&region=gb"
2019-10-20T16:01:43    INFO    default    Banner news list loading finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:43    INFO    ApiUsage    Banner news list loading finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:43    INFO    BannersReceiver    Bannerslist loading is finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:43    INFO    ApiUsage    Bannerslist loading is finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:43    DEBUG    UserManager    Loading social relationships finished
2019-10-20T16:01:43    DEBUG    RegionsController    Loading regions success
2019-10-20T16:01:43    DEBUG    default    regionCode is empty, break
2019-10-20T16:01:43    INFO    GameAccessController    Checking game access SKU "Dreadnoughts_Key"
2019-10-20T16:01:43    INFO    logCat RegionsModel    Try get region by unaviable index
2019-10-20T16:01:43    INFO    RTSController    RTS session started
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    RTSController    Hello from RTS
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    RTSController    Rts session connected
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    GameAccessController    Checking game access success
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    GameAccessController    "Ownership of game Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts(43265package: Dreadnoughts_Key) is true"
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    LanguageManager    Set application language:  "en"
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    LanguageManager    true
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    ApiUsage    Start loading bannerslist
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    ApiUsage    "Url: https://launcher.xsolla.com/projects/3e471611-7fb5-415d-b5e6-ff80841db770/banner_groups?locale=en&game_id=1697&region=gb"
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    default    Load news list
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    ApiUsage    Load news list
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    default    Load banner news list
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    ApiUsage    Load banner news list
2019-10-20T16:01:45    INFO    ApiUsage    "Url: %1https://launcher.xsolla.com/projects/3e471611-7fb5-415d-b5e6-ff80841db770/banner_news?locale=en&game_id=1697&region=gb"
2019-10-20T16:01:45    DEBUG    qml    Load games data finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:45    WARNING    default    qrc:/qml/MainWindow/MainWindow.qml:823:13: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///C:/Users/Chris/AppData/Local/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/
2019-10-20T16:01:46    WARNING    default    libpng warning: iCCP: profile 'icc': 0h: PCS illuminant is not D50
2019-10-20T16:01:46    WARNING    default    qrc:/qml/LoginWindow/RegionsComboBox.qml:96:13: QML Rectangle: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-10-20T16:01:46    WARNING    default    qrc:/qml/LoginWindow/RegionsComboBox.qml:96:13: QML Rectangle: Binding loop detected for property "width"
2019-10-20T16:01:46    WARNING    default    qrc:/qml/GameInstallWindow/GameInstallWindow.qml:165:9: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///C:/Users/Chris/AppData/Local/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/
2019-10-20T16:01:46    WARNING    default    qrc:/qml/MainWindow/GameComponent.qml:254:5: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///C:/Users/Chris/AppData/Local/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    ApiUsage    Start loading bannerslist
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    ApiUsage    "Url: https://launcher.xsolla.com/projects/3e471611-7fb5-415d-b5e6-ff80841db770/banner_groups?locale=en&game_id=1697&region=gb"
2019-10-20T16:01:46    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    set credentials
2019-10-20T16:01:46    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    game_path:            "C:/Games/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/default/game/"
2019-10-20T16:01:46    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    gus server url:       "https://gus.xsolla.com/updates?version=%1&project_id=%2&region=%3&gds_version=1&platform=%4"
2019-10-20T16:01:46    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    region:               ""
2019-10-20T16:01:46    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    publisher project id: "43265"
2019-10-20T16:01:46    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    stage:                ""
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    XsollaDownloader    start download. repair mode false
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    TorrentConfigManager    Init libtorrent settings from file
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    TorrentConfigManager    File does not exists. Using Default settings
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    Transactor    P2P enabled true
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    XsollaDownloader    getting GUS update file
2019-10-20T16:01:46    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    data version:  "6"
2019-10-20T16:01:46    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    url:  QUrl("https://gus.xsolla.com/updates?version=6&project_id=43265&region=&gds_version=1&platform=windows")
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    XsollaDownloader    QUrl("https://gus.xsolla.com/updates?version=6&project_id=43265&region=&gds_version=1&platform=windows")
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    default    Banner news list loading finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    ApiUsage    Banner news list loading finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    BannersReceiver    Bannerslist loading is finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:46    INFO    ApiUsage    Bannerslist loading is finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:47    INFO    BannersReceiver    Bannerslist loading is finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:47    INFO    ApiUsage    Bannerslist loading is finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:47    DEBUG    LauncherManager    Loading Link Social Networks finished
2019-10-20T16:01:47    DEBUG    default    void __cdecl Xsolla::XsollaDownloader::onUpdateAnswerFinished(void)
2019-10-20T16:01:47    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    Answer XML
2019-10-20T16:01:47    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <actions version="0">
    <action type="version" version="-1"></action>
2019-10-20T16:01:47    DEBUG    XsollaDownloader    
2019-10-20T16:01:47    INFO    XsollaDownloader    Game don't needs updating
2019-10-20T16:01:47    INFO    DownloadController    Game don't need updates
2019-10-20T16:01:47    DEBUG    default    [LauncherManager] Finished!
2019-10-20T16:01:49    DEBUG    default    Start game:
2019-10-20T16:01:49    DEBUG    default    Game file:  "C:/Games/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/default/game/build.exe"
2019-10-20T16:01:49    DEBUG    default    Args:  ("--xsolla-login-token", "********", "--xsolla-locale", "en")
2019-10-20T16:01:49    DEBUG    default    "2019-10-20T16:01:49.601Z"
2019-10-20T16:01:50    INFO    default    [EventsTracker]: Event successfully sent!
2019-10-20T18:01:42    DEBUG    UserManager    Loading social relationships finished
2019-10-20T19:34:40    WARNING    default    Game crashed!
2019-10-20T19:34:40    DEBUG    default    "2019-10-20T19:34:40.580Z"
2019-10-20T19:34:41    INFO    default    [EventsTracker]: Event successfully sent!
2019-10-20T19:34:53    DEBUG    default    Start game:
2019-10-20T19:34:53    DEBUG    default    Game file:  "C:/Games/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts/default/game/build.exe"
2019-10-20T19:34:53    DEBUG    default    Args:  ("--xsolla-login-token", "********", "--xsolla-locale", "en")
2019-10-20T19:34:53    DEBUG    default    "2019-10-20T19:34:53.525Z"
2019-10-20T19:34:53    INFO    default    [EventsTracker]: Event successfully sent!
2019-10-20T20:01:42    DEBUG    UserManager    Loading social relationships finished
2019-10-20T20:33:51    DEBUG    default    "2019-10-20T20:33:51.286Z"
2019-10-20T20:33:52    INFO    default    [EventsTracker]: Event successfully sent!
2019-10-20T20:34:05    WARNING    default    QSocketNotifier: Socket notifiers cannot be enabled or disabled from another thread





unsolvable ai est
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
<RangeCalc>c__Iterator0:MoveNext() (at F:\UGG\UA_Dreadnoughts\Assets\Scripts\Ship.cs:4014)
Ship:Update() (at F:\UGG\UA_Dreadnoughts\Assets\Scripts\Ship.cs:2429)
(Filename: F:/UGG/UA_Dreadnoughts/Assets/Scripts/Ship.cs Line: 4014)

This came up during the Vs Fleet mission.


I am having the same CTD problem with the Super Dreadnought scenario. Multiple tries produce the same result. I will email my latest log file.




My game was updated and I have noticed a new feature. It now has a automatic time slowdown. This is extremely helpful as the game does not feel so choppy anymore. I used to have to slow down the game myself if I felt it was going to crash.

I have also managed to pass the new missions. The new mission 'Defeat the Semi-Dreadnaught' was beaten on the first try. It went like this.
Let the game to play as normal aka x1 speed, and set the ships up for combat.
Then oncethats done I set to x5 to let the ships get in posistion then begin my attack move.
Once the enemy fleet is sighted I generally reduce speed to x2 however the game automatically did this for me. Which is really good. It also shows the game starts to get stressed when multiple ships are in play.

I mangaged to pass the entire mission and only had 6 ships left. You cant see the Light Cruiser as it is offscreen. I could of increased the speed as the game would of allowed me to do so since so many ships were sunk, but then being so close to the enemy and the threat of torpedoes it is not advisable.

I will go through a few of the older missions again. The biggest issue looks to be sorted but will check just to be sure.

What I will do is set the graphics to the maximum. I normally keep it low for games like these especially since its in Alpha. What I mean is, what people must remember. There are a TONN of calculations the game must make so try and go easy on the game itself and dont rush it.



screen_1920x1080_2019-10-25_21-32-35  2.png

13 hours ago, TAKTCOM said:

I finished "SuperDreadnought or Battlecuriser" mission a few minutes ago, on the first try. Everything seems to be working as it should. 

What graphics are you using. I am going throaugh all the missions again.

Posted (edited)

How do you open the development console because somthing came up.

Also where would one normally find the log/txt file for the Devolopment console.

Edited by G777GUN

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