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Hello Friends


We would like to hear your opinion on the following screenshots

They will be sent as part of the media pack to the press (our first official announcement). 


  • Please pick your favorite 5 (meaning absolute best) and your least 5 favorite as well


  • In addition to that, please let us know which online gaming publications you visit most often (your top 5)


  • If you know any great video game journalists personally; please let me know in private message. 




Guess it would be nice to have 5 that shows off different parts of the game (weather, combat, etc) not just like 5 images that shows almost the same thing so here's the 5 I'd choose:


(just gonna use the image names, guess it's easier than trying to describe them)

"deck1", "storm1", "battle1", "victory5" and "fleet3" 


I think those give off all the varying aspects that you can get from all the pictures.




Gaming sites:




That's it, rps is the sole site that I need, that and /r/gamernews and /r/games, those 2 usually sums up all the important things worth mentioning about games.



//edit ones again, - least favorite images and reason:


"battle2", I'd refrain from using it just because of the jaggy background-mountains.

"brig3", I guess that's the moon behind the sails, it just looks a bit weird and the overall picture is just a bit dull

"brig4", I'm not a big fan of the colour that the fog has

"storm", it could have been a lot better but it just seems to lack things, stormy clouds, a better view of the ship, just something

"victory4", I actually like this and all of the other pictures but you wanted the 5 that I liked the least :P the left-front looks a little bit blurry, brings down the quality if the image just a little bit


battle1,battle2,deck1,raid and finally storm for favourite, and for less favourite I can't really say. They're all good as I see it, although I'm used to potbs.


My vote would be for the following (similar to Ampen's choices actually).


Battle 1, Deck 1, Raid


but also these which weren't offered as choices but I thought were very different and too nice to overlook -




and -




Building a screenshot package means sending a variety of pictures that show a number of different aspects to the audience.


By showing a bit of everything, people are more likely to find something they're interested in and dig for further information.


Showing them too much of a single character/feature/effect may bore players or lead to players not finding something they're interested in.



High Detail Image - victory4.jpg - Selected because it's a crisp, clear, high-definition closeup of a ship showing the fidelity and detail of the ship. Nice for showing off graphics.


Combat Showcase, Fog Effects, Weather Effects, Deck Close-up - storm1.jpg - It's got action. Which is lovely. The other two images depicting combat look a little bit flat and staged - simply two ships, one firing on another. Placing combat in the storm makes the battle look more frantic. The image also has the bonus of showing features of the deck without the less-than-pretty shadowing and showcases the potential effects of weather on combat at the same time.


Deck Close-up - fleet2.jpg - Close-up of a ship's deck without choppy shadows. Also features a number of other ships of different sizes in the image. Makes the world feel that much bigger.


Lots of Ships - fleet3.jpg - Naval Action is a multiplayer game. An image that showcases the possibilities of multiplayer fleet combat would be perfect. This image has lots of ships. They look kind of organised and they're all very impressive.


Combat, Terrain - battle2. jpg - Naval Action has 'action' in the title and another image with combat reinforces it. Battle2.jpg shows a bit of the terrain we've got cooking as well as a proper broadside.



victory5.jpg - Not as clear as victory4.jpg. And a closeup of the rear end of a spaceship isn't as flattering as the majestic front.


deck1.jpg - A lovely close-up of the deck, but some people will be asking where the crew are and others will comment on the shadows the ropes cast onto the mast.


storm.jpg - Too much fog. Fog in action can add immersion and tension, but fog in a screenshot simply looks bland. Some games use fog to mask poor draw distances, low quality shading or low-detail models. Naval Action is a game about high-detail, high-fidelity ships. The image simply lacks 'action' and doesn't show the potential of the game.


No Opinion
I have no strong opinions about any of the remaining images. They're generally quite pretty, but I feel like if I had to select five favourites, those wouldn't be part of my favourites for various reasons.


I would say


2)Storm 1

3)Fleet 1

4)Victory 5

5)Deck 1


As for dislikes I only have 1

x)Victory 6 (too close to lighthouse)


For advertisement purposes I would recommend the following;

1)Wargamer.com (you may want to contact them to do an actual interview about the game as well)

2)Google adwords-pick keywords ie.-ship of the line game, naval warfare game, napoleonic game, etc.  Whatever key words you think people may type into google search.  You pay everytime someone clicks on your link after they search these words.  You set your own budget (like maybe 50 cents a click) and you set your own budget monthly.  If there are any others out there advertising the same keyword, it becomes like a bid between cost per click.  I think you would be safe using a low budget and low cost per click to find people who may be interested in this type of niche game.

3)The people who have been following this game from the beginning are gonna be a high source of advertisement.  I belong to a napoleonic gaming community (Lordz Modding Collective) with over 5,000 people registered on our forum.  I personally am going to put links up to direct people to this game.  Find out how to contact groups that played age of sail and potbs (I think many of them found you).

4)Give some kind of kudos to those mentioned above in 3).  Early access would be nice ;)


Anyways, I hope this helps and thank you for all your hard work gents!


deck 1 (good)

fleet (stern is cut off)

fleet 2 (too chaotic/ ship is cut off)

fleet 3 (good)

raid (good)

raid 10 (good)

storm (good)

storm 1 (good)

victory 4 (good)

victory 5 ( so so)

victory 6 (good)


Things I do not like: lighthouse textures, land textures, skies. (Potbs skies look way better in some maps).

Blurry land textures ruin some of these images.  


I do not see coral reefs, sand beaches etc.








Get your hands on some high res skies images, example:




Overall, Amazing images! Take a look at some of these I made for Potbs:




Try to show:

land, towns, islands, ship boarding ship, night cannon fire under moon and stars. Have sloop carry pirate flag! Big plus for pirate fans...


Favorite websites:




Ahoy there,


The most important game-publishing platform is Steam. Its the only platform I use to check out new stuff.



For the Screenshots I list them from high to low prefered:

Pic 1 (very intense shipcom) > Pic 14 (DAT storm =)) > Pic6 (thats ingame grafics? awesome!) > Pic 10(shows fleet action possible) > Pic 12 (ship and those waves in the foreground! awesome!)


Now I reverse. best so worst ("ugly" category):

Pic 7 (soo untidy. british ships were known for their clean decks!) > Pic 9 (that looks unfinished. wheres crew and what about the junk on deck?) > Pic 3 (not a good example for what your grafic can do) >

Pic 3(unspectacular) > Pic 17 (what is that ship doing so close to that tower? and it looks like artwork rather than grafics)


Just to mention your looks on deck: There used to be racks for cannon balls. They were all around the ship's bulwarks. And when the crew was sent to quarter they will have cleared the decks from every bit that lies/stands in their way or can create lethal splinters when beeing hit by enemy gunfire. On the other hand you can find a lot of water buckets and barrels with fresh water so the crew can refresh when having a break from action.



The desicion to vote your pictures was pretty hard. They are all very nice. Some are awesome and some are "only" good. But they all look VERY neat! They represent a game with a well fundament.

Keep your work up. Till now everything looks astonishing!

I like it and there are many enthusiasts wich will like it, too!


1)I think the foul weather pictures are and the deck pictures look great. I like all the pictures, looks like its coming along nicely. I would like to see crew on the decks which is probably coming, also would like to see window transparency. The Victory 1st rate would really pop with see through windows.


2)PC Gamer and IGN. I use steam and gamers gate as well. Allot of my game knowlege comes from being a life long gamer. I have been playing games since the commodore 64 lol. I don't always go off of reviews to decide whether I'm going to buy a game or not. I will say sometimes think word of mouth on forums or nerdy people (PC Gamers LOL) just talking at lunch, or like on here can go a long way too. It creates an early buzz and a die-hard early adopter fan base. I think just having active developer/player dialog is a vary good thing and I think it will go a long way. I say no matter what happens or how big or little Naval Action becomes, keep the open dialog going. Because too many games lose touch with players and drift off track. I will add too once the game is put out, don't just rely on the forums for feed back have optional surveys and contact people in game too. There are so many that don't bother with forums, that don't get heard.

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