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Steam deletes the game from the toy sto

10 minutes ago, Mascarino said:

A Steamnek semmi köze ehhez. 

Steam deletes the game from the toy store! Right up there. Central Fraud, Game Rules Non-Compliance Such Reason !!! There was a game that was down for their list! total DLC + game = 100 euro +
steal people


2 minutes ago, Mascarino said:

Mi törékeny? Hányszor kereskedett Oroszország és Spanyolország a múltban a kikötőkkel? Devs mindig azt mondta, hogy törvényes

it was an open beta in the past !

I played it with 2000+ hours. the majority of double players
It makes a ruin of the game that's why it plays so many people with it. because a small percentage of you can do what you want no punishment!

18 minutes ago, Lelkes said:

Is it the interest of the Prussia to give you the port back? what policy
interest is to give up and get back ????
Fraud you do.
This game becomes meaningless,
  because a fraction of the population decides when to happen. who you have.
Of course, if this is not investigated and the players are punished with clear fraud.
  I turn to STEAM to investigate my case !!!


Good luck keep us up to date, what have we learned so far? Trying to blackmail a nation with incompetence doesn’t pay.

  • Like 3
18 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

A) Imagine getting so worked up over a video game?

b) People wanted clan wars over nations....  well, here we are...  (thank the "usual suspects")

If only we had clan wars, this would have been sorted the minute their demands / blackmail was issued to the rest of the nation


clan wars would be too much content. 100 nations + all vying for the best resources and ports while not having to pay heed to anybody they know they can wallop :)

14 minutes ago, Tac said:

Sok szerencsét tartsunk naprakészen, mit tanultunk eddig? A nemzetiségű nemzetet zsarolni próbálják nem fizetni.

after a few months, there will be only 300 online players because you can cheat without penalties.
the nation is CABAL on SNOW ???? it is ridiculous to admit your fraud here in the forum.
  you are still not banned.
Are you Gods?
Can I do what you want?
Blackmail is not forbidden!
sell the battle nor offensive fleet defensive (transparent cheating)
then get back
to farm the Viktory Mark
to gain an advantage
port bonus increase
all nations face fraud !!! You are scammers!
Why admin doesn't take a stand ???

4 minutes ago, Mascarino said:

Amit a klán próbált elérni a port megnyitásával mindenki számára, és meghívott raidereket, hogy megtámadják a holland hajókat? Adja meg az okait. 


4 minutes ago, Mascarino said:

Ya, és a másik nemzet számára is törvényes, ha elkapod a Portodat. Tehát állítsa le a nyafogást és játszd a játékot. 

battle to sell cheating !!!! A city of options between opening a harbor is legal! only Barraquilla is busy with the rest of the cities not being attacked why?
Because you sold the cities of the nation because of your interests. destroying hundreds of people playing their own interests

3 minutes ago, Lelkes said:

battle to sell cheating !!!! A city of options between opening a harbor is legal! only Barraquilla is busy with the rest of the cities not being attacked why?
Because you sold the cities of the nation because of your interests. destroying hundreds of people playing their own interests

Stop this Pls.... 

21 minutes ago, Lelkes said:

Blackmail is not forbidden!

So its not forbidden that They let prussia cap the port right ? :D

6 minutes ago, rediii said:

If you can defend ports yourself, take ports

If you can defend ports with the help of the nation by cooperating with it, take ports

If you can't do both, don't take ports.

2 nations are targeting a clan. nobody protects the harbor
  Why didn't Rio de la hach attack you?
because you cheated and pre-arranged scenario the port battle. all your benefits come from fraud! port bonus ships, revenue ......... wondering why you haven't been excluded from the game. The Dutch admi knows why not do anything ???????


tomorrow day, half of the steam will indicate my grievances.
  I ask for the price of the game back. centralized high level of fraud,
I want to investigate the game and game masters!

  • Like 1
Opening a part of the Naval game port! Reproduce the hands of another nation INTO ACTUALLY IN THE LEGAL CIRCUMSTANCES! not to play with his buddies.
3 YEARS PLAY Holland, English Nation2000 + hours in! We never had a problem with anyone.If we hadn't said so far, it was enough for scammers, big clans

Elég csaló játékos van ebben a Naval játékban!Admin nem intézkedik!7 milliárd emberből játszik átlag 3 éve 400-500 ember! El kellene gondolkodni ezen a játékot üzemeltetőknek!

51 minutes ago, rediii said:

I'm not even involved in this :D 

Can't get ppl banned for not defending a harbour lol

Banned for not defending someone else's port even :)

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Lelkes said:


I am neither a prussian nor a dutch, but as far i see you ridicule yourself with this discussion. Better for you to stop this.

Edited by Sven Silberbart

2000 hours in the game. Yet after failing to successfully raise Santa Marta for days (some time after release) we came to help you and advised you to sail away and rep when damaged so you would not continue to sink to npcs in hostility missions and generate negative hostility,  your reply (or atleast KURUC members) was: 'Repairs?'

It is a war game. If you cannot take a port (from npc!) you do not deserve that port. Period.

Btw, if we are fraud for not defending Santa Marta, what are you for not defending Barranquilla? Either you are fraud yourself, or just incompetent. Either way you have proven again that you are not worthy of having a port.

2 hours ago, Knobby said:

2000 óra a játékban. Mégis, miután elmulasztotta sikeresen felhozni a Santa Martát napokig (a megjelenés után), azért jöttünk, hogy segítsünk, és azt tanácsoltuk, hogy távolodjunk el és repedjünk meg, ha sérültek, így nem folytatod az ellenséges missziókban lévő npcs-eket, és negatív ellenségeskedést generál (vagy atleast KURUC tagjai): „Javítások?”

Ez egy háborús játék. Ha nem tud portot venni (az npc-ről!), Nem érdemli meg ezt a portot. Időszak.

Btw, ha csalás vagyunk azért, mert nem védjük meg a Santa Martát, miért nem védi Barranquillát? Vagy ön maga is csalás vagy önzetlen. Akárhogy is bizonyította, hogy nem érdemes kikötni.

Fraud is that Barranquilla was only occupied by the lunar estate of Santa Marta. Former port battle to remove a clan from the map. to gain an advantage over other nations. Santa Marta why not many ships attacked
like Barranquilla? Because they knew there would be no one there. You have sold PB (maybe a double account was there), this is not excluded.
You are scammers, and ADMIN will turn a blind eye to it!

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