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What do you genuinely think?

This was my reply to your last post with the same title at the bottom. Is this current image TOXIC no, is it Cyber Bullying no. It is poor taste school yard humour by Jenek yes. Why should this client receive an outright Ban? Report him if you’ve sensitivity issues and then press ignore.

The problem is what I’ve sighted below. Reporting this on the Tribunal now means @Ink needs to look at this. Not a moderator. By also reporting him it does the same action.

You are adding to the @admin problem… I don’t want him to have rethink.

I’m not justifying @Janek in anyway, but have think first before instigating a Tribunal post.


Norfolk nChance [ELITE]



Put things into some realistic context here...

Was this toxic behaviour or cyber bullying? I think not, was it school yard, in poor taste behaviour? Probably yes. Does it deserve a warning probably yes, a ban no.

The @admin problem…

The thing is with this sort or reporting and behaviour we play into @admin hands. He’s wanted and warned in the past how he’d like to shut down global chat. It wastes @Ink time. If @admin decided to do this just because of this one-sided behaviour offered as evidence it would be a travesty.

I don’t want to lose Global chat. This was not toxic or bullying behaviour. However, I do think @dron44I and @Jack Aubrey owe some form of apology…

If you want a real mom joke…What’s the difference between your mom and 3 dicks…?

Your Mom can’t take a joke…


Sorry @Norfolk nCchance but this is a legit complaint and should definitely be in Tribunal.  And the required evidence is presented.  This is not over-sensitivity, this is a violation of the rules, and admin has already stated talking about others' family is in violation.  Case is pretty clear IMO.  Yes it takes time to review, tough.  Nonetheless, a simple temporary chat ban on Janek with a warning is all that is needed.  Takes 5 minutes to review and do.

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You make a valid point. The distinction between Toxic and Over-Sensitivity in this game is much closer (or bar is set higher if you will) than other MMOs with a much younger crowd. If @admin has added ‘family insults’ as you state then they must ban him. Forget the warning first...

I agree it does take five minutes for a quick look but a distraction all the same. How long did the Dev’s look at forum ban cases just recently, five minutes? I’d hope a little longer than that, but considering the reputed size probably not.

How far does this then go?

I do empathize with @dron44I but I feel it’s a warning when all said and done. The Global Chat has a limited life span if the Tribunal becomes flooded with similar evidence of this new class of Toxic Behaviour. And I guarantee it will be flooded.




Once chat as gone, it won’t comeback.




 Is it just me that finds it hillarious,  that in the chat log the guy named after a  deadly nerve agent reports a guy for a bad joke?

 Maybe Janek is from Salisbury and was equally offended. :)

 Not good to drop the C chat bomb, but pot kettle black come to mind.




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