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Does PING effect Exam performance...?



Does PING effect Exam performance...?

Quick question does my PING effect my exam performance? It definitely does in PvP battles and always as done. You adjust for it, but I didn’t think it effects the exams thinking it’s a closed off universe.

Why I ask... Was watching @Anolytic brilliant YouTube guides below...


Now I might not be the player I once was but plodded through winning the goals at somewhat slower rate. Then came the boarding exam. His instructions were quite clear with opening with Attack and at the last second switch to Fire Deck Guns etc...

My PING is 258ms on average from Hong Kong, while Anolytic was 24ms. I left my boarding instruction change with 2seconds left and it missed or failed to change in time. Cleaned up and passed the exam all the same.

Here’s the thing with PING rate, in my case and ASEAN players on the whole what we see on the screen is not what’s happening. We on average find de-masting hard while moving etc. On the whole though as a player you get used to it.

Not an excuse for my shoddy performance, but better than blaming Mrs. nChance...


Any ideas much appreciated




3 answers to this question

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Ping can obviously have an impact on boarding. However, I know of North American players with pings around 150 to 200 (The Last Templar/Arthur Dayne comes to mind) who mostly won by boarding their enemies even on the old UI, where you could see the enemies actions clearly. It's a mind game more than a timing game.

On the rest of the game ping has little impact as micro timing in a game this slow is not really important, in my opinion. Battles are decided by tactics and anticipation of the enemies behaviour. A few milliseconds more or less make no difference to that. Seeing as the final exam can be completed without a single boarding action ping should have little impact on that as well.

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@Tom Farseer

My point was PING shouldn’t affect the exams or tutorials at all, was my thinking or question.

I loved the boarding game and all the things that go with it. The boarding function is what captures PING rates better than anything else. All other features could be put to poor player performance etc.

The PING impact is about 1 to 1.5seconds between 25ms and 250ms, and yet should only be half a second there and back from the server.  It isn’t much as you state, but a player must understand the delay. Aussie new players will miss full broadside deliveries to start. That’s fine and would much rather have than a WoWs separate local servers.

I’ll be trying the final exam etc later and see. Its not a complaint just a question.

Thanks for the response fella



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It's a battle instance all the same as in OW. There is no way to change this beside having server instances closer to asia.

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