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Just a wild idea popped in my mind while smoking.

Make seabattles in a second game (like done before).

Allow free account to fight in there up to rank 6 ships, they can try out the type of game.
New people will have no idea how to sail and might think the game is too hard. For this i was thinking of something else.
Players with an account: Can make a private game where they can teach people how to sail (manual sailing), windturning, basic stuff, teamfighting, ...
The lobby host can fully control the game, adding bots or an enemy, change teams...
If a new player [(free to play account younger than 14 days) or  bought account younger than 14 days] is learning he/she can leave a star rating to that player, so others know if this teacher is worth joining or not.

Is exploitable so... Only make it open after fighting some battles to reduce interest of exploiting.

Ofcourse none is gonna teach for free. Give the teacher after 30-60 mins some PVP point (or other reward) on his account, for each players he is teaching (less points for more people).
Numbers might not make sense: 1 player = 50 points, 2 players = 75, 3 players = 90, ...

If people like the game and buy it then the players they have given a rating to, will get an extra reward.

There is not that much open world PvP. So this might help players that don't have hours of playtime to gather some pvp points.

If you think of doing something like this then i would suggest to give a discount on steam during this period. (like 2 weeks)

I am not an expert in balancing and my idea might be a complete flop.
The community will sure have some more ideas, if there is potential in this suggestion.


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A while back there used to be a way to setup battles between players where there were no rewards at all but could by used to have one on one battles. These were used for training and for being able to have just a one on one without worry of anyone else joining in or getting ganked afterwards. Perhaps someone else can shed some light on why this option was removed but for the time it was available it was a very good tool.

Posted (edited)

We used to have small/large battles tab in port. You could join from any port and teams would be auto balanced. i think you got regular gold payout and half xp and you could lose your ship. They were removed as i understand it, because they required an extra server? The cost of said server was deemed an unnecessary expense of time resources and money? Also there was blowback from the vocal minority of guys that were convinced it was taking too many ppl out of the open world. They ended up spending resources, time, and money on a whole new game around the concept (NA Legends) that was ultimately doomed without the combination of the open world and all the players in it who were forced to choose between the two. I still think it could have worked (based on the info/knowledge i currently possess on the matter) with the OW and could have given casuals an option while still forcing them to participate in eco to craft ships which would force them into the ow anyway. As it stands now the time requirement to get 50 person battles like community members used to organize themselves when we had the small/large battle rooms is probably too much for many prospective buyers, and 50 person battles are the pinnacle of the NA experience for most players.

Edited by Potemkin

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